Mocking a GuzzleHttp response - phpunit

How should I mock a Guzzle response properly. When testing a parser I'm writing, the test html is contained in files. In my PHPUnit tests I'm doing file_read_contents and passing the result into my method. Occasionally the HTML will link to a seperate file. I can mock this response like so:
public function testAlgo()
$mock = new MockAdapter(function() {
$mockhtml = file_get_contents($this->dir . '/HTML/authorship-test-cases/h-card_with_u-url_that_is_also_rel-me.html');
$stream = Stream\create($mockhtml);
return new Response(200, array(), $stream);
$html = file_get_contents($this->dir . '/HTML/authorship-test-cases/h-entry_with_rel-author_pointing_to_h-card_with_u-url_that_is_also_rel-me.html');
$parser = new Parser();
$parser->parse($html, $adaptor = $mock);
Then in my actual method, when I make the guzzle request this code works:
try {
if($adapter) {
$guzzle = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['adapter' => $adapter]);
} else {
$guzzle = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $guzzle->get($authorPage);
So obviously this isn't ideal. Does anyone know of a better way of doing this?
$html = (string) $response->getBody();
EDIT: I'm now using the __construct() methid to set up a default Guzzle Client. Then a using a second function that can be called by tests to replace the Client with a new Client that has the mock adapter. I'm not sure if this is the best way to do things.

You can use the MockPlugin API, like so:
$plugin = new MockPlugin();
The txt file then contains everything from your response, including headers.
There are also good approaches available here:
Also there are articles found here:


Google Cloud Vision PHP — Make Batch Request

I need to perform an OCR analysis on an image for an university project.
I am imposed to use PHP, unfortunately, on the Google Cloud Vision Documentation few are the code sample using PHP...
I succeed to perform OCR on one image at time but 80% of the time I have a lot of images (around 20) to treat at once.
So I tried to use BatchRequest, to minimize the API calls, as specified here but I can't found how to build the $requests array they put at the top.
Btw I tried other APIs like Tesseract but the recognition is not accurate enough to use.
If you only want to perform a batch request you can just use batchAnnotateImages using ImageAnnotatorClient. Below you can find a sample using it as well as a way to create a request variable. Also, I include below a asyncBatchAnnotateImages sample but I recommend the one I mentioned earlier.
Using ImageAnnotatorClient with batchAnnotateImages
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\Feature;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\Feature_Type;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\ImageAnnotatorClient;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\Image;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\ImageSource;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\AnnotateImageRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\Likelihood;
$client = new ImageAnnotatorClient();
try {
$feature = (new Feature())
$image = (new Image())
$request = (new AnnotateImageRequest())
$requests = [$request];
# note: you can add as many requests you want to perform. ie: [$request,$request2,..,..]
$results = $client->batchAnnotateImages($requests);
foreach($results->getResponses() as $result){
foreach ($result->getFaceAnnotations() as $faceAnnotation) {
$likelihood = Likelihood::name($faceAnnotation->getJoyLikelihood());
echo "Likelihood of headwear: $likelihood" . PHP_EOL;
} finally {
Using ImageAnnotatorClient with asyncBatchAnnotateImages
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\Feature;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\Feature_Type;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\ImageAnnotatorClient;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\Image;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\ImageSource;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\AnnotateImageRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\asyncBatchAnnotateImages;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\OutputConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\GcsDestination;
$client = new ImageAnnotatorClient();
try {
$feature = (new Feature())
$gcsImageUri = 'gs://<YOUR BUCKET ID>/<YOUR IMAGE FILE>';
$source = new ImageSource();
$image = (new Image())
$request = (new AnnotateImageRequest())
$requests = [$request];
$gcsDestination = (new GcsDestination())
->setUri("gs://<YOUR BUCKET>/<OUTPUT FOLDER>/");
$outputConfig = (new OutputConfig())
$operationResponse = $client->asyncBatchAnnotateImages($requests, $outputConfig);
if ($operationResponse->operationSucceeded()) {
$result = $operationResponse->getResult();
#Your Folder output will have your file processing results.
} finally {
Note: To add on this, you can also check an official implementation of a similar case using vision client on this link but its a sample to detect text on a pdf file.
You can also find additional information on these links:
PHP CLOUD VISION Github Project Page

Symfony send request from an other controller api

I try to get a request from an other controller like this :
$client = new Client();
$watchId = $request->request->get('I_idDossierModif');
$request->attributes->set('A_watch', $request->request->get('surveillancebundle_dossier'));
$client->request("GET", $this->getParameter("host.api.prefix") . $this->getParameter("host.api") . "/mypath/".$watchId, array ("A_watch" => $request));
I want send:
$request->attributes->set('A_watch', $request->request->get('surveillancebundle_dossier'));
But when I try to get it in my other function, that return null.
I try to get it like this :
You have two options here:
Save your data in the session witch persist trough the requests like this. Or froward the request like shown in the docs

