I'd like to install wordpress against my mysql database and tools installed for the dev work I usually do.
Firstly I used the XAMPP installer and checked all options except MySQL. All installed ok.
I've not installed phpadmin because it wasnt part of xampp and as I think it's just for admining mysql, which I can do through mysql admin, I don't believe I need it. I'm learning so if I'm wrong then pls tell me.
Now, I'm using Bitnami's windows installer for wordpress 4.0 beta 2.
A form asks me for login, real name, email address, "the existing mysql password for XAMPP", "Enter the application password", "retype password".
I'm assuming that if I'd elected to install MySql via the XAMPP installer, it would have configured one or two users. But as I've not used that then I don't have a clue what the user names would be. Did it also install a database? Can anybody help here please? Googling it didn't bring me much help for my case.
Thanks :)
If you already had MySQL installed, just go ahead througth the mysql admin (as you mentioned) create a user, a database for your Wordpress installation and provide this data to the installer...
Hopefully someone has an answer to my question.
I'm trying to connect to another instance of drupal using deploy and relaxed web services.
However, I keep getting this error
{"message":"The following permissions are required: \u0027restful get relaxed:root\u0027 OR \u0027perform push replication\u0027 OR \u0027perform pull replication\u0027."}
Does anyone have any idea why?
It's a local windows version of drupal (bitnami stack) that i have installed, trying to connect to another drupal version on a linux server.
Can this be the problem?
oversight on my part. There is a replicator role that i forgot to check which solved this issue.
Be sure that passwords are saved correctly in "Config > Web services > Relaxed settings" and for the replicator user role. Check that for both environment (staging and live).
It solved my case.
(If needed, delete the before saved data and create new ones.)
We are about 60 students in our class. Our course teacher provide a remote pc that have public IP. He suggested us to host our web projects on that machine. So, we have to need about 60 user on that machine so that each one can able to access his/her data, modify, remove, install new software etc.
That also be possible making a admin. So that admin can install any software. But problem is when admin have to manage all users requests to installing new software it is burden for admin because man have different choice.
So, we want to make about user so that each user can customize his/her environment easily.
Please give me the idea and solution on this situation.
I will add the system configuration of the machine after knowing from my teacher. As far I know the RAM is 64GB.
Admin user is always present in every Linux installation - that will be your teacher. To add a user, use adduser command: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-handbook/sect.creating-accounts.en.html
To connect, following link may be helpful: https://openvpn.net/index.php/access-server/docs/admin-guides/182-how-to-connect-to-access-server-with-linux-clients.html
There should not be any problem in creating web projects on your own machine and them hosting them on the central server.
On Linux desktops, one needs to provide superuser (admin) password to install and remove applications to the system (see https://www.wikihow.com/Install-Software-in-Debian-Linux ). However, one can manually install and run portable applications from one's own home directory (e.g. /home/user_a ).
For portable Linux applications see: https://www.maketecheasier.com/portable-apps-for-linux/ and https://appimage.org/ . They can be installed and run without need for admin privileges.
ISPconfig ( https://www.ispconfig.org/ ) looks good but I do not have any experience with it. Other similar tools may also be of interest to you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_hosting_control_panels
I'm 100% sure the user/pass are correct.
Screenshot: MYSQL command Line
Screenshot: WebPlatform Message
i've tried all the suggested workaround but none avail
deleting mysql_pwd from registry (HKCU/Software/Microsoft/WebPlatformInstaller/mysql_pwd)
installing latest mysql connector (6.9.9)
the other suggested way is to delete the folder path for mysql on my drive which I dont want to as i have existing data from my current database (MYSQL 5.7)
Have you created a non-root user and tested with it? I would do that anyway for INFOSEC reasons. My two cents: get the site onto a Linux VM. https://roots.io/trellis
Here's my situation. I'm trying to use Chef to install a drupal site (purely automated, no human input). So far I have been able to use drush to install drupal7.
Once I have all the drupal files in my document root folder, it seems that I need to physically go to the browser and complete the install script on the website. If I don't, the drush site-install created the drupal db, but it has no tables.
Surely there must be a way to more or less follow the install script on the website through the drush command line? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and let me know if there is anything I can clarify. The container with drupal is on Ubuntu 14.04, I am using Drush 7.* and want to install Drupal 7.x.
Without knowing exactly what arguments you're passing to drush site-install, it's hard to figure out where the problem is. This answer assumes that you're running MySQL
Assuming you're running a command that looks like so:
drush si standard --db-url=mysql://dbusername:dbpassword#localhost:port/dbname
--db-su=name --db-su-pw=password --site-name="Your New Site"
If tables aren't being created, I'd first make sure that the mysql user you're running as has create table permissions for that database. An easy way to root out whether it's a permission issue would be to use root username and password details.
If that doesn't resolve the issue, enable your database's logging to see if create table commands are being issued by drush.
Hope this helps
I am using a monitoring tool (Sensu) to execute multiple checks to know if a server has problems.
I have already written a ruby script to know if a wordpress is up to date, to do that I connect through a ssh tunnel to the server, and I connect to his wordpress database, and then I check a table where I parse some data. For exemple if response=lastest, the core is up to date.
I want to do the same for Drupal, but I can't find useful data in the drupal database which says me that a module or the core is up to date, I only the find version number in system table.
Have you got an idea how can I check if drupal modules are up to date, if possible from an another server than the one where drupal is installed ?
There is a module called nagios (https://www.drupal.org/project/nagios) that will allow you to visit a "check page" and it will check the status of a number of different things that you can monitor.
I would only caution if you are using a Drupal Distribution, not all the modules get updated in a timely fashion, but if you are using the standard Drupal installation you should be fine.
There is one nagios plugin I found which does not require any modules to be installed into drupal. However, it requires drush (http://www.drush.org) on the server which holds the drupal site: