Symfony2: Using two form fields for one entity property? - symfony

This is an existing schema I'm working with and I'm trying to not make any changes for the time being. I have an entity property that represents a university semester, like "fall12", "spring11", etc.
When adding or editing this entity with a form, I want to split that property into two form fields: "Season" (fall or spring") and "Year" (2011, 2012, etc):
->add('formSemesterSeason', 'choice', array(
'label' => 'Season',
'mapped' => false,
'choices' => array('fall' => 'Fall', 'spring' => 'Spring'),
->add('formSemesterYear', 'choice', array(
'label' => 'Year',
'mapped' => false,
'choices' => $this->courseManager->getYearChoices(),
When submitting the form, the values need to be combined and saved to the "semester" property on the entity as a string
When viewing the edit form, the existing "semester" value needs to be split between the two.
I don't think data transformers help here, since they apply to transforming just one form item.
Right now I'm using a form event POST_SET_DATA to fill out the two form fields when editing an existing entity:
$builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) use ($course_manager) {
$course = $event->getData();
$form = $event->getForm();
$semester = $course->getSemester();
$parsed_semester = $course_manager->parseSemesterMachineName($semester);
This works well, but how do I then combine the values back after the form has been submitted? I can do it easily in the controller, but I think I should be able to use form events, and have the data manipulation take place before form validation.

You can combine them back in a POST_SUBMIT listener.
The best way (reuseable) would be to create your own custom form type with a data transformer to split/combine the fields internally.
There are "recipes" in the cookbook but the best way that I found to create it was to rip apart the DateTime field type and associated transformers (DataTransformerChain, DateTimeToArrayTransformer & ArrayToPartsTransformer) for parts and build my own from that.


Using two entities to create a form

I use one general form type class to create all forms in my application. From controllers I only pass some parameters to it so that it knows which fields to render. For example:
$form = $this->createForm(new CommonType($repository, $queryResultSet), new UsersEntity(),
'action' => $this->generateUrl('user_edit'),
'attr' => ['class' => 'stdform'],
'repository_name' => 'AcmeBundle:Users'
And then CommonType class generates fields based on arrays from repository class.
However I need to add two entities now - the form has to contain fields from user and shop repositories/entities.
I thought about creating two forms here and connecting them, but I wouldn't be able to persist it to the database later.
How can I solve this problem?
I can't use form embedding because I have CommonType class here in my case.

Add custom validator on unmapped field, but with context of whole form submission?

I need a custom validation constraint to run on an unmapped form field
I need the ID of the object the form is manipulating to eliminate it from consideration doing my validation constraint
Attaching the validation to the form itself or the unmapped field doesn't give me enough context to run my validation query
I have an unmapped field on my Person entity form that I need to run a validation on. I've followed this great article on how to do this, but my use case is slightly different and not entirely covered by the article.
I am making my own Unique Constraint that needs to run a custom query to determine the uniqueness. To run the query, I need access to the field value that was submitted, as well as the original Person object (so I can get it's ID if it's an update operation). Without also having the that Person object I won't be able to eliminate it from consideration during the uniqueness query.
If I apply the validator on the PersonType class like so:
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
'data_class' => 'CS\AcmeBundle\Entity\Person',
'constraints' => array(
new MyUniqueValidator(),
Then the validator gets passed the entire Person object to perform the validation on. This doesn't help me, because the submitted form data is not persisted to the Person object (it's an unmapped field that I handle after $form->isValid() is called in the controller).
If I apply the validator to the unmapped field directly instead:
->add('myUnmappedField', 'text', array(
'mapped' => false,
'constraints' => array(
new MyUniqueValidator(),
Then the object I get passed to the validator is just the standalone form text, and nothing else. I don't have the ID Person object (if it was an update operation) to perform by uniqueness query.
Hopefully I've explained this properly. Do I have any options to do this sort of validation gracefully?
You say you have unmapped field. Would it help, if you make it mapped to the Person entity? Just make a new property in the Person class with getter and setter methods, but not to the ORM, since you don't want it persisted.
If you do not want to polute your Person class, you can also make another composite class, which will hold your currently unmapped field and a Person object (you will then make it mapped). Ofcourse you will then set data_class to match the new object's namespace.
Both above solutions should work with the upper code you have there. Please let me know it it helped.
You can achieve this by using a callback constraint with a closure.
To access your Person entity, you will need to add the field via an event listener.
$builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) {
$form = $event->getForm();
$person = $event->getData();
$form->add('myUnmappedField', TextType::class, [
'mapped' => false,
'constraints' => [
new Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Callback([
'callback' => function ($value, ExecutionContextInterface $context) use ($person) {
// Here you can use $person->getId()
// $value is the value of the unmapped field

Symfony2 Form entity

I have a problem, I want to create a simple search form with a filter assembly. These filters are attributes that belong to attribute groups.
group 1
[] Attribute 1
[] Attribute 2
[] Attribute 3
group 2
[] Attribute 1
[] Attribute 2
[] Attribute 3
But the problem is that I can not do (graphic aspect)
$builder->add('attribut', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'RestoFrontBundle:Attribut',
'group_by' => '',
'expanded' => true,
'multiple' => true,
'query_builder' => function(AttributRepository $er) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('a')
->join("a.groupeAttribut", 'g')
->where("a.statut = 1");
Also I can not manage the game if the checkbox has been checked.
You note that the graphic aspect is the hard part. That is due to the way checkboxes are used in HTML. Unlike select inputs there is no notion of an optgroup. The closest analog for checkboxes would be a fieldset with a legend.
You may want explore using a Choice Field type rather than an entity type. Provide your choices via some provider function within which you format the options array(s) whether or not you retrieved them from a database. ( For the record, that's exactly how I populate the select at which has multiple places to retrieve options from. ) You may even want to explore creating your own form field type and template to format the output. Checkout the documentation on creating your own field type.
I hope that helps a bit. There are probably plenty of other ways to approach this as well.

