How to create a new output file in R if a file with that name already exists? - r

I am trying to run an R-script file using windows task scheduler that runs it every two hours. What I am trying to do is gather some tweets through Twitter API and run a sentiment analysis that produces two graphs and saves it in a directory. The problem is, when the script is run again it replaces the already existing files with that name in the directory.
As an example, when I used the pdf("file") function, it ran fine for the first time as no file with that name already existED in the directory. Problem is I want the R-script to be running every other hour. So, I need some solution that creates a new file in the directory instead of replacing that file. Just like what happens when a file is downloaded multiple times from Google Chrome.

I'd just time-stamp the file name.
> filename = paste("output-",now(),sep="")
> filename
[1] "output-2014-08-21 16:02:45"
Use any of the standard date formatting functions to customise to taste - maybe you don't want spaces and colons in your file names:
> filename = paste("output-",format(Sys.time(), "%a-%b-%d-%H-%M-%S-%Y"),sep="")
> filename
[1] "output-Thu-Aug-21-16-03-30-2014"
If you want the behaviour of adding a number to the file name, then something like this:
serialNext = function(prefix){
repeat {
f = paste(prefix,i,sep=".")
Usage. First, "foo" doesn't exist, so it returns "foo":
> serialNext("foo")
[1] "foo"
Write a file called "foo":
> cat("fnord",file="foo")
Now it returns "foo.1":
> serialNext("foo")
[1] "foo.1"
Create that, then it returns "foo.2" and so on...
> cat("fnord",file="foo.1")
> serialNext("foo")
[1] "foo.2"
This kind of thing can break if more than one process might be writing a new file though - if both processes check at the same time there's a window of opportunity where both processes don't see "foo.2" and think they can both create it. The same thing will happen with timestamps if you have two processes trying to write new files at the same time.
Both these issues can be resolved by generating a random UUID and pasting that on the filename, otherwise you need something that's atomic at the operating system level.
But for a twice-hourly job I reckon a timestamp down to minutes is probably enough.

See ?files for file manipulation functions. You can check if file exists with file.exists, and then either rename the existing file, or create a different name for the new one.


R: Using source and loop cycle to run a 2nd script

I am using command source in a Script (Script Number 1) to run other script file saved (Script number 2).
My idea is use a loop to read continually the Script number 2 that is modified continually. I Never stop the loop. But Lamentably this dont work.
Always Script number 1 read the original Script number 2 and not change the result when I change the script number 2. I am using a sublime Text to change the script and not stop the loop cycle.
Example Script number 1:
Example Script number 2 modified (script saved as script.R in my desktop):
repeat {
print('Checking files')
This run ok. But during the loop cycle I make changes to the script number 2 (and save file) :
Script number 2 modified:
repeat {
print('NOW RE-Checking files')
The result always is this. Not read the script number 2 modified.
[1] "Checking files"
[1] "Checking files"
[1] "Checking files"
[1] "Checking files"
[1] "Checking files"
[1] "Checking files"
Not knowing what your scripts are really doing, it's a little guess-work, but I'll work on the two things I do know from this:
Checking to see if a file has been changed and then reloading it will work 95-99% or more of the time. Unfortunately, the risk is that whatever is writing the file will still be writing when your script-1 tries to source it: writing contents to a file is never atomic, so you cannot guarantee without some form of file-lock (not supported on all filesystems) or other coordination mechanism.
To remedy this, I suggest that what mechanism (sight-unseen) that is modifying script-2 needs to write to a temp-file and then destructively rename it to be script2.R. While writing to a file is not atomic, renaming/moving a file is atomic. With this, when script1.R notices that a file has been updated, it will get to read the whole thing unabated.
I suggest that instead of running code in script2.R, you should define a function that is called (repeatedly) by script-1. That way, script-1 retains control and can check for updates in script2.R and, as necessary, reload it. The function one writes in script-2 needs to do one thing and then yield control back to the caller; that is, no repeat or while loops unless they are very well contained/limited and will not take longer to exit than you expect script2.R to be updated. (Recognize that script-2's while/repeat loop will not be interrupted, so plan accordingly.)
work <- function() {
print("Checking files")
prevmt <- NA
repeat {
mt <-"script2.R")$mtime
if ( || prevmt < mt) {

scp_download to download multiple files based on a pattern?

