why fundamental Frequency and magnitude are not null when microphone is off? - qt

I would like to make real time audio processing with Qt and display the spectrum using FFTW3.
What I've done in steps:
I capture any sound from computer device and fill it into the buffer.
I assign sound samples to double array
I compute the fundamental frequency.
when I'm display the fundamental frequency and Magnetitude when the microphone is on but no signal(silence) , the fundamental frequency is not what I expected , the code don't always return zero , sometimes the code returns 1500Hz,2000hz as frequency
and when the microphone is off (mute) the code don't return zero as fundamamental frequency but returns a number between 0 and 9000Hz. Any help woulbd be appreciated
here is my code
QByteArray *buffer;
QAudioInput *audioInput;
audioInput = new QAudioInput(format, this);
//Check the number of samples in input buffer
qint64 len = audioInput->bytesReady();
//Limit sample size
if(len > 4096)
len = 4096;
//Read sound samples from input device to buffer
qint64 l = input->read(buffer.data(), len);
int input_size= BufferSize;
int output_size = input_size; //input_size/2+1;
fftw_plan p3;
double in[output_size];
fftw_complex out[output_size];
short *outdata = (short*)m_buffer.data();// assign sample into short array
int data_size = size_t(outdata);
int data_size1 = sizeof(outdata);
int count = 0;
double w = 0;
for(int i(chanelNumber); i < output_size/2; i= i + 2) //fill array in
w= 0.5 * (1 - cos(2*M_PI*i/output_size)); // Hann Windows
double x = 0;
if(i < data_size){
x = outdata[i];
if(count < output_size){
in[count] = x;// fill Array In with sample from buffer
for(int i=count; i<output_size; i++){
in[i] = 0;
p3 = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(output_size, in, out, FFTW_ESTIMATE);// create Plan
fftw_execute(p3);// FFT
for (int i = 0; i < (output_size/2); i++) {
long peak=0;
double Amplitudemax=0;
double r1 = out[i][0] * out[i][0];
double im1 = out[i][3] * out[i][4];
double t1 = r1 + im1;
//double t = 20*log(sqrt(t1));
double t = sqrt(t1)/(double)(output_size/2);
double f = (double)i*8000 / ((double)output_size/2);
if(Magnitude > AmplitudeMax)
AmplitudeMax = Magnitude;
Peak =2* i;
return Peak*(static_cast<double>(8000)/output_Size);

What you think is silence might contain some small amount of noise. The FFT of random noise will also appear random, and thus have a random magnitude peak. But it is possible that noise might come from equipment or electronics in the environment (fans, flyback transformers, etc.), or the power supply to your ADC or mic, thus showing some frequency biases.
If the noise level is low enough, normally one checks the level of the magnitude peak, compares it against a threshold, and cuts off frequency estimation reporting below this threshold.


