Send Push Notification every time Data Browser changes - push-notification

I have a chat that uses to store messages.
How can I send a Push Notification every time a row has been added to a custom class called Chat? Is there a proper way of doing this?

You should check out cloud code guide, specially the part: Performing actions after a save
Also check out the send push notifications section.
Basically you can setup a method to be triggered everytime a chat is saved. This code will run automatically on parse servers.

Simply call the send code when you add your row.
There are a lot of tutorial about sending push notification, especially with a chat as example.
For example here :
Self-Edit : Fixed bad link


React native push notification getting data from API

I'm new to react native and I need some help.
I need to implement a feature that the application informs the client if it has an appointment on the day and if it does, notify him, if not, not notify.
However, I believe that the application needs to check in the API if it has any scheduling and if it has to check if it is on the scheduling day and if it is, send a notification to the client
Correct me if I'm wrong
I'm using react-native-push-notification
But I can't make the logic for this to happen, I can offer my code so they can help me
You can opt to go with the react-native-push-notification with firebase so that You can able to send the push notification whenever you want through the blackened.
Firebase documentation:Cloud Messaging

How to Send and receive Scheduled notifications FCM Flutter [duplicate]

I have working with FCM console to send push notification and it has an option to schedule the delivery date.
But in the references, this API is not documented as an option. I need to know if its possible to push a notification with predefined delivery date through a POST request.
If you're looking for a public API of FCM for a scheduled push or a payload parameter where you can set the push date, unfortunately, there's nothing like it as of the moment.
You must implement your own App Server and implement the scheduled push yourself (also mentioned it here).
As an alternative to ALs excellent answer: you could:
send a data message with FCM straight away,
in that message include a field with when the message is to be displayed,
them in your application code show the message when it is due.
This has the added advantage that the message can be delivered when the user has a connection, and then displayed when they don't have a network connection.
Of course this only works if you can determine the exact message before it is displayed. If the contents of the message can only be known right before it is displayed, you will need to implement your own mechanism to schedule deliver as AL said in his answer.

FCM Schedule delivery date or time of push notification

I have working with FCM console to send push notification and it has an option to schedule the delivery date.
But in the references, this API is not documented as an option. I need to know if its possible to push a notification with predefined delivery date through a POST request.
If you're looking for a public API of FCM for a scheduled push or a payload parameter where you can set the push date, unfortunately, there's nothing like it as of the moment.
You must implement your own App Server and implement the scheduled push yourself (also mentioned it here).
As an alternative to ALs excellent answer: you could:
send a data message with FCM straight away,
in that message include a field with when the message is to be displayed,
them in your application code show the message when it is due.
This has the added advantage that the message can be delivered when the user has a connection, and then displayed when they don't have a network connection.
Of course this only works if you can determine the exact message before it is displayed. If the contents of the message can only be known right before it is displayed, you will need to implement your own mechanism to schedule deliver as AL said in his answer.

Dynamic Push Notifications

I know that Firebase has recently added support for Push Notifications and while this is a great thing, I only seem to be able to send push notifications manually via the Notifications Panel.
What I'd like to do is to send push notifications within a user scope...Let me explain that. Each User in my App has an account and then each user can join a group. Within this group the user can perform tasks and has a list of chores to do. Now when certain tasks are due for example I want to remind the user of doing it with a push notification. For 1-10 I might be able to pull this off manually, but is there a way to dynamically based on the data in the Database send out Push Notifications?
I know that certain Push Notifications can be created using the Analytics tool such as "Hey you have not visited for 3 days, please come back whatever"... but I'd like to register push notifications such as "I just created a task, this task needs to be done within 3 days. Remind me in 3 days if the task is still not done".
Is this possible with Firebase or do I need to have my own server connecting to Firebase and handling those events?
You need to implement FCM in your client and in a server. Let me put this straight:
First, you need that your client, or app, to register into FCM and get a FCM token that will be used to identify that device uniquely.
Then, store that token wherever you like. It can be into firebase database or other server you may like. I recommend you to store it into firebase if you are using it as a database for your users; that's my case.
Also, you need to implement a http or xmpp server in order to send FCM messages to your registered devices containing the data you are interested in. For example, you can implement a Google App Engine endpoint (can be done with Android Studio and Java) that is quite simple or a NodeJS module, depending on your preferred language.
If you are using Firebase as database you can connect from your server with the appropriate SDK and get the FCM tokens you want from your users, and then send the message to those with data. Don't forget to secure your serve.
The way you implement your server algorithm to send FCM messages depends on your app purposes.
Hope it is clear enough for you. Also you can find all the documentation with a short video that explains the general structure here:
You can use cloud functions to trigger on any create, update or delete operation in your database and in the trigger event, you can choose to send in FCM push notifications to the devices of your choice.
Here is the documentation regarding the use and structure of a cloud function:
Hope this helps!

Send Parse Push Notifications with

I have developed an android application with the Parse push notification service and I can send notification from the Parse website.
How can I send push notifications through my own website using Is there any way?
I checked the Parse documentation but i get confused, I would really appreciate it if someone would help me.
I ran into similar confusion. I wasn't even sure how to properly setup the user so that I could send a push notification directly to them. Then I found the following post:
Channels and Targeted Push Notifications
Note the last item under the Channels heading:
Most apps might find it useful to have a channel for each user so that
they can send messages to a user across all their devices and have
users follow others in the app.
So, now I know that I should subscribe each user to a channel that uniquely identifies the user (e.g., the '' channel).
After I have subscribed the user to their channel, I can call Parse's REST API via my ASP.NET application. See Sending Pushes in the Parse REST API Developers Guide.
For an ASP.NET/C# example of how to submit a push notification check out this answer.
