Sass: alternative variable in less [duplicate] - css

I'm trying to loop through a list of values in Sass and use interpolation of the current key to dynamically output class names that utilize #include and #extend, respectively.
Here is a pen showing the problem, simplified.
As you can see in the markup, I have tried including the "_" inside of the interpolated string as well as outside of it. Is there something I'm missing to work around this limitation of how Sass supports interpolation?
(Note: the OP's pen has disappeared. This is not the original code found in the pen, but a rough approximation of the problem)
$error-light: red;
$error-dark: darken(red, 10%);
$success-light: green;
$success-dark: darken(green, 10%);
$dialogs: error, success;
#each $d in $dialogs {
.#{$d} {
background: $#{$d}-light;

Interpolation doesn't work on mixins or variables at this point in time. You'll have to come up with a different way to achieve your goal.
As of Sass 3.3, you can use mappings for this purpose for variables:
( error:
( light: red
, dark: darken(red, 10%)
, success:
( light: green
, dark: darken(green, 10%)
#each $name, $colors in $dialogs {
.#{$name} {
color: map-get($colors, dark);
And for functions:
#function green() {
#return lighten(green, 10%);
#function red() {
#return lighten(red, 10%);
#mixin my-bg($function-name) {
background: call($function-name);
.foo {
#include my-bg('red');

Alternative workaround (for a particular use case):
💡 Fun fact:
Because an argument list keeps track of both positional and keyword arguments, you use it to pass both at once to another mixin. That makes it super easy to define an alias for a mixin!
If you are interested in mixin interpolation because you have a group of mixins, like this:
#mixin text-style-1($args...){ //sass here }
#mixin text-style-2($args...){ //sass here }
#mixin text-style-3($args...){ //sass here }
.text-style-1 {
#include text-style-1;
.text-style-1-contrast {
#include text-style-1($contrast: true);
.text-style-2 {
#include text-style-2;
.text-style-2-contrast {
#include text-style-2($contrast: true);
We can take advantage of passing arbitrary arguments and use an alias for the group:
#mixin text-style-1($args...){ //sass here }
#mixin text-style-2($args...){ //sass here }
#mixin text-style-3($args...){ //sass here }
#mixin text($mixin, $args...) {
#if $mixin == 'style-1' { #include text-style-1($args...); }
#else if $mixin == 'style-2' { #include text-style-2($args...); }
#else if $mixin == 'style-3' { #include text-style-3($args...); }
$text-styles: 'style-1', 'style-2', 'style-3';
#each $style in $text-styles {
.text-#{$style} {
#include text($style);
.text-#{$style}-contrast {
#include text($style, $contrast: true);

Ran into this issue of trying to include an interpolated variable inside a mixin and was able to resolve it with placeholders:
%color-scheme-dark-bg-1 { background-color: #4e5163; }
%color-scheme-dark-color-1 { color: #4e5163 !important; }
%color-scheme-light-bg-1 { background-color: #c7c8ce; }
%color-scheme-dark-bg-2 { background-color: #fd6839; }
%color-scheme-dark-color-2 { color: #fd6839 !important; }
%color-scheme-light-bg-2 { background-color: #fecfc1; }
.card_color {
#mixin CardColorScheme($arg: 1) {
.borderPercent {
#extend %color-scheme-dark-bg-#{$arg};
.border {
#extend %color-scheme-light-bg-#{$arg};
ul li:before {
#extend %color-scheme-dark-color-#{$arg};
.percent {
#extend %color-scheme-dark-color-#{$arg};
.heading {
#extend %color-scheme-dark-color-#{$arg};
&--scheme {
&-1 {
#include CardColorScheme(1);
&-2 {
#include CardColorScheme(2);
Hat tip to:


Mixin: Add property dynamically

Using Mixin, I want to determine a value between two entries and add it to a specific property.
Here is a dummy example:
#mixin min($property, $min1, $min2) {
#if ($min1 > $min2) {
$property: $min2;
#else {
$property: $min1;
.test {
#include min(width, 11px, 13px);
.test1 {
#include min(background-size, 30px, 13px);
.test2 {
#include min(height, 8px, 50px);
I would like to have the ouput:
width: 11px;
background-size: 13px;
height: 8px;
The problem is that $property: $min1; sets min1 value to property and I would like to return a literal.
How can I do that using mixin ?
You're almost there. You must use interpolation on the $property variable:
#mixin min($property, $min1, $min2) {
#if ($min1 > $min2) {
#{$property}: $min2;
#else {
#{$property}: $min1;

