How to open RStudio GUI which are in an Ubuntu Server from MacOS? - r

Currently I have installed RStudio in Ubuntu server. When I use another linux and windows system to ssh it, I can see the RStudio GUI. However, when I start to use my Macbook to ssh, nothing appears.
the command I entered is
No error messages appear and no RStudio GUI appears either.
This is really confusing, can anyone give me some suggestions or ideas on what to do?


My Jupyter-Lab doesnt connect to the server. What should I do?

I am getting the error "A connection to the Jupyter server could not be established. JupyterLab will continue trying to reconnect. Check your network connection or Jupyter server configuration." in Jupyter Notebook. I have just began to programming and dont know what to da. Can someone help me ?
I have changed my default browser opera to chrome thats the only change maybe thats the reason for the problem ?
Thank you for your helps,
I've upgraded tornado 6.0.1 and downloaded ruemel.yaml files which Anaconda Promt said me to do. Activated the enviroment that i ve created before and opened the Jupyter-Lab but nothing didnt work.

VScode showing raw source code instead of the remote jupyer notebook

I'm a bit puzzled of what goes wrong, and maybe someone here knows, or has had it before.
First, i got Docker on windows 11.
It runs a ubuntu python container, for all kind of AI stuff.
My local windows PC, has Vscode, i've made a connection to the local container (ssh).
When i open a .ipynb I see the raw file a Json like structure.
That is a bit strange because if i create a new ipynb on windows 11
Its is showing code/markdown cells normally like how vscode shows it normally.
VScode should know what Jupiter notebooks are
So Vscode knows python, everything seems installed in relation to jupyter and remote (localhost) connections.
Does anyone know perhaps what is going wrong here?.
Maybe its something i overlooked, missed.
Or some extra step that needs to be done at VScode, or i open it wrongly ?.
I open the file through the left pane open.. as shown:
I believe all related jupyter notebook stuff is installed in VScode
PS C:\python projects\test> code --list-extensions --show-versions

Plots do not show up on browser IDE

I'm using RStudio server on a CentOS machine and connecting to it from my windows laptop via browser.
When I connect server with MobaXTerm SSH console and run plots there it shows up in a window on my client machine. But when I do it on the browser IDE console, it does not show up in Plots tab there. There are no error messages or log entries. Rstudio version is 1.0.44 and R version is 3.3.1.
I tried until null device, changing permissions of directories of default R packages.
Edit: Plots show up within the rmarkdown notebook too. My problem occurs in the console. Also, Plots dropdown menu at the top seems disabled, greyed-out.

X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) when launching Spyder on GNOME

sorry if this question is not as detailed and focused as it should be.
I am a Linux user (so no admin privileges of any sort) and just installed Anaconda3 from here and followed the instructions.
Note that my Linux machine is not connected to the internet, so I had to transfer the file through other means and just run bash Anaconda... as instructed in the Continuum site.
I have then succesfully launched IPython and tried to plot inline, without problems. However, when I tried to use plotting in windows, I got this kind of output from the terminal:
X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9 Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea)
And the created graph window was just blank.
I then tried to start Spyder and basically saw the same behaviour: a lot of those errors reported above, and the Spyder window just popped up blank.
Google search for the error gives results reported for Qt, which makes sense since when plotting "offline" (as opposed to inline) then QtAgg is used.
However, I have no clue as to where to look for the version of these libs, how to install/compile new ones, whether that is really the issue or not. I am just to ignorant about Linux.
Anybody can hint on what to look for and how to try to debug this behaviour?
I had the same error. What worked for me is to add this line in /etc/environment.
sudo nano /etc/environment
Add this line
Source :
Note that in my case the fix didn't take effect until I rebooted my machine.
you may simply run on the terminal:
export QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1
I had this same error, so I'll tell you what worked for me.
I think it is a permissions issue, based on the following:
I was logged in through a VNC server window through my account, but within the VNC server was setting up a user profile for "user2". In a 'user2' console I installed anaconda in user2's directory. When I typed spyder in the user2 console, I got the exact error you describe. I guessed the VNC desktop didn't like user2 trying to open a window on user1's profile. I then logged out of my VNC server window, logged into the user2 vnc server window, and in a console typed 'spyder' and it opened perfectly.
I think for some reason it is trying to open but is installed in a directory that you don't have permissions for or trying to open in a window that you don't have access to.

Text invisible in RStudio shell on server

When I access the RStudio (hosted on a server) shell (Tools > Shell...), I gain admin access by using sudo R, then typing my password, which I know is invisible for security reasons. However, every subsequent line of code I type is also invisible.
For example, say I want to download a package to make it available on the server. I use:
install.packages("spls", lib="/usr/lib/R/library")
The above text does not show up, but when I press Enter, it does execute and I'm asked for a mirror to use. The package then is correctly installed. Thus, the only problem is not being able to see the text. This happens for anything I type in the shell.
I'm not the host of the server, but I do know it uses Ubuntu, I believe the RStudio version is 0.99.473 and the R version is definitely 3.2.1. I'm running on a Mac with Yosemite and Safari. If more specific information would be helpful, I can contact the host.
Does anyone know what might be causing this issue and how to fix it?
