Persistent error condition relating to Sqlite metadata - sqlite

I've run into a very puzzling problem regarding a table in a Sqlite database.
The table has this simple DDL definition:
[AName] VARCHAR(20), [AMemo] MEMO)
Using XE6, DBExpress and v. of sqlite3.dll I've created a project
to investigate another SO q. The project (32-bit target) is deliberately as minimalist as I could make it, i.e. I've just pulled off the component palette a SqlConnection,
SqlQuery (which just does a 'SELECT * from [MATable2]'), DataSetProvider, CDS,
DataSource, DBGrid and DBNavigator wired up in left-to-right order as it were.
The code is equally minimalist, and I don't think I need show it because my
problem isn't with the code per se, which works fine.
The problem I've been getting is this: Every now and then, usually after I've made
some blunder that generates an exception (like calling CDS.Refresh in its ApplyUpdates event) the project (I would say "or its server" if the server in Sqlite's case weren't just
a dll) gets into an "error condition" which persists across restarting the XE6 IDE and
rebooting the machine. It manifests itself by the SqlQuery.Open generating an exception
complaining about a mismatch between the expected and actual field types, e.g. in the
case of the ID field, the exception will report that it was expecting a WideMemo field but received a LargeInt one instead - it's as if there is something off by one in the table's metadata as received by the SqlQuery.
Thinking this condition might be DBX-specfic, and something to do with Sqlite column
types really being thinly-disguised memo fields, I created a FireDac equivalent
project and that gets the error condition, too. Then, the condition clears,
as mysteriously as it appeared, usually after I delete the dataset components +
TFields and replace them.
So, my question is, does anyone know where can the error cause could be persisting, I mean
such that it survives IDE restarts and machine reboots? My first thought was in the DFM, because of what I've said about how it spontaneously clears. Next, I suspected the database itself, but it seems perfectly tickety-boo accessed, queried and recreated using two independent Sqlite utilities, Sqlite Expert and the Sqlite Manager add-in for Firefox. The OS reports the disk as w/out errors. I've looked for persisted info that might be the cause, in Ini files and the Registry, but found nothing obvious.


Referenced table is not in dictionary

When I scaffold my database get the following error:
Referenced table `contentcategory` is not in dictionary.
Referenced table `contentcategory` is not in dictionary.
Referenced table `contenttype` is not in dictionary.
Referenced table `content` is not in dictionary.
I Use Mysql and Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql
This is very likely to be a casing issue, where MySQL assumes the table name to be contentcategory for the reference, while it is actually something like ContentCategory.
We have a pull request for this open since April, that looks abandoned by the original contributor.
I will fix the PR and merge it, so that the workaround for this issue will be part of our nightly builds as of tomorrow.
The linked PR also contains the information of how this issue can arise:
Okay, that is in line with what I experienced as well. So manually (either by writing the name in the GUI or by using an ALTER TABLE statement directly) adding a reference with different casing (on a server with case insensitive file name handling) or disabling SQL Identifiers are Case Sensitive [in MySQL Workbench] can lead to this result.
Technically, this is a MySQL or Workbench bug, but we will implement a workaround for it anyway.

Stored Procedure works fine from SQL Mgt Studio but throws Invalid Object name #AllActiveOrders from MVC app

