scheduling meteor.js on crontab - meteor

I have a meteor.js application I've created to run locally on OSX on my laptop. Every so often, meteor stops running for unexplained reasons (like after the computer returns from sleep).
I'd like to schedule a process on cron to check every minute if meteor is working, and if it's not, launch it. I placed the following in my crontab:
* * * * * ps aux | grep meteor | grep -v grep || cd ~/path_to_my_meteor_project/; nohup meteor &
This command works at launching meteor when I enter it manually in terminal. But when scheduled in cron, it does not seem to do anything.

This is likely to be caused by the fact cron expects a binary file (or a script to launch) whereas, when typed in a terminal, your command is interpreted by bash, which understands logic such as ||.
In order to fix this, you will have to create a bash script containing the line of code working in your terminal, then ask cron to run it every minute.


Close and reopen + run an R script from itself on Mac

I would like to write an R script that can close and reopen + run itself.
This is needed for an API query that I am trying to make and which seems to require me going through these steps once every hour to be able to make additional requests. I tried to use the source() function - and simply run my script from itself every hour- but with this the API keeps rejecting additional requests; it seems that actually closing and opening the program is necessary.
I also tried to use the system() command - as described here to actually open R and execute the script - but I was not able to figure out how to implement this in a Mac environment.
Would you have any suggestions on how to do this?
The usual way to run a script every x amount of time on a Unix system is a cronjob. I'm not familiar with macOS, but apparently it works just as on Linux.
Open the job list to edit it (you can of course use another editor instead of nano)
env EDITOR=nano crontab -e
Add a line/job to the file. This runs any command line command. You can use Rscript to run an R script.
0 * * * * Rscript "/path/to/your/script.R"
Exit and safe. This script should now run every hour.
If you want to change the timing check out Check out this answer, if the cronjob reports Rscript to be missing.

Use crontab to automate R script

I am attempting to automate a R script using Rstudio Server on ec2 machine.
The R script is working without errors. I then navigated to the terminal on RStudio Sever and attempted to run the R script using the command - Rscript "Rfilename" and it works.
At this point I created a shell script and placed the command above for running the R script in there. This shell command is also running fine - sh "shellfilename"
But when I try to schedule this shell command using crontab, it does not produce any result. I am using the following cron entry :
* * * * * /usr/bin/sh ./
I am using cron for the first time and need help debug what is going wrong. My intuition is that there is there is difference in the environments used by the command when I run it on terminal and when I use the same in crontab. In case it is relevant information - am doing all of this on a user account created for myself on this machine so would differ from admin account.
Can someone help resolve this issue? Thanks!
The issue arose due to relative paths used in the script for importing files and objects. Changing this to absolute path resolved the described issue.

R script as cronjob not executing

I've created a short R script that continuously downloads data from twitter using the streamR package. This script is supposed to run on a standard Amazon EC2 server running Ubuntu 14.04. When testing it in the standard command line, it runs fine. However, it is not run as specified in the cronjob. I used the following command:
sudo crontab -e
and then added the following line to the file
0 * * * * Rscript /home/mydirectory/docs/phd-research/data-collection/cron-script.R
in the hope that it would execute the R script every hour.
Is there anything I might have got wrong with the permissions? I've already checked that cron is running and I chmodded the directory the r script is supposed to write to to 775.
Thanks in advance!
OK - it turns out I used the wrong command to call up the crontab. The directory it was supposed to be working in was owned by user rather than root, so calling a root crontab didn't work.
The proper command for editing the crontab is the following:
crontab -u user -e
The Rscript didn't require the full path, it worked with both.
The $PATH$ is not known (i.e. the directory of Rscript is not part of the standard $PATH$) during the execution of a cronjob. Writing the full path to Rscript will work:
0 * * * * /.../Rscript /home/mydirectory/docs/phd-research/data-collection/cron-script.R

Command line app: Unix cd command

My Mac OS command line application is making Unix calls such as:
system("rm -rf /Users/stu/Developer/file);
perfectly successfully.
So why is the following not changing the current directory?
system("cd /Users/me/whatever");
system("pwd"); //cd has not changed
system() executes a command specified in command by calling /bin/sh -c command, and returns after the command has been completed.
So each command is executed independently, each in a new instance of the shell.
So your first call spawns a new sh (with your current working directory), changes directories, and then exits. Then the second call spawns a new sh (again in your CWD).
See the man page for system().
The better solution is to not use system. It has some inherent flaws that can leave you open to security vulnerabilities. Instead of executing system() commands, you should use the equivalent POSIX C functions. Everything that you can do from the command-line, you can do with C functions (how do you think those utilities work?)
Instead of system("rm -rf ...") use this.
Instead of system("cd ...") use chdir().
Instead of system("pwd ...") use getcwd().
There are some differences, of course, but these are the fundamental equivalents of what you're trying to do.

Schedule R script using cron

I am trying to schedule my R script using cron, but it is not working. It seems R can not find packages in cron. Anyone can help me? Thanks.
The following is my bash script
# source my profile
. /home/winie/.profile
# script.R will load packages
R CMD BATCH /home/script.R
Consider these tips
Use Rscript (or littler) rather than R CMD BATCH
Make sure the cron job is running as you
Make sure the script runs by itself
Test it a few times in verbose mode
My box is running the somewhat visible CRANberries via a cronjob calling an R script
(which I execute via littler but Rscript
should work just as well). For this, the entry in /etc/crontab on my Ubuntu server is
# every few hours, run cranberries
16 */3 * * * edd cd /home/edd/cranberries && ./cranberries.r
so every sixteen minutes past every third hour, a shell command is being run with my id. It changes into the working directory, and call the R script (which has executable modes etc).
Looking at this, I could actually just run the script and have setwd() command in it....
