Bootstrap popover - move it to the left/right side - css

I want to relocate my bootstrap popover in the left side, i.e. I want to move the whole popover in the left side, while the white arrow would stay in one place.
I would like to have the effect which is on website, when you click blue icon you see popover but its content is relocated while the white arrow is located under the user.
I know that I can use something like this:
.popover {
top:0 !important;
Unfortunately, it relocates the whole popover altogether with white arrow.
What I have now (popover is on the right side and there's no place between screen edge and my popover)
What I want to have (small distance between popover and monitor's edge):

“I want to change the position of content of this popover so that this
arrow will be placed further on the left„
When the popover is shown the arrow position is calculated in Tooltip.prototype.replaceArrow based on width/height and placement. You can force a specific position with this CSS :
.popover .arrow {
left: 90px !important; /* or 45% etc */
But that will affect all popovers. Popovers is injected and removed to and from the DOM, and there is by default no way to target visible popovers individually. If you want to style the arrow on a specific popover, a workaround is to hook into the event, detect which popover that is being shown, and style the arrow for that popover if needed. Example :
.on('', function() {
var $popover = $('.popover')[0];
switch ($(this).attr('id')) {
case 'a' : $popover.find('.arrow').css('left', '10px');break;
case 'b' : $popover.find('.arrow').css('left', '40%');break;
case 'c' : $popover.find('.arrow').css('left', '180px');break;
default : break;
To get this to work, there must be only one popover shown at a time (see fiddle). It can be worked out with multiple visible popovers also, but then we need to add some HTML to the popover content.
see demo ->

As what I have understood so far, you want to achieve the popover to the left of the button.
Please check this Plunker Link
HTML Code:
<div class="pull-right">
<button type="button" mypopover data-placement="left" title="title">Click here</button>
Angular Code:
var options = {
content: popOverContent,
placement: "bottom",
html: true,
trigger: 'focus'
I have edited the answer as per the images that you have shown.
If this is not is answer, then please comment below.
Regards D.


Make horizontal scroll for bootsfaces modal

I'm working with PrimeFaces and BootsFaces libraries. I have a little form inside bootsfaces modal. The form is used to change system parameters, and for one specific parameter has a <p:keyboard /> to change its value. My problem is that in extra-small devices, the bootstrap modal doesn't allow horizontal scroll, and the keyboard is not showing complete:
The keyboard is not responsive by default when the viewport with is less than 510px, so I have adjusted it to 436px by default in extra small screens. I want to make horizontal scroll on the modal just to see the complete keyboard, but only when I open the modal.
This is my javascript function to adjust the keyboard depending on screen size:
$(document).on('click', '.inpKeyboard', function() {//- The input text has a class called 'inpKeyboard'
if ($(window).width() <= 505) {//- Small screen
$('#keypad-div').css('width', '436px');
$('#keypad-div').css('left', '0px');
//$('.modal-open').css('overflow-x', 'auto');
$('#keypad-div').css('z-index', '2000');
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
What a nice puzzle! :) PrimeFaces calculate the size of the keypad window in JavaScript and stores it as an inline-style. So the clue to solving this is to add a timeout, like so:
$(document).on('click', '.hasKeypad', () => {
$('#keypad-div').css('z-index', '2000');
if (!(window.width > 505)) { // JSF (i.e. XML) doesn't accept the less-than-operator
// add a timeout to make sure the code is executed after PrimeFaces did its magic
setTimeout(() => {
// set a fixed with
$('#keypad-div').css('width', '436px');
// add the horizontal scrollbar
$('#keypad-div').css('overflow-x', 'auto');
// increase the height to make space for the scrollbar
$('#keypad-div').css('height', '180px');}
<!-- set a minimum width for the keyboard rows -->
<!-- (otherwise the key overflow to the next row) -->
#media screen and (max-width: 504px) {
.keypad-row {

