I have a dilemma for a control system, and due to my poor maths ability am unable to resolve it despite days of googling -
I am using an Arduino with an MPU6050 to get Yaw, Pitch, and Roll which is converted from a quaternion (to prevent gimbal lock)
This issue i have is due to space i am unable to mount the gyroscope flat with x facing forwards, z facing up/down and y facing left. Instead, i can only mount the gyroscope with x facing down, y facing forwards and z facing right / left. EG Axis ( Roll , Pitch , Yaw ) have become (Yaw,Roll,Pitch). I am trying to convert the quaternion to reflect this change, but have no idea how. I have tried adding a quaternion to it, but no success. Anyone got any ideas how best to use an IMU mounted this way?
I might be wrong here but since you're rotating the orientation vector(yaw, pitch, roll) by a constant rotation you don't need to worry about gimbal lock. You can simply multiply your orientation vector by the corresponding pre-calculated rotation matrix.
I'm working with a MPU9250 to control a 3D position. I have an object that can rotate in 3 axis ( Roll, Pitch and Yaw) but I found some problems.
Initially I tried to calculate Euler Angles from Quaternions, but I discover that Euler Angles have 2 discontinuity in +/- 90 degrees, and so if I rotate the MPU for 365 deg it gives me wrong values like it's shifting while rotating.
I read that there is the possibility to convert Quaternions to DCM (Direction Cosine Matrix) but I find this algorithm fills too much the Arduino processor for calculations.
The last possibility that comes to my mind is to control the position directly with Quaternions, so I have to "forecast" the arriving Quaternion to stop the rotation when the MPU will give me the same Quaternion.
If anyone knows how to implement this or any other way please let me know your suggestions.
Many thanks,
I am using arduino and accelerometer MMA7341 to measure the acceleration in x direction of an oscillating metal table. But the mounting of the accelerometer is tilted by a small angle (say Q) . Is it affect the acceleration?. If it is affect the acceleration in x direction , how can correct it without changing the tilt of the acceleration sensor.
"Tilt" and "acceleration" are both the same, from the perspective of most sensors, since both measure a force, rather than an actual angle (tilt) or change in velocity (acceleration).
What you should do is make sure the object on which the sensor is mounted is "level", within the best of your ability to determine such a thing, and use the values from analogRead() or whatever else your device provides, as the "0" values.
For the MMA7341 you'll also need to calibrate your analog signals, or else use a high precision reference as input to the Aref pin, assuming you're Arduino exposes that pin.
I think this depends on what you are measuring. THe MMA7341 looks to be able to be used for acceleration as well as tilt. If you are measuring acceleration then the mounting position doesn't matter since acceleration is a change of velocity and the velocity delta will be constant regardless of orientation.
If you are measuring tilt then thats obviously different. You could theoretically measure the initial tilt and then compensate for that in your code if you wanted to of course.
I'm working on an FPS with the jPCT library. One key thing that all FPS's need is to prevent the players from looking behind them by pulling the mouse too far up/down. Currently, I'm using some example code found on the jPCT's website that keeps track of how many angles have been added to the camera, but I'm worried about rounding issues with all the angles in radians. I can get a rotation Matrix from jPCT's camera, and I know that it contains the information to figure out how "high" up the player is looking, but I have no clue how to get it out of the matrix.
What would I look for in the rotation matrix that will tell me if the player is looking more "up" than strait up and more "down" than strait down?
If you're updating your matrix each time the player moves you're going to run into trouble due to floating point errors and your rotation matrix will turn into a skew matrix. One solution is to orthonormalise the matrix every now and then but usually it's better to simply keep the player's pitch, yaw (and roll if you need it) as floats and build your matrix from those angles when the player changes orientation, looks up/down etc. If you use optimised code for each angle (or a single method for converting Euler angles to a matrix) it's not slower than what you seem to be doing right now. You won't run into Gimbal lock issues as the camera orientation will be restricted anyway.
As for your specific question I think you'd need to calculate the angle between matrix Z axis (the third row or column, depends how your matrices are oriented) and an unrotated vector pointing down your Z axis.
I've been trying to build a filter that can successfully combine compass, geomagnetic, and gyroscopic data to produce a smooth augmented reality experience. After reading this post along with lots of discussions, I finally found out a good algorithm to correct my sensor data. Most examples I've read show how to correct accelerometers with gyroscopes, but not correct compass + accelerometer data with gyroscope. This is the algorithm I've settled upon, which works great except that I run into gimbal lock if I try to look at the scene if I'm not facing North. This algorithm is Balance Filter, only instead of only implemented in 3D
Initialization Step:
Initialize a world rotation matrix using the (noisy) accelerometer and compass sensor data (this is provided by the Android already)
Update Steps:
Integrate the gyroscope reading (time_delta * reading) for each axis (x, y, z)
Rotate the world rotation matrix using the Euler angles supplied by the integration
Find the Quaternion from the newly rotated matrix
Find the rotation matrix from the unfiltered accelerometer + compass data (using the OS provided function, I think it uses angle/axis calculation)
Get the quaternion from the matrix generated in the previous step.
Slerp between quaternion generated in step 2 (from the gyroscope), and the accelerometer data using a coefficient based on some experimental magic
Convert back to a matrix and use that to draw the scene.
My problem is that when I'm facing North and then try to look south, the whole thing blows up and it appears to be gimbal lock. After a few gimbal locks, the whole filter is in an undefined state. Searching around I hear everybody saying "Just use Quaternions" but I'm afraid it's not that simple (at least not to me) and I know there's something I'm just missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The biggest reason to use quaternions is to avoid the singularity problem with Euler angles. You can directly rotate a quaternion with gyro data.
