Voronoi Diagram query - r

I have created a voronoi plot in R
gave the point labels
using the code:
x <- runif(20); y <- runif(20); window <- c(0,1,0,1)
tess <- deldir(x, y, rw = window)
plot.deldir(tess, wpoints="real", wlines="tess")
thigmophobe.labels(x, y, labels=label)
can someone suggest a query so that,
if i give a location of a new point which is in the cell containing point 'a'
the output should be 'a'.
thanks in advance.

Since the voronoi tesselation is the boundary line between nearest points, your problem simply reduces to finding the nearest neighbour.
You can do this by computing a distance matrix using dist() and then extracting the point with minimum distance.
Try this:
n <- 20
dat <- data.frame(
x = runif(n),
y =runif(n)
tess <- deldir(dat, rw = c(0,1,0,1))
plot.deldir(tess, wpoints="none", wlines="tess", col="blue")
text(dat, labels=label)
for (i in 1:500){
newdat <- data.frame(x=runif(1), y=runif(1))
np <- which.min(unname(as.matrix(dist(rbind(newdat, dat), diag=FALSE))[-1, 1]))
text(newdat, col="red", labels=label[np], cex=0.5)

You can use a point-location test:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_location.


Identify all local extrema of a fitted smoothing spline via R function 'smooth.spline'

I have a 2-dimensional data set.
I use the R's smooth.spline function to smooth my points graph following an example in this article:
So that I get the spline graph similar to the green line on this picture
I'd like to know the X values, where the first derivative of the smoothing spline equals zero (to determine exact minimum or maximum).
My problem is that my initial dataset (or a dataset that I could auto-generate) to feed into the predict() function does not contain such exact X values that correspond to the smoothing spline extrema.
How can I find such X values?
Here is the picture of the first derivative of the green spline line above
But exact X coordinate of extremums are still not exact.
My approximate R script to generate the pictures looks like the following
sp1 <- smooth.spline(df)
pred.prime <- predict(sp1, deriv=1)
pred.second <- predict(sp1, deriv=2)
d1 <- data.frame(pred.prime)
d2 <- data.frame(pred.second)
dfMinimums <- d1[abs(d1$y) < 1e-4, c('x','y')]
I think that there are two problems here.
You are using the original x-values and they are spaced too far apart AND
Because of the wide spacing of the x's, your threshold for where you consider the derivative "close enough" to zero is too high.
Here is basically your code but with many more x values and requiring smaller derivatives. Since you do not provide any data, I made a coarse approximation to it that should suffice for illustration.
## Coarse approximation of your data
x = runif(300, 0,45000)
y = sin(x/5000) + sin(x/950)/4 + rnorm(300, 0,0.05)
df = data.frame(x,y)
sp1 <- smooth.spline(df)
Spline code
Sx = seq(0,45000,10)
pred.spline <- predict(sp1, Sx)
d0 <- data.frame(pred.spline)
pred.prime <- predict(sp1, Sx, deriv=1)
d1 <- data.frame(pred.prime)
Mins = which(abs(d1$y) < mean(abs(d1$y))/150)
plot(df, pch=20, col="navy")
lines(sp1, col="darkgreen")
points(d0[Mins,], pch=20, col="red")
The extrema look pretty good.
plot(d1, type="l")
points(d1[Mins,], pch=20, col="red")
The points identified look like zeros of the derivative.
You can use my R package SplinesUtils: https://github.com/ZheyuanLi/SplinesUtils, which can be installed by
The function to be used are SmoothSplinesAsPiecePoly and solve. I will just use the example under the documentation.
## a toy dataset
x <- 1:100 + runif(100, -0.1, 0.1)
y <- poly(x, 9) %*% rnorm(9)
y <- y + rnorm(length(y), 0, 0.2 * sd(y))
## fit a smoothing spline
sm <- smooth.spline(x, y)
## coerce "smooth.spline" object to "PiecePoly" object
oo <- SmoothSplineAsPiecePoly(sm)
## plot the spline
## find all stationary / saddle points
xs <- solve(oo, deriv = 1)
#[1] 3.791103 15.957159 21.918534 23.034192 25.958486 39.799999 58.627431
#[8] 74.583000 87.049227 96.544430
## predict the "PiecePoly" at stationary / saddle points
ys <- predict(oo, xs)
#[1] -0.92224176 0.38751847 0.09951236 0.10764884 0.05960727 0.52068566
#[7] -0.51029209 0.15989592 -0.36464409 0.63471723
points(xs, ys, pch = 19)
One caveat in the #G5W implementation that I found is that it sometimes returns multiple records close around extrema instead of a single one. On the diagram they cannot be seen, since they all fall into one point effectively.
The following snippet from here filters out single extrema points with the minimum value of the first derivative:
df2 <- df %>%
group_by(round(y, 4)) %>%
filter(abs(d1) == min(abs(d1))) %>%
ungroup() %>%

