Cylindrical Clustering in R - clustering timestamp with other data - r

I'm learning R and I have to cluster numeric data with a timestamp field.
One of the parameters is a time, and since the data is strictly day-night dependent, I want to take into account the "spherical" nature of this data.
As far as I saw from the manual, libraries such as skmeans cannot handle "cylindrical" data but only "spherical" data (i.e. where all the components are in polar coordinates).
My idea for a suitable solution is the follwing: I can decompose the HOUR column (0-24) into two different colums X,Y and express the time in polar coordinates, such as x^2+y^2=1.
In this way a k-means with euclidean distance should not have problem interpreting the data.
Am I right?

Here is such a mapping of h to m where h is the time in hours (and fraction of an hour). Then we try kmeans and at least in this test it seems to work:
h <- c(22, 23, 0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12)
ha <- 2*pi*h/24
m <- cbind(x = sin(ha), y = cos(ha))
kmeans(m, 2)$cluster # compute cluster assignments via kmeans
## [1] 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1

k-means should use squared Euclidean distance.
But indeed: projecting your data into a meaningful Euclidean space is an easy way to avoid this kind of problems.
However be aware that your mean will no longer lie on the cylinder. In many cases, you can just scale the mean to the desired cylinder. But it might become 0, then no meaningful rescaling is possible.
The other option is kernel k-means. As your desired distance is Euclidean after a data transformation, you can also "kernelize" this transformation, and use kernel k-means. But it may actually be faster to transform your data in your particular case. It will likely only pay off when using much more complex transformations (say, to an infinite dimensional vector space).


nstart for k-means in R

Search results in numerous places report that the argument nstart in R's function kmeans sets a number of iterations of the algorithm and chooses 'the best one', see e.g. Can anyone provide any clarity on how it does this, i.e. by what measure does it define best?
Secondly: R's kmeans function takes an argument centers. Here, as typical in k-means, it is possible to initialise the centroids before the algorithm begins expectation-maximisation, by choosing as initial centroids rows (data-points) from within your data-set. (You could supply, in vector form, points not present in your data-set as well, with considerably greater effort. In this case you could in theory choose the global optimum as your centroids. This is not what I'm asking for.) When nstart or the seed randomises initializations, I am quite sure that it does so by picking a random choice of centroids from your data-set and starting from those (not just a random set of points within the space).
In general, therefore, I'm looking for a way to get a good (e.g. best out of $n$ trials, or best from nstart) set of starting data-instances from the data-set as initial centroids. Is there any way of extracting the 'winning' (=best) set of initial centroids from nstart (which I could then use, say, in the centers parameter in future)? Any other streamlined & quick way to get a very good set of starting centroids (presumably, reasonably close to where the cluster centres will end up being)?
Is there perhaps, at least, a way to extract from a given kmeans run, what initial centroids it chose to start with?
The criterion that kmeans tries to minimize is the trace of the within scatter matrix, i.e. (unfortunately, this forum does not support LaTeX, but you hopefully can read it nevertheless):
$$ trace(S_w) = \sum_{k=1}^K \sum{x \in C_k} ||x - \mu_k||^2 $$
Concerning the best starting point: obviously, the "best" starting point would be the cluster centers eventually chosen by kmeans. These are returned in the attribute centers:
km <- kmeans(iris[,-5], 3)
If you are looking for the best random start point, you can create random start points yourself (with runif), do this nstart times and evaluate which initial configuration leads to the smallest km$tot.withinss:
nstart <- 10
K <- 3 # number of clusters
D <- 4 # data point dimension
# select possible range
r.min <- apply(iris[,-5], MARGIN=2, FUN=min)
r.max <- apply(iris[,-5], MARGIN=2, FUN=max)
for (i in 1:nstart) {
centers <- data.frame(runif(K, r.min[d], r.max[d]))
for (d in 2:D) {
centers <- cbind(centers, data.frame(runif(K, r.min[d], r.max[d])))
names(centers) <- names(iris[,-5])
# call kmeans with centers and compare tot.withinss
# ...

How slow is too slow when kriging with gstat in R

I am trying to use the krige function in the gstat package of R to interpolate some spatial ocean depth data in R. I am finding for more than about ~1000 points, the function starts taking unreasonable amounts of time to finish (i.e., hours to days to hasn't ever finished). Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I am particularly concerned because my eventual goal is to do spatio-temporal kriging of a very large dataset (>30,000 data points) and I am worried that it just won't be feasible given these run times.
I am running gstat-1.1-3 and R-3.3.2. Below is the code I am running:
library(sp); library(raster); library(gstat)
v.utm # SpatialPointsDataFrame with >30,000 points
# Remove points with identical positons
zd = zerodist(v.utm)
nzd = v.utm[-zd[,1],] # Layer with no identical positions
# Make a raster layer covering point layer
e = extent(as.matrix(v.utm#coords))+resolution
r = raster(e,resolution=resolution)
proj4string(r) = proj4string(v.utm)
# r is a 181x157 raster
# Fit variogram
fv = fit.variogram(variogram(AVGDEPTH~1, nzd),model=vgm(6000,"Exp",1,5e5,1))
# Krige on random sample of 500 points - works fine
depth.krig = krige(AVGDEPTH~1,ss,as(r,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame"),
# Krige on random sample of 5000 points - never seems to end
depth.krig = krige(AVGDEPTH~1,ss,as(r,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame"),
The complexity of the choleski decomposition (or similar) is O(n^3), meaning that if you multiply the number of points by 10, the time it will take increases with a factor 1000. There are two ways out of this problem, at least for as far as gstat is concerned:
install an optimized version of BLAS (eg OpenBLAS, or MKL) - this does not solve the O(n^3) problem, but may speed up maximally a factor n with n the number of cores available
Avoid decomposing the full covariance matrix by choosing local neighbourhoods (arguments maxdist and/or nmax)
A much faster alternative to kriging for large datasets is griddify in the marmap package. It took me a while to find this, but it works well. It uses bilinear interpolation and although it is designed for bathymetric maps, it works with any xyz data.

