Generating dictionary from a directory (for Lucene autocomplete) - dictionary

Using Lucene 4.9 (Java), I've been looking for a way to implement an autocomplete/suggest feature. The goal is to use several of the fields data used in my indexed documents as the source of the dictionary. What is the best practice or suggested way of generating a dictionary based on this?
I tried LuceneDirectory, but the issue is that it only accepts one field, shown below:
LuceneDictionary ld = new LuceneDictionary(indexReader, "fieldname");
What i'm looking for is something similar to this, but with a possibility of being able to supply an array of string with fields to populate my dictionary.
My next step was to look at the source of the class of LuceneDirectory, hoping to make my own custom Dictionary class implementing the Lucene directory interface. This however, was outside of my scope, and I was hoping someone else might have already done an implementation of this, or know how I can proceed.
To summarize:
1: How do I create a dictionary from an existing directory, with data from multiple fields(terms)?
2: How do I keep the dictionary updated once it has been created? Should I regenerate it on a regular basis or are there any other best practices for this?

You can add multiple Dictionaries to a SpellChecker, like:
SpellChecker spellchecker = new SpellChecker(spellIndexDirectory);
spellchecker.indexDictionary(new LuceneDictionary(indexReader, "fieldname"));
spellchecker.indexDictionary(new LuceneDictionary(indexReader, "anotherfield"));


Something akin to "Sparse Fieldsets" in .NET

I'm trying to find the vocabulary to describe what I want and if it exists.
I have a table that shows a few data points from large objects. Loading the entire objects just for the table is very slow. Is there a way to only pass to the front the few properties I want without having to define a new object?
I found something called Sparse Fieldsets in JSON API, and I'm wondering if something like this exists for .NET under another name.
Talking to another coder, I realize it probably makes more sense to implement something like this between the backend and the database and make a specific call for this table. I still need to work out if I need to create a new object to support this. I think it'd still be faster if I just kept the same object but nulled out all of the connecting objects that I don't need for the table. But maybe that's considered bad practice? Also we're using Entity Framework for what it's worth.
Update 2:
I just created a new query without all of the .Include() and works well enough for what I need:
.Include(f => f.Apples).ThenInclude(f => f.Apple)
.Include(f => f.Sugars).ThenInclude(f => f.MolecularStructure)
.Include(f => f.Recipe)
Maybe you are looking for Anonymous Types?
For example, if you had a typed object with three properties, but you only wanted to operate on two:
var threePropThing = new ThreePropertyThing { Id = 1, Message = "test", ExtraProperty = "ex" };
var myAnonThing = new { Id = threePropThing.Id, Message = threePropThing.Message };
Best practice would be to not pass this anonymous object around. But, if you really needed to, you could return it as type object.
Typically, when passing data around in c#, you want to have it typed.
C# is a strongly-typed language and I would say that it is unusual for C# to support scenarios, when object definition (properties) are not known in advance, like in JSON API "fields" parameter case. Implementing this would imply using reflection to filter the properties, which is usually slow and error-prone.
When implementing C# web-services, people usually create one DTO response model per each request.
If your table has fixed set of fields, I would personally recommend to create a DTO class containing only the fields which are required for your table, and then create a method which returns this response for your specific request. While it doesn't align with "without having to define a new object" in the question, it makes the intention clear and makes it really easier to maintain the API in future.
You might want to use libraries like AutoMapper to save time and avoid duplicated code of copying the values from data model to DTO, if you have many such methods.

Executing an item in the package as a Dreamweaver Template

Does anybody know if it is possible in a compound template to use a string item in the package and execute it as if were a dreamweaver template? And whether you apply the same method to other mediators (like razor)?
I suspect this is not possible.
Package.EvaluateExpression may be useful, but as the name suggests it'll only work on expressions, not large snippets of code with embedded expressions (i.e. TEL)
Engine.GetMediator expects a Template and returns the appropriate Mediator for it. Your problem then is that the IMediator interface only defines the Transform method, which requires an Engine, a Template and a Package.
I can't think of any elegant ways around these. Maybe write your own Mediator, but that would still expect a Package, not a string, so you'd have to first store the string based Item from another TBB.
My advice: Sounds like you need to go back to the drawing board and find an alternative solution to your problem.
I'm afraid that won't be possible on just any item in the Package, since the Engine expects Templates to be based on Tridion items.
If your Template Item is based on a Tridion Item you can probably get pretty far by starting at the Engine.GetMediator method. If it isn't, you'll have to find some way to turn it into a valid Template object.
Template template = ...
IMediator mediator = engine.GetMediator(template);
mediator.Transform(engine, template, package);
When I have to create a Component object from a Tridion-based Item in the Package, I normally do something like this:
Component component = new Component(item.GetAsXmlDocument().DocumentElement,
I haven't tried, but expect that you can do the same for a Template - given that you start with a valid Item from the Package representing a Template to begin with. You can probably clone the XML from an existing Item or find some other way to fake it.
If you get this to work, it will work across all registered template types. The Engine provides no special treatment for the types that come with Tridion.

