scss files are compiled and merged into a single css file [duplicate] - css

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How to prevent SASS from merging files included via #import?
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have following directory structure
Whereas my styles.scss file has following code
#import "modules/header";
#import "modules/footer";
Now when I execute compass compile command, all of my styles in header and footer and merged into styles.css. What I want is that all scss files should compile separately and should be imported in styles.css file. How can I achieve this?

.sass/.scss files that start with an underscore don't get compiled unless they're imported; if you want those to compile separately, rename them to "header.scss" and "footer.scss".


How to generate CSS from Sass in Bulma

This is my first time working with Scss, although I have run the command in terminal to convert a simple input.sass to output.css in the case of other libraries, it seems a little bit difficult, since it's new to me.
I have a profile with index.html which should require a style.css, but I need this style.css to be generated from Bulma directory which is currently in this format:
The problem here is that, unlike the sass input.scss output.css example which converts Scss files to CSS, the above seems complicated.
I don't know which file to convert, or if I should alter the Sass file and modify them but do I save the output in individual CSS file or one master style...
in every sass directory such as base, components and so on, they all have _all.sass file. which include all of the files in that directory. So, all you need is to include one _all.sass file from every folder within sass folder.
So in your sass file, that you will watch with sass gem, make includes for all fo the _all.sass.
Something like this would work.
#import "utilities/_all"
#import "base/_all"
#import "elements/_all"
#import "components/_all"
#import "grid/_all"
#import "ayout/_all"
Also, I am not 100% sure, but I think it is a bad idea to mix sass with scss, so my advice would be to do something like this:
In your sass folder of your project create a sass file and name it styles.sass. In that file write imports to all the _all.sass files.
And then just go do this in the terminal: sass --watch sass:css

Why does my SASS #import, go onto my CSS #import?

Ok so for example, lets say I have main.css, main.sass, about.sass, and contact.sass.
main.sass should have #import about.sass and #import contact.sass. Then, when main.sass is compiled, main.css should have all the content of about.sass and contact.sass. Not #import's.
#import 'tools/fonts'
#import 'tools/normalize'
#import 'tools/grid'
Now when this is converted to main.min.css it looks exactly the same as in main.sass
#import url(tools/fonts.css);
#import url(tools/normalize.css);
#import url(1-tools/grid.css);
Shouldn't there be no #imports, just the combined css code?
The files you are importing don't have names that start with an underscore. If the file starts with an underscore then SASS knows that it is a partial file, and should be included wherever it is imported.
If a file name does not start with an underscore, then it will be generated as it's own CSS file.
This behaviour is described here.
If you have a SCSS or Sass file that you want to import but don’t want to compile to a CSS file, you can add an underscore to the beginning of the filename. This will tell Sass not to compile it to a normal CSS file. You can then import these files without using the underscore.
For example, you might have _colors.scss. Then no _colors.css file would be created, and you can do
#import "colors";
and _colors.scss would be imported.
Note that you may not include a partial and a non-partial with the same name in the same directory. For example, _colors.scss may not exist alongside colors.scss.

Less: process less and CSS files

I've a project with less and CSS files mixed (vendor stuff). I want to optimize all files either CSS or less to one merged CSS file. Usually I've one less file which imports all needed files. But it doesn't work with imported CSS files. It just export the "import "foo.css"" to the merged CSS file.
How can I do that?
Use #import (inline) directive.
You can read more about it here.
I suggest to treat .css files imported like they would be .less with the following syntax:
#import (less) "foo.css";
This results in a final compiled .css file that include rows from original .css imported one, followed by processed LESS rows.

How to merge css files (not .scss files) by sass or compass

Although I know CSS file is a valid SCSS
but there is some reason ,so I can't change some files subfix to SCSS
#import url("global/reset.css")
#import url("global/frameset.css");
#import url("global/header.css");
Can sass or compass merge it (´・_・`)
You can try the Sass CSS importer plugin, by Chris Eppstein himself :)
#import takes a filename to import. By default, it looks for a Sass
file to import directly, but there are a few circumstances under which
it will compile to a CSS #import rule:
If the file’s extension is .css.
If the filename begins with http://.
If the filename is a url().
If the #import has any media queries.
If none of the above conditions are met and the extension is .scss or
.sass, then the named Sass or SCSS file will be imported.
You can't do that with SASS without renaming the CSS files.
I suggest that you use some kind of CSS compressor to concatenate and minify your CSS code. Please have a look at Yeoman, currently the most solid approach to handling this kind of tasks.
If you want to merge all css files into a single compiled css file, you need to change their extension to sass or scss and make the changes to be compatible with that format.

SCSS Partials for .css files without changing the filename

I'm looking for ways to optimize my WordPress instance. The theme has about 8-10 CSS files that are rendered in the functions.php. Consequently, I do not want to change any file names because that would mean that I have to hack the theme and I want to keep that to a bare minimum.
I want to use SCSS to combine these CSS files into one CSS file and include the new file in the theme instead. When I try...
#import "style.css";
#import "reset.css";
#import "shortcodes-styles.css";
It renders as
#import url(style.css);
#import url(reset.css);
#import url(shortcodes-styles.css);
How can I get SCSS to import the CSS as partials without changing the file names? I'm also using CodeKit if that makes a difference.
Not possible. Sass only compiles Sass files:
