Tutorials for Mobile Services for Xamarin.Forms - get device location - xamarin.forms

I am looking for instructions on using Mobile Services for Xamarin.Forms? I am especially interested in how to get the device's current location. I know that there is sample code here, https://github.com/aritchie/acr-xamarin-forms, that showcases everything that you can do with the library, the only problem being it is way too complicated for a newbie to understand, and there are no comments
Links to any comprehensive tutes or sample code with comments would be appreciated. I have searched but have not come up with anything good.

There are a good set of examples for learning Xamarin.Forms with some descriptions at the following link http://blog.falafel.com/learning-xamarin/.
With Xamarin.Forms being rather new you will have to search around for good snippets etc however.
There are a number of projects for Xamarin.Forms in https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-forms-samples. Try to looking at the following two for easier to understand short examples in Xamarin.Forms:-
The examples are short enough that should help you to learn from them.
There is a specific map related example at the following that also shows your current location on a map that you may like to look at further also:-
Run the applications, make small modifications and experiment - a great way to learning.
Have fun!

If you want to find out a users location via shared code, look at the Geolocator plugin from the component store. super easy to use


Play video on QT using OMXPLAYER

I want to play videos using Qt on a Raspberry-Pi. Can someone please give me a source code and a little description of how to. I would like to use omxPlayer
I really wanna do this kind of thing sample project on youtube
this should be a good start, even if I have not tested it, seems well documented (blog post, etc):

Realtime Web Based Rich Text Editor

Does anybody know of a web based Rich Text Editor like TinyMCE or FCKEditor which supports realtime collaboration? I know of systems like EtherPad, but I'm interested in finding something I can embed into another application, rather than something that works standalone.
Ideally something open source, and works on the .NET platform would be great.
There are
beweevee, using .NET, but it is not open source.
While there are several all in one solutions they often tend to be a bit lacking in features. I believe this to be because building a great editor and a great collaboration infrastructure are both very difficult and require different skill sets. It's very hard to do both very well. On the other hand if you find one that meets your needs it might be the simplest approach. ProseMirror comes to mind as a good example that does it pretty well.
I prefer to take a great editor with a great API and pair it up with some real time collaboration technology. Currently Quill and CKEditor 5 are great editors that have sufficient API's to enable real time collaboration. Both of them were built with collaboration in mind. You can pair them up with a realtime back end like the Google Drive Realtime API by Google or Convergence offered by Convergence Labs (full disclosure, I am a founder at Convergence Labs). Or if you are looking for an open source alternative you can look at Together JS or ShareDB.
For a fully javascript based solution try etherpad!
There is a .NET Client example on HTTP API and a page on other examples
Also refer this jQuery demo that can be embedded into your existing solution on the .NET Platform

Code snippet library for a team [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like a general purpose code snippets library, that I could use to store bits of code for any language, organized in folders. When any developer on the network adds a snippet, it should get transferred to others.
How can I do this simply? Any app that could be used for sharing libraries of text should be okay too.
That's called "a wiki".
We use a Sharepoint Wiki page for exactly this purpose ... that way code instructions and examples can be included in the same place.
A wiki is definitely the way to go but why stop there? Why not go with an issue tracking system that adds wiki functionality?
I have first hand experience with Trac and Redmine and openly recommend both of them. We've recently switched from Trac to Redmine where I work and I think I like it a little more than Trac, and use the wiki functionality almost everyday.
If you are looking for something smaller scale, there was a previous discussion here on SO that looks like it has some interesting links.
You might be interested in snip2code.
They do exactly what you are talking about... searching, collecting and sharing snippets of any language. It solves the problems I had for similar issue.
Hope it may help
Code Warehouse is the most extensive source code snippets manager. Code Warehouse is multi-user ready, which means that an organization’s entire development team can share a central code library and benefit from code that is already written and tested.
alt text http://www.xcca.com/cwbig.png
Please have a look at gist.github.com. This is definitely much better than a wiki sharepoint.
Plus you can reuse snippets from other user.
Wiki were designed to share any type of content. Some tools have been specifically designed to share code snippets. Some IDEs also have snippet features.
A wiki is definitely not the best match because it will not integrate with your IDE requiring you to have a separate tool open.
I'm going back and forth between a few Mac applications (haven't decided on one yet but I have tried quite a few). Most of these options allow you to host your snippet library on Dropbox or another network storage location so you can share your library with others. I don't know of any that provide any sort of live changes monitoring though.
Text Expander
Though not designed as an actual code snippet application, I used this for that purpose for a while and was quite content with it. You can share your library with others whether they're on Mac or Windows because there is a compatible alternative for Windows (i forget the name of the Windows alternative but it's easily found on Google I'm sure)
Finally decided to move on because I just wanted something a bit more robust. But may be an option to consider for some.
I just learned about this one and actually only just started trying it. So far it's pretty good and I haven't decided whether or not I'll stick to this or go back to Codebox. I really like the documentation library functionality it has but as far as storing snippets, with my limited experience thus far, all I can say, is I'm rather disappointed in the codehighlighting. It also doesn't have additional fields to write comments like some of the other applications do so your comments have to actually be written with the code. I can't say that bothers me though, it's actually a good thing.
I was using this one for a while and liked it quite a lot but wanted something that I could not only store small snippets in but also full source files like a few self contained javascript libraries. I attempted to store a large javascript file and the program not only couldn't handle it, but it actually corrupted my entire snippet library which I was hosting on Dropbox. Not sure if it was a self contained problem because I immediately uninstalled the app after that. But overlooking that i
A few others I may try but have no opinion about thus far
Code Bank (open-source)
Code Collector Pro
Last but not least.. I've actually just been using Gist more and more lately. I'm not aware of any desktop application for Gist (there's a browser app for Chrome I think and a couple of third party applications on the AppStore but I haven't tried them)

What are the best sites to showcase my development skills?

Besides stackoverflow, what are the best sites to showcase my development skills?
For those sites that are specific to a particular set of skills, I am a ASP.Net developer and I use c# primarily.
Something to send potential employers, and something that they would find easily during a Google search of me.
If you have a blog, that would be an awesome resource for your future employers to know more about you and your work.
Also, if you're looking for a job, there are many cool sites where you can show not only your coding skills (TopCoder, GitHub) but also what you think (Twitter), and maybe what your teammates think about you (LinkedIn).
Again, with a blog you could keep all this links together in one place.
There are many others as well.
A web page, of course. get a github account. Pick up silverlight and make a cool game perhaps?
Perhaps you may publish some of your projects in www.codeproject.com. If you have chosen a right project I think it can show your talent
Next time you take on a project that you don't mind being public, document your way through the project on a blog. It would give employers a chance to see your work patterns.
Also, win a couple TopCoder competitions. That might help
http://www.planetsourcecode.com used to be great but when I looked at it just now it seems like it has gone to the dogs.
http://www.codeproject.com is pretty poorly organised (in terms of site design) but if you want to draw attention to yourself it's pretty easy to find topics on there which aren't covered and could use a tutorial/example.
Consider contributing to existing established open-source projects on sites like SourceForge and CodePlex rather than starting your own. One which comes to mind that I looked at recently is http://anmar.eu.org/projects/sharpwebmail/ - it's a great project but sorely in need of a visual overhaul, which means more than just some updated JPEGs. Oxite was falling behind its roadmap targets from memory if you want another example of a good project to contribute to.
what about publishing a good nice opensource 'product' at google code, freshmeat or sourceforge?

How do I create a cool looking photo gallery

How can I achieve a cool looking photo gallery page? I don't know Flash, but can learn, and thought about a random collage that 'pulls out' a photo that you hover over.
It's for a photographer, so no thumbnails, grids, etc.
If you're looking for a tool that's pretty flexible and will support itself later on as you can just train the user to work with it check out JAlbum.
To work on integrating this yourself you can check out AJAX ASP Photo Gallery or something like this one.
If you're looking for a flash/flex based solution that they can just "plug-in" as a stand-alone product which incorporates some of the features you've described StudioCloud has a nice one that has a monthly fee...
I have had good results using the Galleria plugin for jQuery: http://devkick.com/lab/galleria/.
It will require an html page as a source, but this is relatively easy to produce automatically from a database or directory structure using ASP.NET
If the data does not need to be updated too often you could even produce the HTML by hand in a pinch. It wouldnt be difficult though it isnt easy to maintain.
I agree with Mat - JAlbum is excellent - but I'd also like to add that it's even better with the BananAlbum skin.
There are dozens of off the shelf apps available. Gallery, Wordpress (after configuration), and a few ASP.Net based ones. Flash is certainly not required.
That said, in order to learn a bit about Pylons, I wrote my own basic photo blog. If you can do basic CRUD development, it shouldn't be too hard.
Regarding your collage idea, you can accomplish that with JavaScript as well. See this article for similar effects stuff.
A little random, but the Silverlight deep zoom functionality is pretty cool around this area (although whether it's worth learning for this is another matter):
Example here: http://memorabilia.hardrock.com/
