I am trying to install package manipulate : message = not available for r 3.1.1 - r

windows 7 -pro
r studio 0.98.945
r 3.1.1
I am trying to install manipulate:
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘manipulate’ is not available (for R version 3.1.1)
is this package not available or is something wrong in my machine or how to get it ?
thanks for all update/help
best regards, Guy Przytula

It's not on CRAN. It's usually installed as part of the RStudio install process. I'd suggest to re-install RStudio.
Another possibility is offered by the RStudio support:
1.) The easiest workaround is to just install the package manually from its location in Program Files - you can zip up the C:\Program
Files\RStudio\R\library\manipulate folder and install it using
install.packages() - this will get the manipulate package installed
and running.
If that doesn't solve your issues, you should post at the RStudio support forum.


Tidyverse not installing

I'm having a bit of a pickle right now with the package tidyverse, that I need for an assignment on layering maps. I tried installing the package using install.packages("tidyverse") and install.packages ("tidyverse", dependencies = TRUE) but when I ran library(tidyverse) it wasn't installed. I searched online and found that I had an older version of RStudio IDE so I uploaded the latest version (1.3.1056).
After installing the newest version, I reinstalled the package but R tells me the following:
"Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently
So, I did it, but the R tells me Rtools package is not available for R version 3.5.3.
What can I do to use tidyverse?
It could be a permissions issue, try setting the directory for where you install R packages/libraries on your computer using libpaths. I have to do this on my work laptop because the university has it set up to store things like this in a tempporary directory on the remote server which isn't desirable.

How to install MVPARTwrap package in R version 3.6.1?

I am trying to install mvpart and MVPARTwrap packages in R version 3.6.1.
I install on my PC the folder of these two packages in zip version and load them in the relative folder of the package.
When I run the script library(mvpart) I get this message:
ERROR: 'mvpart' package was built before R 3.0.0: please reinstall it."
I try to load this library in the old version of R (version 2.15) and the message is
in install.packages (mvpart): object 'mvpart' not found".
I do not understand why it is impossible to load this package. Thanks so much.
Maybe the answer is no more relevant, but I just had to install those libraries so maybe it will still help someone later. I suggest the install from github as it will install dependencies, you need however to be able to compile the source. So here we go :
first install rtools if it is not already installed go here and follow the instruction
update/install devtools if necessary as described here
using this command, it should work now. you may be asked to update some packages, accept all

RStudio - RevoScaleR (Windows)

Can this package be used for either (1) RStudio Desktop/Open; and/or (2) RStudio Server (also using SQL Server 2017 Enterprise)?
I'm primarily interested in RStudio Desktop, however can't appear to find anything online after about one hour of research.
When attempting to install the package in RStudio Desktop, I receive the error message:
install.packages("RevoScaleR",dependencies = TRUE, repos = 'http://cran.rstudio.com/')
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Harvey/Documents/R/win-library/3.5’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘RevoScaleR’ is not available (for R version 3.5.0)
Thanks in advance.
So you have the R version of 3.5.0. However, RevoScaleR is built on R 3.4.3. You can install any version before 3.4.3 and install the package again. Note that you need Microsoft R Client to be installed and this path can be given to RStudio. Look for the documentation here.
RStudio has a feature to change the version of R without uninstalling your current version. After installing the desired R version, you can go to Tools -> Global Options to change your version.

Install rPython under windows

I tried to install rPython under windows with install.packages("rPython"). However I am getting an error that the package does not exist.
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘rPython’ is not available (for R version 3.2.5)
In the installation doc of the package I can only find this:
On a Windows system, the package can only be installed from source at this time. Details to come.
Is there a work-around to work with Python in R?
Try 'rPython-win' if you use windows.
rPython works in Linux.

R install package RevoScaleR

In trying to install package "RevoScaleR", I get the following error. I have tried installing this package with various versions of R but get the same error every time. Does anyone have any idea why?
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘RevoScaleR’ is not available (for R version 3.1.2)
Any help is appreciated.
Just to update this post,to install the RevoScaleR package you need to install Microsoft R client, see here for details:
R Client includes the ScaleR (rx[…]) functions in the RevoScaleR package. I don't believe this package is open source so isn't available on cran, install.packages() therefore won't work.
The RevoScaleR package is only available if you install the Microsoft R Client or if you use Microsoft RStudio Server via Azure. After you install this you don't need to do install.packages("RevoScaleR") for it is already installed.
R Studio will automatically have the R version [64-bit] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Client\R_SERVER under "Global options"
The link below gives more detail information about Microsoft R client. Once you install Ms R client and update the R-studio path to the R client you don't need to install 'RevoScaleR' anymore, it comes pre-installed with Microsoft R client. Read the link fore more.
I am not sure what R version you are currently using but the latest stable version is 3.1.2. If the package installation warning is telling that the package you're trying to install is not available, that basically means that the package developer has not yet made a version of the package that is compatible with the R version you're currently running.
If you really need to use this package (if your work heavily depends on it and you are on some kind of deadline) I would advise to install an earlier version of R (like 3.1.1 or 3.1) and do your work with it.
I would also suggest that you reach out to Revolution Analytics, as suggested by Andrie.
You just have to set the propper CRAN repos:
options("repos" = c(CRAN = "https://mran.microsoft.com/"))
and then
will run properly.