MPI program runtime error MPI_GATHER, qsub mpijobparallel

I am trying to run this fast fourier implementation code. It compiles fine but gives this error at runtime. I have no idea about the error or what it means. Can anyone help me out?
I compiled and run the program by:
mpicc -o exec test.c
This is the code that I found on GITHUB. Its the parallel version of fast fourier algorithm.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h> //To use MPI
#include <complex.h> //to use complex numbers
#include <math.h> //for cos() and sin()
#include "timer.h" //to use timer
#define PI 3.14159265
#define bigN 16384 //Problem Size
#define howmanytimesavg 3
int main()
int my_rank,comm_sz;
MPI_Init(NULL,NULL); //start MPI
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&comm_sz); ///how many processes are we
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&my_rank); //which process is this?
double start,finish;
double avgtime = 0;
FILE *outfile;
int h;
if(my_rank == 0) //if process 0 open outfile
outfile = fopen("ParallelVersionOutput.txt", "w"); //open from current
for(h = 0; h < howmanytimesavg; h++) //loop to run multiple times for AVG
if(my_rank == 0) //If it's process 0 starts timer
start = MPI_Wtime();
int i,k,n,j; //Basic loop variables
double complex evenpart[(bigN / comm_sz / 2)]; //array to save the data
double complex oddpart[(bigN / comm_sz / 2)]; //array to save the data
double complex evenpartmaster[ (bigN / comm_sz / 2) * comm_sz]; //array
to save the data for EVENHALF
double complex oddpartmaster[ (bigN / comm_sz / 2) * comm_sz]; //array
to save the data for ODDHALF
double storeKsumreal[bigN]; //store the K real variable so we can abuse
double storeKsumimag[bigN]; //store the K imaginary variable so we can
abuse symmerty
double subtable[(bigN / comm_sz)][3]; //Each process owns a subtable
from the table below
double table[bigN][3] = //TABLE of numbers to use
0,3.6,2.6, //n, Real,Imaginary CREATES TABLE
if(bigN > 8) //Everything after row 8 is all 0's
for(i = 8; i < bigN; i++)
table[i][0] = i;
for(j = 1; j < 3;j++)
table[i][j] = 0.0; //set to 0.0
int sendandrecvct = (bigN / comm_sz) * 3; //how much to send and
MPI_Scatter(table,sendandrecvct,MPI_DOUBLE,subtable,sendandrecvct,MPI_DOUBLE,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); //scatter the table to subtables
for (k = 0; k < bigN / 2; k++) //K coeffiencet Loop
/* Variables used for the computation */
double sumrealeven = 0.0; //sum of real numbers for even
double sumimageven = 0.0; //sum of imaginary numbers for even
double sumrealodd = 0.0; //sum of real numbers for odd
double sumimagodd = 0.0; //sum of imaginary numbers for odd
for(i = 0; i < (bigN/comm_sz)/2; i++) //Sigma loop EVEN and ODD
double factoreven , factorodd = 0.0;
int shiftevenonnonzeroP = my_rank * subtable[2*i][0]; //used to shift index numbers for correct results for EVEN.
int shiftoddonnonzeroP = my_rank * subtable[2*i + 1][0]; //used to shift index numbers for correct results for ODD.
/* -------- EVEN PART -------- */
double realeven = subtable[2*i][1]; //Access table for real number at spot 2i
double complex imaginaryeven = subtable[2*i][2]; //Access table for imaginary number at spot 2i
double complex componeeven = (realeven + imaginaryeven * I); //Create the first component from table
if(my_rank == 0) //if proc 0, dont use shiftevenonnonzeroP
factoreven = ((2*PI)*((2*i)*k))/bigN; //Calculates the even factor for Cos() and Sin()
// *********Reduces computational time*********
else //use shiftevenonnonzeroP
factoreven = ((2*PI)*((shiftevenonnonzeroP)*k))/bigN; //Calculates the even factor for Cos() and Sin()
// *********Reduces computational time*********
double complex comptwoeven = (cos(factoreven) - (sin(factoreven)*I)); //Create the second component
evenpart[i] = (componeeven * comptwoeven); //store in the evenpart array
/* -------- ODD PART -------- */
double realodd = subtable[2*i + 1][1]; //Access table for real number at spot 2i+1
double complex imaginaryodd = subtable[2*i + 1][2]; //Access table for imaginary number at spot 2i+1
