Meteor Iron Router - Router.go callback possible? - meteor

I've got a link that I want the user to press. When they press it, the router will go to a certain template and then run Smoothscroll.js code to animate and scroll down to the anchor tag.
//When the user clicks on the link to get to the #contact anchor...
//The code below does not work.
scrollTop: $('#contact').offset().top
}, 1200);
Router.go('index') works just fine.
scrollTop: $('#contact').offset().top
}, 1200);
Works as well by itself on the index template.
But when I try to run them together, the router goes to index, but the scrolling does not work.
Any idea how I can do this?
This is what I have for the latest Meteor 1.0+ and a path like /#contact
Router.route('/', {
name: 'index'
Router.onAfterAction(function() {
var self = this;
// always start by resetting scroll to top of the page
// if there is a hash in the URL, handle it
if (this.params.hash) {
// now this is important : Deps.afterFlush ensures that iron-router rendering
// process has finished inserting the current route template into DOM so we
// can manipulate it via jQuery, if you skip this part the HTML element you
// want to scroll to might not yet be present in the DOM (this is probably
// why your code fails in the first place)
Tracker.afterFlush(function() {
if (typeof $("#" + self.params.hash).offset() != "undefined"){
var scrollTop = $("#" + self.params.hash).offset().top;
scrollTop: scrollTop

Unless you're doing something fancy you probably don't want to use Router.go and instead let iron-router manage routing on anchor click as it normally does.
As far as scrolling to an element is concerned, this is the onAfterAction hook I'm using, it supports any route and any hash (/anyroute#anyhash).
Router.onAfterAction(function() {
// always start by resetting scroll to top of the page
var hash=this.params.hash;
// if there is a hash in the URL, handle it
if (hash) {
// now this is important : Tracker.afterFlush ensures that iron-router
// rendering process has finished inserting the current route template
// into DOM so we can manipulate it via jQuery, if you skip this part
// the HTML element you want to scroll to might not yet be present in
// the DOM (this is probably why your code fails in the first place)
Tracker.afterFlush(function() {
var element=$("#"+hash);
var scrollTop = element.offset().top;
scrollTop: scrollTop


Can’t call View#subscribe from inside the destroyed callback

I got an error and strange behavior inside template.onDestoyed;
I have code for infinite scroll subscribtion (it stored in special subscribtion-template) It work fine, until i switch to another route, and create a new instance of subscriber-template.
Template.subscriber.onCreated(function() {
var template = this;
var skipCount = 0;
template.autorun(function(c) {
template.subscribe(, skipCount,;
var block = true;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if (($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) >= ($(document).height()) && block) {
block = false;
skipCount = skipCount +;
console.log("skip_count is "+skipCount);
template.subscribe(, skipCount,, {
onReady: function() {
block = true;
onStop: function() {
console.log('route switched, subscribtion stopped');
When i "scroll down" on a page, subscriber work fine, when i go in another page and "scroll down" first i get a data from old subscriber template (what must be destroyed in theory) in first time. In second time (scroll down again) new instance of subscriber starts works normally.
What i doing wrong?
The good guy from meteor forums helped me.
Actually the problem is in jquery.scroll event. It not cleaned up when template is destroyed. (Is it a bug? Or it is normal behavior?). I just needed to unbind the scroll event in onDestroyed section.

