Machine Key generation feature not exist in latest IIS Version -

Answering one of the recent question on SO, i encountered this anomaly.
This msdn blog suggests using IIS to generate machine key, which looks more secure to me as Microsoft tool being used. However, it seems this feature is only supported until IIS 7 or less.
I don't find it on my box IIS 8.5. I checked on IIS 7.5 and its not present there either. However, I found it in IIS 6.1 on a coworker box.
I am wondering whether:
It still exist in IIS latest versions, if yes, how to use it?
If it is removed from latest version of IIS, what's suggested approach from Microsoft to generate a secure enough machine key?
Is it safe to use these custom generators?
a. Machine Key Generator (online)
b. ASP.NET machineKey Generator (tool you can modify)

See for information on how to generate a <machineKey> element. There's a script there that you can copy & paste into a Powershell window.
Reminder: only use keys that you generated yourself on your own machine. Never use an online generator.

As for mentioned by #ryanulit, you can just copy the script directly to your PowerShell window
Steps :
Open powershell window (anywhere is fine)
Copy the script from the microsoft link and paste in your powershell window and press enter
Type Generate-MachineKey -validationAlgorithm SHA1
That's it. Your machine key description will show up in the window.
PowerShell image sample from my PC
Script Link from Microsoft

I know I came to very late to provide this answer. Hope this helps for any others.
I'm using the latest IIS 10(which is the latest)
By default, the Machine Key feature is not installed when enabling the Internet Information Service in the windows features.
You need to install ASP.NET XX from the World Wide Web Service
After installing this, you can generate your keys from the Machine Key Option.

Make a copy of the administration.config file in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config. Then, in the <moduleProviders> node under <!-- ASP.NET Modules--> remove the MachineKey node. Then run iisreset. Re-open IIS and see if the ASP.NET area is present. If it is, put the MachineKey node back in the administration.config file (or just re-instate the original config file) and run iisreset again.


How to create an installer with self updates on windows server for an dotnet core console/service application

I have an application, an aspnet core website 3.0 that is currently running in a console application.
A client is interested in installing it on their internal network.
I am thinking that its best to convert it to a background service and windows can ensure that its running. Following:
What are my options to create an installer for this? Is there anything new out of the box with dotnet core that makes this easy, or should I just go with older "best practice" aka google it to create an installer? Or is it best to just use that sc create TestService BinPath=C:\full\path\to\publish\dir\WindowsServiceExample.exe command to install it.
Author of the blog post here. It really depends on who the target audience is. If it's someone trying to deploy it on an internal network, IMO the SC commands are fine because either
A. It's an IT person installing it anyway so they won't have fear of double clicking a .bat file.
B. The IT team uses some sort of GPO/scripting to keep all machines in line in which case they can surely run a one line command to install it anyway.
An installer is only useful if the end user is non-IT, a customer etc.

IIS 7 SQL Server session management: Where can I find COM object dll for asp classic

Basically, I'm following this guide:
which states that there's a download link at the top with example code (including COM modules needed for ASP Classic). However, there's no such link/material. Thus, I'm looking to find these COM modules (dlls) somewhere else. But where?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
PS. I'm running win 2008 server r2, iis 7.5.
Couple minutes of Googling led me to the Japanese version of the article which does contain a download link.
Unfortunately that link no longer works (moved, removed etc) but what it did do was expose the originally file name sessionsample.exe.
With this information in hand another Google brought up a link on to the file.
Code Sample: Session Sharing Between Classic ASP and ASP.NET
WARNING: Be very careful when using CNet to download software only use the download link at the top of the article (see image below) as other links are misleading advertisments that will more then likely lead to spam and/or malware.

Windows Explorer not refreshing after CreateFolder (new folder)

We have built a WebDav Service with your Engine and have a one problem when we create a new Folder or File:
The new folder / file is created successfully, but not showing in the Windows Explorer. Only if you press F5, the new folder / file is showing (and the name is already selected to be edited).
This behavior is reproducible even with a blank WebDav Solution.
We can reproduce this on Windows 7 and Windows 8 (8.1) using WebDav .NET Server 3.8 and the latest 3.9.
Is there a way to get around this “refresh-problem”?
I solved this issue but clicking in the folder explorer at view > options > then i restored to default and everything is back to normal.
I assume this issue is in Windows Explorer on a single computer. Most likely the WebDAV server-side code is failing with with some exception. Here are some ideas how to detect what is wrong:
Unmount network connections executing 'net use * /DELETE' in a command prompt, this will unmount WebDAV connections too and simulate 'clean' environment.
Retry reproducing the issue and examine your WebDAV logfile. By default it is located in /App_Data/WebDAV/Logs/ folder. Are there any exceptions in it?
Use Fiddler tool or any other debugging proxy to capture and examine HTTP requests. Are there any failed requests?
In case you are creating a folder/file on one computer using Windows Explorer (Microsoft Mini-redirector driver) or IT Hit Ajax File Browser and expect the files list to refresh automatically on another computer this would not work. Mini-redirector does not support any notifications from server and WebDAV does not submit any notifications, you need to refresh the files list manually to see the new items created.
I found this video on Youtube that explains in very much detail how to fix this problem:
It is a bit lengthy, so I'll just quickly sum it up here:
The reason for these problems are one or more (broken) Shell Extensions that prevent the refresh of the Windows Explorer
To fix it, open up regedit.exe (requires admin privileges), do a search for the Registry Key "DontRefresh". If it is "1", set it to "0". There might be multiple matches for that Key, so repeat until all Keys have the value "0".
This might not work immediately, you may have to kill and restart your explorer.exe process (easiest to do with the Task Manager). Or you can simply reboot your computer. In my case, it worked immediately.
According to the video, the Keys should only be located under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID, but in my case I could only find such Keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Classes/Wow6432Node/CLSID.
I figured it makes most sense to simply search the complete Registry, it does not take very long.
I tred a lot of hacks, from scanning the system, to recreating the profile to hacking Registry keys and hives.
Finally what worked for me -
Right click on desktop
Select Personalize
Click Themes
Click Change desktop icons
Click Restore default & OK
And instantly it began to auto refresh with a new folder, rename, delete, copy, etc.