double complex componeodd = (realodd + imaginaryodd * I); //Create the first component from table
if (my_rank == 0)//if proc 0, dont use shiftoddonnonzeroP
factorodd = ((2*PI)*((2*i+1)*k))/bigN;//Calculates the odd factor for Cos() and Sin()
// *********Reduces computational time*********
else //use shiftoddonnonzeroP
factorodd = ((2*PI)*((shiftoddonnonzeroP)*k))/bigN;//Calculates the odd factor for Cos() and Sin()
// *********Reduces computational time*********
double complex comptwoodd = (cos(factorodd) - (sin(factorodd)*I));//Create the second component
oddpart[i] = (componeodd * comptwoodd); //store in the oddpart array
/*Process ZERO gathers the even and odd part arrays and creates a evenpartmaster and oddpartmaster array*/
MPI_Gather(evenpart,(bigN / comm_sz / 2),MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,evenpartmaster,(bigN / comm_sz / 2), MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Gather(oddpart,(bigN / comm_sz / 2),MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,oddpartmaster,(bigN / comm_sz / 2), MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if(my_rank == 0)
for(i = 0; i < (bigN / comm_sz / 2) * comm_sz; i++) //loop to sum the EVEN and ODD parts
sumrealeven += creal(evenpartmaster[i]); //sums the realpart of the even half
sumimageven += cimag(evenpartmaster[i]); //sums the imaginarypart of the even half
sumrealodd += creal(oddpartmaster[i]); //sums the realpart of the odd half
sumimagodd += cimag(oddpartmaster[i]); //sums the imaginary part of the odd half
storeKsumreal[k] = sumrealeven + sumrealodd; //add the calculated reals from even and odd
storeKsumimag[k] = sumimageven + sumimagodd; //add the calculated imaginary from even and odd
storeKsumreal[k + bigN/2] = sumrealeven - sumrealodd; //ABUSE symmetry Xkreal + N/2 = Evenk - OddK
storeKsumimag[k + bigN/2] = sumimageven - sumimagodd; //ABUSE symmetry Xkimag + N/2 = Evenk - OddK
if(k <= 10) //Do the first 10 K's
if(k == 0)
fprintf(outfile," \n\n TOTAL PROCESSED SAMPLES : %d\n",bigN);
fprintf(outfile,"XR[%d]: %.4f XI[%d]: %.4f \n",k,storeKsumreal[k],k,storeKsumimag[k]);
if(my_rank == 0)
GET_TIME(finish); //stop timer
double timeElapsed = finish-start; //Time for that iteration
avgtime = avgtime + timeElapsed; //AVG the time
fprintf(outfile,"Time Elaspsed on Iteration %d: %f Seconds\n", (h+1),timeElapsed);
if(my_rank == 0)
avgtime = avgtime / howmanytimesavg; //get avg time
fprintf(outfile,"\nAverage Time Elaspsed: %f Seconds", avgtime);
fclose(outfile); //CLOSE file ONLY proc 0 can.
MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); //wait to all proccesses to catch up before finalize
MPI_Finalize(); //End MPI
return 0;
Fatal error in PMPI_Gather: Invalid datatype, error stack:
PMPI_Gather(904): MPI_Gather(sbuf=0x7fffb62799a0, scount=8192,
MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, rbuf=0x7fffb6239980, rcount=8192, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL,
root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
PMPI_Gather(815): Datatype for argument sendtype is a null datatype
[unset]: write_line error; fd=-1 buf=:cmd=abort exitcode=537490947
system msg for write_line failure : Bad file descriptor
There is no MPI_DATATYPE_NULL in your code, but you only use MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX. Note the latter type is a Fortran datatype, and using it in C is not correct strictly speaking.
My guess is that MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX is causing the issue (type not defined or not initialized because you invoked the C version of MPI_Init()).
You can obviously rewrite your code in Fortran, or use your own derived datatype for a C double complex number.
Meanwhile, I suggest you write simple C and Fortran helloworld programs that use MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX (MPI_Bcast() of one element for example) to confirm the issue is with MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX and is restricted to C or not.