I can run the 'guts' of my stored procedure as a giant query.. just fine from SQL Management Studio. Furthermore, I can even right click and 'execute' the stored procedure - .. y'know.. run it as a stored procedure - from SQL Management Studio.
When my ASP.NET MVC app goes to run this stored procedure, I get issues..
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name '#AllActiveOrders'.
Does the impersonation account that ASP.NET runs under need special permissions? That can't be it.. even when I run it locally from my Visual Studio (under my login account) I also get the temp table error message.
EDIT: Furthermore, it seems to work fine when called from one ASP.NET app (which is using a WCF service / ADO.NET to call the stored procedure) but does not work from a different ASP.NET app (which calls the stored proc directly using ADO.NET)
FURTHERMORE: The MVC app that doesn't crash, does pass in some parameters to the stored procedure, while the crashing app runs the Stored Proc with default parameters (doesn't pass any in). FWIW - when I run the stored procedure in SQL Mgt. Studio, it's with default parameters (and it doesn't crash).
If it's of any worth, I did have to fix a 'String or Binary data would be truncated' issue just prior to this situation. I went into this massive query and fixed the temptable definition (a different one) that I knew to be the problem (since I had just edited it a day or so ago). I was able to see the 'String/Binary truncation' issue in SQL Mgt. Studio / as well as resolve the issue in SQL Mgt Studio.. but, I'm really stumped as to why I cannot see the 'Invalid Object name' issue in SQL Mgt. Studio
Stored procedures and temp tables generally don't mix well with strongly typed implementations of database objects (ado, datasets, I'm sure there's others).
If you change your #temp table to a #variable table that should fix your issue.
(Apparently) this works in some cases:
Although according to, the functionality is considered deprecated.
An example on how to change from temp table to var table would be like:
create table #tempTable (id int, someVal varchar(50))
declare #tempTable table (id int, someval varchar(50))
There are a few differences between temp and var tables you should consider:
What's the difference between a temp table and table variable in SQL Server?
When should I use a table variable vs temporary table in sql server?
Ok. Figured it out with the help of my colleague who did some better Google-fu than I had done prior..
First, we CAN indeed make SQL Management Studio puke on my stored procedure by adding the FMTONLY option:
EXEC [dbo].[My_MassiveStackOfSubQueriesToProduceADigestDataSet]
Now, on to my two competing ASP.NET applications... why one of them worked and one of them didn't? Under the covers, both essentially used an ADO.NET System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter to go get the data and each performed a .Fill(DataSet1)
However, the one that was crashing was trying to get the schema in advanced of the data, instead of just deriving the schema after the fact.. so, it was this line of code that was killing it:
da.FillSchema(DataSet1, SchemaType.Mapped)
If you're struggling with this same issue that I've had, you may have come across forums like this from MSDN which are all over the internets - which explain the details of what's going on quite adequately. It had just never occurred to me that when I called "FillSchema" that I was essentially tripping over this same issue.
Now I know!!!
Following on from bkwdesign's answer about finding the problem was due to ADO.NET DataAdapter.FillSchema using SET FMTONLY ON, I had a similar problem. This is how I dealt with it:
I found the simplest solution was to short-circuit the stored proc, returning a dummy recordset FillSchema could use. So at the top of the stored proc I added something like:
IF 1 = 0
The columns of the select statement are identical in name, data type and order to the schema of the recordset that will be returned from the stored proc when it executes normally.
The RETURN ensures that FillSchema doesn't look at the rest of the stored proc, and so avoids problems with temp tables.