How do I find out whether enabling gcServer config is taking effect?

I'm supporting a ASP.NET v2.0 app installed on a Windows 2003 SP3 Enterprise on a quad core 8G machine running on .NET 2.0 SP1.
before enabling the config, ran "tasklist /m mscorwks.dll"
Image Name PID Modules
w3wp.exe 7888 mscorwks.dll
add under section in web.config
ran IISRESET, rebooted server too
ran "tasklist /m mscorsvr.dll"
INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria.
ran "tasklist /m mscorwks.dll"
Image Name PID Modules
w3wp.exe 6251 mscorwks.dll
It seems like gcServer is not taking effect. Are there any additional settings/ configurations necessary to get it working?
Update: Sorry, just saw that the link below, and thus maybe the whole information, applies to IIS 6.0. I don't know whether that is applicable to your environment.
I don't believe you can configure any GC setting on a per AppDomain basis, which is essentially what would happen when you only set it in a web.config file, thus on a per application basis.
You need to set this in the aspnet.config file. The Aspnet.config file is in the same directory as the Aspnet_isapi.dll file (check this for more information).
Edit: To figure out the GC in use, you can use WinDBG/SOS and the eeversion command:
0:010> !eeversion
2.0.50727.3082 retail
Workstation mode
SOS Version: 2.0.50727.3053 retail build
See this MSDN link, where Chapter 5 had the answer. Quote from Chapter 5:
Note: At the time of this writing, the .NET Framework 2.0 (code-named "Whidbey") includes both GCs inside Mscorwks.dll, and Mscorsvr.dll no longer exists.
I guess there is no way to check whether the server GC is working. EDIT: but see Christian's answer.
From code you can use GCSettings.IsServerGC.

Setting up IIS7.5 for local ASP.Net Development

Are there any particular settings one should optimally enable/disable/tweak when doing ASP.Net MVC development on local test machine Windows 7 using IIS 7.5 and moving in and out the debugger & recompiling refrequnetly (integration/troubleshooting stage now before TDD fantactics throw stones - although admittedly I could have more under test), I work with 64 bit edition but figure this probably applicable at both x86/x64?
I'll start with one:
Ping Period (seconds) - increase from 90 to 3000 (or something somewhat higher) so you can if unfortunately need to a good bit of time whilst debugging or disable ping on local test machine.
However I see over stuff such as:
Disable Overlapped Recycle & Recycling settings etc.. that I wonder if could increase performance or make debugging less friction
Question prompted by the annoyance that I've ran across a few recent debugging issues (not apparent in production) including a random, and tempormental error "An assembly with the same simple name blah-blah-lah-assembly-definiton has already been imported . Try removing one of the references or sign them to enable side-by-side." (iisreset resovles) and generally slow debugging attaching. The points and answers to this question need not help with the above (I believe it may be related to spark view engine as that where the stacktrace ends) but figure it worth mentioning incase someone has a direct suggestion *
quick tip: if you're experiencing slow response times (~1-1.5 sec) from browsers other than internet explorer (eg: firefox, chrome, safari) while running your mvc/ other web app on your local machine using win7/vista, it is due to dns resolution with ipv6.
firefox solution: disable ipv6 in about:config (boolean cfg 'network.dns.disableIPv6')
machine wide soft solution: uncomment the good old localhost address in the hosts file (%WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts):
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. localhost
# ::1 localhost
machine wide hard solution: disable ipv6 completely
credit goes to this blogpost:
Embarcadero guys just published a fresh article on similar topic for Delphi Prism (aka Delphi for .NET), so why not take a look on their suggestions?
From the experience i have working with mvc, i can tell that there are no special settings for IIS 7 or IIS 7.5 for working on mvc projects. It works fine in the default form, you just need to create a new website and point it to the folder that has the files for you application.
For debugger if you ask, you can simply put a breakpoint in the code and hit that breakpoint when you run the application from visual studio. But by default the application will use the development web server that fires up when you run a web application from visual studio. If you want to the application to run using the IIS installed on your system you will have to change the project settings. See here for a screen shot of how to do so
Additionally you can also use System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); for putting a break point in the code.
If you only want to debug your application, I recommend to use the built-in development server of Visual Studio.
If you debugged the most of it or want to do that on IIS, I recommend you the Ctrl+Alt+P shortcut, which enables you to attach a debugger. Select w3wp.exe and you can debug with IIS.
