Make static pages and NOT appear as blog - wordpress

I have just installed wordpress, and finally found out how to fix the issue that wordpress works as a blog as default. This was not what I wanted, since I want to create a site. I changed the front page to be static. Now when I create a new page, I want this to be a static page too, and not a blog. A new page keeps appearing as a blog. How can I change this?

Use Template page for it.
You can check here :-


How to create a static page where to add posts in wordpress?

I am new with Wordpress and I need some help.
I have added this theme to my website (theam demo link) and I am trying to create a page where I can add new post and every post must be on the same page and with a read more button (like home page from the link).
Go to Settings > Reading and under "Front page displays" select "Your latest posts."
You should go to the WordPress site and read the getting started as this is a basic setting. Also, read the documentation that comes from the theme developer. It will have further information as well.
In your WordPress admin,
go to Pages » Add New to create a new page Like Blog
go to Settings » Reading
under the Front page displays option choose A static page.
under the Blog page displays option choose A Blog page.
You should create a child theme where you can enter a custom template where you can enter the custom loop you need to have the posts you want to show.
Then you will need to create a page and activate it with the custom
template you made.
Hope that can help, however there are a lot of other ways to achieve what you want and this one is not the most beginner friendly but i think it is the most developer friendly, so i think you should at least check it out.
install the plugin visual composer it will help you a lot

How to create a static page on Ghost Blog?

I created a page file named "page-timemachine.hbs" on my custom theme's root directory followed a tutorial, and I have added a item on my blog "/ghost/settings/navigation/",like this
add new navigation
But when I visit the link, I got a "404".Did I made anything wrong? thx
You also need to add the page in the admin GUI. You do that by doing the following (assuming you are on a fairly recent version of Ghost):
Add a new post
Click on Post Settings on the top right of the interface.
Click the checkbox Turn this post into a static page
After that is done you can simply edit the post as usual and after you've published it, it should appear instead of your 404-error.

Wordpress custom posts page coming blank

I am new to wordpress
I created a theme and created new static page as home page
Now wanted to add blog page and for this I created another page, named it as blog and then marked it as "posts page" in settings >> reading
If I don't do this then I can see header and footer of the page but if I do the above then it shows blank page without anything
Why it shows completely blank page?
How can I relate posts with it?
On doing
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
I get errors like below
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in D:\wamp\www\project\wp-content\plugins\exec-php\exec-php.php on line 22
And after removing these errors, still its blank page
Should I use any other plugin?
All website is complete just blog page needs to be created
You can try to change your name from blog to other name such as article, blogs, journal... which related to the intention of your site because there's probably a conflict happen in naming convention of Wordpress or your theme here.

Test page - WordPress

Can I make a page in wordpress that I can use to test things on and wont be viewable on the actual WordPress site? I need a page that I can just mess around with things because I'm fairly new to WordPress. So you could only get to the page with the url.
Make page private, then you can save it and preview it from inside wordpress.

Wordpress proper way of adding pages

I have been trying to figure this out now for a while but there but I haven't found any conclusive answer yet. I want to add some pages to wordpress that are static. I need to include JS script that is from a third-party login. Using JS, HTML, CSS. Very simple and basis login.
So normally what I do is create a page, empty, attach a template and put the JS/HTML/CSS/Text into that template.
However, it seems weird to create an empty page in a CMS. Is there another way, a proper way, of adding a normal page into wordpress without using the static PAGES option in the CMS?
You could just create the page and add a link to it from your WP-site. But this is only if you don't need any of the wp-functions. Also it won't show up at all in your wp-admin dashboard.