MPI Scatterv : How to deal with the root process?

The thing I am still not too certain about is what happens with the root process in MPI Scatter / Scatterv.
If I divide an array as I try in my code, do I need to include the root process in the number of receivers (hence making the sendcounts of size nproc) or is it excluded?
In my example code for Matrix Multiplication, I still get an error by one of the processes running into aberrant behaviour, terminating the program prematurely:
void readMatrix();
double StartTime;
int rank, nproc, proc;
//double matrix_A[N_ROWS][N_COLS];
double **matrix_A;
//double matrix_B[N_ROWS][N_COLS];
double **matrix_B;
//double matrix_C[N_ROWS][N_COLS];
double **matrix_C;
int low_bound = 0; //low bound of the number of rows of each process
int upper_bound = 0; //upper bound of the number of rows of [A] of each process
int portion = 0; //portion of the number of rows of [A] of each process
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
matrix_A = (double **)malloc(N_ROWS * sizeof(double*));
for(int i = 0; i < N_ROWS; i++) matrix_A[i] = (double *)malloc(N_COLS * sizeof(double));
matrix_B = (double **)malloc(N_ROWS * sizeof(double*));
for(int i = 0; i < N_ROWS; i++) matrix_B[i] = (double *)malloc(N_COLS * sizeof(double));
matrix_C = (double **)malloc(N_ROWS * sizeof(double*));
for(int i = 0; i < N_ROWS; i++) matrix_C[i] = (double *)malloc(N_COLS * sizeof(double));
int *counts = new int[nproc](); // array to hold number of items to be sent to each process
// -------------------> If we have more than one process, we can distribute the work through scatterv
if (nproc > 1) {
// -------------------> Process 0 initalizes matrices and scatters the portions of the [A] Matrix
if (rank==0) {
StartTime = MPI_Wtime();
int counter = 0;
for (int proc = 0; proc < nproc; proc++) {
counts[proc] = N_ROWS / nproc ;
counter += N_ROWS / nproc ;
counter = N_ROWS - counter;
counts[nproc-1] = counter;
//set bounds for each process
low_bound = rank*(N_ROWS/nproc);
portion = counts[rank];
upper_bound = low_bound + portion;
printf("I am process %i and my lower bound is %i and my portion is %i and my upper bound is %i \n",rank,low_bound, portion,upper_bound);
//scatter the work among the processes
int *displs = new int[nproc]();
displs[0] = 0;
for (int proc = 1; proc < nproc; proc++) displs[proc] = displs[proc-1] + (N_ROWS/nproc);
MPI_Scatterv(matrix_A, counts, displs, MPI_DOUBLE, &matrix_A[low_bound][0], portion, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//broadcast [B] to all the slaves
// -------------------> Everybody does their work
for (int i = low_bound; i < upper_bound; i++) {//iterate through a given set of rows of [A]
for (int j = 0; j < N_COLS; j++) {//iterate through columns of [B]
for (int k = 0; k < N_ROWS; k++) {//iterate through rows of [B]
matrix_C[i][j] += (matrix_A[i][k] * matrix_B[k][j]);
// -------------------> Process 0 gathers the work
The root process also takes place in the receiver side. If you are not interested in that, just set sendcounts[root] = 0.
See MPI_Scatterv for specific information on which values you have to pass exactly.
However, take care of what you are doing. I strongly suggest that you change the way you allocate your matrix as a one-dimensional array, using a single malloc like this:
double* matrix = (double*) malloc( N_ROWS * N_COLS * sizeof(double) );
If you still want to use a two-dimensional array, then you may need to define your types as a MPI derived datatype.
The datatype you are passing is not valid if you want to send more than a row in a single MPI transfer.
With MPI_DOUBLE you are telling MPI that the buffer contains a contiguous array of count MPI_DOUBLE values.
Since you are allocating a two-dimensional array using multiple malloc calls, then your data is not contiguous.

Shuffle an array in Arduino software

I have a problem with Shuffling this array with Arduino software:
int questionNumberArray[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
Does anyone know a build in function or a way to shuffle the values in the array without any repeating?
The simplest way would be this little for loop:
int questionNumberArray[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
const size_t n = sizeof(questionNumberArray) / sizeof(questionNumberArray[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
size_t j = random(0, n - i);
int t = questionNumberArray[i];
questionNumberArray[i] = questionNumberArray[j];
questionNumberArray[j] = t;
Let's break it line by line, shall we?
int questionNumberArray[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
You don't need to put number of cells if you initialize an array like that. Just leave the brackets empty like I did.
const size_t n = sizeof(questionNumberArray) / sizeof(questionNumberArray[0]);
I decided to store number of cells in n constant. Operator sizeof gives you number of bytes taken by your array and number of bytes taken by one cell. You divide first number by the second and you have size of your array.
for (size_t i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
Please note, that range of the loop is n - 1. We don't want i to ever have value of last index.
size_t j = random(0, n - i);
We declare variable j that points to some random cell with index greater than i. That is why we never wanted i to have n - 1 value - because then j would be out of bound. We get random number with Arduino's random function: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Random
int t = questionNumberArray[i];
questionNumberArray[i] = questionNumberArray[j];
questionNumberArray[j] = t;
Simple swap of two values. It's possible to do it without temporary t variable, but the code is less readable then.
In my case the result was as follows:
questionNumberArray[0] = 0
questionNumberArray[1] = 9
questionNumberArray[2] = 7
questionNumberArray[3] = 4
questionNumberArray[4] = 6
questionNumberArray[5] = 5
questionNumberArray[6] = 1
questionNumberArray[7] = 8
questionNumberArray[8] = 2
questionNumberArray[9] = 3