I need to download many files from a server (specifically tectia) ideally using the ssh package. These files all follow the a predictable pattern across multiple sub folders. The filepath is formatted like this
Where A001 counts up alongside the last 3 digits of the filename (/A002/abcde002.csv and so on)
In the vignette for scp_download it states that the files parameter may contain wildcards so I have tried to do something like
scp_download(session, "/directory/subfolder/A.*/abcde.*[.]csv", to=tempdir())
scp_download(session, "directory/subfolder/A\\d{3}/abcde\\d{3}[.]csv", to=tempdir())
but no matter which combination of patterns or wildcards I can think of (which isn't many) I only get something like
Warning: SSH warning: scp: /directory/subfolder/A\d{3}/abcde\d{3}[.]csv: No such file or directory
What I'm hoping to do is either find a way to do pattern matching here, or to find a way to store tectia directories as a string to be read by scp_download. I've made sure that my session is connected properly and it works without attempting to pattern match, which it does.
I had the same problem. The problem is that when you use * in your pattern it gets escaped when you send it to the server. However, when you request a special file name like this /directory/subfolder/A001/abcde001.csv, it works fine.
Finally I changed my code based on the below steps:
I got the list of files/folders using ls command with ssh_exec_wait function and then store them on a variable.
Download files in the variable separately
session <- ssh_connect("username#ip",passwd="password")
files<-capture.output(ssh_exec_wait(session, command = 'ls /directory/subfolder/A001/*'))
dnc1<- scp_download(session, files[1], to = paste0(getwd(),"/data/"))
dnc2<- scp_download(session, files[2], to = paste0(getwd(),"/data/"))
dnc3<- scp_download(session, files[3], to = paste0(getwd(),"/data/"))
The bottom 3 commands can be done in a loop as this could be hundreds or thousands of records.

Is there a way to check where R is 'stuck' within a for loop? (R)

I am using system() to run several files iteratively through a program via CMD. It deposits each outputs into a sub-directory designated for specifically and only that input file. So # of inputs is exactly equal to the number of output directories/outputs.
My code works for the first iteration, but I can see in the console that it won't move on to the second file after completing the first. The stop sign remains active so I know R is still 'running', but since the for loop environment is unique I can't really tell what it's stuck on. It just stays like this for hours. Therefore I'm not sure how to begin to diagnose the issue I'm having. Is there a way of tracing what happened after cancelling the code, for example?
If your curious, the code looks like this btw. I don't know how to make it reproducible, so I just commented each line:
for (i in 1:length(flist)) {
##flist is a vector of character strings. Each
row of characters is both the name of the input file and the name of the
output directory
setwd(paste0(solutions_dir, "\\", flist[i]))
#sets the appropriate dir
system(paste0(program_dir,"\\program.exe I=",
file_dir, "\\", flist[i], " O=",solutions_dir, "\\", flist[i],
##line that inputs program's exe file and the appropriate input/output

unix: can i write to the same file in parallel without missing entries?

