Webservice performance - Separate ASMX for each function or both functions inside the same ASMX? [closed] - asp.net

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am using ASMX web services.
I have two functions so, should I create two functions in a single ASMX or should I create separate ASMX for each function?
Does that impact performance? Which choice will have the highest performance?

With all things performance you need to profile it before making changes to increase performance otherwise you could end up optimizing the wrong thing.
Most of the times the Pareto principle applies, a small portion of code or a few modules in the entire application are responsible for most of the execution time. Making optimizations there will have the greatest impact on performance.
Have you optimized everything that could be optimized and drawn the conclusion that the service endpoint can cause performance issues?
You should write the code how it's easier to maintain. Do those two functions belong together or are they completely unrelated? Does it make sense to have them exposed through one ASMX or two? That should be your criteria for how to define your endpoints.
My guess is that both choices will have similar performance but if you absolutely need to know build them both ways, profile them, and see which one performs better.


what "concern metrics" means in Software Engineering [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Recently, I was reading a paper whose name is "On the Effectiveness of Concern Metrics to Detect Code Smells: An Empirical Study".
I come from a non-English speaking country, and I can not quite understand what Concern Metrics means in the field of software engineering.
It is not referring to the relationship between objects?
I have some understanding of java and c #, some people may be able to use java to give me an example.
Like it is said in the paper's abstract: "While traditional metrics quantify properties of software modules, concern metrics quantify concern properties, such as scattering and tangling." Are you familiar to the cross-cutting concern concept? This question provides examples of concerns: Cross cutting concern example Try to read papers on aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to grasp more concepts in order to understand better the relationship between concerns and code. The metrics are attempts to quantify, for instance, the amount of scatterness of a concern (e.g. login) over the source code.

Can I write go library to be used from another languages? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm writing relatively small, but not simple networking library which is going to be used at least from C,java,python,ruby and C#. Is there a way to make go bindings to the other languages the way in can be done form C? If not is there other way?
Right now, you can't write libraries in Go that can be used in other languages. Go has a runtime environment that does a lot of things (like sheduling go-routines, collecting garbage) for you. This runtime environment is written under the assumption that it controls the whole program. This assumption does not hold if Go code would be used from inside another language, as the Go library cannot influence the binary that uses it.
I imagine that a JSON service would do what you describe.
Have a look at the json test for a simple example
It wouldnt matter what languages you used to set and get data from your app

Symfony2 Service and Trait Best Practices for small chunks of code [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In Symfony2 (could apply to other frameworks too) are there any factually based best practices defined for when to put a small chunk of reusable code in a trait as oppose to a service (or even in a model)?
e.g. scenario:
I had a small piece of code which modified a url slightly (added a specific port based on the current environment and machine). It was used by several controllers. I was told this would be best in a trait as a service would be overkill because it was only a few lines of code and there was only one parameter being passed to the function (the url).
Symfony2 manual defines a service as:
"a generic term for any PHP object that performs a specific task."
There may be some subjective opinions here, but the question guidelines say:
Great subjective questions inspire answers that explain “why” and
“how” and Great subjective questions insist that opinion be backed up
with facts and references
And that is what I am looking for. Factual reasons why or why not to use a trait over a service for a small chunk of code.
A great suggestion has been: traits aren't easy to test whereas services are

What is the performance of subqueries vs two separate select queries? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is one generally faster than the other with SQLite file databases?
Do subqueries benefit of some kind of internal optimization or are they handled internally as if you did two separate queries?
I did some testing but I don't see much difference, probably because my table is too small now (less than 100 records)?
It depends on many factors. Two separate queries means two requests. A request has a little overhead, but this weighs more heavily if the database is on a different server. For subqueries and joins, the data needs to be combined. Small amounts can easily be combined in memory, but if the data gets bigger, then it might not fit, causing the need to swap temporary data to disk, degrading performance.
So, there is no general rule to say which one is faster. It's good to do some testing and find out about these factors. Do some tests with 'real' data, and with the amount of data you are expecting to have in a year from now.
And keep testing in the future. A query that performs well, might suddenly become slow when the environment or the amount of data changes.

Modularization of PL/SQL packages [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Currently I am doing a restructuring project mainly on the Oracle PL/SQL packages in our company. It involves working on many of the core packages of our company. We never had documentation for the back end work done so far and the intention of this project is to create a new set of APIs based on the current logic in a structured way along with avoiding all unwanted logic that currently exists in the system.
We are also making a new module currently for the main business of the organization that would work based on these newly created back-end APIs.
As I started of this project, I found out that most of the wrapper APIs had around more than 8000 lines of code. I managed to covert this code into many single APIs and invoked them from the wrapper API.
This activity in itself has been a time-consuming process but I was able to cut down the number of lines of code to just 900 in the wrapper API by calling independent APIs for each business functionality.
I would like to know from you experts if this mode of modularizing the code is good and worth the time invested in it as I am not sure if it would have many performance benefits.
But from a code readability perspective, this is definitely helping and now I am able to understand the 8000 lines of code much better after restructuring and I am sure the other developers in my organization too will understand.
Requesting you to let me know if I am doing the right thing and if its having its advantages apart from readability please do mention them. Sorry for the long explanation.
And is it okay having more than 1000 lines of code in a wrapper API.
Easy to debug
Easy to update
Easy to Modify/maintain
Less change proneness due to low coupling.
Increases reuse if the modules are made generic
Can identify unused code easily