Many appologies if information is delayed or not useful specifically but may be useful to others as I found it after some research:::
a. Using a kalman (linear or non linear) filter you do following ::
Gyro to integrate the delta angle while accelerometers tell you the outer limit.
b. Euler rates are different from Gyro rate of angle change so you ll need quaternion or Euler representation::
Quaternion is non trivial but two main steps are ----
1. For Roll, pitch,yaw you get three quaternions as cos(w) +sin(v) where w is scalar part and v is vector part (or when coding just another variable)
Then simply multiply all 3 quat. to get a delta quaternion
i.e quatDelta[0] =c1c2*c3 - s1s2*s3;
quatDelta[1] =c1c2*s3 + s1s2*c3;
quatDelta[2] =s1*c2*c3 + c1*s2*s3;
quatDelta[3] =c1*s2*c3 - s1*c2*s3;
where c1,c2,c3 are cos of roll,pitch,yaw and s stands for sin of the same actually half of those gyro pre integrated angles.
2. Then just multiply by old quaternion you had
newQuat[0]=(quaternion[0]*quatDelta[0] - quaternion[1]*quatDelta[1] - quaternion[2]*quatDelta[2] - quaternion[3]*quatDelta[3]);
newQuat[1]=(quaternion[0]*quatDelta[1] + quaternion[1]*quatDelta[0] + quaternion[2]*quatDelta[3] - quaternion[3]*quatDelta[2]);
newQuat[2]=(quaternion[0]*quatDelta[2] - quaternion[1]*quatDelta[3] + quaternion[2]*quatDelta[0] + quaternion[3]*quatDelta[1]);
newQuat[3]=(quaternion[0]*quatDelta[3] + quaternion[1]*quatDelta[2] - quaternion[2]*quatDelta[1] + quaternion[3]*quatDelta[0]);
As you loop through the code it gets updated so only quatenion is a global variables not the rest
3. Lastly if you want Euler angles from them then do the following:
`euler[2]=atan2(2.0*(quaternion[0]*quaternion[1]+quaternion[2]*quaternion[3]), 1-2.0*(quaternion[1]*quaternion[1]+quaternion[2]*quaternion[2]))euler[1]=safe_asin(2.0*(quaternion[0]*quaternion[2] - quaternion[3]*quaternion[1]))euler[0]=atan2(2.0*(quaternion[0]*quaternion[3]+quaternion[1]*quaternion[2]), 1-2.0*(quaternion[2] *quaternion[2]+quaternion[3]*quaternion[3]))`
euler[1] is pitch and so on..
I just wanted to outline general steps of quaternion implementation. There may be some minor errors but I tried this myself and it works. Please note that when changing to euler angles you will get singularities also called as "Gimbal lock"
An important note here is that this is not my work but I found it over the internet and wanted to thank who ever did this priceless code...Cheers
So I have written a Quaternion based 3D Camera oriented toward new programmers so it is ultra easy for them to integrate and begin using.
While I was developing it, at first I would take user input as Euler angles, then generate a Quaternion based off of the input for that frame. I would then take the Camera's Quaternion and multiply it by the one we generated for the input, and in theory that should simply add the input rotation to the current state of the camera's rotation, and things would be all fat and happy. Lets call this: Accumulating Quaternions, because we are storing and adding Quaternions only.
But I noticed that there was a problem with this method. The more I used it, even if I was only rotating on one Euler angle, say Yaw, it would, over some iterations, begin bleeding over into another, say Pitch. It was slight, but fairly unacceptable.
So I did some more research and found an article stating it was better to accumulate Euler angles, so the camera stores it's current rotation as Euler angles, and input is simply added to them each frame. Then I generate a Quaternion from them each frame, which is in turn used to generate my rotation matrix. And this fixed the issue of rotation bleeding into improper axes.
So do any Stackoverflow members have any insight into this problem? Is that a proper way of doing things?
Multiplying quaternions is going to suffer from accumulation of floating-point roundoff issues (even simple angles like 45 degrees won't be exact). It's a great way to composite rotations, but the precision of each of your quaternion components is going to drop-off over time. The bleed-through is one side-effect, a visually worse one though is your quaternion could start incorporating a scale factor - to recover that, you'd have to renormalize back to Euler angles in any case. A fixed-point Euler angle isn't going to accumulate roundoff.
Recalculating the quaternion per-frame is minimal. I wouldn't bother trying to optimize it out. You could probably allow a few quaternions to accumulate before you renormalized to get the accuracy back, but it really isn't worth the effort.
Accumulation is an inexact process. Accumulating lots of incremental rotations will accumulate roundoff error whether you do it with quaternions or matrices.
I imagine something like this: you got your code up and running, but noticed that after a certain amount of navigation your camera was heeling over annoyingly -- violating an invariant you hadn't thought of in advance. Effectively, you've realized you don't want to accumulate rotations; instead you want to do something else.
You can look at this as more of an interface design issue than a numerical accuracy issue. Basically, people expect a camera to navigate according to pitch, yaw, and roll, so choosing to control and represent the angles directly can avoid a lot of problems.
The bummer here is that the quaterions seem to have become redundant (for this particular usage, at least). You still want the quaternions, though -- interpolating with the raw pitch/yaw/roll angles can be ugly. Again, it's an interface design question: you need to figure out where you'll need the quaternions, and how to get them in and out...
I've seen both argued for. I think the real question you'll have to deal with is flexibility in your camera system down the line; IMO yaw is generally more interesting in a third-person view (because you're going to rotate about the character's vertical axis). While you can arguably "yaw" around the vertical in first-person view as well, I'm not sure it's really the same thing.
However, I do think it's kind of a waste to recalculate your quaternions per-frame. Perhaps it would be better to store the latest quaternions and mark them dirty if your frame receives input?