Syntax for if/else condition in SCSS mixins

I created a SASS #mixin which contains #if conditions to assign styling to elements based on their z-index property to create some sort of elevation.
However what ever I am trying it will not work out.
I'm pretty sure I am doing something just slightly wrong that affects everything else.
I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks in advance!
$background: #121212;
$surface: #1f1f1f;
$surface-shade_1: #282828;
$surface-shade_2: #303030;
%surface {
background-color: $surface;
%surface-shade_1 {
background-color: $surface-shade_1;
%surface-shade_2 {
background-color: $surface-shade_2;
#mixin elevation($elevationValue) {
#if $elevationValue>0 {
#extend %surface;
#else if $elevationValue>4 or $elevationValue=4 {
#extend %surface-shade_1;
#else if $elevationValue>8 or $elevationValue=8 {
#extend %surface-shade_2;
z-index: $elevationValue * 50;
nav {
#mixin elevation(4);
If you want to use #mixin inside the CSS files you can use like #include mixin-name and also use directly $elevationValue >= 4 instead of $elevationValue>4 or $elevationValue=4 it becomes much cleaner.
$background: #121212;
$surface: #1f1f1f;
$surface-shade_1: #282828;
$surface-shade_2: #303030;
%surface {
background-color: $surface;
%surface-shade_1 {
background-color: $surface-shade_1;
%surface-shade_2 {
background-color: $surface-shade_2;
#mixin elevation($elevationValue) {
#if $elevationValue > 0 {
#extend %surface;
#else if $elevationValue >= 4 {
#extend %surface-shade_1;
#else if $elevationValue >= 8 {
#extend %surface-shade_2;
z-index: $elevationValue * 50;
nav {
#include elevation(4);

SASS – looping through map via mixin doesn’t compile CSS

what I have is a simple SASS color map:
$brand_col: (
def: blue,
mus: red,
ser: yellow
The following:
#each $brand, $col in $brand_col {
body.#{$brand} {
background: $col;
leads to expected output:
body.def { background: blue; }
body.mus { background: red; }
body.ser { background: yellow; }
When I try to put the same thing into a mixin like so:
$color: null;
#mixin branding {
#each $brand, $col in $brand_col {
&.#{$brand} {
$color: $col;
.body { #include branding { background: $color; } }
I would expect the same output, but nothing is getting compiled at all. I copied the mixin from a sass specific site and don’t fully understand the whole process. Any hints what I'm doing wrong?
To achive the same result as in your first example, have two options:
Option 1
Make a simple non-reusable mixin:
$brand_col: (
def: blue,
mus: red,
ser: yellow
#mixin branding {
#each $brand, $col in $brand_col {
&.#{$brand} {
background: $col;
.body {
#include branding;
This will compile to:
.body.def {
background: blue;
.body.mus {
background: red;
.body.ser {
background: yellow;
Option 2
Make a reusable mixin, so you can pass the color map to apply:
$brand_colors: (
def: blue,
mus: red,
ser: yellow
#mixin branding($colors) {
#each $class, $color in $colors {
&.#{$class} {
background: $color;
.body {
#include branding($brand_colors);
// Latter you can use it to apply the same 'branding' for any other element
div {
#include branding($brand_colors);
Will compile to:
.body.def {
background: blue;
.body.mus {
background: red;
.body.ser {
background: yellow;
div.def {
background: blue;
div.mus {
background: red;
div.ser {
background: yellow;
You could even implement a second parameter to the mixin to specify which css property you want to apply, with background as a default:
#mixin branding($colors, $property: background) {
#each $class, $color in $colors {
&.#{$class} {
#{$property}: $color;
// Latter you can use it to apply the same 'branding' for any other element and property
h1 {
#include branding($brand_colors, color);
Will compile to:
h1.def {
color: blue;
h1.mus {
color: red;
h1.ser {
color: yellow;
You can find out more about mixins here.
Hope it helps!
What do you mean by $color: $col;? no such property like "null" in CSS, because when you set $color: null at top and then trying to set a property $color: $col; you actually trying to set like that null: blue; this is nothing mean anything to compiler.
I think you no need #content directive use here. You should try just following way:
$brand_col: (
def: blue,
mus: red,
ser: yellow
#mixin branding {
#each $brand, $col in $brand_col {
&.#{$brand} {
background: $col;
.body { #include branding(); }

