if condition for single.php at wordpress - wordpress

Since I have a blog in blogger(it is a images blog), so I recently moved to wordpress.
After importing all posts from blogger to wordpress it is showing post thumbnail image in single post along with the post original image. So I changed the template. It good working for all imported posts.
But I posted many posts after came to wordpress using a plugin for bulk posting. That template showing thumbnail images in main page , category page etc.. But in single post it is not showing original image.
So I changed template again. Now the images are not showing in imported posts (single post).
So I decided to show separate single.php codes for each category.
So what I need is:
I gathers these 2 codes.
code 1:- (single.php of 1st template)
code 2:-(single.php of 2nd template)
Here I am copying these 2 codes.
In a template single.php code(what ever the template may be) I like to write if condition to solve my problem. I will tell you algorithm but please write the if condition code please. ............
if( categeory_id=14 or 15 or 16 or 17)
Code 1 here.
code 2 here.
Thanks to all developers. If it is not possible please suggest me a good gallery theme.
Thanks in advance.

This should work:
<?php if (is_category( array( 14,15,16,17 ) ))
//Code here
//other code
In the array put the id of the category. If a category isn't in that array then it will run the other code.


how to customize post meta in wordpress?

currently my theme on WordPress is Neve , and my posts all over the blog shows the following meta info :
where :
1- post title
2- post author
3- post date
4- post category
i want to replace these post meta with similar to this:
for this purpose i have created a child theme and then installed snippet plugin to add php code easily and deactivate it once it is not working . unfortunately i could not find the code that can do the required modifications on that post meta :
can any one provide a full php code to modify all these changes in one time after pasting into snippet ? or if there is another way i can do it ?
You'll have to create a child theme (already done) where you can override the current blog post template, instead of using a snippet plugin. To do this, copy the blog post template file from your theme and add it to your child theme.
WordPress will now read your child theme template instead of your theme's template, and you can easily modify the DOM from there, and shape the layout/text however way you want. (You can use the theme editor built-in in WordPress to modify the new child theme file. No plugin required.)
This is the proper way to modify a post page without plugins, and you can easily grab thing such as a post date, author, etc. via WordPress' built-in function. Example of how to get the author name of a WordPress post in PHP.
As for, 'latest edition' date, I will lend you a snippet I wrote for a client as WordPress. This will return the date at which a post has been modified as long as it is different from the publishing date (tweaks are common right after publication so it's a tad pointless to show a "last edited date" as the same as the publication date).
function current_post_last_edited_date_formatted() {
if(get_the_modified_date() !== get_the_date()) {
return '<p class="last-edited"> Last edited <span class="data">'.current_post_last_edited_date().'</span></p>';
} else {
return '';
The function you see called in the condition are WordPress core functions. =)

content area not found in my page with elementor

I just started with Wordpress and I published a website a few weeks ago. Today I wanted to edit the homepage, but I get the following error:
Sorry, the content area was not found in your page. You must call the_content function in the current template, in order for Elementor to work on this page.
I haven't edited my homepage and it worked perfectly a couple of weeks ago. Is there someone that can help me fix this issue?
If you are using any shortcode on your page and you are fetching post on that page and looping through the post in a while loop. Please add this after the loop ends. No sure why but this always cause issue for me.
Code will look like this:
$posts= new WP_Query($args);
while ($posts->have_posts() ) : $posts->the_post();
It doesn't matter it's a shortcode or what if we are doing something like above make sure to add wp_reset_postdata();
This is one of the issues that I usually face. There can be other reasons too.
Probably you've edited the page template from Templates -> Theme Builder -> Single. Anyway, even if you don't, you can fix it that way: Go to Templates -> Theme Builder -> Single -> Add New, then select page and create a template for all single pages (make sure that you drag the page content widget in the template). This should overwrite your theme single page template (which misses the content function).
Just make sure your 'Home Page' and 'Posts Page' are different, otherwise you get your page mixed up and this error occurs.. Worked for me!
You can verify this setting in Appearance>Customize>Homepage Settings :)
The Answer to this error is to check the structure of your permalinks. Try to save your permalinks one more time. Also, try to change the permalink structure to “Plain”. Some servers do not allow to write to the .htaccess file and as a matter of fact, you cannot always modify your permalink structure and edit with Elementor.
I found myself in the same place yesterday and freaked for a moment and did some research to find out why I was receiving the error and came across this page. Believe for me it occurred due to the situation Ed Jones posted about above, I had inadvertently edited the post template. But a fast and easy fix was to go back to an earlier revision of the page in my history. That solved my problem quickly.
Add the_content() at the end of your templates

WordPress--post only latest 1 or 2 or 3 posts on homepage

How do I just display the latest post on home (not the whole archive as wp does by default)?
And how can I influence that it has/not date, category, read more, etc?
WP manual does not explain this clearly. Or does it? If yes, please tell me where?
Thank you guys! And girls!
The new Wordpress Themes have child themes, it is a new way to organize and simplify upgrading themes, but it can be a pain because they are not as easy to modify as older themes. Anyway, there is the old way:
You can use the settings in the Administration Page to set your homepage to display only one post (Settings / Reading / Blog pages show at most -> 1 post). But if you want just your home to display one post, and decide you want your archives to display the basic 10 posts, you can edit your theme template to use this function:
<?php query_posts('posts_per_page=1'); ?>
Function Reference/query posts
To be sure no date or category is displayed, you also have to edit the template and remove the corresponding php code (in the loop, you should look for these functions:
<?php the_category(); ?>
<?php the_date(); ?>
Function Reference/the category
Function Reference/the date
To use the new way, you have to create a child theme to your theme, and override the loop by creating your own loop.
Chld Themes

Wordpress multiple / exclusive posting pages

I want a site with a separate News and Blog page, ie only news posts are dispayed on news pages and non news posts on blog pages. Also archive lists, category lists, etc for each page must only display relevant posts. Seems like a common requirement, but using the WP documentation, I keep going around in circles!!! Is there a simple way to do this, without getting into multiple blogs, eg using categories.
That's easy.
First, you will need to create custom page template. Refer to this page to see how to create it.
Second, on that page (you can copy from your page.php/index.php, the important part is:
if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
Find that piece and add this code just right above that code:
query_posts('cat=3&paged='.get_query_var( 'paged' ));
Things to note from above query_posts snippet is:
cat: this is the category ID you want to query. To easily see what ID is on a particular category, you can use ShowID for Post/Page/Category/Tag/Comment plugin.
paged: Paged will allow your custom page to handle next & prev navigations, which is handled by next_post_link() and prev_post_link(). As for get_query_var( 'paged' ) is function to get what page's page you currently see.
Hope that helped.
I blogged it here (in Bahasa Indonesia, which you can easily translate using google translate).

How do I create a custom WordPress page?

I want my WordPress blog to have a page called music. On that page I will query the DB for posts with the category music and then change around the look and feel of the posts. So I can't just put a link to /categories/music/ because I want to do custom work on the posts.
Should I put this code in a separate php file and link to it? I think I may lose access to all the nice WordPress API calls if I do that.
I was thinking about using a filter, but I am not sure which one to use. I was thinking something like the following except the_title has not been grabbed yet so I cannot check the title.
function show_music(){
if( is_page() && the_title('','',false) == 'music' ){
echo "got here";
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'show_portfolio');
How would you go about this?
You need to put the below code in the file, and then put the file in the Theme folder. Then you can create a page using Wordpress pages and select a page template with the name you put in this comment:
Template Name: Something Goes Here
You need to create custom page within your theme. If you dont have idea how to create custme page or template page in WordPress theme then view my easy tutorial How to create template page in WordPress
