Visual Studio 2013 saving and building before publishing -

I recently formatted my computer and then reinstalled visual studio 2013 (I previously had VS 2012). I used to be able to right click on a specific aspx page and then publish that individual page with ought having to publish the entire site. Now, I need to publish the entire site just to reflect the change on one page and it's also not saving on publish. So, I believe what I'm asking is how to automatically build and save when I try to publish an individual page? Thanks, Chris.


How do I change source control when the original TFS server is gone?

I've got an ASP.NET MVC project I started over a year ago on my home PC. Between then and now my machine died and I had to get a new one. Fortunately I was able to get most of what I needed off of the old one.
Now I'm trying to open the project to do further editing on it, but VS 2015 tells me it can't as the old TFS source control isn't available. (I had used TFS Express on my old machine. Now I'd like to use VSTS.) I checked here on SO and found Change TFS source control mapping in Visual Studio 2013, but it seems to assume that the old TFS server is still around. How do I handle it, now that the old machine isn't around?
You can remove the source control bindings and edit the project files to completely remove the source control. Here is a blog post that describes the process:

Visual Studio 2015 designer.cs file gets all custom components removed

I am using Visual Studio 2015 on an WebForms project. When I save a .aspx page the .designer file gets regenerated but it removes all references to any custom component on the page (ex: ) and leaves intact the references to any default built-in .net components (ex: ).
The problem is only happening on my machine. The other team members do not have this issue so I know there is not something wrong with the project itself.
One thing I have found is that any time I add or remove an extension in visual studio, it shows the Restart button. When I click that button to restart VS, then the problem with the designer files goes away. But as soon as I manually close VS using the X at the top right, and restart it, that is when the problem comes back.
I've tried with and without using Run as Administrator with no luck either way.

How to set up Visual Studio 2013 similar to Dreamweaver

The company I work for has used Dreamweaver CS4 in the past, but we are transitioning to Visual Studio 2013. This is new to me.
In Dreamweaver we would work locally and do edits then when everything was functioning correctly we would manually push an upload arrow to put it on the live site.
In Visual Studio 2013 I notice when we save our edits it automatically saves it directly to the live site.
How can I configure Visual Studio 2013 so that when I work on our clients websites I can first do it locally to be sure everything works fine. Then when everything is functioning I could manually upload to the live site like we did in Dreamweaver.
Thanks for any help. A walkthrough would be best since we don't know Visual Studio very well.
Thank you.
I think you are using the live editing with VS2013. If you using VS2013 just as an HTML editor then its an overkill. VS2013 comes with a publishing wizard where you can setup the publish settings and publish your changes to the remote server.
In most cases remote editing is not good, but for minor cosmetic changes you can use live edit.

Build and publish web site project with VS 2012 and TFS 2010

I am using VS 2012 and TFS 2010. I am trying to build a website project (NOT a web application project) and deploy it to a test web server.
When files get checked in, I want TFS to build the website and push it over to a test server (uncompiled).
I have found many posts indicating that I should use a web deployment project, but that doesn't seem to be an option for VS 2012. I also found that VS 2012 is supposed to have better support for website project deployment (.pubxml) which I can get to work great from inside Visual Studio, but the TFS 2010 build wants a project or solution file.
I am new to TFS so I may be missing something obvious here.
Solution from the OP:
I figured out my issue. There was a file create called website.publishproj that I needed to put into source control before turning on gated check-ins. I could then use that file for "Items to build". TFS is at least now attempting to build the website. It looks like I have some more configuration issues to get through.

Is there a setting in Visual Studio 2010 to stop the 'Add New Item' wizard from using server-side code for web forms?

I hate hate HATE that Visual Studio creates .aspx.cs and aspx.designer.cs files every time I add a new .aspx page to my project.
I've searched high and low. How do I turn this off?
There used to be a little checkbox right on the wizard that allowed you to say whether you wanted server-side code pages or not. VS 2010 appears to have removed it.
