WordPress excerpt_more filter hook is not working only on the very first post of my blog page - wordpress

I have set a blog page that is separate from my static home page.
I have modified the “[...]” link that comes after each post’s excerpt on the blog page by using a filter function.
To do this, I used WordPress’s “excerpt_more” hook.
add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more');
function new_excerpt_more($more) {
global $post;
return '... <br clear="all"/><a class="moretag" href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '">Continue Reading</a>';
The problem I am having is that, for some reason, this works for every post, except the very first post of the blog page.
Is there something different or special about the very first post of the blog page that would make it not go through this filter hook?
Thank you very much for any help.

Try with this one:
add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more');
function new_excerpt_more($more) {
return '... <br clear="all"/><a class="moretag" href="'. get_permalink( get_the_ID() ) . '">Continue Reading</a>';
Also, if in Wordpress a post has a manual excerpt, the excerpt_more filter wont get executed. So it's always recommended to check that, just in case.


Where exactly is the "Before Header Content hook" in Wordpress?

I want to add a little code to the "Before Header Content hook" but I don't know where that is... Can you please help me?
add_action('init', 'process_post');
function process_post()
echo "test";
this is a modified version of #ajay 's solution
if you are going to use this, then you have to make sure that the current user is not an admin using is_admin() function.. and only display it if he is not an admin ...
why !?
because if you didn't, it may mess up the wp-admin of your website..
add_action('init', 'process_post');
function process_post()
if (!is_admin()) {
echo "test";
This could be tricky simply because every theme differs with how the loop is displayed, however you could create a plugin to use the loop_start action, which is called before the first post of the standard WP loop:
add_action( 'loop_start', 'test_loop_start' );
function test_loop_start( $query ){
echo 'this is my inserted text';
Now using this would display it every single time the loop is called (whether on a page, a post, category page, search page, etc.), which you may not want.
add_action( 'loop_start', 'test_loop_start' );
function test_loop_start( $query ){
if(is_category() OR is_singular()) {
echo 'this is my inserted text';

How to create Custom Pagination Permalinks in wordpress

I have an article with several pages in my wordpress blog. if for example i have the following link in my blog :
any idea how can i change the link of the second page from
to http://example.com/heartbreaking-photos/CUSTOM-STRING
CUSTOM-STRING aimed to be a custom title inside the page
To achieve this, you will need to do 2 things:
Disable the default WordPress canonical redirect - this is necessary, because WordPress will always redirect to the /2/ page when it encounters the page parameter in the URL or query args.
Add a custom rewrite rule to direct your custom title to the second page of your page - this is essentially necessary to allow the link format that you want.
In terms of code, this is what you need (this is a working solution, I've just tested it locally):
// Removes the canonical redirection
remove_filter( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_canonical' );
// Add custom rewrite rules
add_action( 'init', 'my_add_custom_rewrite_rules' );
function my_add_custom_rewrite_rules() {
// Slug of the target page
$page_slug = 'heartbreaking-photos';
// Page number to replace
$page_num = 2;
// Title you wish to replace the page number with
$title = 'custom-string';
// Add the custom rewrite rule
'^' . $page_slug . '/' . $title . '/?$',
'index.php?pagename=' . $page_slug . '&page=' . $page_num, 'top'
There are three things you might want to configure or change here:
$page_slug - this is the slug of your page, in your case this is heartbreaking-photos
$page_num - the number of your pagination page, in your case this is 2
$title - the title you wish to use instead of your page number 2.
Feel free to alter the code as you wish, or copy it to cover more additional cases, similar to this one.
Important: Once you use the code, go to Settings > Permalinks and click the "Save Changes" button. This will rebuild your rewrite rules, and is necessary for the solution to work.
Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
You can try this codex. Pass the arg and you will get page id, page title and use those
Or you can call page title by page id
$pagetitle= get_post_field( 'post_title', $page_id );
Ok, so basically you don't want to display the navigation link under the page (use css or modify the post template in the child theme) and add your custom link. If I understand it well:
Remove navigation links (depends on your theme, but basically):
.nav-links { display: none; }
You can add the custom link through function + custom fileds:
create a custom field, for example "my-url" in your post, see codex: https://codex.wordpress.org/Custom_Fields
add to your functions.php (in the child theme or in a custom site plugin):
function my_page_add_to_content( $content ) {
if ( ! empty(get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'my-url', true ) ) {
$content .= 'URL TEXT HERE'
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'my_page_add_to_content' );

hatom-entry errors on the Google snippet test

Almost sure that I'm not the first one that has this question but when I test my (WordPress) page on Google Snippet Test Tool I got hatom-enty errors like:
Fout: At least one field must be set for HatomEntry.
Fout: Missing required field "entry-title".
Fout: Missing required field "updated".
Fout: Missing required hCard "author".
I found some tutorials about this but that is for standard WordPress themes. I'm using Inovado from ThemeForest and I can't figure out in which file I have to edit this data.
Someone familiar with this?
I also got problems with snippet review... Good in testresults but doesn't show up in de Google Search Results. Don't know why...
You can Add this code to the function.php file in your theme's directory and it will solve the problems.
//mod content
function hatom_mod_post_content ($content) {
if ( in_the_loop() && !is_page() ) {
$content = '<span class="entry-content">'.$content.'</span>';
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'hatom_mod_post_content');
//add hatom data
function add_mod_hatom_data($content) {
$t = get_the_modified_time('F jS, Y');
$author = get_the_author();
$title = get_the_title();
if(is_single()) {
$content .= '<div class="hatom-extra"><span class="entry-title">'.$title.'</span> was last modified: <span class="updated"> '.$t.'</span> by <span class="author vcard"><span class="fn">'.$author.'</span></span></div>';
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'add_mod_hatom_data');
The code contains 2 functions. The first function will use the WordPress filter hook for “the_content” to add the class of “entry-content” to the article. To add in the other essential hAtom fields, the second function will add a short sentence to the end of your post article, which contains updated time, post title and author, with required microdata.

