I am pretty much new to R and was struggling with the below scenario :
I need to write a function which reads data from different locations on the PC(like downloads,documents,desktop etc). Each file in these locations have a unique id. So the function would take the id and location as arguments. It would somewhat be like this :
onefunc <- function(directory,id)
y <- read.csv("directory/id")
I need to pass the directory and ID to the read function. But the above code throws an error - cannot open file 'directory/id': No such file or directory. What do I need to pass in read.csv exactly?
What you have right now inside the function is a string (sequence of characters). R does not recognize these as variables. You need the variables directory and id together into a string. A host of options is available to do just that:
sprintf('%s/%s', directory, id)
paste(directory, id, sep = '/')
file.path(directory, id), is specifically meant for constructing file paths. Other functions are generic string building functions. I would recommend using this function in your case as it is most specific to your situation, and will work across all platforms.
You can then feed this string into read.csv to perform the actual reading.
So what I'm working with is I have a DAG that has specific information that is being passed through tasks, everything is working as it should. The file needs to be stored into a reports/ folder for the following tasks to work correctly. I'm calling the actual name of the report through a xcom_pull but I also want to parse out information from this xcom_pull in order to capture the unique filename itself to use later on in other tasks. I have a task later on that inserts this filename into the csv file, but I need it to match the filename itself so its a 1:1 match.
I want to parse out information of a xcom_pull option and I'm having issues doing so. The example I have is below:
report_filename = "reports/{}_{}".format('report_example', str(uuid.uuid1()))
get_report = GoogleCampaignManagerDownloadReportOperator(
report_filename_test = xcom_pull(get_report, 'report_name')
sanitize_report = SanitizeReportOperator(
shared_object=str(report_filename_test).replace('reports/', ''),
As of right now the xcom_pull pulls down the following:
However, I want to have another xcom_pull that will only pull the following:
I have tried converting report_filename_test to a string and using the replace function, so for example:
new_test = str(report_filename_test).replace('reports/', '')
But when attempting this, it makes the new_test converting into a NULL format or ignores it completely and saves the file later on into a reports/ folder.
I have also tried passing the report_filename into a list and grabbing the first iteration and grabbing the first iteration, but with how Airflow works from task to task, it creates a new filename with a different uuid each time, which is not what I'm aiming to have done. I have also tried doing a PythonOperator option to create a function specifically to name the file and be called later on throughout the DAG but have not had any luck with this either.
Is there a way to do this where you can parse out the information from a xcom_pull or another way to make this work? The end goal is to essentially have a file name with a specific uuid that I can pass through into the csv file and rename the file to the same specific uuid that is being built without the folder name in front.
I'm just looking to have a unique filename be passed through multiple tasks that is the exact same each time with a uuid format. I'm running out of ideas of how to make this work and have been stuck on this for almost two weeks now.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
Currently, I am working with a long list of files.
They have a name pattern of SB_xxx_(parts). (different extensions), where xxx refers to an item code.
It is found that many of these codes have incorrect entries.
I got two columns in hand: One is for old codes and one is new codes (let's say A & B). I hope to change all those old codes in the file names to the new code.
old new
12154 24124
92482 02425
My first thought is to use file.rename()
However, it is a one-to-one changing approach. I cannot do this because every item has a different number of parts and different file extensions.
Is there any recursive method that can simply change all incorrect file names with strings in A and replace them with strings in B? Anyone get an idea, please?
A loop solution with purrr::map2 at the end:
#create files to rename
# a dataframe with old a nd new patterns
file_names <- data.frame(
old = c("19842", "12154"),
new = c("new1", "new2")
# old filenames from the directory, specify path if needed
file_names_SB <- list.files(pattern = "SB_")
# function to substitute one type of code with another
sub_one_code <- function(old_code, new_code, file_names_original){
gsub(paste0("SB_", old_code), paste0("SB_", new_code), file_names_original)
# loop to substitute all codes
new_file_names <- file_names_SB
for (row in 1:nrow(file_names)){
new_file_names <- sub_one_code(file_names[row, "old"], file_names[row, "new"], new_file_names)
# rename all the files
#thelatemail provided a link with more elegant solutions for generating new file names.