Meteor Iron Router not working on certain links

I have a route like this:
Router.route('/box', function () {
name: 'box',
layoutTemplate: 'appWrapperLoggedInTpl',
waitOn: function() {
console.log("Box route ran ok.");
return [
Meteor.subscribe('item_ownership_pub', function() {
console.log("subscription 'item_ownership_pub' is ready.");
Meteor.subscribe('my_items', function() {
console.log("subscription 'my_items' is ready.");
... and I am clicking a link in a Template like this:
My Link
I receive the 'Box route ran ok.' message, but some reason the page does not navigate to the given URL. I have added console.log code in the funciton that is run when the 'boxCanvasTpl' is rendered, but these aren't showing in the browser console. It seems that something inbetween is stopping the templkate from re-rendering, but can't put my finger on it - any ideas?
There are some properties of Iron Router that you need to be aware of.
Say that the user is currently already on /boxes and there is a box template that renders for that path. If you:
click on a link Click Me
click on a link Click Me
Iron Router will NOT re-render the template because it already exists on the page. It will also NOT re-render the template if the box template happens to be a partial template that is already rendered on the page that you're on and also exists on the page that you want to navigate to.
Since it doesn't re-render, any code you have inside will also not run again.
This behavior is most common in your layout, header, and footer templates. For many users, these templates are used for all of a website's pages, regardless of path. Because the layout, header, and footer template is rendered on a person's first visit to the site, they won't be re-rendered ever again if the user decides to navigate to other parts of the site using the same templates, so the code inside Template.layout/header/footer.onRendered won't fire.
Also note - even if a reactive Spacebars helper changes the physical look of the layout / header / footer, it doesn't qualify as an actual render, so reactive updates to the template do not trigger the onRendered callback.
The lack of re-rendering is what gives Meteor that "snappy" feel.
Try to code in a reactive, event-driven style. Try not to think too much in a render / re-render sense.
You go to /box
You click on a link for /box?box=2342
Get your params or query in Iron Router
In Iron Router use the data from the params or query to set the data context for the template.
Grab stuff from the data context as needed inside of the template's .onRendered, .events, and .helpers callbacks.
Set Session vars as necessary and use them in helpers to give reactive changes to the page without having to re-render a template. Also use events to trigger updates to the session vars to, again, trigger reactive changes to the page.
Try this:
afterwards, go to /test?BUNNIES=lalalala
check out the console logs
<template name="test">
myData: function() {
console.log("data context accessed from test.helpers: ", this);
console.log("this.BUNNIES accessed from test.helpers: ", this.BUNNIES);
return this.BUNNIES;
Template.test.onRendered(function() {
console.log("data context accessed from test.onRendered: ",;
'click': function(){
console.log("data accessed from ", this);
Router.route('/test', function() {
}, {
name: 'test',
data: function(){
//here I am setting the data context
// for /test?BUNNIES=1234
var query = this.params.query;
console.log("query: ", query);
return query;
waitOn: function() {
console.log("waitOn is running (should see this message once for each subscription)");
return [
way cleaner way of writing router
Router.route('/test', {
waitOn: function() {
console.log("waitOn is running (should see this message once for each subscription");
return [
data: function(){
var query = this.params.query;
console.log("query: ", query);
return query;
action: function(){
console.log("this will re-render if url params changed");

Meteor event when Template is freshed

I am working on a Meteor project that has come custom Pagination using Sessions. The template rendering the contents of said items is using ellipsis.js and highlight.js to do some DOM formatting. The code looks something like thus:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
Session.setDefault("homePageSize", 10);
Session.setDefault("homePageStart", 0);
Template.home.articlesPaginated = function() {
return Articles.find({published: true}, {sort: {post_date: -1}, skip: Session.get("homePageStart"), limit: Session.get("homePageSize")});
Template.home.rendered = function() {
// Setup ellipsis
ellipsis: '...',
wrap: 'word',
fallbackToLetter: true,
after: $('a.blog_continue')
// Setup highlight.js
$('pre code').each(function(i, block) {
'click .next': function(event) {
var offset = Session.get("homePageStart") + Session.get("homePageSize");
if (offset < 0) {
offset = 0;
Session.set("homePageStart", offset);
'click .prev': function(event) {
var offset = Session.get("homePageStart") - Session.get("homePageSize");
if (offset < 0) {
offset = 0;
Session.set("homePageStart", offset);
Pagination is working just fine, but as soon as the Template re-renders I loose all the ellipsis.js and highlight.js formatting. I know the obvious reason is that the DOM has changed, and since the Template.render only runs once up-front and doesn't happen when the Template re-renders the DOM updates are not being applied. So, what is the best way to trigger ellipsis.js and highlight.js after the Template is done such that it gets re-called everytime the Template re-renders?
Basically you need to listen for changes in your Articles collection, which is a client-side subset of the server database clipped to contain only the currently visible paginated articles.
When you detect a change in the articles subset, you'll need to retrigger initialization of ellipsis.js and highlight.js.
You could reorganize your code as follow :
First, we define the cursor declaration as a separate function on his own because we need to use it twice :
function articlesPaginated(){
return Articles.find({
published: true
}, {
sort: {
post_date: -1
skip: Session.get("homePageStart"),
limit: Session.get("homePageSize")
Then in the rendered callback, we need to setup a reactive computation that will depend on this cursor, so whenever the articles subset is updated to a new page, our computation will rerun.
But we need to be aware that the helper we defined on the home template returns the same cursor so it's going to be invalidated and trigger DOM refresh AT THE SAME TIME... JavaScript is single-threaded and the Tracker.Computation manual states that the order of execution of concurrently invalidated computations is unpredictable.
So we cannot just trigger the ellipsis/highlight initialization code in the computation because this setup code assumes that the DOM is ready, however at this precise moment we don't know if DOM manipulation has just happened before or is going to happen immediately after.
Fortunately there is a Tracker.afterFlush method which allows us to execute code after concurrent computations are done so we are sure that by that time DOM state is OK.
Having understand all these implications, we can write the following rendered callback :
// declare a template managed Deps.Computation
// have this reactive computation depend on the SAME cursor
// that triggers DOM rerendering
var articles=articlesPaginated();
// forEach is actually the method that triggers a dependency on the cursor in this computation
// you can manipulate the model here if needed
// setup a callback to execute your DOM alteration code after
// it is actually rerendered by Blaze
// your ellipsis/highlight initialization code goes here
If you can put your Articles into another template, then you could apply formatting individually as they are inserted.
Template.article.rendered = function () {
// Setup ellipsis
ellipsis: '...',
wrap: 'word',
fallbackToLetter: true,
after: $('a.blog_continue')
// Setup highlight.js
this.$('pre code').each(function(i, block) {
Assuming your template looks something like this.
<template name="home">
{{#each articlesPaginated}}
{{> article}}
{{> paginationControls}}
This has the added benefit of scoping the formatting to just the articles, rather than the entire DOM.