w3 css w3-navbar with w3-top hiding page content

Using w3css with a pinned navbar (ie enclosed in a with class w3-top) how can I know the height of the navbar (which will vary with screen size) so I can leave this much space at the top of my non-pinned content so the navbar doesn't overwrite content?
My best solution so far is to duplicate the navbar in javascript and insert that at the top of the page without the w3-top class so that there is a hidden element which is always the same size at the top of the page.
<div id="pinned_nav" class="w3-top">
<ul class="w3-navbar w3-light-grey w3-border">
<script type="text/javascript">
//Duplicate the nav without pinning it to the top - this means that the other content will adjust to height of pinned nav
var nav = document.getElementById("pinned_nav");
var nav_copy = nav.cloneNode(true);
nav.parentElement.insertBefore(nav_copy, nav);
Since this seemed less error prone than just copy and pasting the HTML block.
But it's still rather clunky and I just wondered if there was a simpler way I was missing.
Other questions like this one which are not w3css specific suggest using a fixed margin to skip a pinned toolbar but I can't see how to determine this margin height with a responsive navbar.
You could use a Javascript script to get the height and append it however you want to use it.
function getHeight() {
var nav = document.getElementById("pinned_nav");
var nav_height = nav.offsetHeight; //append this var where you need to.
window.onload = getHeight();
window.onresize = getHeight(); //edit, added for if you resize the page
#pinned_nav {
height: 100px;
/*as example */
background-color: red;
<div id="pinned_nav" class="w3-top"></div>
Added resize event subscription.

Sticky navigation element jumps during scroll

In Firefox especially, I've run into an issue I can't figure out how to fix.
On the following page, when scrolling down the page jumps several times - mainly on smaller screens where the page doesn't have its full size displayed. You can replicate this issue by making your browser smaller than the page so you have to scroll.
It's on this page:
If I disable the position:fixed on the navigation selector, it fixes the issue - but we need the navigation to be sticky. Is there a solution to fix this? I'm thinking we may need to use jQuery somehow.
Thanks in advance!
After seeing you asking for help on another answer, I will try and explain more clearly for you.
The Problem
Your problem is when you add position:fixed to the navigation bar, it removes it from its place and sticks it at the top of the page. This is why the rest of your content jumps up - because the navigation bar is not where it was anymore.
How To Fix
You can get around this by wrapping your navigation element in a new div - let's call it nav-wrapper - and set its height to the same as your navigation element. These are known as placeholder elements. This new wrapper and your original navigation bar must always be the same height for the 'jump' to disappear.
<div class="nav-wrapper" style="height:80px;"> <-- add this
<div class="your-original-nav" style="height:80px"></div>
</div> <!-- add this
Now, when you set the navigation bar to fixed and it disappears to the top, the new wrapper we created with the same height keeps the page's content the same. When the fixed class has been removed, it sits back in the wrapper again, without pushing the content down.
A Suggestion
From what I can see on your site, there will be a big gap where the navigation bar was until the new fixed navigation reaches that point and covers it. What you want, is a little jQuery to figure out where to make the navigation fixed and where to hide it. I'll explain:
// cache the element
var $navBar = $('.your-original-nav');
// find original navigation bar position
var navPos = $navBar.offset().top;
// on scroll
$(window).scroll(function() {
// get scroll position from top of the page
var scrollPos = $(this).scrollTop();
// check if scroll position is >= the nav position
if (scrollPos >= navPos) {
} else {
You may want to add further functionality to this example, as it is very, very basic. You would probably want to recalculate the offsets on window resize as one addition.
A Demo
This is a little demo which might help you - I was bored and feeling helpful :)
Made it this way now: Added an element before the nav:
<div class="nav-placeholder"></div>
And the jquery:
<script type="text/javascript">
} else {
When I scroll down to 150 the placeholder gets the height of the nav, when i scroll up again I set it's height to 0.
Here is a fiddle:
You need to have a placeholder when your nav goes from relative to fixed.
Therefore you need to make a new div.
jQuery(".nav").wrap('<div class="nav-placeholder"></div>');
jQuery(".nav").wrapInner('<div class="nav-inner"></div>');
Remember to change ".nav", "nav-inner" and "nav-placeholder" to your desire.
For a fully functional sticky nav, check my website:
I solved the problem differently so on firefox as you can see in logs it scroll up itself so to stop this scrolling I made simple statement
$(document).ready(function () {
var header = $('#left-menu');
var offset = header.offset().top;
var up = true;
$(window).scroll(function () {
var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
console.log(scroll + ' ' + offset )
if (scroll >= offset) {
if (up){
} else {
that solution work for me when I can't specify height of div's I use.

