Version control: merging changes between dev and live sites - wordpress

I am new to version control such as git so this may be an easy answer for some... for all my searching I can't find a simple enough answer.
I am developing a wordpress site on a dev server. Another developer is making changes to the live (production) site and some changes are also ftp'ed to the dev site.
Is there a way for me to merge those changes to my local copy so I don't override his changes and he doesn't override mine?
I would hate to push a file to the live site that doesn't have his changes and screw the live site up...

You need to do a git pull before trying to push your changes to the remote.
It's always a good practice to get hold of the latest master branch (assuming that's used on your dev server) before you
start working on your feature branch
push your code
Ideally, before you start working on a feature, get your feature branch to branch off from the latest master. You can do a git fetch <remote_name> and then do this -
git checkout -b <feature_branch> <remote_name>/master
Or better yet, merge the remote master in your local master and then create the feature branch from your local master.
This will ensure that your is created off the latest master on your dev server.
When you cannot push to the dev server, you can do a git pull which will fetch and merge the latest master, to ensure that any of your co-workers' work is included in your work. After you do that, you will not have any issues pushing your code.


Sync wordpress plugin updates to git repo

I have a wordpress site that I am finally getting into git. Previously I was editing changes locally and uploading via ftp. I want to come up with a strategy to be able to do the following:
Update my git repository with any changes made on the ftp server (plugin updates etc). That I will then sync that down into my local copy
Push locally tested changes into git and then deploy via ftp (I know how to do this part)
I don't know the best way to approach 1 and I'm very new to using git (usually use svn).
Using a conventional development workflow on Wordpress is challenging.
Because WP puts too much in the database, including site config, it makes syncing changes from one environment to the other a real pain.
We have a number of WP installs (against my better judgement) and organise our workflow like this.
You might lighten this process if you're not part of a dev team and are going alone.
Local Dev
codebase changes only. Including shortcode development and templating. This lives under a GIT workflow (branches, tags, etc). Plugin/framework updates are installed here, and tested before adding to the gitball.
Beta Live
All content is built here, with any code based changes being requested as needed. Testing is carried out here, responsive, UAT etc.
Code changes are pushed up via deployment scripts which trigger either a GIT pull, or by syncing files via ssh:rsync. heres a good resource on how to use git hooks for this.
For live deployment, we use a WP database migration plugin to get content across, and the git repository to push tagged releases up to the live server. We also use the sync tool to pull down up to date copies of the database to our local dev machines.
I'm sure there are lots of other opinions on what's best, and how to implement them.
My opinion
The fact is is that WP is a bad choice for websites that require a lot of under the hood attention. It was never designed for this, and consequently is a real pain to force into a proper development cycle. If I must use a CMS, I generally use Drupal for sites that need more functionality, its a steeper learning curve, but more than worth it.
You could follow a git flow pattern. This consist of three main branches:
Preform all of your development in the develop branch which you would build and test locally. Then when you are ready to test on a server merge your changes into the release branch for testing. When everything checks out you can then merge into your master branch. From here you can either manually ftp the files from the master branch like you have been or set up a deployment hook to automate deployment to your server when changes are detected.
As your project grows you can implement a couple of other branches to further maintain your build. You can base a new branch feature off of develop when you need to add a new feature then merge it back into develop following the flow back up again. As well as a hotfix branch to take care of any bugs "on the fly" straight off the master branch.
Here is a good example of the git flow pattern:
This article goes into a lot more detail about the git flow pattern and is an awesome resource!
Be sure that whenever you start a new development phase you merge from master to develop so you know you are starting with the most recent version of your project.

How do I download my Appfog app's live file system?

Hello I am a Appfog beginner and I want to ask if I upload picture/plugins/themes via the wordpress admin. Because appfog does not currently support a persistent file system, all the plugins/pictes/themes not in the source code will be lost. Is there anyway to backup the current live system and include these files in the source code that I upload? The download source code button or the "af pull" command will only download the last source code I uploaded not changes that where made for example when I install a plugin.
You can add a helper php script to your app like this:
You can manually download single files using af files <appname> /app/<filename> but this would be painfull for your purposes.
You would be much better served by setting up your Wordpress installation to run locally using Mamp or Xampp. Pull your app as it is from AppFog, host it locally using Mamp, making your file system changes, then pushing those changes to AppFog.
Here are a few reasons why making changes locally then updating AppFog apps is better:
If your running multiple instances of your wordpress app, only one of them will get the installed plugin. Installing the plugin locally and pushing insures all instances get the plugin.
Its much faster to develop and test locally and you can see the results of your changes before impacting your live site.
Your live production site will not go down if your plugin install fails or somehow makes an unintended change. This is also true for Wordpress updates, do them local then push to production.
If your have the changes on your local box you can use version control to track and tag releases before updating production.
blue-green deployments become trivial. Have two production apps, a primary and a slave app. Update your code locally then update the slave and test it then promote it to primary by mapping the domain to it. Then you demote the previous primary to slave by unmapping the domain. The slave is always one update older and you can switch back two it if you discover issue with your primary.
Curating your Wordpress apps this way will allow you to take advantage of power the AppFog platform provides.
I found this script "zipit" even better than the "ls" script Sea Comet provided. This will zip up the entire live app directory and then you download it. This way, you can make changes via the wordpress admin, get it all working the way you want it, then use zipit, unzip the file and push it to your app on appfog and the state is totally saved across restarts.
You can find more info in this blog post over on the old PhpFog blog:

