R: Hide worksheet with package xlsx - r

I've had great success with the R package xlsx for many things. However, in the documentation, it says "the user has control to set colors, fonts, data formats, add borders, hide/unhide sheets, add/remove rows, add/remove sheets, etc." (Emphasis mine.)
However, I've scoured the documentation and can't find the function to hide sheets. Can someone point me to it? Thanks!
Documentation at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/xlsx/xlsx.pdf if this helps.

So that others having the same problem can find the answer, here is how developer Adrian Dragulescu replied to my email:
Once you have a workbook
wb <- createWorkbook()
you can do
wb$setSheetHidden(0L, 1L)
if you want to hide the first sheet (0-based indexing in Java).
See the documentation here: http://poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFWorkbook.html#setSheetHidden(int, int)
I can confirm this works, and many thanks to Mr. Dragulescu.

A solution using openxlsx package:
openxlsx::addWorksheet(worksheetName, sheetName, visible = F) #hides
openxlsx::addWorksheet(worksheetName, sheetName, visible = F) #shows (default)
More info here: https://rdrr.io/cran/openxlsx/man/addWorksheet.html


Using rlist on a list of imported Excel sheets causes problems when filtering on certain names

I have dug into rlist and purrr and found them to be quite helpful in working with lists of pre-structured data. I tried to solve the problems arising on my one to improve my coding skills - so thanks to the community of helping out! However, I reached a dead-end now:
I want to write a code which is needed to be written in a way, that we throw our excel files in xlsm format to the folder an r does the rest.
I Import my data using:
vec.numbers<- gsub("\\.xlsm","",vec.files)
list.alldata <- lapply(vec.files, read_excel, sheet="XYZ")
names(list.alldata) <- vec.numbers
The data we call is a combination of charaters, Dates (...).
When I try to use the rlist-package everything works fine until I try to use to filter on names, which were in the excel file not a fixed entry (e.g. Measurable 1), but a reference to another field (e.g. =Table1!A1, or an Reference).
If I try to call a false element I get this failure:
list.map(list.alldata, NameWhichWasAReferenceToAnotherFieldBefore)
Fehler in eval(.expr, .evalwith(.data), environment()) :
Objekt 'Namewhichwasareferencetoanotherfieldbefore' nicht gefunden
I am quite surprised, as if I call
I get a vector with the correct entries / names.
As I identified the read_excel() as the problem causing reason I tried to add col_names=True, but did not help. Also col_names=False calls the correct arguments into the dataset.
I assume, that exporting the data as a .csv would help, but this is not an option. Can this be easily done by r in a pree-loop?
In my concept of working assessing the data by the names is essential and there is no work around so I really appreciate your help!

Bind or merge multiple powerpoints in r

I have been using officer package to create the respective PowerPoint decks, however at this moment, i would like to merge/ bind them all as one slide deck and was not able to figure out. Can someone guide me if there any package that helps to merge multiple PowerPoint decks into one.
I believe currently there are no functions or packages that do this in R, so I'll suggest you a few possible solutions that come to mind.
1: I believe you could use read_pptx() to read, say, a deck1 and a deck2 files. Then, loop through the slide indexes of deck2, and use those values to add_slide() into deck1. I think there's a function in officer called pptx_summary(), which converts a pptx R object into a tibble, but I'm not sure you could convert a tibble back to a pptx R object.
2: You could convert pptx files into pdf files, and use pdftools to join them.
When creating PowerPoint slides automatically via R (for example by using the PowerPoint export of R markdown), merging them with pre-manufactured fixed slides (for example explanations with elaborate visuals) may likely become necessary. As there seems not single-line solution so far, here's an incomplete answer to a 3-year-old question.
A look into the sources of OfficeR shows that the package works with a data structure and a temporary folder in the background that contains the XML files that are zipped in the XLSX file.
Copying slides, therefore, requires both: To update the structure, and to copy XML files and other ressources, eventually. Here is a very rough draft of how merging two PowerPoint files can work, based on the OfficeR classes.
merge_pptx = function(a, b, filename) {
# go through the slides of b
for (index in 1:length(source$slide$get_metadata())) {
# We need a new filename in the target's slide directory
new_slidename <- target$slide$get_new_slidename()
xml_file <- file.path(target$package_dir, "ppt/slides", new_slidename)
# Copy XML from source to new filename
orgFilename = source$slide$get_metadata()[index, "filename"]
newFilepath = paste(target$package_dir, newFilename, sep="/")
file.copy(orgFilename, xml_file)
# Not sure yet, what exactly this does
slide_info <- target$slideLayouts$get_metadata()[1,] # Use first best layout at the moment
layout_obj <- target$slideLayouts$collection_get(slide_info$filename)
# update presentation elements
target$presentation$add_slide(target = file.path("slides", new_slidename))
target$content_type$add_slide(partname = file.path("/ppt/slides", new_slidename))
# Add the slide to the collection
target$slide$add_slide(xml_file, target$slideLayouts$get_xfrm_data())
target$cursor <- target$slide$length()
print(target, target=filename)
source = read_pptx("One.pptx")
target = read_pptx("Two.pptx")
merge_pptx(source, target, "Combined.pptx")
Please note, that this is a draft only. It does not yet respect the different layouts for slides, not even speaking of different masters. Embedded files (images) are not yet copied.
The bulk of this function is inspired by the add_slide() function in the dir_slide class, see https://github.com/davidgohel/officer/blob/master/R/ppt_class_dir_collection.R

How to save a plot as image on disk from Viewer in RStudio?