Validate a Collection Field Type in Symfony 2 with allowExtraFields=true

I'm trying to validate a collection form field:
'type' => 'text',
'options' => array('required' => false),
'allow_add' => true,
'allow_delete' => true,
'by_reference' => false,
'error_bubbling' => false
I use JavaScript, as suggested in the Cookbook, to dynamically add more text fields to the collection. My problem is, that I don't know, how to validate these fields. The collection validator lets me validate specific fields of a collection by their name but not simply every field of it. How can I manage that?
Even cooler would be, if I could check, if at least one of the fields is notBlank instead of forcing it to every field.
Best regards
You can use the "constraints" option defined in form Field Type that are available on all fields.(
In your case, you can add your constraint like this:
$builder->add('autor', 'collection', array(
'constraints' => new NotBlank()),
(in this case dont forget to include the constraints provided by the Validation component:
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank; ...)
i didnt test but i think with this every input will be validate againts the constraint you assigned to the field, and as you have the option "error_bubbling" as false, an error message should be attached to the invalid element.
Since you even use the 2.0 version of Symfony i think this solution solves your problem, however I strongly advise you to update to the 2.3 version.
You can create a Form Event Subscriber( that will be listening the POST_BIND event.(note that Post Bind event is Deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0);
In your subscriber class, you will validate each of your submited authors as you want and add an error to the form if something is wrong.
Your postBind method could be something like this:
public function postBind(DataEvent $event)
$data = $event->getData();
$form = $event->getForm();
if (null === $data) {
// get the submited values for author
// author is an array
$author = $form['autor']->getData();
// now iterate over the authors and validate what you want
// if you find any error, you can add a error to the form like this:
$form->addError(new FormError('your error message'));
// now as the form have errors it wont pass on the isValid() method
// on your controller. However i think this error wont appear
// next to your invalid author input but as a form error, but with
// this you can unsure that non of the fields will be blank for example.
you can check the Symfony2 Form Component API if you have any doubt about a core method.

Symfony 2, how to persist join table entities?

This is such a trivial problem that I can't believe I couldn't find an answer.
Symfony 2, doctrine 2.1. I've got two entities and one intermediate entity (join table). User, Pref, and UsersPrefs. Pref table is dictionary table, so that I could change pref name in one place only. Ok, let's see the picture:
As You can see, I want to have a checkbox group, with all the possible choices (prefs) and preferred choices checked. So, if there are 3 prefs, and only 2 selected by the user, there should be 3 checkboxes, 2 selected.
It's simple, if done plain PHP - query database twice to get list of all prefs and user prefs, render checkboxes depending on values, add some actions to handle form submit, done.
But for the life of God I can't get this to work using symfony & doctrine. I was able to get to the point where I can update relationships in doctrine and further in database, but I'm using raw query values for that:
$data = $request->request->get('some_form');
and this supposedly isn't the way it should be done?
Morevoer, I'm completely stuck as to how should I display checkbox list. I either get list of all options, none checked, or only user options, all checked. Or 'left joined' result set with checkboxes for all cases, useless anyway.
I've come to the point where I tried to overload twig checkbox template, but I couldn't pass variables to the form template, and that was the last straw...
This way I'm getting group of checkboxes, not connected to user choices:
->add('prefs', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'Some\TestBundle\Entity\Pref',
'expanded' => 'true',
'multiple' => 'true',
'property' => 'name'
And this way I'm getting only user choices, all checked:
->add('prefs', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'Some\TestBundle\Entity\UserPrefs',
'multiple' => 'false',
'expanded' => 'false',
'property' => '',
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) use ($id) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('u')
->where("u.user = :id")
->setParameter('id', $id)
And I tried left joins and other options, but at best I could get list of all possible options for all possible users, checked accordingly.
I'm displaying checkbox group:
->add('pref_ids', 'choice', array(
'choices' => array(
'1' => 'pref one',
'2' => 'pref two',
'3' => 'pref three',
'expanded' => 'true',
'multiple' => 'true'
I've added $pref_ids array in User entity. Now I just need to set values in array according to preferences chosen by user:
public function setPrefIds()
$prefs = $this->getPrefs();
$this->pref_ids = array();
foreach($prefs as $pref){
array_push($this->pref_ids, $pref->getPref()->getId());
return $this;
This way I get appropriate checkboxes checked.
Writing values to database is reversal of the process. I'm getting input values from request:
$data = $request->request->get('edit_form');
Removing all user prefs:
foreach ($userPrefs as $pref){
And setting actual associations in doctrine from ids:
$entity->setPrefsById($em, $data['pref_ids']);
Here I'm passing entity manager to entity itself, but I need to refactor it, because it looks kinda messy this way.
Then $em->flush(); and that's it.
That's the best I could come up with. Probably it's overcomplicated and should be done entirely different way. Unfortunately couldn't figure out this "other way".
You need the choice field type:
In your builder, it will be something like
$builder->add('prefs', 'choice', array('multiple' => true, 'expanded' => true, 'choices' => fetch the available prefs from the database here);
Edit: Sorry I'm mistaken, you need the "Entity" type, which fetches automatically the choices from the database:
You must still put multiple => true expanded => true to get checkboxes.