Way to get Twitter button, with count, with custom bit.ly URL, working?

I'm stuck. I posted this on WordPress.StackExchange and they suggested I try at WebApps.StackExchange, and they suggested I try here. So, apologies for the multiple posts if you follow all those!
I have a client blog using bit.ly pro to generate custom short urls (ie foo.co). I want to show the regular horizontal version of the Twitter button, with tweet-count, and have the link that goes to the post use their custom bit.ly pro url.
I have installed Joost de Valk's Bit.ly Shortlinks plugin, which successfully converts normal WP shortlinks (wp_get_shortlink()) to the custom Bit.ly pro URL elsewhere in the site, but Twitter seems to trump that and render everything with the default t.co domain instead.
I've looked at the suggestions from this question but using the # as the data-url doesn't work, and the suggested Twitter support pages don't seem to contain any info on how to get Bit.ly to work (though they say they're going to).
Here's the function I created to insert the button in my theme - any ideas on where I'm going wrong? this is used to insert the button both within the Loop and on single-post pages.
function tweet_this() {
global $post;
$tweet = wp_get_shortlink();
echo '<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>Tweet';
return ob_get_clean();
In case it helps, this function does work, except it doesn't render the tweet-count:
function tweet_this() {
global $post;
$tweet = sprintf( __('%1$s %2$s'), $post->post_title, wp_get_shortlink() );
echo '<a class="tweethis" href="http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=' . urlencode( $tweet ) . ' via #clientname">Tweet this</a>';
return ob_get_clean();
Let me know if you need more info - and thanks in advance for any help you can throw my way!
function tweet_this() {
global $post;
$tweet = get_permalink(); //replace with your code
$tweetmarkup = '<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>Tweet';
echo $tweetmarkup;
This works for me, but I don't have the WPShortlinks installed, so I replaced it with the permalink. You should be able to replace the permalink with your wp_get_shortlink and it should work.

targeting title in wordpress post

I am working on a wordpress plugin that modifies the title of a post. I only want to do this when I am viewing a single post. To be specific, I want to add a link beside the title, but for purposes of the question, I will be adding some arbitary text.
I started out by using the 'the_title' filter hook, and calling this function.
function add_button_to_title($title)
global $post;
return $title.'googly googly';
return $title;
The problem is, the links on the side bar apparently also use 'the_title', as I saw my text showing up in the side bars as well, which led me to:
if(is_single() && in_the_loop())
But then, in my theme(and i suppose themes in general) there is a link to the previous post and next post, which also uses 'the title' filter. So finally I have:
if(is_single() && in_the_loop() && ($post->post_title == $title))
The last conditional basically makes sure that it is the title of the post that is being printed, not the title of the next or previous post. This works but I am not sure how well it will work given different themes...It seems like terribly hacked together. Any advice from wordpress gurus out there? I am worried that the title would be modified for other reasons and the conditional will fail.
Any help is appreciated!
There isn't really a good solution except, as ShaderOp said, requiring theme modification. Your solution will work for the most part. The only exception is if the theme developer has changed the query in a page. I'd say this is probably a good enough solution that it'll cover more than 95% of the cases you'd run into.
I solved a similar issue by adding a check to see if the title being filtered matches the title of the post. This avoids the issue with other post titles on the page (in sidebar, menu) also getting filtered.
function add_button_to_title( $title ) {
global $post;
if( is_single() && $title == $post->post_title ) {
return $title . 'googly googly';
} else {
return $title;
Wouldn't it be easier to keep the original version of your add_button_to_title function, but instead of hooking it to a filter, call it directly from your single.php page in the appropriate place?
For example, somewhere in your theme's single.php, instead of this:
<h3 class="storytitle">
<?php the_title(); ?>
Use this:
<h3 class="storytitle">
<a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark">
<?php echo add_button_to_title(the_title('', '', false); ?>
today I ran into a similar problem. the_title gets called several times accross the whole page (e.g., in the html-head, the menus, the sidebar). I followed a similar approach using conditionals and the post/page id.
Additionally, I added a boolean flag which is set to true using the 'the_content' filter. So the title gets changed until the content is displayed. This way, I ensure that sidebars/widgets are not affected (e.g. Thematic theme has a default widget with links to pages - here the other conditionals would not be helpful as get_the_id() would return an equivalent). This ONLY works if the theme uses sidebars on the right. I did not find a way yet how to hook in directly before the 'the_title' call for the page/post to enable the boolean flag.
function myplugin_adjust_title($title, $id) {
global $myplugin_title_changed;
if ($myplugin_title_changed) {
return $title;
if (in_the_loop() && is_page('myplugin') && $id == get_the_ID()) {
$title = '';
return $title;
add_filter('the_title', 'myplugin_adjust_title', 10, 2);
function myplugin_adjust_title_helper_content($content) {
global $myplugin_title_changed;
$myplugin_title_changed = true;
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'myplugin_adjust_title_helper_content');