How to fix bottom of layout of 100% height (jQuery Mobile and Google Map)?

I have a layout where I would like the main content area to be 100% height of the remaining space. So I am almost there but the bottom is truncated (which effects zoom and centering). There is 41px from the bottom that is being truncated, which is the measurement of the header area:
The reason why I know if it cut off is because I do not see the Google map copyright info. Here is the not truncated, but truncates the top (I just removed the top: 41px from #content .inner-content):
How do I subtract 41px from the bottom from the first sample to get the content 100% of the remaining area?
I was able to add just this: $('#content .inner-content').height($(this).height() - $('#header').height()), but really no CSS solution though???
One issue is that it's not easy to mix percentages and pixel measurements, because different screen sizes will behave differently. But it is possible to use API features to get the map to behave the way you want it to, on any size screen.
Make the map 100% of the screen size, so the header obscures part of the map. Suppress the default map controls so they do not appear partially obscured. Create an empty custom control the same size as the header and position it at the top of the map. When the map controls are added back, the custom control pushes them out of their usual place so they look right on the visible map.
var posn=google.maps.ControlPosition; // shorten the reference
// Add empty custom control
var controlDiv = document.createElement('div');'100%';'41px';
// Add map controls
Note 1: Because the map is actually 41px larger than it looks (in your case), the centre-point will be 20px higher than the centre of the viewable map. This may not be worth worrying about. If it is, then dealing with an apparent centre-point is the subject of another question on SO.
Note 2: This method won't work to get a fixed footer, because the Google logo and Terms links are always at the bottom of the map and [currently] don't move to avoid a control.
I edited your fiddle with a solution:
Basically, create a function that looks something like this:
function remainder() {
$("*[height=\"remainder\"]").each(function(index, element) {
var offsetParent;
var target = $(element);
if (element==$("body")[0]) {
offsetParent = $("html");
else {
offsetParent = target.offsetParent();
var position = target.position();
var heightParent = offsetParent.height();
var extras = target.outerHeight(true)-target.height();
var remainderHeight =;
For the element that you want to occupy the remainder of the page, do this:
<div id="content" data-role="content" height="remainder">
Finally, when your document is ready:
$(document).ready(function() {
In css only you can try to use a trick : use both top and bottom attributes on position: absolute property like I did on your fiddle :
Don't know if it works everywhere though.

Addthis widget in fixed element - position error?

I am using addthis as a vertical toolbox with the popup to be displayed on hover in a fixed element.
But when scrolling, the popup is displayed somewhere else. I tried using configs of offset top and left, but there were of no use. Is there any solution for this ???
DEMO here ---->
I tried using the code using jQuery and fairly satisfied my needs. So. here i used the on "mousemove" event to position the popup and it did worked.
$('.addthis_button_compact, .addthis_bubble_style').mousemove(function(e){
'top': e.pageY - 200 ,
'left': e.pageX - 200
Apparently there is no fix, according to the AddThis people.
This happens because we don't
recalculate the position of the DIV
after the menu is invoked. What I
would do is disable the compact menu
and set the button to only use the
expanded (full) menu, which is auto
So change <a class="addthis_button_compact"></a> to <a class="addthis_button_expanded"></a>
I ran into a similar situation where I had a div that dynamicly changed from normal to fixed positioning based on the scroll position (it was a sticky menu halfway on the page).
In the end I fixed it with this code:
// begin Fix for the AddThis menu positioning..
$(".sharing").bind("mouseenter", function (e) {
var isSticky = $(".sharing").hasClass("sticky");
var buttonPos = $(".addthis_button_compact").offset();
addthis_config.ui_offset_top = isSticky ? - 9 : 0;
// config for the AddThis menu positioning, needs to be in the global scope..
var addthis_config = { ui_offset_top: 0 }
See AddThis menu offset for help on the addthis_config parameter.