DBSCAN Clustering with additional features

Can I apply DBSCAN with other features in addition to location ? and if it is available how can it be done through R or Spark ?
I tried preparing an R table of 3 columns one for latitude, longitude and score (the feature I wanna cluster upon in addition to space feature) and when tried running DBSCAN with the following R code, I get the following plot which tells that the algorithm makes clusters upon each pair of columns (long, lat), (long, score), (lat, score), ...
my R Code:
df = read.table("/home/ahmedelgamal/Desktop/preparedData")
var = dbscan(df, eps = .013)
plot(x = var, data = df)
and the plot I get:
You are misinterpreting the plot.
You don't get one result per plot, but all plots show the same clusters, only in different attributes.
But you also have the issue that the R version is (to my knowledge) only fast for Euclidean distance.
In your current code, points are neighbors if (lat[i]-lat[j])^2+(lon[i]-lon[j])^2+(score[i]-score[j])^2 <= eps^2. This bad because: 1. latitude and longitude are not Euclidean, you should be using haversine instead, and 2. your additional attribute has much larger scale and thus you pretty much only cluster points with near-zero score, and 3) your score attribute is skewed.
For this problrm you should probably be using Generalized DBSCAN. Points are similar if their haversine distance is less than e.g. 1 mile (you want to measure geographic distance here, not coordinates, because of distortion) and if their score differs by a factor of at most 1.1 (i.e. compare score[y] / score[x] or work in logspace?). Since you want both conditipns to hold, the usual Euclidean DBSCAN implementation is not yet enough, but you need a Generalized DBSCAN that allows multiple conditions. Look for an implementation of Generalized DBSCAN instead (I believe there id one in ELKI that you may be able to access from Spark), or implement it yourself. It's not very hard to do.
If quadratic runtime is okay for you, you can probably use any distance-matrix-based DBSCAN, and simply "hack" a binary distance matrix:
compute Haversine distances
compute Score dissimilarity
distance = 0 if haversine < distance-threshold and score-dissimilarity < score-threshold, otherwise 1.
run DBSCAN with precomputed distance matrix and eps=0.5 (since it is a binary matrix, don't change eps!)
It's reasonably fast, but needs O(n^2) memory. In my experience, the indexes of ELKI yield a good speedup if you have larger data, and are worth a try if you run out of memory or time.
You need to scale your data. V3 has a range which is much larger than the range for the V1 and V2 and thus DBSCAN currently mostly ignores V3.

Choosing eps and minpts for DBSCAN (R)?