In an R script, I assign a name to some data. The name depends on parameters. I do this using
assign(paste("variable", as.character(number), sep=""),2)
The above accomplices the same as variable1<-2. Now I want to save the result for later
What code can go in the ? slot where it should say variable1 except I need to construct this name using paste or some similar technique. Simply putting get(paste("variable",as.character(number),".RData",sep="")) does not work.
save can also use list as parameter. According to ?save
list - A character vector containing the names of objects to be saved.
Thus, we specify the object name as a string (paste0('variable', number)) for the list argument and file as the one used by OP (or make it more concise with paste0 (as.character is not necessary as integer/numeric gets automatically convert to type character in paste
save(list = paste0('variable', number),
file = paste0("variable", number, ".RData"))
Check for the file created in the working directory
list.files(getwd(), pattern = '\\.RData$')
#[1] "variable1.RData"
It's me the newbie again with another messy file and folder situation(thanks to us biologiests): I got this directory containing a huge amount of .txt files (~900,000+), all the files have been previously handed with inconsistent naming format :(
For example, messy files in directory look like these:
As you see the naming has no reliable consistency. What's important for me is the ID code embedded in them, such as S978765. Now I have got a list (100 ID codes) of these ID codes that I want.
The CSV file containing the list as below, mind you the list does have repetitive ID codes in the row due to different CLnumber value in the second columns:
ID code CLnumber
S978765 1
S978765 2
S306223 1
S897458 1
S514486 2
So I want to achieve below task: find all the messy named files using the code IDs by matching to my list. And copy them into a new directory.
I have thought of use list.files() to get all the .txt files and their names, then I got stuck at the next step at matching the code ID names, I know how to do it with one string, say "S978765", but if I do it one by one, this is almost just like manual digging the folder.
How could I feed the ID code names in column1 as a list and compare/match them with the messy file title names in the directory and then copy them into a new folder?
Many thanks,
This works:
# get this via list.files in your actual code
files <- c("ctrl_S978765_uns_dummy_00_none.txt",
ids <- data.frame(`ID Code` = c("S978765", "S978765", "S306223", "S897458", "S514486"),
CLnumber = c(1, 2, 1, 1, 2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
str_subset(files, paste(ids$ID.Code, collapse = "|"))
#> [1] "ctrl_S978765_uns_dummy_00_none.txt" "ctrl_S978765_3S_Cookie_00_none.txt"
str_subset takes a character vector and returns elements matching some pattern. In this case, the pattern is "S978765|S978765|S306223|S897458|S514486" (created by using paste), which is a regular expression that matches any of the ID codes separated by |. So we take files and keep only the elements that have a match in ID Code.
There are many other ways to do this, which may or may not be more clear. For example, you could pass ids$ID.Code directly to str_subset instead of constructing a regular expression via paste, but that would throw a warning about object lengths every time, which could get confusing (or cause problems if you get used to ignoring it and then ignore it in a different context where it matters). Another method would be to use purrr and keep, but while that might be a little bit more clear to write, it would be a lot more inefficient since it would mean making multiple passes over the files vector -- not relevant in this context, but possibly very relevant if you suddenly need to do this for hundreds of thousands of files and IDs.
You could use regex to extract the ID codes from the file name.
Here, I have used the pattern "S" followed by 5 or more numbers. Once we extract the ID_codes, we can compare them with the ones which we have in csv.
Assuming the csv is called df and the column name is ID_Codes we can use %in% to filter them.
We can then use file.copy to move files from one folder to another folder.
all_files <- list.files(path = '/Path/To/Folder', full.names = TRUE)
selected_files <- all_files[sub('.*(S\\d{5,}).*', '\\1', basename(all_files))
%in% unique(df$ID_Codes)]
file.copy(selected_files, 'new_path/for/files')
I want to read all the files in the xlsx format starting with a string named "csmom". I have used list.files function. But I do not know how to set double pattern. Please see the code. I want to read all the files starting csmom string and they all should be in .xlsx format.
master1<-list.files(path = "C:/Users/Admin/Documents/csmomentum funal",pattern="^csmom")
master2<-list.files(path = "C:/Users/Admin/Documents/csmomentum funal",pattern="^\\.xlsx$")
#jay.sf solution works for creating a regular expression to pull out the condition that you want.
However, generally speaking if you want to cross two lists to find the subset of elements that are contained in both (in your case the files that satisfy both conditions), you can use intersect().
intersect(master1, master2)
Will show you all the files that satisfy pattern 1 and pattern 2.