Updating an SQLite database via an ODBC linked table in Access

I am having an issue with an SQLite database. I am using the SQLite ODBC from Installed the 64-bit version and created the ODBC with these settings:
I open my Access database and link to the datasource. I can open the table, add records, but cannot delete or edit any records. Is there something I need to fix on the ODBC side to allow this? The error I get when I try to delete a record is:
The Microsoft Access database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.
When I edit a record I get:
The record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changed the other user made.
Save record is disabled. Only copy to clipboard or drop changes is available.
My initial attempt to recreate your issue was unsuccessful. I used the following on my 32-bit test VM:
Access 2010
SQLite 3.8.2
SQLite ODBC Driver 0.996
I created and populated the test table [tbl1] as documented here. I created an Access linked table and when prompted I chose both columns ([one] and [two]) as the Primary Key. When I opened the linked table in Datasheet View I was able to add, edit, and delete records without incident.
The only difference I can see between my setup and yours (apart from the fact that I am on 32-bit and you are on 64-bit) is that in the ODBC DSN settings I left the Sync.Mode setting at its default value of NORMAL, whereas yours appears to be set to OFF.
Try setting your Sync.Mode to NORMAL and see if that makes a difference.
Edit re: comments
The solution in this case was the following:
One possible workaround would be to create a new SQLite table with all the same columns plus a new INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column which Access will "see" as AutoNumber. You can create a unique index on (what are currently) the first four columns to ensure that they remain unique, but the new new "identity" (ROWID) column is what Access would use to identify rows for CRUD operations.
I had this problem too. I have a table with a primary key on a VARCHAR(30) (TEXT) field.
Adding an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column didn't help at all. After lots of testing I found the issue was with a DATETIME field I had in the table. I removed the DATETIME field and I was able to update record values in MS-Access datasheet view.
So now any DATETIME fields I need in SQLite, I declare as VARCHAR(19) so they some into Access via ODBC as text. Not perfect but it works. (And of course SQLite doesn't have a real DATETIME field type anyway so TEXT is just fine and will convert OK)
I confirmed it's a number conversion issue. With an empty DATETIME field, I can add a time of 01-01-2014 12:01:02 via Access's datasheet view, if I then look at the value in SQLite the seconds have been rounded off:
sqlite> SELECT three from TEST where FLoc='1020';
2014-01-01 12:01:00.000
SYNCMODE should also be NORMAL not OFF.
If you have any text fields with a defined length (e.g. foo VARCHAR(10)) and the field contents contains more characters than the field definition (which SQLite allows) MS-Access will also barf when trying to update any of the fields on that row.
I've searched all similar posts as I had a similar issue with SQLite linked via ODBC to Access. I had three tables, two of them allowed edits, but the third didn't. The third one had a DATETIME field and when I changed the data type to a TEXT field in the original SQLite database and relinked to access, I could edit the table. So for me it was confirmed as an issue with the DATETIME field.
After running into this problem, not finding a satisfactory answer, and wasting a lot of time trying other solutions, I eventually discovered that what others have mentioned about DATETIME fields is accurate but another solution exists that lets you keep the proper data type. The SQLite ODBC driver can convert Julian day values into the ODBC SQL_TIMESTAMP / SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP types by looking for floating point values in the column, if you have that option enabled in the driver. Storing dates in this manner gives the ODBC timestamp value enough precision to avoid the write conflict error, as well as letting Access see the column as a date/time field.
Even storing sub-second precision in the date string doesn't work, which is possibly a bug in the driver because the resulting TIMESTAMP_STRUCT contains the same values, but the fractional seconds must be lost elsewhere.

