I'm really new to primavera.
I have just installed the primavera p6 8.3 suite. I'm running with the webversion on http://localhost:8203/p6/action/home, all fine and dandy.
I have the API installed and I understand what I can use it for however, let's says I want to add a textbox for example to show or to take userinput. How would I go about to do that?
You can use Primavera API to perform CRUD operations,integration with other products .
All the operations performed will be donenot done according to privileges of the user you have used to log in the API.
A guide to all exposed functions of API
Coming to your question, you can create the UI for this in manner similar to any other java code (swing) and then you can use the API functions to perform operations on DB fetch results and display it in your UI.
For our stored procedures, we were using an approach that was working rather well during CD which was making use of the javascript v2 SDK to call container.storedProcedures.upsert. Upsert has now been removed from the API on v3 as it's not supported on non-partitioned collections (which are the only ones you'll be able to create from now on).
I supposed that the v3 SDK would have a way to at least delete and re-create these objects, but for what I can see it only allows creation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/%40azure/cosmos/storedprocedures?view=azure-node-latest
We followed a similar approach for maintaing the index definitions updated and this is the main reason we now need to migrate to the v3 SDK as otherwise updating some kind of indexes fail through v2.
Given that what we want (if possible) is to be able to maintain all of these objects in soure control and automatically deploy them during CD, what would be the recommended way to do this?
(Meanwhile I'm exploring using these powershell commands for it: https://github.com/PlagueHO/CosmosDB but attempting to create a UDF through them caused a very bizzarre outcome in which Azure Portal stopped showing me any UDF on the collection until I removed the one I had created using New-CosmosDbUserDefinedFunction)
There are a few options today and your choices will get better here over the next couple of months.
Cosmos now has support for creating stored procedures, triggers and UDFs using ARM Templates. The second sample on this page has an ARM template that shows this. Cosmos DB ARM Template Samples. This PS tool you are using is not officially supported so you'll need to file an issue there for any questions. We will be releasing PS Cmdlets to create stored procedures, triggers and UDF's but there is no ETA to share at this time.
What's the best way to change the Firebase data model while you have multiple versions of your iOS app in production?
Since there's no 'application server' layer in the middle any changes in the database model could break older versions of the app.
Performance Related Example of the problem:
In version 1.0 I was naively keeping everything related to a post under '/posts/'. Now in version 2.0 I want to take Firebase's recommendation and add a '/user-post' endpoint to quickly list all posts for a given user.
People using version 1.0 of the iOS app are not writing any data to '/user-posts' since that endpoint didn't used to exist. People using version 2.0 therefore don't see any posts created by people using the old version of the app.
In theory I could create a server somewhere that listens for changes on '/post/' and adds them to '/user-posts' as well. That seems hard to maintain over time though if you have a lot of different versions of your app.
New Feature Example of the problem:
Lets say in version 1.0 of your mobile app you write new blog posts to '/posts/'. Now in version 2.0 of your app you introduce a Teams feature and all posts need to be in '/team/team-id/posts'.
People who haven't upgraded to version 2.0 will still be writing to '/posts'. Those posts won't be visible to people using version 2.0 who are reading from '/team/team-id/posts'.
I realize you could keep both endpoints simultaneously (and index /posts based on team ID) but over time this seems hard to maintain.
Traditional solutions:
If I were using something like Django or Express I'd do a database migration and then update the server-side endpoints for creating blogposts.
That would make changes in the database from the clients. I could in theory add an application-server tier to my architecture with Firebase, but that doesn't seem like it's recommended: https://firebase.googleblog.com/2013/03/where-does-firebase-fit-in-your-app.html
I would suggest you use Firebase Remote Config to show an alert via UIAlertController or different screen if an update is available. You could force the user to update to the current version and you don't have problems later because no posts with the old code can be created.
To answer your question:
I would develop a different app, add it to the same Firebase project and then let this app convert all old data to the new data model. So you would do this one time after releasing the new version and the old user data is converted to the new data model and everything works smoothly. You could also have a property like databaseVersion for every object.
To prevent future problems you could have a general property named app-version in your Firebase Realtime Database. Before every post the app checks if there is a newer version. If not the user can add the post but if there is a newer version you could show an message/alert via UIAlertController
I'm working on my first major symfony2 project.
I have updated an api that's no longer being maintained by the original author. https://github.com/DizzyBHigh/FantasyDataAPI-v2
The updated API contains all the necessary Unit and Integration Tests for the different API Calls. Including Mocks of the data feeds that come from the API.
I've now written a symfony2 bundle that uses this api via console commands and saves the data from the feeds to the database. FP_DataBundle
My question is about testing:
Can i use the same mocks that are in my FantasyDataAPI library to test that the correct data is being saved to the database?
I'm thinking that i need the tests to execute the console commands and then fetch the data from the database and then go through the mocks and check that that the data in the DB Matches.
Can i create a database version that just holds the mock data and then test against that db? How can i do that?
Is my thinking askew and i need to do it another way, the feeds contain a lot of fields in json format, and duplicating all these in my bundle again seems like overkill.
does meteor have backend admin panel like "rais_admin" or "active admin" in rails for CRUD operations under models?
One of the teams at the first Meteor Summer Hackathon wrote the z-mongo-admin package that gives you a panel for basic CRUD operations. This should have the functionality that you're looking for.
Update 6/1/2015 - YES, since version 1.0.2. Once your app is running using meteor, run meteor shell in the same directory in a separate tab and you'll have a REPL.
Not yet. You can run meteor mongo in the app directory to access the database. Currently, you need the app running for this to work.
Observatory is a burgeoning logging and testing framework. Perhaps some kind of REPL will fit in the future.
Meteor Admin is an alternative to Houston based on the Autoform package.
It offers full CRUD based on your collection schemas.
Meteor Candy is an admin panel made just for Meteor. The idea is, everyone builds their Meteor app differently, but we do have commonalities such as the use of Accounts packages, etc, and that's a good place to start.
The package uses Dynamic Import available in Meteor 1.5, which means it adds virtually no weight to your client bundle.
Disclosure: I am the creator of the package
You should try Houston: https://github.com/gterrono/houston
Watch the video presentation here:
I've got remote databases on hosting. Can Flash Builder generate Spark Form with similar structure from database table?
Your Flex application will call a backend script that will access your table definition. Depending on your database, statements will differ.
Here is an example using MySQL: "SHOW COLUMNS FROM MyTable"
Your application will then iterate on the results and generate fields according to your logic.
Basically yes. 1st of all you need to connect to the service which u are providing from your backend, and then check the follow article :