Is it possible to create a custom Workflow Foundation Receive activity not based upon WCF? - workflow-foundation-4

In our company, we have created a custom Message Oriented Middleware Platform to exchange messages between various entities. This Platform uses a custom messaging subsystem based upon Microsoft Azure Service Bus Topics and Subscriptions.
I would like to add the capability to orchestrate the exchange using Workflow Foundation.
In my view, I will need to build a set of custom activities, in order to be able to send and receive messages to the underlying messaging subsytem.
How is it possible to build a custom Receive activity that can listen to our custom messaging subsystem ? Is it possible for this activity to activate the Workflow (using a CanCreateInstance property) ?


Docusign Connect Webhook Writer and Listener in .Net core

I'm new to the concept of Docusign but I have successfully developed API for Envelope creation and View Url. For creating Docusign connect, I have created a Connect Configuration in the Docusign Developer Admin account. It would be a help if someone guides me on how to proceed with the Webhook Writer and Listener for the Envelope events in .Net core.I have my Event Notification object configured as well.
The other Questions mentioned related to Webhooks in StackOverflow are partial.
Welcome to our platform.
The first thing you want to do is to deploy your listener in cloud provider of your choice. We provide samples for Azure, GCP and AWS.
Then for your worker, you want to look at the following code sample:
or use related cloud provider. You will then need to update your Connect configuration with your listener endpoint.
In a nutshell, the listener will receive the events from DS Connect and queues them. The worker will pull the new events off the queue and processes them.
We have a couple videos and material coming shortly that will cover this topic in full details, so stay tuned.

Is Firebase Cloud Messaging indicated for social activity messages

I need to handle social activity events in my web app application developed using Vue JS framework and Firebase.
I want to show to the user “Facebook like” notifications when some activity happen in the application, for example:
“John liked your post”.
Is Firebase Cloud Messaging useful for this scenario? Or do I have to develop some custom solution from scratch?
If Firebase Cloud Messaging do the job, is it possible to send messages directly from user web client?
You should not try to send messages directly from the web client. FCM is intended to be used via a secure backend where your code runs to send messages. The reason a backend is needed is to prevent your private server key from being exposed to the world, which can cause security issues in your app.
You will have to arrange on your backend to determine when events occur that should generate messages, and use the Firebase Admin SDK to send those message, or work with the REST API directly.

Difference between EventDispatcher and Messenger

What is the basic difference between dispatching an Event by Messenger and dispatching an Event by Symfony EventDispatcher Component ?
Symfony Messenger is a tool to help you building a bus messenger system.
Typically, you would use it if your application needs to communicate with external services (using an AMQP protocol, for example).
The EventDispatcher system gives your components the ability to communicate between them.
You'll use this system if you want to make inner parts of your application communicate.
As you've already tagged this question with RabbitMQ: have you tried to use the EventDispatcher and RabbitMQ? I don't think this is possible.
But to cite the official documentation, located at
The Messenger component helps applications send and receive messages to/from other applications or via message queues.
The pure ability to handle a message in another request (through using a transport) makes a huge difference to the EventDispatcher, which handles all given events in the same instance of your application. Restarting the application (through a new shell call, or a new web server request) will definitely kill all events that have not been handled yet through the EventDispatcher, but those stored using a transport might still be there

Kafka Based Notification Engine for sending push notifications to Android and iOS apps

I am designing a Notification Engine (Java Based) which will be used as an one stop shop for various other systems to send notification to different channels (push notifications, SMS, email etc). I wish to build this system to use Kafka as a message broker component (there will be many other components as well).
My query is specific to app push notifications (our current system uses FCM topic based subscribed notifications coming from individual systems who publish). The New Notification Engine will be working as the Kafka Producer and publish messages in regular intervals ( as configured in the Scheduler Component of this system) to the topics. How do the app user get the notifications as soon as they are published ? I am assuming the apps here have to work as Kafka Consumer. What is the best way to achieve this ? Is Kafka REST Proxy an option for the Mobile Apps to act like Kafka Consumers ? Would it be overload for mobile app to handle all the consumer responsibility ?

Worklight Unified Push Notification - JMS Queue Pulling Architecture

For reference check the below URL.
I have hosted my Worklight Server in IBM softlayer. Is SoftLayer Message Queue is a JMS 2.0 API based message queue or different. If its a JMS based message queue, it possible to use that for IBM Worklight Unified Push Notification.
It is not clear from your question if you are asking whether this is possible, or that you have done so and ask for opinions... Edit the question and clarify.
If the SoftLayer Message Queue supports JMS, then it will probably work.
If not, then you should probably go for the second architecture from the linked blog post.
SO a few clarification here:
1 Of this is hosted on SoftLayer --- can u add more details... SL has may products include typical IaaS type offerings and services and API include Message queuing an Object storage.
2. Softlayer also provides server/storage/network etc which are IaaS type offerings.
assuming you installed WL on a instance and has access to SL networks etc to the other services hosted on SL, if connectivity exists and you can create JMS adapters, this seems possible.
1. The IBM Worklight JMS adapter can be used to send and receive messages from a JMS-enabled messaging provider. It can be used to send and receive the headers and body of the messages.
2. To start receiving push notifications, an application must first subscribe to a push notification event source. The event source is a push notification channel to which mobile applications can register. An event source is defined within a Worklight adapter. The device user must approve the push notification subscription.
so technically you should be able to use JMS compliant message queue as an even source.