Sass and libraries for theming [duplicate]

I'm refactoring some of my Sass code and I came across a weird issue. My code currently looks like this:
// household
$household_Sector: 'household';
$household_BaseColor: #ffc933;
// sports
$sports_Sector: 'sports';
$sports_BaseColor: #f7633e;
// the mixin to output all sector specific css
#mixin sector-css($sector_Sector,$sector_BaseColor) {
.sector-#{$sector_Sector} {
&%baseColor {
background-color: $sector_BaseColor;
// execute the mixin for all sectors
#include sector-css($household_Sector, $household_BaseColor);
#include sector-css($sports_Sector, $sports_BaseColor);
.product-paging {
h2 {
#extend %baseColor;
The compiled result looks like this:
.product-paging h2.sector-household {
background-color: #ffc933;
.product-paging h2.sector-sports {
background-color: #f7633e;
But what I need is this:
.sector-household.product-paging h2 {
background-color: #ffc933;
.sector-sports.product-paging h2 {
background-color: #f7633e;
What I don't understand is why my placeholder (&%baseColor) isn't attached to the parent selector (&%baseColor) as I added the ampersand right in front of it?
Is this maybe a bug when combining & and %? Is there another solution on how to achieve what I want?
Alright I figured out why this isn't possible. Anyway is there a workaround for what I'd like to achieve?
Extends, as you've already discovered, can get rather messy. I would go about solving your problem by using an #content aware mixin in combination with global variables (this uses mappings, which are part of 3.3... you can do it with lists of lists, but it's a little less elegant):
$base-color: null; // don't touch
$accent-color: null; // don't touch
( household:
( base-color: #ffc933
, accent-color: white
, sports:
( base-color: #f7633e
, accent-color: white
// the mixin to output all sector specific css
#mixin sector-css() {
#each $sector, $colors in $sections {
$base-color: map-get($colors, base-color) !global;
$accent-color: map-get($colors, accent-color) !global;
&.sector-#{$sector} {
.product-paging {
#include sector-css() {
h2 {
background-color: $base-color;
.product-paging.sector-household h2 {
background-color: #ffc933;
.product-paging.sector-sports h2 {
background-color: #f7633e;
Update: Since you want to guarantee that the sector class is always at the top, you just need to switch around a little.
#mixin sector-css() {
#each $sector, $colors in $sections {
$base-color: map-get($colors, base-color) !global;
$accent-color: map-get($colors, accent-color) !global;
.sector-#{$sector} {
#include sector-css() {
&.product-paging {
h2 {
background-color: $base-color;
h3 {
background-color: #CCC;
h2, h3 {
color: $accent-color;

Is it possible to take the variable's name in SASS?

I tried to make the following code look fancier with an #each or a #for loop (without any usable result).
.btn[data-btn-color="black"] {
#include colored-btn($black);
.btn[data-btn-color="blue"] {
#include colored-btn($blue);
.btn[data-btn-color="red"] {
#include colored-btn($red);
// ... and more colors ...
My current approach is to take value from the variable to use it as the value for the data-btn-color attribute and put that snippet into an #each loop.
Something like
#each $color in ($black, $blue) {
#include colored-btn($color);
which compiles into:
.btn[data-btn-color="black"] {
background-color: #000; // $black
.btn[data-btn-color="blue"] {
background-color: #00f; // $blue
Is there any function, which allows me to do such a thing?
You were so close! You don't want the () around what you want to go through in #each. I think Sass would just see what you have as one list item with a two item list inside.
Here is what I think you're trying to do:
$red: #f00;
$blue: #00f;
$black: #000;
$colors: red $red, blue $blue, black $black;
#mixin colored-button($background-color: #000){
background-color: $background-color;
#each $color in $colors {
$name: nth($color, 1);
$hex: nth($color, 2);
#include colored-button($hex);
Which would result in:
.btn[data-btn-color="red"] {
background-color: red; }
.btn[data-btn-color="blue"] {
background-color: blue; }
.btn[data-btn-color="black"] {
background-color: black; }