I've been searching for an answer for this question for quite a while, so I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm using dbscan from the fpc library in R. For example, I am looking at the USArrests data set and am using dbscan on it as follows:
ds <- dbscan(USArrests,eps=20)
Choosing eps was merely by trial and error in this case. However I am wondering if there is a function or code available to automate the choice of the best eps/minpts. I know some books recommend producing a plot of the kth sorted distance to its nearest neighbour. That is, the x-axis represents "Points sorted according to distance to kth nearest neighbour" and the y-axis represents the "kth nearest neighbour distance".
This type of plot is useful for helping choose an appropriate value for eps and minpts. I hope I have provided enough information for someone to be help me out. I wanted to post a pic of what I meant however I'm still a newbie so can't post an image just yet.
There is no general way of choosing minPts. It depends on what you want to find. A low minPts means it will build more clusters from noise, so don't choose it too small.
For epsilon, there are various aspects. It again boils down to choosing whatever works on this data set and this minPts and this distance function and this normalization. You can try to do a knn distance histogram and choose a "knee" there, but there might be no visible one, or multiple.
OPTICS is a successor to DBSCAN that does not need the epsilon parameter (except for performance reasons with index support, see Wikipedia). It's much nicer, but I believe it is a pain to implement in R, because it needs advanced data structures (ideally, a data index tree for acceleration and an updatable heap for the priority queue), and R is all about matrix operations.
Naively, one can imagine OPTICS as doing all values of Epsilon at the same time, and putting the results in a cluster hierarchy.
The first thing you need to check however - pretty much independent of whatever clustering algorithm you are going to use - is to make sure you have a useful distance function and appropriate data normalization. If your distance degenerates, no clustering algorithm will work.
As Anony-Mousse explained, 'A low minPts means it will build more clusters from noise, so don't choose it too small.'.
minPts is best set by a domain expert who understands the data well. Unfortunately many cases we don't know the domain knowledge, especially after data is normalized. One heuristic approach is use ln(n), where n is the total number of points to be clustered.
There are several ways to determine it:
1) k-distance plot
In a clustering with minPts = k, we expect that core pints and border points' k-distance are within a certain range, while noise points can have much greater k-distance, thus we can observe a knee point in the k-distance plot. However, sometimes there may be no obvious knee, or there can be multiple knees, which makes it hard to decide
2) DBSCAN extensions like OPTICS
OPTICS produce hierarchical clusters, we can extract significant flat clusters from the hierarchical clusters by visual inspection, OPTICS implementation is available in Python module pyclustering. One of the original author of DBSCAN and OPTICS also proposed an automatic way to extract flat clusters, where no human intervention is required, for more information you can read this paper.
3) sensitivity analysis
Basically we want to chose a radius that is able to cluster more truly regular points (points that are similar to other points), while at the same time detect out more noise (outlier points). We can draw a percentage of regular points (points belong to a cluster) VS. epsilon analysis, where we set different epsilon values as the x-axis, and their corresponding percentage of regular points as the y axis, and hopefully we can spot a segment where the percentage of regular points value is more sensitive to the epsilon value, and we choose the upper bound epsilon value as our optimal parameter.
One common and popular way of managing the epsilon parameter of DBSCAN is to compute a k-distance plot of your dataset. Basically, you compute the k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) for each data point to understand what is the density distribution of your data, for different k. the KNN is handy because it is a non-parametric method. Once you choose a minPTS (which strongly depends on your data), you fix k to that value. Then you use as epsilon the k-distance corresponding to the area of the k-distance plot (for your fixed k) with a low slope.
For details on choosing parameters, see the paper below on p. 11:
Schubert, E., Sander, J., Ester, M., Kriegel, H. P., & Xu, X. (2017). DBSCAN revisited, revisited: why and how you should (still) use DBSCAN. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), 42(3), 19.
For two-dimensional data: use default value of minPts=4 (Ester et al., 1996)
For more than 2 dimensions: minPts=2*dim (Sander et al., 1998)
Once you know which MinPts to choose, you can determine Epsilon:
Plot the k-distances with k=minPts (Ester et al., 1996)
Find the 'elbow' in the graph--> The k-distance value is your Epsilon value.
If you have the resources, you can also test a bunch of epsilon and minPts values and see what works. I do this using expand.grid and mapply.
# Establish search parameters.
k <- c(25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000)
eps <- c(0.001, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2)
# Perform grid search.
grid <- expand.grid(k = k, eps = eps)
results <- mapply(grid$k, grid$eps, FUN = function(k, eps) {
cluster <- dbscan(data, minPts = k, eps = eps)$cluster
sum <- table(cluster)
cat(c("k =", k, "; eps =", eps, ";", sum, "\n"))
See this webpage, section 5:
It gives detailed instructions on how to find epsilon. MinPts ... not so much.

Function and data format for doing vector-based clustering in R

I need to run clustering on the correlations of data row vectors, that is, instead of using individual variables as clustering predictor variables, I intend to use the correlations between the vector of variables between data rows.
Is there a function in R that does vector-based clustering. If not and I need to do it manually, what is the right data format to feed in a function such as cmeans or kmeans?
Say, I have m variables and n data rows, the m variables constitute one vector for each data row. so I have a n X n matrix for correlation or cosine. Can this matrix be plugged in the clustering function directly or certain processing is required?
Many thanks.
You can transform your correlation matrix into a dissimilarity matrix,
for instance 1-cor(x) (or 2-cor(x) or 1-abs(cor(x))).
# Sample data
n <- 200
k <- 10
x <- matrix( rnorm(n*k), nr=k )
x <- x * row(x) # 10 dimensions, with less information in some of them
# Clustering
r <- pam(1-cor(x), diss=TRUE, k=5)
# Check the results
plot(prcomp(t(x))$x[,1:2], col=r$clustering, pch=16, cex=3)
R clustering is often a bit limited. This is a design limitation of R, since it heavily relies on low-level C code for performance. The fast kmeans implementation included with R is an example of such a low-level code, that in turn is tied to using Euclidean distance.
There are a dozen of extensions and alternatives available in the community around R. There are PAM, CLARA and CLARANS for example. They aren't exactly k-means, but closely related. There should be a "spherical k-means" somewhere, that is sensible for cosine distance. There is the whole family of hierarchical clusterings (which scale rather badly - usually O(n^3), with O(n^2) in a few exceptions - but are very easy to understand conceptually).
If you want to explore some more clustering options, have a look at ELKI, it should allow clustering (with various methods, including k-means) by correlation based distances (and it also includes such distance functions). It's not R, though, but Java. So if you are bound to using R, it won't work for you.
