what is a valid value for REDIRECT URIS in Google Developer Console? - uri

By the search results, I have concluded that it is so simple thing that no one has ever encountered such error. But here I am trying for the last hour. The problem is whatever I put in the "REDIRECT URIS" box in the Google Developer Console, It says "Invalid redirect URI.".. I have tried full URL, URL with and without www, just the domain name, name with relative path and every other possible thing. But response never changes. Any help will be highly appreciated.

If you give URI like this while creating Google API, then you can do one thing... go to http://aruljohn.com/ip2hostname.html site enter the above IP address and u will get the hostname for it and then you could enter that in your redact URI space when creating an API.


What HTTP Status Code should be used for redirecting to a correct URL?

I am not so sure if the the title of the question is perfect to ask but here is what I am trying figure out. Of course in relation to SEO and such things.
You might have seen URLs with numbers at the end in addition to the title/slug in the URL. Such as
The web application actually takes that number (at the end) as an identity to the resource to deliver. So changing that number in the URL brings up another resource but in that case not all but some websites changes the full URL and redirect to the correct resource with correct URL. Even though some websites do not change the URL and just deliver the content.
While I want to redirect the user to correct URL if the numeric values changes, what status code should be used in that case?
Hope I have asked the question correctly.
OK, Until I find a suggestion, I am going use status code 301 for such redirection because I just found that in fact stackoverflow is handling the same case with 301. As requesting this page with following link,
redirects to
with status code 301.
Advices are still welcomed but

What will the RightSignature API send to my callback URL when a signer signs a document

When I send a one-off document to RightSignature via their API, I'm specifying a callback location in the XML document as specified in RightSignature's schema definition. I then get a signer-link value back from their API for the document. I display the HTML response from the signer-link URL in an iFrame on our website. When our user signs the document in this iFrame, which is rendering the responses from their website, I want their website to post to our callback location.
Can I do this with the RightSignature API and does it make sense?
So far, I'm only getting content in the iFrame that indicates that the signing was successful. The callback location does not seem to be getting called.
I got it solved just now. Basically, i was doing two things wrong first you have to go in RightSignature Account and set it there the CallBack url
Account > Settings > Advanced Settings
But the thing which RS is unable to mention to us that this url can not be of localhost, but it should be of https i mean like Live URL of your site like
And then in your CallBack just write these two lines and you will receive complete XML which would have the GUID and document status as well.
byte[] data = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes);
string callBackXML = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
I found the answer with some help from the API team at RightSignature. I was using callback_location but what I really wanted is redirect_location. Their online documentation was difficult to follow and did not clearly point out the difference.
I got this working after a lot of trial and error.

When to add http(s):// to website address

I'm trying to create a web browser using Cocoa and Swift. I have an NSTextField where the user can enter the website he wants to open and a WebView where the page requested is displayed. So far, to improve the user experience, I'm checking if the website entered by the user starts with http:// and add it if it doesn't. Well, it works for most of the cases but not every time, for example when the user wants to open a local web page or something like about:blank. How can I check if adding http:// is necessary and if I should rather add https:// instead of http://?
You need to be more precise in your categorization of what the user typed in.
Here are some examples and expected reactions:
www.google.com: should be translated into http://www.google.com
ftp://www.foo.com: Should not be modified. Same goes to file:// (local)
Barrack Obama: Should probably run a search engine
about:settings: Should open an internal page
So after you figure out these rules with all their exceptions, you can use a regex to find out what should be done.
As for HTTP vs. HTTPS - if the site supports HTTPS, you'll get a redirect response (307 Internal Redirect, 301 Moved Permanently etc) if you go to the HTTP link. So for example, if you try to navigate to http://www.facebook.com, you'll receive a 307 that will redirect you to https://www.facebook.com. In other words, it's up to the site to tell the browser that it has HTTPS (unless of course you navigated to HTTPS to begin with).
A simple and fairly accurate approach would simply be to look for the presence of a different schema. If the string starts with [SomeText]: before any slashes are encountered, it is likely intended to indicate a different schema such as about:, mailto:, file: or ftp:.
If you do not see a non-http schema, try resolving the URL as an HTTP URL by prepending http://.

linkedin : Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key

I am using 'omniauth-linkedin-oauth2'.
When I am login with linkedin then I am getting this error
Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key.
This is my settings:
Went back to LinkedIn developer site (https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer ) to check my setting again. Everything matches API Key, Secret Key and OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs.
Searched web looking for some clues. Couldn’t find a one. Crazy issue:
Then I saw that in the URL Owin was appending some extra string to the redirect_uri “signin-linkedin”. When I decoded the URL I saw this http://localhost:54307/signin-linkedin . I took this URL and placed it in the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs field in the LinkedIn developer site.
This link is helpful for me
You can just look in url that you are getting that error message on.
eg. if you are using python's social auth the url would look like this:
so you would use this part of the above url for the redirect url
please check your redirect_url. for my case I see like this.
for this I add the url for OAuth 2.0 Authorized Redirect URLs:
where http://localhost:1729 =base url and
signin-linkedin = the string which add after base url
One more solution is to just verify the client_id you've been using the whole time..because with every update in the list of redirect_uri, the client_id gets updated.
Worth mentioning when one uses libraries to handle oauth: some libraries fail to care about the protocol that is used (or at least require further parametrization). Eg, I gave Linkedin https://example/callback as oauth2 url, but the library sent the request with http://example/callback as parameter.
I had this when trying to authorise from a zurb Reveal modal popup. In my case, the issue was the URL for the page that was being displayed in the popup was not in my OAuth2 Redirect URLs list on the LinkedIn developer site.
That was easy to miss because the page URL from the page in the modal is not the URL that was currently showing in the browser's address bar. Once I added the URL for the page being shown in the pop up it worked.
After spending hours i finally get to the solution. You got an error no issues just check the url and find redirect_uri. Copy and Paste it's value it in your linkedin dev account oauth2 redirect field.
Make sure to add both with and without trailing '/' as redirect url.

Circular redirect path detected and wrong Open Graph data displayed

When sharing the following URL to Facebook
You will get outdated information. Facebook refers to the site (magicsoftware.com/en) and takes all the information from the cache.
I tried to clear the cache by going to the dubugger-
But that didn't help much.
Someone has an idea what I can do?
P.S - if you checked the debugger link, you would see that there are two critical errors mentioned:
Could Not Follow Redirect: URL requested a HTTP redirect, but it could
not be followed. Errors That Must Be Fixed
Circular Redirect Path: Circular redirect path detected (see 'Redirect
Path' section for details).
What does that mean?
Your server is issuing redirect to the same URL as visited based on some condition, actually according to my tests on any requests that came without Accept-Language header get redirected.
See with Accept-Language header, and without any headers
Facebook linter doesn't seems to pass this header while crawling your OpenGraph meta and hung due to redirection loop.
You should avoid that redirection (or at least have some fallback) for Facebook linter to be able to collect updated data and update the cached version.
Same thing is happening to me now. I have no redirect in place. but I am getting this message " there was an error following the redirect path." when using the debugger on this URL http://www.mmaid.co/cleaning-services/offers/coupons/social-discount.php I will give it time and see if it fixes itself.
I found the solution myself - and it's only patience :)
Facebook just needs time to remove their cache files. So the solution is simply to use the Facebook Debugger to enter your URL and then to wait. Facebook will automatically refresh this URL cache.