Magnolia #cms.newBar

I am creating some Magnolia templates and would like to know if any one has found a way to create a #cms.newBar and somehow use a node as the list of available paragraphs. The syntax is as below:
[#cms.newBar newLabel="Add Content" paragraph="template1, template2" /]
I want to use the node instead to avoid having to come back and add new templates when they are created.
I have seen the docs here and know that nothing is specified but wanted to see if anyone had found a way?
You can do several things, all boiling down to the same:
configure a string property containing "template1, template2", in your template definition. Assuming you're using Freemarker as the templating language, refer to it with ${def.thatProperty} (def references your template definition)
have your model class return that value: ${model.whatsCooking}, where your model class has a method String getWhatsCooking() which returns "template1, template2" (or whatever else you could come up with that decides what paragraphs should be available
STK does something similar to (1) - its template definitions contains Lists of "available" paragraphs, and its templates use some utility method to turn that into a comma-separated list, use with the new bar, so something like ${stk.toStringList(def.main.paragraphs)} (I can't recall the exact names and semantics, but you get the gist).
You should perhaps consider looking into STK for that, and a whole lot of things.
As for documentation, perhaps the templating guide and other docs will be more useful than the javadoc/tlddoc in this case.

How to override record table naming to access existing data in Orchard CMS

I need to access data from pre-existing tables. I've started working my way through creating a module to display the data etc. However, Orchard is prefixing the table commands with the 'Table_Prefix' and 'Module Name'.
Is there any way I can specify what table to bind the model, so that I can use the existing IRepository
I'm trying to steer clear of modifying the core code, or implement my own IRepository ( which I've got a feeling is what I'm going to have to do.)
Thanks in advance.
You can create custom table naming convention (so that it would fit your current naming) by altering the core code, in three ways:
Record name mapping is created in BuildRecord method of
CompositionStrategy class
(Orchard.Framework/Environment/ShellBuilders/CompositionStrategy), so you can simply modify the code here.
By altering the Apply method of Orchard.Data.Conventions.RecordTableNameConvention class. This is where the record table name mappings (built in point 1.) get pushed to NHibernate.
Create your own implementation of FluentNHibernate.Conventions.IClassConvention (similar to RecordTableNameConvention mentioned above and replace the default one used by AutoMap in Orchard.Data.Providers.AbstractDataServicesProvider's CreatePersistenceModel(...) method with it.
You could also create your own IDataServicesProvider implementation, but that would surely be an overkill if you only need to change the table naming convention.
I was modifying CompositionStrategy and discovered that you have to modify the following
1. SetupService.cs (Modules\Orchard.Setup\Services):
Tables hardcoded in the Setup method are
"Orchard_Framework_DataMigrationRecord" and
2. InfosetController.cs (Modules\Upgrade\Controllers):
Multiple tables were hardcoded in this class which need to be updated.
3. DataMigrationManager.cs (Data\Migration):
Replace the SchemaBuilder parameters to the contructor.

ASP.NET MVC - getting started with Linq and SQL procedure

Today is my first day using ASP.NET MVC, and I'm finding it very intriguing. I only just started learning
So basically I'm trying to call a procedure from an MSSQL database, and with it I need to send a paramater "PlaceID", which is an integer. This procedure basically just picks out a number of columns from different tables in the database. Here is the Linq to SQL code
The ultimate goal is to be able to retrieve all the information and return it as JSON with a function that will be available for a javascript.
I'm wondering what is the best way to proceed from here. I know I have to create a view, but I'm still unclear exactly on how I can call the procedure and make it store all the information. I could really use some help on this, some code examples would be excellent. I already wrote a function to convert a datatable to JSON using a stringbuilder, but I get the feeling there is a smarter way to do things.
Any help is very appreciated.
Might I suggest going through the example first. I really think that you may have started down the wrong road and it would be worth backing up and doing some review first. For one thing, you probably don't want to be mixing DataTables and LINQ, typically you'd work with strongly-typed models and have your data context/repository return IQueryable/IEnumerables of the model instead of a DataTable. For another, there is a controller method that is able to turn a model into JSON for you. Generally, you should need to write your own JSON serialization.
Declare a list and serialze it into json.
Here Lstcustomeris a genric list of class type customer
I Assign values to class varable and then insert this class in list of Lstcustomer
Dim js As New System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
Return js.Serialize(Lstcustomer)