MS Access CREATE PROCEDURE Or use Access Macro in .NET

I need to be able to run a query such as
SELECT * FROM atable WHERE MyFunc(afield) = "some text"
I've written MyFunc in a VB module but the query results in "Undefined function 'MyFunc' in expression." when executed from .NET
From what I've read so far, functions in Access VB modules aren't available in .NET due to security concerns. There isn't much information on the subject but this avenue seems like a daed end.
The other possibility is through the CREATE PROCEDURE statement which also has precious little documentation:
The following code does work and creates a query in Access:
However I need more than just a simple select statement - I need several lines of VB code.
While experimenting with the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, I executed the following code:
Which produced the error "Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'."
This seems to indicate that there's a SQL 'PROCEDURE' statement, so then I tried
Which resulted in "Syntax error in PROCEDURE clause."
I can't find any information on the SQL 'PROCEDURE' statement - maybe I'm just reading the error message incorrectly and there's no such beast. I've spent some time experimenting with the statement but I can't get any further.
In response to the suggestions to add a field to store the value, I'll expand on my requirements:
I have two scenarios where I need this functionality.
In the first scenario, I needed to enable the user to search on the soundex of a field and since there's no soundex SQL function in Access I added a field to store the soundex value for every field in every table where the user wants to be able to search for a record that "soundes like" an entered value. I update the soundex value whenever the parent field value changes. It's a fair bit of overhead but I considered it necessary in this instance.
For the second scenario, I want to normalize the spacing of a space-concatenation of field values and optionally strip out user-defined characters. I can come very close to acheiving the desired value with a combination of TRIM and REPLACE functions. The value would only differ if three or more spaces appeared between words in the value of one of the fields (an unlikely scenario). It's hard to justify the overhead of an extra field on every field in every table where this functionality is needed. Unless I get specific feedback from users about the issue of extra spaces, I'll stick with the TRIM & REPLACE value.
My application is database agnostic (or just not very religious... I support 7). I wrote a UDF for each of the other 6 databases that does the space normalization and character stripping much more efficiently than the built-in database functions. It really annoys me that I can write the UDF in Access as a VB macro and use that macro within Access but I can't use it from .NET.
I do need to be able to index on the value, so pulling the entire column(s) into .NET and then performing my calculation won't work.
I think you are running into the ceiling of what Access can do (and trying to go beyond). Access really doesn't have the power to do really complex TSQL statements like you are attempting. However, there are a couple ways to accomplish what you are looking for.
First, if the results of MyFunc don't change often, you could create a function in a module that loops through each record in atable and runs your MyFunc against it. You could either store that data in the table itself (in a new column) or you could build an in-memory dataset that you use for whatever purposes you want.
The second way of doing this is to do the manipulation in .NET since it seems you have the ability to do so. Do the SELECT statement and pull out the data you want from Access (without trying to run MyFunc against it). Then run whatever logic you want against the data and either use it from there or put it back into the Access database.
Why don't you want to create an additional field in your atable, which is atable.afieldX = MyFunc(atable.afield)? All what you need - to run UPDATE command once.
You should try to write a SQL Server function MyFunc. This way you will be able to run the same query in SQLserver and in Access.
A few usefull links for you so you can get started:
MSDN article about user defined functions:
SQLServer user defined functions:
SQLServer string functions:
What version of JET (now called Ace) are you using?
I mean, it should come as no surprise that if you going to use some Access VBA code, then you need the VBA library and a copy of MS Access loaded and running.
However, in Access 2010, we now have table triggers and store procedures. These store procedures do NOT require VBA and in fact run at the engine level. I have a table trigger and soundex routine here that shows how this works:
The above means if Access, or, or even FoxPro via odbc modifies a row, the table trigger code will fire and run and save the soundex value in a column for you. And this feature also works if you use the new web publishing feature in access 2010. So, while the above article is written from the point of view of using Access Web services (available in office 365 and SharePoint), the above soundex table trigger will also work in a stand a alone Access and JET (ACE) only application.

parsing SQLException errors in an ASP.NET (MVC) application?

While validation can prevent most SQL errors, there are situations that simply cannot be prevented. I can think of two of them: uniqueness of some column and wrong foreign key: validation cannot be effective as the an object can be created or deleted by other parties just after validation and before db insertion. So there are (at least) two SQL errors that should lead to a message of invalid user input.
SQLException has a Number property for the error type, but I don't know how to find out which column is duplicated or which foreign key is wrong without trying to parse the actual error message text, which happens to be localized.
Is there any way to identify the offending column other than parsing the error message (which means at least to strictly choose a language for SQL Server and always use it)?
I should mention that I come from RubyOnRails, where the approach is: let's pretend that the db doesn't exist: no constraints, no db-enforced foreign keys etc. As I'm approaching ASP.NET MVC, I'd like to get rid of the rails biases, and accept the fact that the db indeed exists.
Are you sure these two situations absolutely cannot be prevented?
You can avoid unique constraint SQLexceptions on Insert, by using an Identity (database generated) primary key column. SQL Server will guarantee that the value is unique.
The same goes for inserting related rows into tables linked by a foreign key. Insert a row in each referenced table first, before inserting a row in the main table. Use IDENTITY_INSERT to get the value of each auto generated primary key and use this as the foreign key in your main table.
You should also wrap these individual statements in a transaction to ensure that either all tables are inserted successfully or none are. The transaction also isolates (hides) these changes from all other concurrent database accesses until the transaction is committed.
