Track user-id in button click - google analytics - google-analytics

I would like to track a button click event on my wordpress site. But i want the info in such a way that how many clicks were made by a particular user. Can i pass user-id from my website and get the number of clicks for the user-ids?

I'd split this out into two areas: (1) tracking the button click, and (2) collecting data by user. For tracking the button click, I would recommend Event Tracking. For collecting data by user, I would recommend passing in a non personally identifiable user ID as a user-scoped custom dimension. Then, you'll be able to create a flat table custom report with your custom dimension and event category as dimensions, and total events as a metric. Then you can see events per user.
One additional note here, you might want to explore using the User ID feature, which allows you to measure logged in users across browsers and devices. But even if you use the User ID feature, you'll still need to use custom dimensions to see data by User ID.

I have find a solution for this. I have used event tracking to achieve this. I have used the following function in the click event of the button.
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent','button-category','Click','Clicked by the user:User id from my site']);
In the label field i pass the user id from my site. Now, i can see the clicks of a particular user using his id under Behavior->Events->Pages->Your Page->Event Category->Event Action->Event Label. As username is personally identifiable info according to google, i didn't use username.


Firing a trigger group multiple times on a page

I need some help with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.
I want to send a pageview to Google Analytics if a user is viewing an image in a gallery on an article. The user is staying on the same URL, when he is viewing an image.
I created a trigger group which consists of two events
• Consent given by the user to use Google Analytics
• Event which is fired when an image in a gallery is being viewed
This works so far so good. Unfortunately, the trigger group is only being fired once on a page. When a user open the gallery and views the image and scrolls to next image, he is staying on the same URL. In that case, the trigger group is only being fired once.
How can I achieve that the trigger group is being fired multiple times on the same page without removing the second trigger (consent)?
I found out that I can create a second trigger group and add two image views and the consent as a trigger. But this solution means that I have to create 100 new tags, which is kind of crazy. Is there any workaround?
Thanks in advance
Once consent has been given by the user in a way that each pageview can pick up (e.g. you're setting it in some persisted state: data layer, cookie, etc.), you're ultimately just looking at triggering when the event happens.
Since you describe a scenario where it happens only once, I'd urge you to take a look at the other triggers on your tag and remove the page-specific trigger your description suggests you have in place. Replace it with only your event and consent triggers and it should work every time an event is observed.

When does a custom User Property persist as a dimension for a User in Google Analytics?

We have setup a custom user property for our GA users, and are tracking that property with our GA events through GoogleTagManager.
I can confirm that user events are now coming through with the user property defined.
This user property will also be static for each user. So some User1 will always have their custom property value as "xyz", which will always be reported with each Google Analytics event.
I now want to be able to explore user data by using that custom user property as a dimension.
Now this is sort of working, I can see some percentage of users who are listed as "xyz" or "xyz2", etc...
But most of our users are still listed as (not set) for that user property, even though if I explore their user activity I can see that their events are coming through with the custom user property set as "xyz".
So my question is how does a dimension for a custom user property determine a users value for that particular custom property?
Do I have to wait for a majority of a user's events to have "xyz" for the custom property value before that user is moved to the "xyz" value of the dimension?
The user-level custom dimension is associated with the Google Analytics user and remains that until it is changed. Even if you no longer send the information of the custom dimension to that user, the last one sent to him will continue to be associated.
However if the sessions of the last few days have a "xyz" dimension and today you send the "xyz2" as value of that dimension, the user from now on will have "xyz2" but the sessions of the past days of that user (already frozen in Google Analytics) will always have "xyz", so that user will have 2 different values if you view the data in his entire period of activity.

Display user ID in the metrics of application Insight

This page
Show how to have login information in the section "Authenticated users".
But how can I see this information in Application Insight after that
I do not see user anywhere in the custom event properties for events, it seems to be the internal field that's collected but not directly exposed in the view because most of the time this "auto-collected" user would be simply an auto-generated GUID....
You can take a look at the users summary on "Usage Analytics/Users" view as well as in Metric Explorer (just select the metrics about app users like "user accounts"...)
You should be able to search for user in the Diagnostic Search but only if you specify the user name you are looking for in the search - you'll get events/traces and so on for that particular user.
Also, you can try to submit authenticated user as a custom property on the event instead of (in addition to) the embedded property, in this case you should definitely see if as part of the properties in UI but this leads to a duplication of the value inside the event (internal + custom)...
You can make a query with Analytics. The result of your query should return a column called user_AuthenticatedId.

google analytics event tracking for individual users

Hi am using google analytics ga.js to track a button click event. It is working fine. However, i want to track the button click event for individual users in my site.(eg. karthik - 5, Richard - 7 etc ) Am using wordpress. How to achieve this?
There are ways track non PII user data using Google Analytics. This is an example of importing CRM user data, which you could use import the type of information you are looking for.
Basically you can send in a User Scoped Custom Dimensions which represents a user with the hit data,and then import a CSV to map that dimension to any other user scoped custom dimension.
I have find a solution for this. I have used event tracking to achieve this. I have used the following function in the click event of the button.
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent','button-category','Click','Clicked by the user:User id from my site ']);
In the label field i use the logged in user id from my site. Now, i can see the clicks of a particular user using his id under Behavior->Events->Pages->Your Page->Event Category->Event Action->Event Label. As username is personally identifiable info according to google, i didn't use username.

Using Google Analytics, if I explicitly log an event using _trackPageview, does that count as a 'real' page view?

For example, if I have a news page that's already being tracked via GA and I add a javascript event to capture clicks on a specific link to the news page (e.g. navigation) am I then 'double counting'?
If a fake pageview is not beneficial in this situation, and from your description that you're looking to track an engagement click on your page, use Event Tracking instead of Pageviews.
Tracking a click/event is easy (especially if you're already using Javascript). The best part is that this event is not considered a page view, keeping those stats safe.
The implementation is simple and allows for quite a bit of customization:
_trackEvent(category, action, opt_label, opt_value)
Below is an example of a link that's been encoded with an event tag:
Here's the Google Analytics resource page on Event Tagging:
Well it's not a real page view, but Google Analytics thinks that it is--i.e., it shows up in your pageview counts.
Fortunately, it's easy to filter those so they don't contaminate your pageview data.
So for instance,
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', 'unique_virtual_pagename']);
So in your GA Browser, you'll see the number of clicks actually shown as the number of pageviews of *unique_virtual_pagename*, which is not good.
There are a two ways to fix this (that i am aware of): (i) set a temporary filter at the bottom of the pageview table; or (ii) set a persistent (c*ustom*) filter in your Admin Panel (which i think is best) to remove pageviews having only the name *unique_virtual_pagename*, or whatever name you've chosen. This will of course take up to 24 hours to set, so the best plan is to set the filter first, then add the javascript to your page. so the filter is active when you begin collecting clicks.
But that just solves the problem of disaggregating these virtual pageviews from your real pageviews, you still need a way to count/record them.
I prefer to create a separate profile in these cases. So first, i filter the virtual pageviews from my actual pageviews using a custom filter, then i create a new profile which has another filter excluding everything but these virtual pageviews. I usually give that profile a name based on the event.
What you're doing is registering what's called a 'virtual page view'. To GA it's seen as a real page view and shows up in your content report's and page view counts etc. This is often useful if you want to show a page view for media that GA can't track. It's also commonly used to count an event, such as a button click, as a goal conversion.
If you just want to record the event and not count a page view you should look at using GA event tracking instead.