Optimizing kernel shuffled keys code - OpenCL

I have just started getting into OpenCL and going through the basics of writing a kernel code. I have written a kernel code for calculating shuffled keys for points array. So, for a number of points N, the shuffled keys are calculated in 3-bit fashion, where x-bit at depth d (0
xd = 0 if p.x < Cd.x
xd = 1, otherwise
The Shuffled xyz key is given as:
The Kernel code written is given below. The point is inputted in a column major format.
__constant float3 boundsOffsetTable[8] = {
uint setBit(uint x,unsigned char position)
uint mask = 1<<position;
return x|mask;
__kernel void morton_code(__global float* point,__global uint*code,int level, float3 center,float radius,int size){
// Get the index of the current element to be processed
int i = get_global_id(0);
float3 pt;
pt.x = point[i];pt.y = point[size+i]; pt.z = point[2*size+i];
code[i] = 0;
float3 newCenter;
float newRadius;
if(pt.x>center.x) code = setBit(code,0);
if(pt.y>center.y) code = setBit(code,1);
if(pt.z>center.z) code = setBit(code,2);
for(int l = 1;l<level;l++)
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
newRadius = radius *0.5;
newCenter = center + boundOffsetTable[i]*radius;
if(newCenter.x-newRadius<pt.x && newCenter.x+newRadius>pt.x && newCenter.y-newRadius<pt.y && newCenter.y+newRadius>pt.y && newCenter.z-newRadius<pt.z && newCenter.z+newRadius>pt.z)
if(pt.x>newCenter.x) code = setBit(code,3*l);
if(pt.y>newCenter.y) code = setBit(code,3*l+1);
if(pt.z>newCenter.z) code = setBit(code,3*l+2);
It works but I just wanted to ask if I am missing something in the code and if there is an way to optimize the code.
Try this kernel:
__kernel void morton_code(__global float* point,__global uint*code,int level, float3 center,float radius,int size){
// Get the index of the current element to be processed
int i = get_global_id(0);
float3 pt;
pt.x = point[i];pt.y = point[size+i]; pt.z = point[2*size+i];
uint res;
res = 0;
float3 newCenter;
float newRadius;
if(pt.x>center.x) res = setBit(res,0);
if(pt.y>center.y) res = setBit(res,1);
if(pt.z>center.z) res = setBit(res,2);
for(int l = 1;l<level;l++)
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
newRadius = radius *0.5;
newCenter = center + boundOffsetTable[i]*radius;
if(newCenter.x-newRadius<pt.x && newCenter.x+newRadius>pt.x && newCenter.y-newRadius<pt.y && newCenter.y+newRadius>pt.y && newCenter.z-newRadius<pt.z && newCenter.z+newRadius>pt.z)
if(pt.x>newCenter.x) res = setBit(res,3*l);
if(pt.y>newCenter.y) res = setBit(res,3*l+1);
if(pt.z>newCenter.z) res = setBit(res,3*l+2);
//Save the result
code[i] = res;
Rules to optimize:
Avoid Global memory (you were using "code" directly from global memory, I changed that), you should see 3x increase in performance now.
Avoid Ifs, use "select" instead if it is possible. (See OpenCL documentation)
Use more memory inside the kernel. You don't need to operate at bit level. Operation at int level would be better and could avoid huge amount of calls to "setBit". Then you can construct your result at the end.
Another interesting thing. Is that if you are operating at 3D level, you can just use float3 variables and compute the distances with OpenCL operators. This can increase your performance quite a LOT. BUt also requires a complete rewrite of your kernel.