Automated Deployement of ASP.Net Website with a Continuous Deployment model

For our company websites we develop in a style that would be most accurately called Continuous Deployment (
We have a web farm and every site is located on two servers for fail over purposes. We wish to automate the process of deploying to our dev server, test server, and prod servers. Out websites are ASP.Net websites (not web applications) so we don’t do builds, we just push the pages. We generally change our main site anywhere from 2-20 times a day depending on many variables. These changes can be simple text/html changes to adding new pages/functionality.
Currently we use TFS for our source control, and each site is its own repository. We don’t have branches, you manually push your changes to dev (we develop on local machines) when it needs to be reviewed, then after sign off you check in your changes and push them to prod manually (this ensures that the source files are what is actually on prod and merges happen right then). Obviously there is a lot of room for error in here and it happens, infrequently, where a dev forgets a critical file and brings down the entire site.
It seems that most deployment tools are built upon a build process, which isn’t something we are likely to move to since we need to be extremely agile in meeting our business needs. What we’d really like, we think, is something like the following:
Dev gets latest version of website from source control, which is essentially a copy of production
Dev does work on his own box.
When it is ready to be reviewed by task owner he creates some form of changeset (either checking in the change or something else) and a tool would then push that change to dev
After review (and further possible changes) dev then is able to have the tool push all the changes for this task to test (UAT)
After this sign off the changes are automatically pushed to prod and checked into the prod branch, or whatever, for anyone else to get
We’ve toyed around with the idea of having three branches of the code in TFS, but we aren’t sure how you would pull from one branch (prod) but check in to a dev branch (none of us are TFS gurus).
So, how have other people handled this scenario? We are not wedded to TFS as a source control provider if there is something out there that would do what we wanted, nor do we require a vertical solution, we are more than happy to plug in different components as long as they can be plugged in, or even develop our own if we have to.
Thanks in advance.
I'm sure you can do this with TFS, but I've successfully done what you're describing with Mercurial, and it works pretty well.
With Mercurial (I'd assume Git is the same way), you can pull from one repo, and push to another. So you'd pull from Prod, do your change, commit locally, push to Dev, and then whenever you're happy, push the changesets into Prod (either from Dev or from Local, doesn't matter).
To get started, you'd have a Prod repo, then clone it into a Dev repo - both of these are on your server. At this point they're identical.
TortoiseHG on Windows gives you the ability to easily choose which repository you're synchronizing with. You can keep both the Prod and Dev repos in your list, and decide which one to use when it's time to pull or push.

How to develop using GIT on database driven website project?

I like to use a simple Git workflow for static web sites but I build Joomla and Wordpress sites a semi-regular basis too. However I am at a loss as to how to use Git with with database driven site development.
For a static site I would 'Push' to, then push to once the dev site checks out. How would I mimic that process with database driven site like wordpress or joomla.
Thanks in advance for you insight!
You can definitely use Git with your website code, such as changes to your WordPress theme/plugin, exactly as you would if you are developing a static website.
However, you wouldn't use it for your database. Git provides version control for code, while WordPress and Joomla already manage content stored in the database. Plus, Git wouldn't understand a database, so it wouldn't have any advantage over a periodic backup, which you should already be doing. Take a look at running a dev copy of your site for how to download your database directly from your server.
By the way, if you use Git with WordPress/Joomla, you should add e.g. cache, logs, tmp to .gitignore. There are also lots of tutorials out there--try searching e.g.
In addition Chris, you may want to embark on your Git workflow without the handy script approach (at least initially). The script approach and using Git hooks can sure seem sexy (well, because they are) and handy too, but initially why not go with a more manual cmd line approach, which will also help you familiarize yourself with Git.
Once you've got your repo setup (GitHub, Bitbucket, somewhere else) and you've pushed your latest to it and are ready to deploy to production or staging, just login to your host and from wherever you've initialized the git repo (site root, example: /site) just do a:
git pull origin master
This will fetch and merge your code. Good idea to test this on a dev/staging environment and if the merge goes well then do it in production.

Drupal: how to upgrade a running production website to a dev version?

Can you help me to understand, how do I do Drupal website deployment and development?
Suppose, I developed 1.0 version of Berty&Frank website. I copied everything to their production server and it is alive and kicking now. Site is already full of contents and is growing.
I am asked to add additional features to the website. I am now experimenting with the way how I can implement them in a dev version. I am creating/deleting content types, fill created nodes with demo data just to see how they look like etc. Now I found the way and I want to upgrade production website to the same structure as my dev version now. How do I do that?
Is the only way to manually make every change I made in dev version?
I would explore the Aegir project for the future management of your website. It allows you to clone a site, then to upgrade the site to a new "platform" which could be the next release of Drupal or another Drupal system (such as OpenAtrium).
More can be found at the aegir wiki.
You can export/import views and contenttypes, but a lot of settings etc is stored in the db. This gives two options
Either to use something like backup & migrate to import your settings from dev. This wont work if you have test data though, as you would overwrite the db.
The other options is to repeat what you did on the live site.
A third options could be to take a fresh dump of the live site, do all the settings in that db in dev environment and overwrite the live db with that. You could loose some comments etc, but shouldn't be a big deal.
I use Subversion, and just do an update on my production server when I am satisfied with the code on my development server (actually, I have a staging server that is a duplicate of the production machine, so I update that before the production; I can see any bugs that might pop up).
For database changes, I haven't found anything better than just keeping track of my changes (usually adding/modifying CCK fields) and performing the same changes to the production database. I also download my production database regularly, so that dev and staging have almost the same content. That helps to minimize the confusion.
