Universal Analytics: Client ID - google-analytics

The documentation about Client ID states that it must be a UUID
Example usage: cid=35009a79-1a05-49d7-b876-2b884d0f825b
But when looking at the calls that analytics.js is issuing, I see that the value has another format:
What are those values? and how are they generated? Can I use the same value if I want to append events to that session from a different application?
Is the Client ID used as the session identifier?

The documentation is a bit misleading. The client ID doesn't technically need to be a UUID hash in that format. It's merely suggesting that format to help people avoid generating duplicate client IDs by accident.
The format of the client ID in analytics.js is a randomly generated 31-bit integer followed by a dot (".") followed by the current time in seconds.
If you wanted to generate a client ID in this format yourself (for whatever reason) you could do something like the following:
var cid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x7FFFFFFF) + "." + Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
To answer your other question, yes, you can use the same client ID in a server-side Measurement Protocol hit as you find in the cookie generated by analytics.js and the sessions will be linked.
Furthermore, if you wanted to make sure your server-side hits were as closely linked to your client-side hit as possible, you should also use the User Agent and IP override fields, which are new to the measurement protocol. If you don't, then all the geo data for your server-side hits will look like it came from wherever your server is located.
Also, in case it's not clear how to get the client ID from JavaScript, here's what the documentation recommends:
ga(function(tracker) {
var clientId = tracker.get('clientId');
Note that it recommends not reading the data directly from the cookie.


How to list all parameters available to query via API?

As a end-point user of an API, how can I list all parameters available to pass the query? In my case (stats about Age of Empires 2 matches), the website describing the API has a list with some of them but it seems there are more available.
To provide more context, I'm extracting the following information:
but for some reason the last condition, map_type=12 does nothing (output is the same as without it). I'm after the list of parameters available, so I can extract what I want.
PD: this post is closely related but does not focus on API. Perhaps this makes a difference, as the second answer there seems to suggest.
It is not possible to find out all available (undocumented) query parameters for a query, unless the API explicitly provides such a method or you can find out how the API server processes the query.
For instance, if the API server code is open source, you could find out from the code how the query is processed. Provided that you find the code also.
The answers in the post you linked are similarly valid for an API site as well as for one that provides content for a web browser (a web server can be both).
Under the hood, there is not necessarily any difference between an API server or a server that provides web content (html) in terms of how queries are handled.
As for the parameters seemingly without an effect, it seems that the API in question does not validate the query parameters, i.e., you can put arbitrary parameters in the query and the server will simply ignore parameters that it is not specifically programmed to use.
The documentation on their website is all any of us have to go by https://aoe2.net/#api
You can't just add your own parameters to the URL and expect it to return a value back as they have to have coded it to work that way.
Your best bet is to just extract as much data as you can by increasing the count parameter, then loop through the JSON response and extract the map_type from there.
JavaScript example:
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var obj = json[i];
//do something with game_type 12 json object

Google Calendar - SyncToken is missing in API response

I don't see nextSyncToken in the response. I followed the doc(https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/guides/sync) and paginated using nextPageToken but I couldn't see the nextSyncToken on the last page.
API Used: GET /calendars/primary/events?maxResults=10&singleEvents=true&pageToken=********
I don't know whether if I miss anything here. Could anyone help me with this?
I have seen from the response link on the other answer comment that you are using orderBy on the request.
This is why the nextSyncToken is not showing up.
As mentioned on the documentation on Events: list -> Parameters -> syncToken:
Token obtained from the nextSyncToken field returned on the last page of results from the previous list request. It makes the result of this list request contain only entries that have changed since then. All events deleted since the previous list request will always be in the result set and it is not allowed to set showDeleted to False.
There are several query parameters that cannot be specified together with nextSyncToken to ensure consistency of the client state.
These are:
If the syncToken expires, the server will respond with a 410 GONE response code and the client should clear its storage and perform a full synchronization without any syncToken.
Learn more about incremental synchronization.
Optional. The default is to return all entries.
You should remove the orderBy from the request to get the syncToken
Could you please provide the response from gcalendar API? It's hard to say more without detail information. I event don't know which language are you using.
Try to use a vendor library to sort that out:
a) https://packagist.org/packages/google/apiclient (for PHP)
b) https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-calendar (for JavaScript)
Try to use alternative endpoint: GET https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/calendarId/events.

