hide navigation bar programmatically while application running - navigationbar

I am developing an android game with webview layout. I would like to hide the navigation bar while the user is playing the game. I have found some solutions but when I touch the screen the navigation bar shows up.
What am I doing wrong? Here is my non-working solution:

you need to make use of following piece of code to reset the flags again :
View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();
(new View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener() {
public void onSystemUiVisibilityChange(int visibility) {
// Note that system bars will only be "visible" if none of the
if ((visibility & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN) == 0) {
} else {
// TODO: The system bars are NOT visible. Make any desired
// adjustments to your UI, such as hiding the action bar or
// other navigational controls.
also, read through this page to know how to handle your scenario


I want my buttons and BG to stay in one position as the view controller elements transition

I have been working on this for hours(today)/months. I just want my BG to stay permanent in all view controllers as well as the same buttons with the same commands for all of them.
It is only the foreground element that is transitioning around in the center of the viewfinder, from side to side.
I tried using a subclass, it did not effect my view controller at all. When it came to trying to get my buttons to stay, i tried to cheat and use a tab bar, but the tab bar controller is locked at the bottom and I can't move it up the y axis.
Is there an easier way? Is there a way to make a view controller have the main components and every other view controller has sub components that transitions, one from another using the main components controller.
When attempting to make a subclass, I made a touch class file and put..
import UIKit
class WallpaperWindow: UIWindow {
var wallpaper: UIImage? = UIImage(named: "BG.png") {
didSet {
// refresh if the image changed
init() {
super.init(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
//clear the background color of all table views, so we can see the background
UITableView.appearance().backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
// draw the wallper if set, otherwise default behaviour
if let wallpaper = wallpaper {
wallpaper.draw(in: self.bounds);
} else {
and then put
var window: UIWindow? = WallpaperWindow()
into my AppDelegate...
the code was working find, just my background did not change at all...
Related in making the tab bar move up the y axis I had no luck, it was locked....counting even tough the UIcoding..

Problems changing the flags of a QWidget

I have a QWidget as the child of another within my application. The task consists of putting the internal widget in full screen mode and being able to see it again in normal mode with the same button. This partly I have managed to do it in the following way:
setWindowFlags(windowFlags() | Qt::Window);
setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::Window);
The problem arises when you return to see the widget in normal mode. Things that happen:
The mouse cursor stays with pointing hand cursor.
The button to change mode remains in hover state (the background color is changed when the mouse is over)
Passing the mouse through other widget controls does not change its appearance
I have to click on the widget to fix the behavior. It's as if the widget did not receive events of any kind or something like that. I tried calling setFocus () and it did not work. I have also tried to send an event by hand in the following way but it has not worked either:
QMouseEvent my_event(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, QPointF (0, 0), Qt :: NoButton, 0, 0);
QApplication::sendEvent(this, & my_event);
Any ideas?
Cannot reproduce your issue on Xubuntu with Qt5.9.4.
However I did the same in my last job, and it worked correctly on all platforms. It was something like this, I think:
orignalParentLayout->addWidget(this); // better: insert at correct position
For this you have to add some knowledge about the parent's layout though. You could try to detect that info before going into full screen mode, but it is probably not worth the effort.
You could also try:
logicalParent = parentWidget();
If you have no layout. You might also want to store the geometry before going to full screen.