XPath: get value using relative path (PHP, Symfony, DOMCrawler) error

I'm writing a test to test my understanding of XPath with Symfony's DomCrawler:
$crawler = new Crawler();
$crawlerWithNodes = $crawler->filterXPath('/foo/foo');
$this->assertEquals('bar', $crawlerWithNodes->text());
But the above results in:
InvalidArgumentException: The current node list is empty.
On line:
$this->assertEquals('bar', $crawlerWithNodes->text());
What am I doing wrong?
You need to load the content as DOMDocument instead of simple string (is interpreted as HTML).
You also need to add the _root prefix in the xpath string if you want to find an absolute path in the structure. See the Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Tests\CrawlerTest cass for further example (testFilterXpathComplexQueries method)
Consider the following test method:
public function testCrawlerAsHtml()
$crawler = new Crawler();
$crawlerWithNodes = $crawler->filterXPath('/_root/html/body/foo/foo');
$this->assertEquals('bar', $crawlerWithNodes->text());
public function testCrawlerAsDomElement()
$dom = new \DOMDocument();
$crawler = new Crawler();
// die(var_dump($crawler->html()));
$crawlerWithNodes = $crawler->filterXPath('/_root/foo/foo');
$this->assertEquals('bar', $crawlerWithNodes->text());
Hope this help

How to clear all events in Google Calendar using API V3 PHP

I spent a long time to work out how to do the following using Google Calendar using API V3 in PHP
insert a new event
read all existing events
delete each existing event
However I would still like to know how to clear an entire Google Calendar to make my code faster, as the read & delete method is a little slow.
I've been trying to work out how to use the supplied Google function "clear" for this, and the documentation supplied by Google simply shows that I should be able to use the following command to achieve this:
Also within the Google Code there is a comment relating to the "calendars" collection of methods (where the clear function exists):
Typical usage is:
$calendarService = new Google_Service_Calendar(...);
$calendars = $calendarService->calendars;
So I've put this together with the preceding authentication code. I am sure the authentication is working OK as I've used that elsewhere, but the clear code is obviously wrong as I get error message:
Notice: Undefined variable: service in C:\wamp\www\googleapi\clear\index.php on line 39
I've tried using 'primary' as well as the main owner, and I've tried making the calendar private and public but to no avail.
Anyone who has got the clear method to work, please point me in the right direction.
This is the code I'm running so far:
require_once '../google-api-php-client-master/autoload.php';
//Google credentials
$client_id = '';
$service_account_name = '';
$key_file_location = '../google-api-php-client-master/API Project-xxxxxxx.p12';
if (!strlen($service_account_name) || !strlen($key_file_location))
echo missingServiceAccountDetailsWarning();
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName("Whatever the name of your app is");
if (isset($_SESSION['service_token'])) {
$key = file_get_contents($key_file_location);
$cred = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
if($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$_SESSION['service_token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
/* ------------------------- We are now properly authenticated ------------------- */
$calendarService = new Google_Service_Calendar($client);
$calendars = $calendarService->calendars;
Just use your service calendar instance.
$service = new Google_Service_Calendar($client);
$calendar = $service->calendars->clear('primary');

How can I send another variable with FileReference Upload?

I have a problem with the filereference class using the upload function.
I want to send the folderLocation variable with fileReference.upload().
Below I try to describe my strategy.
var folderLocation : String = "photos/myUniqueFolder/";
private var serverSideScript:String = "http://localhost/project/phpFlexMechanism/upload.php";
urlRequest = new URLRequest(serverSideScript);
fileReferenceList.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, fileSelectedHandler);
private function fileSelectedHandler(event:Event):void {
// upload the file to the server side script
fileReference.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, uploadCompleteHandler);
In PHP I use this to get the the file and uploaded
$folder = $_POST['folder'];
$tempFile = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'];
$fileName = $_FILES['Filedata']['name'];
$fileSize = $_FILES['Filedata']['size'];
move_uploaded_file($tempFile, "../user/$folder/uploadImages/" . $fileName);
But how can I send the folder through the "upload reference"?
I would think that, since you FileReference needs a URLRequest, you would be able to piggy back that information through the URLRequest itself by using the object.
I've not had time to test this, but have you tried:
// put this right after you instantiate urlRequest;
var urlVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
urlVars.targetFolder = folderLocation;
urlRequest.method = "post"; = urlVar;
That should let you do:
//replace your last line with these two.
$folder = $_REQUEST[ "targetFolder" ];
move_uploaded_file($tempFile, "../user/$folder/uploadImages/" . $fileName);
in PHP.
the easiest thing you can do is just send it through with a get header in the upload function
so the code looks as follows
private var serverSideScript:String = "http://localhost/project/phpFlexMechanism/upload.php?extraVar=value&extraVarB=value2";
then in the php script you just use
