Wordpress retrieving data from Cakephp - wordpress

I run a website where I have both Wordpress and Cakephp installed in the same domain.
Cakephp is the administrative backend to maintain and create business listings (like the yellow pages).
Wordpress is the front end for the public website.
I'm creating custom Wordpress templates to display the business listings from Cakephp, but am not sure how Wordpress is going to retrieve data from Cakephp.
I already have a bunch of Controller Actions that return json array with data that I would like to call from Wordpress. I don't want to duplicate in Wordpress data retrieval code that I've already written in Cakephp. But i'm not sure how in Wordpres would i make calls to these Cakephp Controller / Actions.
What is the recommended / best way to have Wordpress retrieve data from the Cakephp backend given at they are on the same domain? What other options do i have?

What is the recommended / best way to have Wordpress retrieve data
from the Cakephp backend given at they are on the same domain? What
other options do i have?
Access the DB directly, I'm not sure how to do that with Wordpress fugly API and code, but I'm pretty sure you can instantiate a new DB object with a connection to the CakePHP apps database. The WP API documentation will tell you how to do it I guess, if not it sucks more than I thought.
An alternative would be to expose the data via a RESTful service and consume it from Wordpress. If you return JSON you could even simply use a JS widget on a WP page to retrieve and render the data with pure JS.

As burzum suggested you have 2 real options.
WordPress does have a class for interacting with a DB called WPDB and will give you access to a few ways of querying the data in your CakePHP app. WordPress WPDB Class. It is by no means perfect but will do the job.
However you much better creating a custom WordPress plugin to parse and format the JSON as burzum suggested interacting via your own API. You could then if needed make this a 2 way communication allowing your WordPress install to make changes as necessary to yoru Cake app.


Separate plugins or one giant plugin on WP

I’m building a WP plugin to enhance a website, and come to an interrogation with the workflow.
Basically, I have to create a custom post type, assorted with several custom taxonomies, which will be used/displayed on the frontend and backend, and create a backend section in order to interact with our CRM, and Supabase via their respective APIs (service centralisation).
All of the second part is only intended to be used/displayed on the admin section, to logged users.
However, when creating/saving a custom post type, or when viewing it from the frontend, I have to make a GET request to the CRM to fetch some data and store it in JSON somewhere (24h cache).
That I can do.
At the moment, I worked on the CPT part, and made a class to interact with the CRM, with credentials stored in wp_options. I now have to work on the backend part.
My question is: what are the best practices here? Keep it in a single plugin or divide into several plugins?
And if I divide, how should I turn it? 2 plugins, one for the CPT and one for the backend? Or go even deeper, and get the CRM and Supabase their own simple plugin, and call their methods to make my requests?
I am short of ideas here, so if you encountered this situation, could you enlighten me?

Wordpress plugin service page

have spent hours of researching understanding the correct approach for developing plugin for wordpress which does have custom "service" URL.
So far done:
plugin registers custom capabilities and role
inits the db and entries using $wpdb
create rest-api hook that could be used with JS
Should do:
Only the users with custom role "service" shall have access to a service dashboard.
the service dashboard shall make use of $wpdb to query data from the db.
I am looking badly for a simple example to learn from which shows a custom page that isn't integrated into WP posts or the admin panel.
Something that does check current user and allow access for given role to e.g. "www.awesome-wp-page.com/myplugin/main" and load some further data later as e.g. "www.awesome-wp-page.com/myplugin/stats/1234"
Originally I wanted WP to query the data via its own custom restapi, but also did not find any examples that query rest-api within WP (providing nonce etc) as simple example.
I found a lot examples for admin panels, adding links to post etc, but to my surprise not really some examples which do load simple (form) page or do a quick custom DB query and show the results on a static link.
Any help is appreciated

Symfony backend to Wordpress frontend

is there a way to send Symfony’s data from its action to Wordpress page?
For example Symfony’s action returns an array and in a Wordpress page I could iterate it?
Wordpress use template that are basic php file.
So you can make request to any rest api you want you using php. You can use your symfony rest api if you want.
Simply go in wordpress create pages and create template that will make your request to Symfony and display what you need.
It's really not recommanded but for a special case it could be possible.
You maybe should take the time to simply move your data in the wordpress DB.

Can I get Wordpress Plugin Data through Wordpress API?

I am looking to build a wordpress website with GatsbyJS (so no PHP usage. Just using Wordpress API and react JSX on the front-end).
I know I can get any core wordpress data at /wp-json route, but I'm not sure about plugin data. I've tried to look up plugin data and it does not seem to be included in wp-json.
I found this "compatible plugins" page: https://v2.wp-api.org/guide/plugins/
Does this mean that for most other plugins data would not be present in the Wordpress API?
Correct. Unless these plugins expose their data via the REST API (either by extending the existing endpoints or by creating their own, like some plugins do), you won't be able to access it.
In such cases, you either ask the developers to expose their plugin's data via the REST API or you code some custom endpoints yourself to get the data you need from them.

Dynamic linking to Wordpress database

I intend to use WP to setup a freelancers website (similar to oDesk) to connect service providers with service seekers in a WEB 2.0 dynamic environment. This site requires multiple forms to enter and retrieve information using database and show them in filtered or non-filtered views in separate pages.
Please advise if there are available plugins to expedite developing this site, or otherwise any guidance would be appreciated. I specifically would like to know how to connect forms to database and then how to retrieve this information from the DB.
You are likely going to have to create your own custom WordPress theme, using various custom PHP pages to connect your web forms to your database. I think your project is well beyond the scope of a simple WP plugin.
If this was my project, I'd ditch WordPress and go for something custom built in Rails. WordPress is a good enough CMS, but it isn't really a good fit for what you are looking to accomplish.