Spatial correlogram using the raster package

Dear Crowd
I tried to calculate a spatial correlogram with the packages nfc, pgirmess, SpatialPack and spdep. However, I was troubling to define the start and end-point of the distance. I'm only interested in the spatial autocorrelation at smaller distances, but there on smaller bins. Additionally, as the raster is quite large (1.8 Megapixels), I run into memory troubles with these packages but the SpatialPack.
So I tried to produce my own code, using the function Moran from the package raster. But I must have some error, as the result for the complete dataset is somewhat different than the one from the other packages. If there is no error in my code, it might at least help others with similar problems.
I'm not sure, whether my focal matrix is erroneous. Could you please tell me whether the central pixel needs to be incorporated? Using the testdata I can't show the differences between the methods, but on my complete dataset, there are differences visible, as shown in the Image below. However, the bins are not exactly the same (50m vs. 69m), so this might explain parts of the differences. However, at the first bin, this explanation seems not to be plausible to me. Or might the irregular shape of my raster, and different ways to handle NA's cause the difference?
Comparison of Own method with the one from SpatialPack
Runable Example
The code for calculating the testdata is taken from http://www.petrkeil.com/?p=1050#comment-416317
# packages used for the data generation
library(vegan) # will be used for PCNM
# empty matrix and spatial coordinates of its cells
my.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow=side, ncol=side)
x.coord <- rep(1:side, each=side)*5
y.coord <- rep(1:side, times=side)*5
xy <- data.frame(x.coord, y.coord)
# all paiwise euclidean distances between the cells
xy.dist <- dist(xy)
# PCNM axes of the dist. matrix (from 'vegan' package)
pcnm.axes <- pcnm(xy.dist)$vectors
# using 8th PCNM axis as my atificial z variable
z.value <- pcnm.axes[,8]*200 + rnorm(side*side, 0, 1)
# plotting the artificial spatial data
r <- rasterFromXYZ(xyz = cbind(xy,z.value))
plot(r, axes=F)
Own Code
sp.Corr <- matrix(nrow = 0,ncol = 2)
formerBreak <- 0 #for the first run important
for (i in c(seq(10,200,10))) #Calculate the Morans I for these bins
cat(paste0("..",i)) #print the bin, which is currently calculated
w = focalWeight(r,d = i,type = 'circle')
wTemp <- w #temporarily saves the weigtht matrix
if (formerBreak>0) #if it is the second run
midpoint <- ceiling(ncol(w)/2) # get the midpoint
w[(midpoint-formerBreak):(midpoint+formerBreak),(midpoint-formerBreak):(midpoint+formerBreak)] <- w[(midpoint-formerBreak):(midpoint+formerBreak),(midpoint-formerBreak):(midpoint+formerBreak)]*(wOld==0)#set the previous focal weights to 0
w <- w*(1/sum(w)) #normalizes the vector to sum the weights to 1
wOld <- wTemp #save this weight matrix for the next run
mor <- Moran(r,w = w)
sp.Corr <- rbind(sp.Corr,c(Moran =mor,Distance = i))
formerBreak <- i/res(r)[1]#divides the breaks by the resolution of the raster to be able to translate them to the focal window
plot(x=sp.Corr[,2],y = sp.Corr[,1],type = "l",ylab = "Moran's I",xlab="Upper bound of distance")
Other methods to calculate the Spatial Correlogram
sp.Corr <- summary(modified.ttest(z.value,z.value,coords = xy,nclass = 21))
plot(x=sp.Corr$coef[,1],y = data$coef[,4],type = "l",ylab = "Moran's I",xlab="Upper bound of distance")
ncf.cor <- correlog(x.coord, y.coord, z.value,increment=10, resamp=1)
In order to compare the results of the correlogram, in your case, two things should be considered. (i) your code only works for bins proportional to the resolution of your raster. In that case, a bit of difference in the bins could make to include or exclude an important amount of pairs. (ii) The irregular shape of the raster has a strong impact of the pairs that are considered to compute the correlation for certain distance interval. So your code should deal with both, allow any value for the length of bin and consider the irregular shape of the raster. A small modification of your code to tackle those problems are below.
# SpatialPack correlation
test <- modified.ttest(z.value,z.value,coords = xy,nclass = 21)
# Own correlation
bins <- test$upper.bounds
sp.Corr <- matrix(nrow = 0,ncol = 2)
for (i in bins) {
cat(paste0("..",i)) #print the bin, which is currently calculated
w = focalWeight(r,d = i,type = 'circle')
wTemp <- w #temporarily saves the weigtht matrix
if (i > bins[1]) {
midpoint <- ceiling(dim(w)/2) # get the midpoint
half_range <- floor(dim(wOld)/2)
w[(midpoint[1] - half_range[1]):(midpoint[1] + half_range[1]),
(midpoint[2] - half_range[2]):(midpoint[2] + half_range[2])] <-
w[(midpoint[1] - half_range[1]):(midpoint[1] + half_range[1]),
(midpoint[2] - half_range[2]):(midpoint[2] + half_range[2])]*(wOld==0)
w <- w * (1/sum(w)) #normalizes the vector to sum the weights to 1
wOld <- wTemp #save this weight matrix for the next run
mor <- Moran(r,w=w)
sp.Corr <- rbind(sp.Corr,c(Moran =mor,Distance = i))
# Comparing
plot(x=test$upper.bounds, test$imoran[,1], col = 2,type = "b",ylab = "Moran's I",xlab="Upper bound of distance", lwd = 2)
lines(x=sp.Corr[,2],y = sp.Corr[,1], col = 3)
points(x=sp.Corr[,2],y = sp.Corr[,1], col = 3)
legend('topright', legend = c('SpatialPack', 'Own code'), col = 2:3, lty = 1, lwd = 2:1)
The image shows that the results of using the SpatialPack package and the own code are the same.