OpenCL / try to understand Kernel Code

I am studying an OpenCL code wich simulates the N-body problem from the following tutorial :
My main issue relies on the kernel code :
for(int jb=0; jb < nb; jb++) { /* Foreach block ... */
19 pblock[ti] = pos_old[jb*nt+ti]; /* Cache ONE particle position */
20 barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); /* Wait for others in the work-group */
21 for(int j=0; j<nt; j++) { /* For ALL cached particle positions ... */
22 float4 p2 = pblock[j]; /* Read a cached particle position */
23 float4 d = p2 - p;
24 float invr = rsqrt(d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y + d.z*d.z + eps);
25 float f = p2.w*invr*invr*invr;
26 a += f*d; /* Accumulate acceleration */
27 }
28 barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); /* Wait for others in work-group */
29 }
I don't understand what exactly happens at the execution : the kernel code is executed n times where n is the number of work-items (which is also the number of threads) but in the above part of code, we use the local memory for each work-group (there are nb work-groups it seems)
So, at the execution, up to the first "barrier", do I fill locally the pblock array with the global values of pos_old ?
Always up to the first barrier, for another work-group, the pblock array will have contain the same values as the arrays of the others work-groups, since jb=0 before the barrier ?
It seems that's a way to share these arrays by all the work-groups but this is not totally clear for me.
Any help is welcome.
Can you post the entire kernel code please? I have to make assumptions about the params and private variables.
It looks like there are nt number of work items in the group, and ti represents the current work item. When the loop executes, each item in the group will copy only single element. Usually this copy is from a global data source. The first barrier forces the work item to wait until the other items have made their copy. This is necessary because every work item in the group needs to read the data copied from every other work item. The values should not be the same, because ti should be different for each work item. (jb*nt would still equal zero for the first loop though)
Here is the entire kernel code :
__global float4* pos ,
__global float4* vel,
int numBodies,
float deltaTime,
float epsSqr,
__local float4* localPos,
__global float4* newPosition,
__global float4* newVelocity)
unsigned int tid = get_local_id(0);
unsigned int gid = get_global_id(0);
unsigned int localSize = get_local_size(0);
// Number of tiles we need to iterate
unsigned int numTiles = numBodies / localSize;
// position of this work-item
float4 myPos = pos[gid];
float4 acc = (float4)(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for(int i = 0; i < numTiles; ++i)
// load one tile into local memory
int idx = i * localSize + tid;
localPos[tid] = pos[idx];
// Synchronize to make sure data is available for processing
// calculate acceleration effect due to each body
// a[i->j] = m[j] * r[i->j] / (r^2 + epsSqr)^(3/2)
for(int j = 0; j < localSize; ++j)
// Calculate acceleartion caused by particle j on particle i
float4 r = localPos[j] - myPos;
float distSqr = r.x * r.x + r.y * r.y + r.z * r.z;
float invDist = 1.0f / sqrt(distSqr + epsSqr);
float invDistCube = invDist * invDist * invDist;
float s = localPos[j].w * invDistCube;
// accumulate effect of all particles
acc += s * r;
// Synchronize so that next tile can be loaded
float4 oldVel = vel[gid];
// updated position and velocity
float4 newPos = myPos + oldVel * deltaTime + acc * 0.5f * deltaTime * deltaTime;
newPos.w = myPos.w;
float4 newVel = oldVel + acc * deltaTime;
// write to global memory
newPosition[gid] = newPos;
newVelocity[gid] = newVel;
There are "numTiles" work-groups with "localSize" work-items for each work-group.
"gid" is the global index and "tid" is the local index.
Let's start at the first iteration of the loop "for(int i = 0; i < numTiles; ++i)" with "i=0":
If I take for example :
numTiles = 4, localSize = 25 and numBodies = 100 = number of work-items.
Then, at the execution, if I have gid = 80, then tid = 5, idx = 5 and the first assignement will be : localPos[5] = pos[5]
Now, I take gid = 5, then tid = 5 and idx = 5, I will have the same assignement with : localPos[5] = pos[5]
So, from what I understand, in the first iteration and after the first "barrier", each work-items contains the same Local array "localPos", i.e the sub-array of the first global block, which is "pos[0:24]".
Is this a good explanation of what happens ?
