How to run some SQL commands on Drupal 7 User Rregistration - drupal

I need to run a SQL command right after a new user account has been created (I need to obtain new User ID also). (in Drupal 7)
How can I do this?

In a custom drupal module, use hook_user_insert.
within that function the $account variable with have the new user data and user id number.
To run custom sql query, you can use drupal's db_query function.
If you need to learn about custom drupal module development, take a look at the example modules.

Build a custom module with hook_user_insert implementation.
Here's a code sample that saves the new user's id into a table called test_table.
function [YOUR_MODULE]_user_insert(&$edit, $account, $category) {
$newUserId = $account->uid;
'user_id' => $newUserId,


how to add node in through Drupal API

In order to insert an article to Drupal there are thee ways of doing that:
by admin panel - really slow and not feasable if talking about 400 articles
by pure sql - number of tables that have to maintained and calculated (content, core, cat etc.) is quite high and it's not really reliable
by using drupal API - that's something that I was trying to implement but can't find a good documentation on it. What I'm trying to achieve is to use drupal classes and insert content (ie. running a PHP file with (catid,title,introtext....))
Example: what i want to add node in site but my php code should be run in
Can you please point me into direction where I can find some info on how to manage articles and categories this way?
Thanks in advance
If your request is very specific and you can't find a module that does what you need it shouldn't be too difficult to make a module on your own and import (create drupal) content from your code. Should be something like this:
Create a php file that will do the job.
At start of your script include standard Drupal's bootstrap code so you'll have all Drupal's functionality available in your script
Make code that will read content (from database or feed or something else).
Use Drupal api to insert node programatically:
Call your script manually or set cron to call it on specific time periods.
First you have to read RSS feed in drupal custom module. Then, following code can create node programatically.
$node = new stdClass();
$node->type = 'blog'; // This type should exist
node_object_prepare($node); // Sets some defaults.
$node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE; // The language of the default
$node->title = "testnode";
$node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = "Body";
node_save($node); // function that actually saves node in database

Integrate Smarty Site with Drupal site

I am currently working on a site which is on smarty based.The name of the site is
I built a new folder in the root path and installed droupon (which is a component of drupal for buying or creating any deal) on the folder.The site url is
Now I want to integrate or merge this two sites.So that when a registered user access then he can access the with his session user id.
But this is the problem.
Is this really possible to pass data from smarty based site ( to drupal site ?
Please help me.
I would write at module in Drupal that looks at $_SESSION and creates and/or login the user at the Drupal-site. Perhaps the rules module can do that work, but you will probably need to implement a rules-hook to grab the relevant session data as input to the rules component.
Here are a few lines of code that do some of the work but you need to implement hook_menu aswell to register an entrypoint for the integration.
//register user
$passwd = user_password();
$edit = array(
'name' => $_SESSION['username'],
'pass' => $passwd,
'mail' => $_SESSION['email'],
'init' => $_SESSION['email'],
'status' => 1,
'access' => REQUEST_TIME,
$uu = drupal_anonymous_user();
$u = user_save($uu, $edit);
global $user;
$user = user_load($u->uid);
$login_array = array ('name' => $username);
However, Im not sure this is the best way to go about it. Sharing data in the same session-namespace between 2 different applications will probably lead to errors on both sides. Is it not better to implement the whole site in Drupal from the beginning?

How to show name field in signup form drupal 7

I am using Profile 2 to add fields in registration form in drupal 7.
now i want to show name fields before username and password fields, how can i do it ?
Edit: I'm sorry, I had misunderstood your question (left my previous answer for history).
Try Profile2 Registration Path. It promises to merge both your account and profile information on a custom path. Use the .htaccessfile to redirect from user/register to the new URL or install one of the various redirect modules.
Afterwards you might want to follow the approach from my previous answer to correct the order:
Use hook_form_alter to set the weights of the fields according to your needs. You can do so by inserting somthing similar to
function yourthemename_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'user_register_form') {
$form['field_firstname']['#weight'] = -20;
$form['field_lastname']['#weight'] = -19;
in the template.php of your theme.
Be aware that I'am using the build in profile fields instead of Profile2 but it should work the same way. If you're not sure how your profile fields are to be accessed download and enable develmodule, set permissions to allow guests to access developer information and insert a dpm($form)in the above function.