R-raster extraction along SpatialLine: relate extracted values to actual distance

When extracting values of a raster along a SpatialLine in R, how to relate these values to the actual distance along this line?
Suppose I want to extract the value of the R logo along the following line:
r <- raster(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster"))
x=c(5, 95)
y=c(20, 50)
line = SpatialLines(list(Lines(Line(cbind(x,y)), ID="a")))
plot(line, add=TRUE)
I can extract the values and plot them - but how to replace the x values (1:length(vals) below) by the actual distance (starting e.g. at 0 from the left side of the line)?
vals <- extract(r, line)[[1]]
plot(1:length(vals), vals, type='o')
I could combine the extraction of the cells with xyFromCell to get the coordinates of the extracted cells as suggested here, but it is not clear to me how to go further.
I'm not sure what you're exactly asking, but if you looking for distances between the leftmost coordinate of the line segment and the centres of the cells which the line passes through, then you can find the distances like this:
x <- extract(r, l, cellnumbers=TRUE)[[1]]
xy <- xyFromCell(r, x[,1]) # get cell coordinates where the line passes
start <- xy[which.min(xy[,1]),] # leftmost coordinate of the line
d <- apply(xy, 1, function(x, start) sqrt(sum((x-start)^2)), start=start) # find distances between the line segment start and the cells
plot(1:length(d), d, type='o')
Here is a solution (partly on the basis of #jvj's input) through an attempt to compute the orthogonal projections of the cell centres provided by raster::extract on the line and then compute the distances along the line.
(This is an R-beginners script, likely easily improvable, but seems to work (and is of course only for rasters with projection respecting distances))
vals <- extract(r, line, cellnumbers=TRUE)[[1]]
cellsxy <- xyFromCell(r, vals[,1]) # coordinates of intersected cells (likely not ON the line)
linexy = spsample(line, 1000, "regular") # get the line as points
linexy <- matrix(cbind(linexy$x, linexy$y), ncol=2) # easier than Spatial object for later
orthoproj <- c() # to store the orthogonal projections of cells centres on the line
for (i in 1:nrow(cellsxy)) {
xypt = cellsxy[i,]
min.index <- which.min(spDistsN1(linexy, xypt))
orthopt <- linexy[min.index, ] # orthogonal projections = smaller distance
orthoproj <- c(orthoproj, c(orthopt[1], orthopt[2]))
orthoproj <- matrix(orthoproj, ncol=2, byrow=T)
orthoproj <- data.frame(x=orthoproj[,1], y=orthoproj[,2])
orthoproj <- orthoproj[order(orthoproj[,1]),] # reorder with increasing distance
orthoproj <- data.frame(x=orthoproj$x, y=orthoproj$y)
start <- linexy[which.min(linexy[,1]),] # leftmost coordinate of the line
dists <- apply(orthoproj, 1,
function(xy, start) sqrt(sum((xy-start)^2)),
start=start) # distances between 'start' and the orthogonal projections
plot(dists, rev(vals[,2]), type='o') # !! beware: order of 'vals' and 'dists'
# depending on the order in which cellnumbers are returned
# in raster::extract and the shape of your line !!

