Difference Between Id and UID in MS Project - ms-project

i am new to microsoft project.i have to develop an app in another platform.i have many sample MS-project xml files.in all the files ID and UID value of Tasks is same.i want to know is there any sceario exist in which value of ID node will be different from UID Node in Task.Please respond.

According to documentation:
UID: The unique ID for the task.
ID: The position identifier of the task in the list of tasks.
I think they can be different...


Microsoft Project: Is it now possible to set or change a Unique ID of a task?

In Microsoft Project, the only way to reset Unique IDs in the past was to change all Unique IDs in a file. This is rarely done but possible to do if someone happened to want the schedule to have Unique IDs in ascending order like the Task IDs. Recently, I was asked if it was now possible to set or change the Unique ID of a singular task. I don't believe that you can and I haven't found any documentation from Microsoft that says that this is possible. Does anyone know if you can in fact set or change the Unique ID of a single task?
No. Nothing has changed--the Unique ID is a calculated field which is another way of saying it's unchangeable by the user.
A very quick search leads to the documentation: Unique ID fields which states:
The Unique ID field contains the number that Microsoft Office Project automatically designates whenever a new task, resource, or assignment is created in the current project. This number indicates the sequence in which the task, resource, or assignment was created, regardless of placement in the schedule.
There are several categories of Unique ID fields.
Data Type Integer
Unique ID (task field)
Entry Type Calculated
How Calculated As you create new tasks, Project adds a unique number to each task in the project. This number is unique in that it is never rearranged or reused if the task is moved or deleted.

How to write to a document and read the id of it within a single transaction in Firestore?

I am doing the user authentication where I have this case:
Read from vendor_type document and if it returns null(doesn't exist) then continue the transaction,
Create new user using .auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email,password),
Read the new users ID,
Write to vendor_type document some of the new user's detail such as name, surname, userId -->> userId is the problem, how can I create a user and get the ID within a single transaction, can I even do that? ,
Take the newly created ID of the user, and create a new vendor document with that ID.
So far I don't have any code to post because I don't know if this is even gonna work so I didn't start. If you have any idea how to implement this, please let me know. The main issue is getting the user ID while still in the transaction.
At the time of writing, it is not possible to combine in one transaction the creation of a user through the createUserWithEmailAndPassword() method from the Auth service AND a write to the Firestore service.
They are two different services offered by Firestore and therefore you cannot combined calls to these two different services in one transaction.

Does the path matter for push ids?

I've been creating a consumer who "grants" ids to clients when they perform certain tasks. It occurred to me at some point that it might be entirely superfluous to worry about the path before I do a .push().name() to create new ids.
Does it matter what path I run the .push().name() on to create a unique ID? Does Firebase generate the IDs entirely based on timestamp, without regard to the path the ID will be assigned to?
Currently, push() ids are generated based on timestamps (along with some randomness). The path on which the id is being pushed is not used as part of the id.

Best method to retrieve Active Directory list using ASP.NET

I am fairly new to ASP.NET programming. I am designing a web project which will maintain employees information, such as the approval schema, staff inventories, claims, etc. The database will record the employee ID as the key. Currently there is no local table storing the mapping of the employee ID and employee name. These information will be retrieved from the Active Directory.
The new system will allow user to do employee lookup e.g. based on name or ID and generate report e.g. list of employee claims of the month. The lookup can be achieved by directly accessing the AD but I don't think it's a good method for generating list of employees/reports. Hence, I'm planning to download the AD list to local database.
My questions are:
1. Is downloading AD list to local database the right method for this situation? Is there any other alternatives to achieve this?
2. Shall I go with downloading the AD list, how to update it on regular basis? I can only think of clearing the table and reimport the whole list again.
Any advises will be much welcomed.
take a look at http://linqtoad.codeplex.com/ I've used it before with great success
"The new system will allow user to do employee lookup e.g. based on name or ID and generate report e.g. list of employee claims of the month."
Sounds like you do not need all employees from AD at once. In that case I would not download the AD list at all, as that would put you in a situation where you have to deal with your database being out of date.
Just start with retrieving the data from AD on request and only think about optimizations if you encounter performance problems.

how to generate unique id per user?

I have a webpage Default.aspx which generate the id for each new user after that the id will be subbmitted to database on button click on Default.aspx...
if onother user is also entering the same time the id will be the same ... till they press button on default.aspx
How to get rid of this issue...so that ... each user will be alloted the unique id ...
i m using the read write code to generate unique id ..
You could use a Guid as ids. And to generate an unique id:
Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
Another possibility is to use an automatically incremented primary column in the database so that it is the database that generates the unique identifiers.
Three options
Use a GUID: Guid.NewGuid() will generate unique GUIDs. GUIDs are, of course, much longer than an integer.
Use intelocked operations to increment a shared counter. Interlocked.Increment is thread safe. This will only work if all the requests happen in the same AppDomain: either process cycling on a refresh of the code will create a new AppDomain and restart the count.
Use an IDENTITY column in the database. The database is designed to handle this, within the request that inserts the new row, use SCOPE_IDENTITY to select the value of the identity to update in memory data (ORMs should handle this for you). (This is SQL Server, other databases have equivalent functionality.)
Of there #3 is almost certainly best.
You could generate a Guid:
Or you could let the database generate it for you upon insert. One way to do this is via a Sequence. See the wikipedia article for Surrogate Keys
From the article:
A surrogate key in a database is a unique identifier for either an entity in the modeled world or an object in the database. The surrogate key is not derived from application data.
The Sequence/auto-incremented column option is going to be simpler, and easier to remember when manually querying your DB (during debugging), but the DBA at my work says he's gotten 20% increases in performance by switching to Guids. He was using Oracle, and his database was huge, though :)
I use a utility static method to generate id's, basically use the full datetime(including seconds) and generate a random number of say 3 or 4 characters and return the whole thing, then you can save it to the database.