Modify the title given in hook_menu() from another module

How can I change the title given to the /user/[uid] page from Your account to Welcome [user name] for logged-in user, where [user name] is the username for the currently logged-in user?
Use hook_menu_alter.
Alter the data being saved to the {menu_router} table after hook_menu is invoked.
Code sample:
function MYMODULE_menu_alter()
global $user;
if($user->uid != 0)
$items['user']['title'] = 'Welcome ' . $user->name;
You should be able to accomplish this with the Menu token module:
Menu Token module provides tokens, that could be used in title or in path of menu items (links).
(It requires the popular Token module.)
Note that with Drupal 7.23, the user.module includes a 'title callback' to determine if the user is logged in or not, and respond with a corresponding title.
Code that worked for me (through theme template, instead of a custom module):
function YOURTHEME_menu_alter(&$items) {
$items['user']['title callback'] = 'YOURTHEME_user_menu_title';
function YOURTHEME_user_menu_title() {
global $user;
return user_is_logged_in() ? t($user->name) : t('User account');
The String Overrides module should make this easy.
In Drupal 7, hook_menu() and hook_menu_alter() are just invoked when the data about routes implemented from modules needs to be refreshed, for example when a module is enabled, disabled, installed, or uninstalled. An implementation of hook_menu_alter() that uses the name of the currently logged-in user in the title would show the same username for different users.
Differently, the title callback associated with a route is called every time the page associated with that route is rendered.
The correct code would be similar to the following one.
function mymodule_menu_alter(&$items) {
$items['user']['title callback'] = 'mymodule_user_profile_title';
function mymodule_user_profile_title() {
global $user;
return user_is_logged_in() ? t('Welcome, #name', array('#name' => format_username($user))) : t('User account');
Notice that the first argument of t() needs to be a literal string, not a dynamic value as in t($user->name) because the database table containing the string translations would not contain the translation for every username used in a site.
It is also wrong because the shown username is invariant respect the language used on a site: For example, in an Italian site, a username like Albert isn't translated to Alberto, nor Vincent is translated to Vincenzo.
When showing a username in the UI, it is always preferable to use format_username(), which allows to third-party module to change what shown as username. (For example, a module could show the content of a user field, instead of showing the login username.)
If you aren't willing to write custom code, you could use the String Overrides module. If you don't want to use any module just for changing the title of the user profile page, you could add the following code in the settings.php file used for the site.
$conf['locale_custom_strings_en'][''] = array(
'My account' => 'Welcome to my site'
Notice that, either using the String Overrides module or adding the $conf['locale_custom_strings_en'][''] array in the settings.php file, you cannot:
Provide a string that changes basing on the logged-in user (which is what the question is asking for)
Provide a string that is used only on specific pages
The latter case could be a pro or a con. If the string that needs to be changed is generic enough, it would be replaced even when it should not.

Referenced node display references

I have a node "Bug/Requests" which references one "Project".
On the project "node" page, I would like to display a list of bugs/requests which link to that project. Is this possible?
here is how I ended up doing it:
Is this good or bad? Is there a better way? (in template.php)
function digital_preprocess_node(&$vars)
$node = $vars['node'];
if ($node->type == 'project' )
$bugs_requests_nids = array();
$query = 'SELECT entity_id FROM field_data_field_project WHERE field_project_nid = :project_nid';
$result = db_query($query, array(':project_nid' =>$node->nid));
foreach($result as $row)
$bugs_requests_nids[] = $row->entity_id;
$vars['tasks'] = node_load_multiple($bugs_requests_nids);
I think you want the References Module (provides node and user reference fields for Drupal 7)
Apologies I didn't read properly, you also want the Corresponding node reference module which makes the node reference bi-directional (D7 versions of the modules given in another answer).
EDIT to address your new code:
I'm guessing you're pretty new to Drupal from your recent questions but either way you've hit on (in my opinion) the best method to do this. If you're comfortable writing PHP code (which a lot of Drupal users aren't) then grabbing the data directly will always be more efficient than using a contributed module that might have a lot of overhead.
A few minor points:
I'd consider moving your code out of the template file and into a custom module, inside a hook_node_load function instead so this data is available throughout the life of the nodes (that way you can re-use it in many different contexts). However if you don't need to reuse this data anywhere except in the template file then it's fine where it is.
If you're going to go directly into the field tables you should probably use the field_revision_field_x tables instead of field_data_field_x so you can take advantage of the revision system and always grab the most recent data.
As fields can be attached to multiple entity types you should make sure you're getting the right field data for the right entity (you may not plan to attach this field to any other nodes/entities but it's good practice in case you do).
This is a slightly edited version of your code taking into account the proper field types (untested but should work):
function digital_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
$node = $vars['node'];
if ($node->type == 'project' ) {
$bugs_requests_nids = db_select('field_revision_field_project', 'p')
->fields('p', array('entity_id'))
->condition('entity_type', 'node')
->condition('bundle', 'project')
->condition('entity_id', $node->nid)
->condition('revision_id', $node->vid)
$vars['tasks'] = node_load_multiple($bugs_requests_nids);