filling color gridient under normal curve in X direction in r

I am trying to shade under curve (contrast to y direction in this post). Just the following is hypothesis of filling direction.
curve(dnorm(x,0,1),xlim=c(-3,3),main='Standard Normal')
I am trying to write a function, where I can fill very small polygons with different colors ( I do not know if this is right approach), then it will look like gradient.
The idea is to extend the following filling of single polygon to n polygons.
codx <- c(-3,seq(-3,-2,0.01),-2)
cody <- c(0,dnorm(seq(-3,-2,0.01)),0)
curve(dnorm(x,0,1),xlim=c(-3,3),main='Standard Normal')
I tried to extend it to a function:
x1 <- NULL
y1 <- NULL
polys <- function ( lwt, up, itn) {
x1 <- c(lwt,seq(lwt,up, itn),up)
y1 <- c(0,dnorm(seq(lwt,up,tn)),0)
out <- list (x1, y1)
return (out)
out <- polys(lwt = 0, up = 1, itn = 0.1)
plotclr <- brewer.pal(10,"YlOrRd")
Neither I could workout the function nor I could brew more colors than 9 this way. Help appreciated.
You can use segments to achieve "roughly" what you want
x <- seq(from=-3, to=3,by=0.01)
curve(dnorm(x,0,1), xlim=c(-3,3))
segments(x, rep(0,length(x)),x,dnorm(x,0,1) , col=heat.colors(length(x)), lwd=2)

a fast way to calculate orthogonal distance of a point to y=x in R

I have a bunch of points that lie around y=x (see the examples below), and I hope to calculate the orthogonal distance of each point to this y=x. Suppose that a point has coordinates (a,b), then it's easy to see the projected point on the y=x has coordinates ((a+b)/2, (a+b)/2). I use the following native codes for the calculation, but I think I need a faster one without the for loops. Thank you very much!
typ.ord = seq(-2,3, length=n) # x-axis
good.ord = sort(c(rnorm(n/2, typ.ord[1:n/2]+1,0.1),rnorm(n/2,typ.ord[(n/2+1):n]-0.5,0.1)))
y.min = min(good.ord)
y.max = max(good.ord)
plot(typ.ord, good.ord, col="green", ylim=c(y.min, y.max))
abline(0,1, col="blue")
# a = typ.ord
# b = good.ord
cal.orth.dist = function(n, typ.ord, good.ord){
good.mid.pts = (typ.ord + good.ord)/2
orth.dist = numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n){
num.mat = rbind(rep(good.mid.pts[i],2), c(typ.ord[i], good.ord[i]))
orth.dist[i] = dist(num.mat)
good.dist = cal.orth.dist(50, typ.ord, good.ord)
As easy as
good.dist <- sqrt((good.ord - typ.ord)^2 / 2)
It all boils down to compute the distance between a point and a line. In the 2D case of y = x, this becomes particularly easy (try it yourself).
In the more general case (extending to other lines in possibly more than 2-D space), you can use the following. It works by constructing a projection matrix P from the subspace (here the vector A) onto which you want to project the points x. Subtracting the projected component from the points leaves the orthogonal component, for which it's easy to calculate the distances.
x <- cbind(typ.ord, good.ord) # Points to be projected
A <- c(1,1) # Subspace to project onto
P <- A %*% solve(t(A) %*% A) %*% t(A) # Projection matrix P_A = A (A^T A)^-1 A^T
dists <- sqrt(rowSums(x - x %*% P)^2) # Lengths of orthogonal residuals
