Drupal Commerce Kickstart 2 change variation and content types to modify way products are displayed - drupal

I'm learning Drupal Commerce with a Commerce Kickstart 2 installation. I've understood in part the way products are displayed, with variation types and content types.
Have made some changes like visible/hidden product fields, and change the order product fields are displayed. But didn't get how, for example, in
the bag stay positioned left side and others product fields right side.
I'm running Drupal 7 and Commerce Kickstart 2
I'd like to know how to define new positions for product fields in my drupal commerce site.

The product page is displayed using the "Cloud Zoom" property. If you go to the manage display of the Product display type, you can find out more.


How to code bulk order form in wordpress

We developing a website for wholesale marketer,
In this when user click on products for eg. if user see t-shirt, he can choose multiple sizes, colors at a time and if user select 3 sizes for a product then in an increment box value show as 3
is this possible in wordpress without using paid plugin.
Have a look at this free plugin
It has Lightbox view for more details on the same page for each product also.

Adding a form to a product drupal commerce

I just want to add a form to a product and after i check the services in that form the amount increases.
imaeg of the page
in the Picture the product price is 7$ but when i add the service it added 10$
then the amount become 17$.
any solution for this,thanks
-- Drupal commerce
You can use Commerce Pricing Attributes https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_pricing_attributes

Drupal dynamic product catalog (without commerce)

So, I work at a web development agency and we recently decided to give our custom CMS up and start developing with Drupal. Currently, I am developing a wholesale product website. What I need to do is to create some product catalogs without using commerce since we do not need the purchase, checkout and payment features and I thought that using the built-in Content, Taxonomy and Views features we can get our job done.
I have created the product categories in Taxonomy. The main (root) categories are main Taxonomy objects and the subcategories are terms.
I created a custom Content type called: products. In this type I have the following form fields: Product Code, Name, Image, Description and a list field to choose the Terms I would like the product to be displayed in.
I would appreciate some help in order to set the whole structure up as I am still heavily influenced by the custom CMS we used to work on that had similar content management with Joomla!
In conclusion, I would like to:
Set a sidebar menu up that contains the categories and the subcategories as a tree. I would also like the menu to be updated if any changes occur in the taxonomy (e.g I add a term in taxonomy and it shows up on the menu).
Set the structure so that when someone clicks on a category that does NOT contain products but subcategories, gets the list of the categories bellow the active one.
I am really looking forward to your answers and I'd like to thank you in advance.
You could give a try to a combination of Taxonomy Menu and Menu Block modules. Taxonomy Menu allows you to easily generate menus from taxonomy vocabularies, and Menu Block creates menus and "menus portion", for instance, from level 2 to 3 from a specific point.
So basically, you can create menus from taxonomy and then create submenus from those menus with Menu Block. It can be tricky but you can do a lot of things with these modules.
Good luck

Hide Products from View in Drupal Commerce

I know this may be very basic but I can't seem to figure out a way to hide a product that I've got set up in Drupal Commerce. I'm new to Drupal so thanks for your patience.
In the product's edit screen, I go to 'Status' and choose 'Disabled' which prevents them from being added to carts (instead of Add To Cart, it displays 'Product Not Available' in the store) but it doesn't actually remove it from Product Display in the store. I've set the stock status to 0 on these products and made sure that they are not being displayed as 'Featured' yet they still show up.
Is there a simple setting where I can keep the product in the backend, in case I want to activate it later, but hide it from the store?
Thanks so much for your help.
For clarification, I am using the 'Expressa' theme.
It has been a while since I've worked with Drupal Commerce, but I assume that your product listing is a View.
You should be able to modify your View to filter out the disabled products.

Filtering my products on drupal commerce

I have imported 5.000 to my drupal-commerce website.I want the user to be able to navigate fast on all of these products,so I just figured out that I need to make somehow a filter or a search that when the user chooses/selects some of the features of the product the result will be only the products with these features.How can I manage to do this on Drupal 7 and Drupal Commerce(Commerce kickstart?)
The short answer is that you'll probably want to use the Views module. You can create a Views page display for your main products page that loads the Commerce product displays. Since the product displays don't actually contain the field values that you'd want to filter (they're on the referenced products), you'll need to add a Relationship to the products. That'll let you add filter criteria for product fields (exposing them will make them visible to the user). If you want the exposed filters to appear in a sidebar, use the "Exposed form in block" option on the Views display to create a filter block that you can add to your sidebar region on Administration » Structure » Blocks (/admin/structure/block).
Most people who have used Views over the years are used to outputting the Views result using Fields and then customizing the display of the fields with template files or extensive configuration, etc. However, you can create a custom view mode for your product display content types and give them layout with Display Suite. You can output those custom displays in Views using the Content Format.
