R - "Browser()" on Error? - r

I have been using some R libraries to analyze some large data recently, and I find myself frustrated by waiting several hours for the beginning of an analysis, just to get to the end and receive some trivial error, like that I did not install a prerequisite library, or that one of my parameters was wrong. So, then I have to start all over, do the exact same analysis, generate the same variables that it had when it died, and wait a long time. Please note that these are not handled exceptions--they are fatal errors from R.
This is just a thought--and perhaps it is too good to be true, so please at least explain why it wouldn't work--but is there any way to cause R to execute "browser()" in the environment whenever it has a fatal error? For example, say it is executing a script, and encounters "require(notInstalledYet)". Instead of just dying, and losing all the variables in the memory, it would be great if it would give me a browser() at the place it died, so that I could at least save the variables, and at best, fix the problem (e.g. install the library) and try again.

You can change the error option to open a browser on error
the default is


I cannot obtain scores for a metaMDS object in RStudio (package: vegan)

I'm using vegan 2.6.4 in RStudio, and have had an unusual error message pop up when I run the the following:
nmds11 = metaMDS(m_com11, distance = "bray")
data.scores11 = as.data.frame(scores(nmds11)$sites)
Error in UseMethod("scores") :
no applicable method for 'scores' applied to an object of class "c('metaMDS', 'monoMDS')
I can safely say this has never happened to me, and I was using the exact same code on a different dataset 5 minutes ago with no issues. I have also previously run this same script on at least a dozen other matrices with no errors.
I have tried calling scores.metaMDS as suggested when looking up the scores function (to help specify what type of object I'm trying to get scores from), but that function apparently does not exist. I've also tried running some old scripts that always worked in the past, with the same unfortunate results.
Any idea what I can do to address this?
Try using vegan::scores(); it could be that some other package you have loaded also has a scores() generic that is overwriting vegan::scores(). You can also try the much more specific vegan:::scores.metaMDS() if the whole S3 system has gotten clobbered.
Beyond that, restart R (in RStudio, find the Restart R option in the menus) so you get a clean session and try running your code again.
I I tried vegan:::scores.metaMDS() without restarting RStudio and it works ! Thanks !!!

How do you change memory available for data storage settings in R using OSX command line?

I'm very new to R and I'm having trouble changing the memory available for data storage setting "--max-ppsize". From reading other posts, the error that resulted from running a line of my code (Error: protect(): protection stack overflow) indicates that I should change this to the maximum allowed value (--max-ppsize = 500000) using command line. This threw an error because I'm trying to run the Rtsne package on a data set that is very large. I don't fully understand how to run command line for R in OSX terminal. I can launch R in terminal, but from there I'm not exactly sure what to do. Any help would be very much appreciated.
So this ended up being a fairly simple fix with a fresh brain the next day. I didn't end up changing the --max-ppsize. I read another post's comments section and saw that I needed to use a data matrix (used data.matrix to change my data frame to a matrix) for the function I was trying to run. Hope this helps someone else out.

How to open up a matrix that's running into an error

I am running into an error on a big job in R. I running it as an R script. I keep getting the error that Error in chol.default(F.mat) :
the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite.
I normally run my job in a qsub but that only gives me an error output but I can't poke around. I then tried running my job locally but my 4gb Macbook was completely overwhelmed.
Now I am trying using screen name and running it on a screen with options(error=recover). Now I am running into the same error as above but I don't know how to access the data frames. I get recover called non-interactively; frames dumped, use debugger() to view but then I get put into my bash line and I don't know how to open up the data frame.
Any ideas?
This is a bit awkward since (1) it's more or less remote debugging and (2) I don't actually ever try to debug non-interactively myself, but: it seems that
options(error=function() dump.frames(to.file=TRUE)) might be worth trying?
After your frames dump to a file (last.dump.rda in the working directory,by default), you should be able to run load("last.dump.rda"); debugger(last.dump) to get back to the debugging environment.
Two caveats:
I haven't actually tested this, just read & interpreted ?dump.frames;
I strongly recommend that you test this with short test runs, either running your original code on a small subset of your data or setting a mini-test script something like
options(error=function() dump.frames(to.file=TRUE))
stop("testing error exit")

Error with Rexcel when starting up Excel

Today something happened (never had this problem before) when I start up Excel workbook where I use Rexcel.
And then there are some more errors... Everything worked properly before.. Does anyone have an idea about what the problem could be?
The other strange thing is that after that the Rapply and so on works.. But I get errors again when I close workbook.
So the problem appears when I startR from Rexcel meny in Excel.
Thanks to flodel for his answer. But is it not possible to run the Sub below now or?
Sub create_efficient_frontier()
RInterface.PutDataframe "datat", Range("ChosenData!X181:AD352")
RInterface.PutArray "startdate", Range("Analys!K2")
RInterface.PutArray "enddate", Range("Analys!K3")
RInterface.RunRFile "C:/Users/Documents/EffFront.R"
RInterface.GetDataframe "hmz$pweight", Range("Analys!A51:E76")
End Sub
I get runtime error 13 ("incompatible types") at line
RInterface.GetDataframe "hmz$pweight", Range("Analys!A51:E76")
That worked yesterday, see Run macro with Rexcel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 seems to work:)
Best Regards
Yes. I have struggled with this myself. Most likely your computations must be computed in a specific order. Typically, some of your (RApply, REval, etc.) calls create some data (e.g. x <- 10) in the R session and later calls will expect that data to exist: compute x^2.
Everything works fine when you build your spreadhseet from scratch. The problem is that when you save it and reopen it, Excel does not know in what order it needs to compute your cells: it figures out its dependency tree by firing out cell computations in a somewhat random order. So what happens is the cell supposed to compute x^2 might be run before the cell that creates x in your R environment, which triggers an error.
This is annoying but as you noticed, the errors do eventually go away after Excel is able to build its dependency tree. If you absolutely need to find a solution to that problem, it will have to involve VBA code to help Excel build its dependency tree in a very specific order.

Slow or stacking file.choose() in R

If I have more data loaded in R I'm having difficulties with opening and choosing new file via file.choose() and later upload via read.csv(), but I would not get to that point since the file.choose function stacks and the R "crushes" and reports something like "unidentified error occurred and that the R must restart".
I'm using RStudio and running this on Windows 7. The hardware is up to date.
Could someone point me on why this is happing and what would be a remedy against this. Are there other options to select file? I know I can insert the path right into the read.csv command, but the (file is different every time).
The error just happened again. I can not reproduce the error so it happens rather only with high likelihood if the conditions for it are met.
The error reads as: R Session Aborted.R encountered fatal error. The session was terminated. And in window: "Start New Session".
I would just rephrase my question. The question is whether there is other option like command or package that deals with choosing a file. [file.choose()]
The error can not be reproduced and hence I can not expect someone gives reasonable comment on this. But if this occurred someone in the past and solved it, I would like to hear about it. Thanks.
EDIT 3: Further to the error. I have spotted just now sentence in red in Console: Error: Unable to provide connection with R