Request Variable on each run

I'm using paw to test our API as well as run customer support for various problems that occur. Right now we're using request variables to manage the parts of the API call both URL or Body that are variable. However, its common for us to forget to update a value. Is there a type of request variable we can use that would require a new value for each run? Something like a pop up with a dynamic form for the values required by the request?
I using Paw too and need to send every request with new value. I'm using request variable and fill it with JS Script that contains return +new Date();
In that way If i sending requests not more than once per microsecond it contains new value.

Validate Origin of FORM POST to ensure it came from same server/app

I want find a platform/language agnostic solution to ensuring the origin of a FORM POST is from an expected source. I.e. Page1.aspx posting to Page2.php within the same web site.
Specifically what I am attempting to do here is to prevent request forgery.
Use a hidden field in your form, which contains a token your app generated. Store the token in the user session. When the form is submitted, your app will check that the value of the hidden field is identical to the value stored in the user session.
If it is identical, then you know the submitted form comes from where it is expected to come.
Old Thread, but might still be useful.
If you do not have session info set (best option) then you can include a hidden field with an encrypted timestamp then compare it (after de-crypt) to the current time on the process end to make sure it is relatively close and thus as recent as you deem necessary.
You could include into the form a hidden field which would be the SHA1Hash("some-secret" + Remote_IP + PerSessionSecret).
The PerSessionSecret is something you autogenerate in the beginning of the session. "some-secret" is a global secret value - which will help a little bit in case the randomly generated PerSessionSecret turns out not to be very random enough.
Then do the same calculation upon the form submission and you know it's most probably submitted from the same client that it was sent to. (Of course, if you have multiple clients behind the single address, like a proxy or a NAT, you can not distinguish between them reliably).

Generation of Email Validation Links

For a Web Application I'd like to generate an email validation link and send it to the user. Like on many public websites, the user should click it to validate his email address. Looks similar to this:
Can anybody help me with some hints about the proper generation of those validation tokens? Googling best practices turned out to be more difficult than I though it would be. The links should:
... not require the user to log in first.
... not reveal any login credentials to keep the application secure
... allow me as a developer to efficiently validate the token. I'm pretty sure I need a way to extract the user identifier out of the code to meet this criteria. Don't I?
Furthermore, would you go for a random code, which is saved somewhere, or a generated code which I can recalculate for validation?
Thanks for any replies!
P.S. I'm working with ASP.NET 3.5, in case there's an out-of-the-box feature to perform this.
Some suggestions to get you started:
Use some sort of salted hash (MD5, SHA1, etc)
Use a random string of characters (the more characters the less likely you'll have collisions)
Store it in a database temporarily, and timestamp it so that it expires after a certain period of time
The simplest way to do it is generate a GUID, store that in the database tying it to their user account and then give them a time-frame within which to click a link with that GUID in.
That validates they are the correct person without making the URL calculable whilst making it resistant to dictionary style attacks.
I construct the hash in a way that can be re-created:
code = MD5( my_hash + user_email + register_timestamp )
Then send a link to http://example.com/validation/?code = 4kj34....
Validation does a lookup like:
FROM users
MD5( CONCAT( my_hash, user_email, register_timestamp ) ) = code
AND activated = 0
If you get a single result, update their 'activated' field and sign them in. You can also do some math on their 'register_timestamp' field for a poor man's TTL
I would probably use a Guid. Just create a Guid (by calling Guid.NewGuid()), store it as the validation token for that user, and include it in the validation link.