Smooth scrolling in JavaFX TableView

I am writing a small chat application in Kotlin with TornadoFX that works so far.
I am currently trying to make it more visually appealing when receiving new messages.
The messages are in a TableView (sender - message) but scrolling to new messages isn't smooth like I would like.
The snippet where I need help is relatively short:
addEventHandler(ScrollToEvent.ANY) {
timeline {
val keyValue = KeyValue(/* property to change */, /* target value */, Interpolator.EASE_OUT)
keyframe(0.25.seconds) {
In general I need help figuring out which property to change and what the target should be in this line:
KeyValue(/* property to change */, /* target value */, Interpolator.EASE_OUT)
Ok, I found the solution.
One needs to lookup the ScrollBar the TableView provides, once enough rows are present (and when scrolling actually does anything).
From TornadoFX JavaFX Sync Scroll across tableviews, I adapted the lookup and came up with this, working, code:
addEventHandler(ScrollToEvent.ANY) {
timeline {
val scrollBar = lookupAll(".scroll-bar").first() as ScrollBar
val keyValue = KeyValue(scrollBar.valueProperty(), scrollBar.max, Interpolator.EASE_OUT)
keyframe(0.5.seconds) {

How do I disable the Show Tab Bar menu option in Sierra apps?

I've got an app that uses a Toolbar in a NSWindow. I don't want users to be able to customize this toolbar for aesthetic reasons. In Sierra there's a new Menu option that gets inserted into "Menu > View" called Show Tab Bar. How do I disable this? Enabling it only seems to increase the tool bar's height as I don't have extra labels showing under the icons.
You can also do this on IB, on the Window’s attributes inspector
On 10.12, you need to now set the following when the window is created as Tab Bar is now available by default:
[NSWindow setAllowsAutomaticWindowTabbing: NO];
The answer is the same in Swift and SwiftUI
func applicationWillFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) {
NSWindow.allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing = false
Note that the call is made on the class NSWindow not on an instance of NSWindow
To disable tabbing on individual windows call setTabbingMode:
if([window respondsToSelector:#selector(setTabbingMode:)]) {
// this particular window doesn't support tabbing in Sierra.
[window setTabbingMode:NSWindowTabbingModeDisallowed];
If you don't want to compile against the latest frameworks, you can use the following code in your NSWindowsController sub classes:
override func awakeFromNib() {
if NSAppKitVersionNumber > 1500 {
self.window?.setValue(2, forKey: "tabbingMode")
- (void)awakeFromNib {
if (NSAppKitVersionNumber > 1500) {
[self.window setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:#"tabbingMode"];
Swift solution:
override func awakeFromNib() {
if #available(OSX 10.12, *) {
tabbingMode = .disallowed
Swift 5
In your NSWindowController:
self.window?.tabbingMode = .disallowed

Replace default play button on Brightcove's Smart Player on mobile devices

Quite likely I just need the right terms to find the answer; however, I imagine someone else has already encountered this problem and knows right away how to solve it.
I'm using Brightcove's services and their Smart Player. I've configured a Chromeless player and tried to eliminate ALL controls because my page's controls will use their API to play, pause, etc. On desktop, this works just ok. On mobile devices (iOS7 Safari) there is a play button overlay on the video player that I'd like to replace with my own graphic.
I'd like to turn this:
into this:
Anyone know how to do this? I can't just reach into the player with JavaScript because it's in an iframe filled by Brightcove services.
You can do this with a javascript player plugin, which runs inside the player iframe. Use the overlay API to create your custom play button and playOverlayCallbacks() to prevent the default play overlay from being displayed.
Something like this would work in a plugin:
(function() {
function addPlayOverlay() {
var overlay = videoPlayer.overlay();
$(overlay).css('background', 'transparent url("http://example.com/playbutton.png") no-repeat center center')
.css("-webkit-box-shadow","inset 0 0 150px rgba(0,0,0,0.9)")
// Play when custom overlay is clicked
show: function() {
// Show custom overlay
// Prevent standard play overlay
return false;
hide: function() {
// Hide play overlay
return false;
bcplayer = brightcove.api.getExperience(),
videoPlayer = bcplayer.getModule(brightcove.api.modules.APIModules.VIDEO_PLAYER),
experience = bcplayer.getModule(brightcove.api.modules.APIModules.EXPERIENCE);;
if (experience.getReady()) {
} else {
experience.addEventListener(brightcove.player.events.ExperienceEvent.TEMPLATE_READY, addPlayOverlay);
