woocommerce add extra div after price in content-product.php - wordpress

I want to add a extra div after price hook. Below is my code, but it is not working. Can anyone please tell me what I did wrong?
function init_actions() {
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'see_details_button', 10 );
function see_details_button() {
$button = '<div>See Details</div>';
return $button;

You are only returning the string you want to output. Because this is an action and not a filter I think that you should print/echo the HTML instead, i.e:
echo '<div>See Details</div>';
If that does not work. Make sure that the action actually run at the right place and that the action name is correct.


Wordpress manipulate comment_reply_link() add #nav-comform to the link

I am working on a theme for a friend but get stuck ...
The comments and the comment form are inside a jquery tab.
To toggle the tab on a klick of the reply link i have to add #nav-comform to the link.
I know i have to work with a filter in the functions.php but i have never done it before so i am a little lost and everything i try fail ...
I know it should be something like this filter example to add rel="nofollow" to the reply link:
function add_nofollow_to_reply_link( $link ) {
return str_replace( '")\'>', '")\' rel=\'nofollow\'>', $link );
add_filter( 'comment_reply_link', 'add_nofollow_to_reply_link' );
Maybe some one can lead me a way ?
Thank you very much !!
Try the following
function add_link_hash($args){
$args['respond_id'] = 'nav-comform';
return $args;
add_filter('comment_reply_link_args', 'add_link_hash', 10);

Where exactly is the "Before Header Content hook" in Wordpress?

I want to add a little code to the "Before Header Content hook" but I don't know where that is... Can you please help me?
add_action('init', 'process_post');
function process_post()
echo "test";
this is a modified version of #ajay 's solution
if you are going to use this, then you have to make sure that the current user is not an admin using is_admin() function.. and only display it if he is not an admin ...
why !?
because if you didn't, it may mess up the wp-admin of your website..
add_action('init', 'process_post');
function process_post()
if (!is_admin()) {
echo "test";
This could be tricky simply because every theme differs with how the loop is displayed, however you could create a plugin to use the loop_start action, which is called before the first post of the standard WP loop:
add_action( 'loop_start', 'test_loop_start' );
function test_loop_start( $query ){
echo 'this is my inserted text';
Now using this would display it every single time the loop is called (whether on a page, a post, category page, search page, etc.), which you may not want.
add_action( 'loop_start', 'test_loop_start' );
function test_loop_start( $query ){
if(is_category() OR is_singular()) {
echo 'this is my inserted text';

Wordpress Plugin: Show html only on standard page and not in admin area

I'm writing a plugin and I need to display a piece of text in the WP page, but not in the admin area. How can I do so?
I tried this in the construct:
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'initPage' ) )
and then:
public function initPage() {
echo 'hello';
but the text is displayed also in the admin area. Is there a way to do this? It would be the opposite of the action admin_init I assume.
Proper way to handle it: is_admin()
if(is_admin()) { // do nothing } else {
// function you want to execute.
I solved this by adding it to a shortcode action. Like this:
add_shortcode( 'myPlugin', array( $this, 'shortcode' ) );
public function shortcode( $atts ) {
return 'hello';
With the above code, 'hello' will only display on the front-end. Not sure if that's the cleaner way to do it, but does the job.
There is no "front-end-only" version of init, however you probably don't want to be doing any output at the init action anyway.
What exactly are you trying to do? Usually, you use an action hook for specific types of things, and causing output very early at something like "init" is rare and weird.

How to deactivate past shortcodes in Wordpress

Recently I changed the theme of my site, and I found many of my articles use a shortcode like this
My new theme does not support it and I actually don't need this shortcode to function. I thought I could just write a empty function for the shortcode in function.php, like this
function shortcode_box() {
return "";
add_shortcode('box', 'shortcode_box');
but it's not working.
Do you know any method to deactivate this short code?
So, you want to leave the [box] bits in the posts and/or pages, but have them not do anything? Try a shortcode that passes through the content unchanged:
function shortcode_box( $atts, $content = null ) {
return $content;
add_shortcode( 'box', 'shortcode_box' );
(For enclosing shortcodes, the return value of the function is used to replace the entire shortcode.)
Use remove_shortcode()
Reference: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/remove_shortcode

remove_action() not working in WordPress plugin

I'm new to writing WordPress plugins. I'm trying to write a little plugin that modifies how the woocommerce plugin displays images on the single product page. Specifically, if there is no product image, make the div holding the image "display:none" rather than displaying a placeholder image there. The strategy I'm using is to use add_action to render my own version of woocommerce's product_image.php template and then (trying to) use remove_action to prevent the original product_image.php file from being rendered. The add_action is clearly working, as I can see the "display:none" div in Firebug. However, the remove_action isn't succeeding.
Here is my code:
$add_result = add_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product_summary', 'eba_wc_show_product_images', 10);
function eba_wc_show_product_images() {
include( 'eba_product-image.php' );
$remove_result = remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_show_product_images', 30);
echo "<hr/>result of add_result = " . $add_result . "<hr/>";
echo "<hr/>result of remove_result = " . $remove_result . "<hr/>";
The priority on the original add_action for the woocommerce_before_single_product_summary hook was 20, so I made the priority on the remove_action 30.
The two debugging statements at the end show that the add_action is returning "1", but the result of the remove_action is empty. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've stumbled on this question several times now and I wish somebody would've just told me that I can do this:
$priority = has_action('action_name', 'function_name');
remove_action('action_name', 'function_name', $priority);
This saves me from actually hardcoding the priority, which may be different for different environments.
Try removing the action during plugins_loaded, this should ensure that its definitely been added before you try and remove it.
function alter_woo_hooks() {
$add_result = add_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product_summary', 'eba_wc_show_product_images', 10);
$remove_result = remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_show_product_images', 10);
echo "<hr/>result of add_result = " . $add_result . "<hr/>";
echo "<hr/>result of remove_result = " . $remove_result . "<hr/>";
function eba_wc_show_product_images() {
include( 'eba_product-image.php' );
one other way that worked for me is that we fire exact hook with earlier priority and remove other hook with later priority
function alter_some_hook() {
$priority = has_action('action_name', 'function_name');
remove_action('action_name', 'function_name', $priority);
You will have to understand the code execution sequence. You Must make sure that remove_action is getting called after the add_action has been executed and the action is actually in the queue. If you remove first and then add, it will obviously not work and doesn't make sense as well.