how to properly handle dom ready for Meteor

I am currently using iron-router and this is my very first attempt to try out the Meteor platform. I has been running into issues where most of the jquery libraries failed to initialized properly because the of the way Meteor renders html, $(document).ready() fires before any templates are rendered. I am wondering is there any callbacks from Meteor/iron-router that allows me to replace the jQuery's dom ready?
Also, how should I (easily and properly) handle the live update of the dom elements if some of them are customized by jQuery/javascript?
This is what i am currently doing, i feel like it is very hackish and probably would run into issues if the elements got updated after the initialization.
var jsInitalized = false; () {
this.route('', {
path: '/',
layoutTemplate: 'default',
after: function(){
$(document).ready( function() { $$$(); });
}, 0);
jsInitalized = true;
With Meteor you generally want to think about when a template is ready, not when the dom is ready.
For example, let's say you want to use the jQuery DataTables plugin to add sorting to a table element that's created by a template. You would listen to the template's rendered event and bind the plugin to the dom:
<template name="data_table">
<table class="table table-striped" id="tblData">
Template.data_table.rendered = function () {
Now anytime the template is re-rendered (for example, if the data changes), your handler will be called and you can bind the jQuery plugin to the dom again.
This is the general approach. For a complete example (that includes populating the table with rows) see this answer.
Try making a separate .js file, call it rendered.js if you'd like. and then;
Template.layout.rendered = function ()
I use template layout, but you can do Template.default.rendered. I hope that helps.
Also take a look at this part of documentation, especially the;
I use Meteor v0.8.0 with Iron Router (under Windows 7) and here is how I handle 'DOM ready':
When I want to modify the DOM after a specific template has been rendered:
I use Template.myTemplateName.rendered on the client side : = function()
When I want to modify the DOM after any new path has been rendered:
I use Router.onAfterAction, but there seems to be a trick:
}, 0);
Notice the setTimeout(..., 0), it doesn't work for me otherwise (DOM empty).
Notice that you can use onAfterAction on specific path, but most of the time I think it is redundant with the Template.myTemplateName.rendered method above.
What seems to be missing:
A way to modify the DOM after any template has been rendered.

How to test Meteor router or Iron router with laika

I'm using laika for testing and the meteor-router package for routing. I want to do tests that navigate to some page, fill a form, submit it and check for a success message, but I'm stuck on the navigation part. This was my first attempt:
var assert = require('assert');
suite('Router', function() {
test('navigate', function(done, server, client) {
client.eval(function() {'test');
var title = $('h1').text();
emit('title', title);
.once('title', function(title) {
assert.equal(title, 'Test');
This doesn't work because doesn't have a callback and I don't know how to execute the next line when the new page is loaded.
I tried also with something like this
var page = require('webpage').create();'http://localhost:3000/test', function () {
but I got the error Error: Cannot find module 'webpage'
I'm moving to iron router, so any answer with that also will be helpful.
I had the same problem. I needed to navigate to some page before running my tests. I'm using iron router as well. I figured you can't just execute Router.go('foo') and that's it. You need to wait until the actual routing took place. Fortunately the router exposes a method Router.current() which is a reactive data source that will change as soon as your page is ready. So, in order to navigate to a specific route before running my tests, I firstly run the following code block:
// route to /some/path
client.evalSync(function() {
// react on route change
Deps.autorun(function() {
if (Router.current().path == '/some/path') {
Since this is within an evalSync()everything that follows this block will be executed after the routing has finished.
Hope this helps.
Laika now includes a waitForDOM() function you can set up to wait for a specific DOM element to appear, which in this case would be an element in the page you're loading.
client.eval(function() {
Router.go( 'test' );
waitForDOM( 'h1', function() {
var title = $('h1').text();
emit( 'title', title );
The first parameter is a jQuery selector.