I wrote a script that executes commands in parallel. I let them all write an entry to the same log file. It does not matter if the order is wrong or entries are interleaved, but i noticed that some entries are missing. I should probably lock the file before writing, however, is it true that if multiple processes try to write to a file simultaneously, it will result in missing entries?
Yes, if different processes independently open and write to the same file, it may result in overlapping writes and missing data. This happens because each process will get its own file pointer, that advances only by local writes.
Instead of locking, a better option might be to open the log file once in an ancestor of all worker processes, have it inherited across fork(), and used by them for logging. This means that there will be a single shared file pointer, that advances when any of the processes writes a new entry.
In a script you should use ">> file" (double greater than) to append output to that file. The interpreter will open the destination in "append" mode. If your program also wants to append, follow the directives below:
Open a text file in "append" mode ("a+") and give preference to printing only full lines (don't do multiple 'print' followed by a final 'println', but print the entire line with a single 'println').
The fopen documentation states this:
The fopen() function opens the file whose pathname is the
string pointed to by filename, and associates a stream with
The argument mode points to a string beginning with one of
the following sequences:
r or rb Open file for reading.
w or wb Truncate to zero length or create file
for writing.
a or ab Append; open or create file for writing
at end-of-file.
r+ or rb+ or r+b Open file for update (reading and writ-
w+ or wb+ or w+b Truncate to zero length or create file
for update.
a+ or ab+ or a+b Append; open or create file for update,
writing at end-of-file.
The character b has no effect, but is allowed for ISO C
standard conformance (see standards(5)). Opening a file with
read mode (r as the first character in the mode argument)
fails if the file does not exist or cannot be read.
Opening a file with append mode (a as the first character in
the mode argument) causes all subsequent writes to the file
to be forced to the then current end-of-file, regardless of
intervening calls to fseek(3C). If two separate processes
open the same file for append, each process may write freely
to the file without fear of destroying output being written
by the other. The output from the two processes will be
intermixed in the file in the order in which it is written.
It is because of this intermixing that you want to give preference to
using only 'println' (or its equivalent).

R: While loop input

I am bit new to R and have a question about a program I am trying to write. I am hoping to take in files (as many as a user pleases) with a while loop (eventually using read.table on each) but it keeps breaking on me.
Here is what I have so far:
cat("Please enter the full path for your files, if you have no more files to add enter 'X': ")
fil<-readLines(con="stdin", 1)
cat(fil, "\n")
while (!input=='X' | !input=='x'){
input<- readline("Please enter the full path for your files, if you have no more files to add enter 'X': ")
if(input=='X' | input=='x'){
exit -1
When I run it (from the commandline (UNIX)) I get these results:
> library("lattice")
> cat("Please enter the full path for your files, if you have no more files to add enter 'X': ")
Please enter the full path for your files, if you have no more files to add enter 'X': > fil<-readLines(con="stdin", 1)
> cat(fil, "\n")
> while (!input=='X' | !input=='x'){
+ inputfile=input
+ input<- readline("Please enter the full path for your files, if you have no more files to add enter 'X': ")
+ }
Error: object 'input' not found
Execution halted
I am not quite sure how to fix the problem, but I am pretty sure that it is probably a simple problem.
Any suggestions?
when you first run the script input doesnt exist. Assign
say before your while statement or put
below input<- readline....
I'm not exactly sure what the underlying problem is for your issue. It may be that you're inputting the directory path incorrectly.
Here's a solution I've used a few times. It makes it much easier for the user. Basically, your code will not require user input, all it requires is that you have a certain naming convention for your files.
setwd("Your/Working/Directory") #This doesn't change
filecontents <- 1
i <- 1
while (filecontents != 0) {
mydata.csv <- try(read.csv(paste("CSV_file_",i,".csv", sep = ""), header = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
if (typeof(mydata.csv) != "list") { #checks to see if the imported data is a list
filecontents <- 0
else {
assign(paste('dataset',i, sep=''), mydata)
#Whatever operations you want to do on the files.
i <- i + 1
As you can see, the naming convention for the files is CSV_file_n where n is any number of input files (i took this code out of one of my programs, in which I load csv's). One of the problems I kept having was Error messages popping up when my code looked for a file that wasn't there. With this loop, those messages won't arise. If it assigns the contents of a non-existant file to mydata.csv, it merely checks to see if mydata.csv is a list. If it is, it continues operating. If not, it stops. If you're worried about differentiating between your data from different files within the code, just insert any relevant information about the file in a constant location within the file itself. For example, in my csv's, My 3rd column always contained the name of the image from which I gathered the information contained in the rest of the csv.
Hope this helps you a bit, even though I see you've already got a solution :-). It's really just an option if you want your program to be more autonomous.
