I am trying to use the jQuery UI library in my project. I have downloaded a jquery-ui-1.10.2.zip.
Then I've extracted files inside, copied and pasted .js and css files into corresponding packages(Contents, Scripts). Then I've added these lines in Bundle.Config.cs:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryui").Include(
and so on. Then I've rendered in _Layout.cshtml:
But it does not work. Can anybody help me?
I did everything perfect. I've got no error while running, but after running the project on browser, I had a look at the compiled source code of the page, then I understood that path to the script is Scripts/jquery-ui.js, but my page is located ar View/Home/ while scripts are located at Scripts/ folder. Then I just, changed the path to proper one. That's all:=)
I have a problem with my Scripts in my Web-Application. I work about an local Website with ASP.net and IIS Express. But the Scripts doesn´t load correctly.
Css and js Files
Error is 404(not found). that mean js url path on your solution not correct.
to solve it:
Drag any JS file from solution explore and drop it into aspx page html. then replace all js files paths exists on the same directory with the new path without name of js file name
I've created a basic angular project using yeoman's angular generator. While the standard Grunt process is fine in general, I do have my concerns with the way how the views get all minified into the same JS File.
If I have about 10 views on my Page, the requested view can't be seen until 'all' pages have been loaded, since their all in the same file.
I now want to modify the Grunt process, so that each HTMLviewfile get minified into its own file in a views directory. The main angular router should now request the view files as they are requested by the client (user).
Is there any way you could help me. All my research has resulted that the module 'grunt-angular-templates' is responsible for minification of all HTML views. I've yet to find out, how to keep the files from getting merged into a single file.
I found out, that in order to not minify all the view files into the script.js file, you have to remove the ngtemplate process from you gunt build task
My less style sheets are located in my /public folder for now. I'm trying implement them on my meteor app but to no avail.
This is the error I get:
The stylesheets are located in the /less folder, which is inside the public folder, so the URL should be correct. By the way, all those files that are in the screenshot above are files that import dozens of other variables located deeper in the folder.
I also checked and I have the latest version of less installed. Any help would be appreciated.
The public folder isn't the right place to store the files. Files stored in a “public” folder are served to visitors. These are files like images, favicons, and the “robots.txt” file. So they get served 'as-is', not processed by LESS and served as CSS.
More about Meteor folder conventions.
After discussion in the comments, it seems something is not working right in your less compiler, the less file should not be in the public folder, as already mentioned, and you should not need to include it with a script tag. You can follow these steps to create a new app and test less and see if you can find a difference between this and your current app.
Create a new meteor project
meteor create test
Add less
cd test
meteor add less
Start your server
add a file sytles.less to the top level folder with this...
.fun {
color: red;
Update the test.html file to add the fun class to the text output...
<div class="fun"><p>You've pressed the button {{counter}} times.</p></div>
Load the page, the text should pick up the class and become red. No link to the styles.less file needed. You can try moving it around to different folders, it worked fine from client for me as well. Look around and see what else might be different.
If you still have issues, try providing more information on how the project is set up.
We got a wrap bootstrap theme call ace admin. We are trying to integrate the theme into meteorjs.
The structure of the ace admin files folder is:
several javascript files here (*.js)
By following the tutorial here
I moved all the static content such as images, fonts, etc to client folder, javascript related folders - (assets, build, dist and all the related content) to public folder.
The problem that I am facing it - Meteor is not loading the javascript files inside the public folder.
Could someone help? Thanks.
Ok. Finally. Thanks to #Ethaan. After spending almost 2 days figuring out what the problem- its with the javascript loading dependencies. If anyone is facing similar problems - make sure you load all the dependencies first and then load other files.
Do everything in the link provided in the above url that I mentioned and then move all the js folder files to client.
You should know some things about meteor structure, You can read docs
/lib folder its where you put the code you want to share between server/client, code like Routes,Collectios or other code ho is available on server/client(if you put code which use "window" object you will have issues, since windows objects its undefined to the server.)
/publicfolder here is where you put the images, logos, fonts, etc (you get the idea)
/client folder here is where you put the code which will be available only to the client
/server here is where you put the code only available on the server
I recommend you to read the docs, this was just a quickly explanation.
I have build MVC 5 application which works fine when running via VS. When I publish it to the server first time it also works. Now I have made few correction to my css file and publish whole project again but website still see the old css file. I have removed all files from the server and tried few more times but it is still the same. When I check the css file on the server, the changes are inside the file.
I think it is related to MVC bundling as when I check the source it says that is accessing different file which is not even located on the server:
<link href="/Content/cssmain?v=Ikj7NnMg3q9kTHR7ynWOJDQFGMZl3mtVMi_2EkOJxc41" rel="stylesheet"/>
How can I force VS to minificate my css file again?
I've tried cleaning, rebuilding but no luck
My bundle set up look like below and all files are located on the server in Content folder.
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/cssmain").Include(
Many thanks
I think it is related to MVC bundling as when I check the source it says that is accessing different file which is not even located on the server:
CDN location? External Css lib (yours or 3rd party)? unsure what you meant by "not located on server"?
Yup, it does (look like ASP.net Bundling in action) - check your Global.asax, App_Start/BundleConfig or _AppStart and see if the bundle configuration setup point to/reference the "correct" locations for your css (and or script).
Is it just you experiencing getting the old css file loaded? Or anyone who views the site?