IIS Express website works fine, not in IIS - asp.net

I have an application that uses IIS 7.5X and Visual Studio 2013 and it works fine in IIS Express. I have had to make changes to allow authentication and allow 32-bit but it still doesn't work on IIS, only IIS express.
I have tried to use the publish in VS2013, but that doesn't seem to work.
Is there anyway I can find the settings used by IIS express so I can set IIS up so it works the same?
Where do I setup logs? Thanks in advance for not closing this question!
Also, when I run as IISExpress I see the images and styles that don't appear when run as an IIS site.
Where can I find out the settings used by IIS Express?

For me, I had to set Identity of my application in Advanced Settings of Application Pools in the IIS to Custom account and then set an admin local account to it.
Don't forget to Restart your site from the IIS after doing it

In IIS Express can you make "Deploy -> Export" and than in regular IIS to do "Deploy -> Import" ?
Major settings of IIS stored in files that located in folder C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\


Why is my web site working in VS 2013 but not in IIS 7.5?

I have a web site project, that when I debug under the 'default web server' inside VS, it seems to work fine. When I try and debug under IIS or run the site straight from IIS, I get served up a blank page. No error message or log, whether I make Login.apsx or 'Default.aspx' my site's default document.
The site is build against .NET 4, and is configured in a .NET 4 Integrated Pipeline app pool. I tried Classic as well with no difference.
Which is first page of your web application ? have you put it as default document ?
Try with following web address and check it browse
Follow the steps:
1) Be sure you have enabled the asp.net in IIS from windows feature.
2) Make sure IIS works by opening address http://localhost:80
3) Share your website folder with everyone with read access.
4) Add your website in IIS with port number other than 80.
5) Keep the application pool in version 4.0 Integrated.
6) now browse the website.

How to configure IIS first time for any web app?

I have a website made in ASP.NET .Currently is being opened directly with Visual Studio.
Now i want this to be opened with localhost with IIS features enabled.
I need steps to make this website totally IIS enabled
1- You have to Publish your website with Visual Studio
2- Create a Virtual Directory (or Web Application ) on Your IIS
3- Map Your published website to IIS Alias
4- Change your web.config settings if it is necesary
5- Check if you need to add some new HttpModule to your application
6- Browse your website with http://Localhost/YourIISApplicationName
Check these tutorials How to setup an ASP.NET website with IIS &
How to host an ASP.NET application in IIS the latter one uses IIS 7 (I guess)

URLRewriting.net and IIS 7 Problem

net 2.0/umbraco 4.0.3 website hosted in IIS6 with a couple of url rewrites using http://urlrewriting.net/ ..
We just moved the site to IIS 7/classic pool and the URL rewrites stopped working.. can anyone give a hint of what might be the issue as we are trying for sometime without any luck!
#mahesh Umbraco 4.0.3 only requires .NET 3.5 (read: .NET 2.0 with AJAX libraries, which are included in the distribution).
#Anz, best things to check for are:
Have you added the wildcard ISAPI handler to the site for Classic mode? For extensionless URLs to work, you must add a wildcard handler to the site, which then points to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll. This applies to IIS6 and IIS7 sites in Classic mode (IIS6 only has classic mode).
In Integrated mode, however, this isn't required... so you could try switching your application pool to Integrated mode and see if this works.
Check your application pool's identity. Sometimes the site won't load components properly because the identity of the application pool can't access them. In IIS7, you have a new principle called ApplicationPoolIdentity, which creates a new user just for that app-pool, in the format "IIS APPPOOL\". If your app-pool has it's Identity property set to ApplicationPoolIdentity, you need to grant read/write/modify access on it by going to the folder, right-clicking and hitting Properties, switching to Security, click "Edit", click "Add...", type "IIS APPPOOL\" (without quotes, with all spaces), click OK. Set the "Modify" attribute against this user, click Apply, click Close.
I had upgraded the server from 32-bit Windows to 64-bit Windows.
Needed to check 'allow 32-bit applications' on the app pools.

Visual Studio tells me that an operational local IIS URL has not been configured

I am trying to get a web application project working, after we moved from a StarTeam repository to a TFS repository. I have a web site on my local IIS for the project; this web site is up and serving static content when I test it, but when I copy and past the URL to that site into the Local IIS Web server's Project Url in VS 2010, I get a message that the local IIS URL has not been configured. The popup that displays this message offers me the chance to create a new virtual directory, but this fails. Anyway, this is not what I wish to do.
I usually find myself setting things up in IIS and then copying the URL into VS, but I ensure:
IIS has IIS6 management compatibility components installed.
The folder in IIS is the root of a web application.
The app pool for the web app is configured with the correct .NET version.
And to add to Richard's answer:
Ensure the site's binding in IIS is set to "All Unassigned"

How to hide directory list in ASP.NET 3.5?

I have a ASP.NET 3.5 web site, which is password protected (form authentication). But yesterday I found I was able to browse the list of directories (which is unexpected).
I searched the web, one article said we need to config it in IIS. But I'm a developer and I'm working on my local machine (no IIS installed).
My question is: are there any way to hide them other than IIS configuration? like set web.config?
This must be configured in your webserver - you cannot handle this in the website itself. Since you are working locally it shouldn't matter that the root directory is browsable. If you need to be able to control the site in this way you really ought to set up a webserver.
if you don't have IIS, you're likely working on your local ASP.NET development server (called Cassini possibly?), in which it is only available locally, so no security worries there.
When you deploy your app, you will likely be on an IIS server, so the configuration will be available
Directory browsing in IIS is controlled in the virtual directory/site configuration.
When you deploy your application to a real server you can configure directory browsing there.
Directory browsing on your local machine shouldn't matter, but this may work for you.
In IIS6: http://blog.crowe.co.nz/archive/2006/03/18/603.aspx
In IIS7: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc731109(WS.10).aspx
In IIS - Website properties, Home Directory tab, untick Directory browsing.
In Cassini (the ASP.NET development server) I don't think it can be turned off. But the server only runs while your debugging.