Summary: my ultimate goal is to use rCharts, and specifically Highcharts, as part of a ReporteRs PowerPoint report automation workflow. One of the charts I would like to use is rendered as html in the Viewer pane in Rstudio, and addPlot(function() print(myChart)) does not add it to the PowerPoint. As a workaround, I decided to try to save myChart to disk, from where I could just add it to the PowerPoint that way.
So my question is really, How do I get my html image into my ReporteRs workflow? Either getting it saved to a disk, or getting it to be readable by ReporteRs would solve my problem.
This question is really the same as this one, but I'm using rCharts, specifically the example found here:
#if the packages are not already installed
install_github('rCharts', 'ramnathv')
#code creates a radar chart using Highcharts
#create dummy dataframe with number ranging from 0 to 1
#muliply number by 100 to get percentage
myChart <- Highcharts$new()
myChart$chart(polar = TRUE, type = "line",height=500)
myChart$xAxis(categories=df$id, tickmarkPlacement= 'on', lineWidth= 0)
myChart$yAxis(gridLineInterpolation= 'circle', lineWidth= 0, min= 0,max=100,endOnTick=T,tickInterval=10)
myChart$series(data = df[,"val1"],name = "Series 1", pointPlacement="on")
myChart$series(data = df[,"val2"],name = "Series 2", pointPlacement="on")
So if I try
> png(filename="~/Documents/name.png")
> plot(myChart)
Error in as.double(y) :
cannot coerce type 'S4' to vector of type 'double'
> dev.off()
I get that error.
I've looked into Highcharts documentation, as well as many other potential solutions that seem to rely on Javascript and phantomjs. If your answer relies on phantomjs, please assume I have no idea how to use it. webshot is another package I found which is even so kind as to include an install_phantomjs() function, but from what I could find, it requires you to turn your output into a Shiny object first.
My question is really a duplicate of this one, which is not a duplicate of this one because that is how to embed the html output in Rmarkdown, not save it as a file on the hard drive.
I also found this unanswered question which is also basically the same.
edit: as noted by #hrbrmstr and scores of others, radar charts are not always the best visualization tools. I find myself required to make one for this report.
The answer turned out to be in the webshot package. #hrbrmstr provided the following code, which would be run at the end of the code I posted in the question:
# If necessary
# Main code
webshot::webshot("/tmp/rcharts.html", file="/tmp/out.png", delay=2)
This saves the plot to the folder as an html, and then takes a picture of it, which is saved as a png.
I can then run the ReporteRs workflow by using addImage(mydoc, "/tmp/out.png").

Editing or Viewing data frame in R Console

I can see the entire data frame in the console. Is there any possible way or any function to view data frame in the R-Console (Editing similar to that of Excel) so that I should be able to edit the data manually?
S3 method for class 'data.frame'
You can use:
edit(name, factor.mode = c("character", "numeric"),
edit.row.names = any(row.names(name) != 1:nrow(name)), ...)
You can go through in detail with the help of this link - Here
You really can use edit() or view().
But maybe, if you dataset isn't big enough, if you prefer to use Excel, you can use this function below:
if (class(inputDF)!="data.frame"){
stop("ERROR: <inputDF> class is not \"data.frame\"")
if(nrow(inputDF)>5000 & nrows!=-1){
system(paste0('open ',tempPath))
I've defined this function to help me with some tasks in R...
Basically, you only need to pass a DataFrame to the function as a parameter. The function by default display a maximum of 5000 rows (you can set the parameter nrows = -1 to view all the rows, but it may be slow).
This function opens your DataFrame in Excel and returns the path where your temporary view was saved. If you wanna save and load your temporary view, after changing something directly with Excel, you can load again your data frame with:
# Open a view in excel
tempPath <- view.excel(initialDF, nrows=-1)
# Load the file of the Excel View in the new DataFrame modifiedDF
modifiedDF <- read.xlsx(tempPath)
This function may works well in Linux, Windows or Mac.
You can view the dataframe with View():
As #David Arenburg says, you can also open your dataframe in an editable view, but be warned this is slow:
For updates/changes to affect the dataframe use:
df <- edit(df)
Since a lot of people are using (and developing in) RStudio and Shiny nowadays, things have become far more convenient for R users.
You should look at the rhandsontable package.
There is also very nice Shiny implementation of rhandsontable, from a blog I stumbled upon: https://stla.github.io/stlapblog/posts/shiny_editTable.html. It's not using the console, but it is anyway super slick:
(A few years later) This may be worth trying if you use RStudio: It seems to support all data types. I did not use it extensively but helped me ocassionally:
It shows an editing dialog by default. If your dataframe is big you can browse to while the dialog is being shown, to get a resizable editing view.
You can view and edit a dataframe using with the fix() function:
# Open the mtcars dataframe for editing:
# Edit and close.
# This produces the same result:
mtcars <- edit(mtcars)
# But it is a longer command to write.

R: rJava error with xlsx (0.4.2) package

I am trying to use the xlsx package to fill a spreadsheet with information from an external file. Up until now, I have used addDataFrame() to put information into the spreadsheet, and everything about it that I have tried has been successful (fonts, colors, borders, etc.)
The issue now is that I need to have a column of hyperlinks, and to do that I need to get or create the specific cells (I'm not sure which, and both give the same error). The following code:
wb = createWorkbook(type="xlsx")
sheet = createSheet(wb, sheetName="InProduction")
createCell(1, 2)
Produces the error:
Error in .jcall(row[[ir]], "Lorg/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Cell;",
"createCell", : RcallMethod: cannot determine object class
After doing some poking around, I found the method it is trying to call is from this API with the call:
minColIx <- .jcall(row[[ir]], "T", "getFirstCellNum")
Which seems to me like it ought to work, but it clearly doesn't. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Thanks in advance!
You need to create rows using createRow or getRows before you can create cells in these rows using createCells.
