wordpress redirection loop after login - wordpress

I have created a custom post taxonomy called portfolio so such posts have an url like this: mydomain.com/portfolio/post-name/. This is fine so far however i just found I am having a problem with my Wordpress login and i believe this is causing it. I have a login link on every post so if a user log in from there it is supposed to be redirected to the post page but instead i get a redirection loop error.
If you look at the URL which Wordpress is trying to redirect to you will see something like mydomain.com//post-name/ so it means the taxonomy name is missing from the URL and thats causing the redirection error.
How can i address this problem and have the redirection fixed?
Thank you.

Redirect to Previous Page After Login
Add the following code in your function.php it would help.
if ( (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] != 'logout') || (isset($_POST['login_location']) && !empty($_POST['login_location'])) ) {
add_filter('login_redirect', 'my_login_redirect', 10, 3);
function my_login_redirect() {
$location = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];


Wordpress redirect to login page if user is not logged in

I need to force users to login before they can see browse my site. For new users Access should only be allowed to the my-account page which is my login url i.e. example.org/my-account
Below is what i've done so far
add_action('wp','force_register' );
function force_register() {
$loggedin = is_user_logged_in();
$pagename = get_query_var('pagename'); //get current page name
if(strcmp("my-account",$pagename) != 0){ //if the user is looking at any other page other than my-account page
if(!$loggedin){ //if the user is not logged in
wp_safe_redirect( "/my-account", 302 ); //redirect to the login page
The browser can't redirect and complains about too many redirects
What am I missing ?
Before WordPress does any routing, processing, or handling. It is run in the main() WP method in which the $query_args are passed to parse_request(), as well as when send_headers() , query_posts(), handle_404(), and register_globals() are setup. This is caused for your issue, You may use init instead of wp hook. more about wp hook.

How to disable Woocommerce login redirect if on Checkout Page

I have some code in my WordPress functions.php file to do a redirect after a successful woocommerce login. It works great, but I'm wondering how I can disable that redirect from running on the checkout page?
If a user logs into their account while on the checkout page they are getting redirected off the checkout page just before they have the chance to fill in their credit card data which isn't a great experience.
According to https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/conditional-tags/ conditional query tags like is_checkout() won't work in the functions.php file because You can only use conditional query tags after the posts_selection action hook in WordPress. And, unfortunately, apparently the functions.php file gets run before that.
What's my best option to solve this?
Here's the code I currently have running (the one I want to disable on checkout page):
function woo_login_redirect( $redirect_to ) {
$redirect_to = get_permalink(70241);
return $redirect_to;
add_filter('woocommerce_login_redirect', 'woo_login_redirect');
This is me trying to avoid the redirect if on checkout page (it doesn't work. It just redirects to post id 70241):
function woo_login_redirect( $redirect_to ) {
if (is_checkout()){
$redirect_to = '#';
} else {
$redirect_to = get_permalink(70241);
return $redirect_to;
add_filter('woocommerce_login_redirect', 'woo_login_redirect');

WordPress admin redirect conundrum

I feel stupid for trying this and not realising what would happen.
Using the wp_redirect function...
if( current_user_can('administrator') ) {
$url = "https://example.com";
wp_redirect( $url );
...I want anyone with the role of 'administrator' to be redirected to the homepage when they login. Seems easy enough.
But the problem is that any consequent attempt to go to WP admin (not just after they login, but any time) will result in the administrator being redirected to the homepage effectively 'locking' them out of WP admin.
So I guess my question is, is it possible to redirect an administrator to the homepage when they login, but only immediately after they login? And any consequent attempt to go to /wp-admin/ would let them in?
This code should solve your problem.You can add this code in functions.php.I tested and confirmed its working for me.
function admin_redirection_page() {
return 'https://example.com';
add_filter('login_redirect', 'admin_redirection_page');
I think you have to fire the above code in hook wp_login.
function your_function() {
$url = "https://example.com";
wp_redirect( $url );
add_action('wp_login', 'your_function');
Also we have use die() whenever we want to redirect.
Thank You

Give access to only two (/home, /inbox) page for a particular user with specific role in wordpress

I want to give only two page (/home, /inbox) access to my user with role "Vendor", if user tries to access other pages than it will automatically redirect to "/inbox" page, I put the below code to achieve the functionality but after adding this to function.php, site again n again redirect and finally dies with message "Page isn't properly redirected". please suggest what is wrong with my tried code or any other solution.
function vendor_redirect() {
global $post;
if(current_user_can('Vendor') && !in_array($post->slug,array("home","inbox"))) {
add_action('template_redirect', 'vendor_redirect');
The main issue the way I tried to get the page slug, the correct way to get the slug is "$post->post_name". also I put exit after wp_safe_redirect as well because codex suggest that:
function vendor_redirect() {
global $post;
if(current_user_can('Vendor') && !in_array($post->post_name,array("home","inbox"))) {
wp_safe_redirect(get_permalink(get_page_by_path( 'inbox' )));
add_action('template_redirect', 'vendor_redirect');

wordpress login redirect function

I am trying to create my own plugin in wordpress. Everything works great but I want to make a loginredirect check for users who want to access to the plugins page.
Here is my function in my functions.php:
function wpuf_auth_redirect_login() {
$user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( $user->id == 0 ) {
wp_redirect(get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
And this is from my myplugin.php:
function wpuf_user_edit_profile() {
wpuf_auth_redirect_login(); // if not logged in, redirect to login page
add_shortcode('wpuf_editprofile', 'wpuf_user_edit_profile');
It is not working. If I enter the plugins page as a guest in browser it does not redirect. It only shows the template uncomplete. Any help?
Where you say that it 'only shows the template uncomplete', this could indicate that there is a syntax error in your PHP code, and the server has stopped rendering the page at the point of that error.
I would suggest that you check for any errors by turning error reporting on, and seeing what happens from there.
