QtCreator: kit-specific precompiler macro definitions - qt

I am using QtCreator 3.1.1 to build a cross-platform project, and so I arranged to have different compilation kits for targeting my desktop PC and my BeagleBoneBlack (BBB).
Now I would like to define some macro in qmake project file (.pro) which are specific only for a given kit.
In other words I would like do in my .pro file something like:
if(kit == BBB)
elseif(kit == Desktop)
Is is possible? How can I do that?

I obtained some help on Qt forum (take a look here) about this problem...
Anyway the solution consists in using qmake built-in test functions.
Basically I've added some CONFIG directive in QtCreator's project management: in the following screenshot you can see for example you can see that I've added CONFIG+=BBB in the project configuration for BBB kit; in the same way I've added CONFIG+=AM335x and CONFIG+=Desktop to AM335x and Desktop kits, respectively...
Then, in my .pro file I've added something like:
and now in my source code I can use something like #ifdef PLATFORM_BBB, #ifdef PLATFORM_AM335X and #ifdef PLATFORM_DESKTOP for differentiating the program behavior depending on compilation kit.

I found another solution.
First, add additional arguments in Projects using CONFIG+=Variable name for kit.
And in .pro file, write some code like below.
Desktop {
message("Desktop is selected")
message("rpi is selected")
target.path = /home/pi
INSTALLS += target
If you look at the general message tab, you can see that the setting works well.


QMake 5.15 don't understand wildcard adding files [duplicate]

I have a .pro file which looks like:
SOURCES += myfolder/source1.cpp \
HEADERS += myfolder/header1.h\
FORMS += myfolder/form1.ui\
And everything works great. However, if I try to use an asterisk to include all the files, i.e.:
SOURCES += myfolder/*.cpp
HEADERS += myfolder/*.h
FORMS += myfolder/*.ui
qmake throws a file-not-found-error:
WARNING: Failure to find: myfolder\*.cpp
:-1: error: No rule to make target `myfolder/*.cpp', needed by `release/source1.o'. Stop.
In both cases, Qt-Creator can find the files.
Is there a way to use the asterisk? It's annoying to type the files manually.
Thank you!
[EDIT: Qt 4.8.4, Windows 7, Qt-Creator 2.6.1. Sry for forgetting this thought it isnt needed.]
[EDIT: Found solution: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/1127 . Thank you anyway!]
In qmake 3.0, at least, it's possible to use something like:
SOURCES = $$files(*.cpp, true)
HEADERS = $$files(*.h, true)
The true argument will cause the files function to recursively find all files matching the pattern given by the first argument.
At first, using asterisk is bad practice - despite that qmake allows it, QtCreator cannot edit such *.pro correctly on adding new, renaming or deleting file. So try to add new files with "New file" or "Add existing files" dialogs.
QMake has for loop and function $$files(directory_path: String). Also append files to SOURCES or HEADERS variable respectively.
Brief example, which adds all files, but not directories, to variable FILES (not affect build or project tree):
files = $$files($$PWD/src)
win32:files ~= s|\\\\|/|g
for(file, files):!exists($$file/*):FILES += $$file
If you want to check if file is *.cpp, try to use contains($$file, ".cpp").
files = $$files($$PWD/src)
win32:files ~= s|\\\\|/|g
for(file, files):!exists($$file/*):contains($$file, ".cpp"):SOURCES += $$file

QML_IMPORT_NAME seems to be an unknown variable, qml module not found

I'm trying to run this example with qt 5.15.1
When I declare QML_IMPORT_NAME, the variable seems to be unknown from qt (see the font's color
on the below screenshot) and when I import "com.mycompany.messaging" in my qml file, I have an error "QML module not found."
After some investigations, the code runs as it should but I have this error in Qt Creator. If I want to edit qml file with the gui editor, I need to comment out all code related to the backend in text mode before otherwise, it fails to open the file.
What is the trick?
With this, I assumed I should have added
CONFIG += qmltypes
to .pro file. But since, I switched to cmake and did not find an equivalent, so I used the old method with:
qmlRegisterType<Person>("People", 1,0, "Person");
in main.cpp (see above link).
This is a known bug that is not fixed yet (https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-24987).
The reason for the error is that QtCreator requires the generated .qmltypes and metatypes.json files next to the application binary.
A workaround for this is to add the following to your pro file:
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
EXE_DIR = $${OUT_PWD}/debug
} else {
EXE_DIR = $${OUT_PWD}/release
CONFIG += file_copies
COPIES += qmltypes metatypes
qmltypes.files = $$files($${OUT_PWD}/$${TARGET}.qmltypes)
qmltypes.path = $${EXE_DIR}
metatypes.files = $$files($${OUT_PWD}/$${TARGET}_metatypes.json)
metatypes.path = $${EXE_DIR}

Qt - Using asterisk (*) in .pro-File with directories

I have a .pro file which looks like:
SOURCES += myfolder/source1.cpp \
HEADERS += myfolder/header1.h\
FORMS += myfolder/form1.ui\
And everything works great. However, if I try to use an asterisk to include all the files, i.e.:
SOURCES += myfolder/*.cpp
HEADERS += myfolder/*.h
FORMS += myfolder/*.ui
qmake throws a file-not-found-error:
WARNING: Failure to find: myfolder\*.cpp
:-1: error: No rule to make target `myfolder/*.cpp', needed by `release/source1.o'. Stop.
In both cases, Qt-Creator can find the files.
Is there a way to use the asterisk? It's annoying to type the files manually.
Thank you!
[EDIT: Qt 4.8.4, Windows 7, Qt-Creator 2.6.1. Sry for forgetting this thought it isnt needed.]
[EDIT: Found solution: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/1127 . Thank you anyway!]
In qmake 3.0, at least, it's possible to use something like:
SOURCES = $$files(*.cpp, true)
HEADERS = $$files(*.h, true)
The true argument will cause the files function to recursively find all files matching the pattern given by the first argument.
At first, using asterisk is bad practice - despite that qmake allows it, QtCreator cannot edit such *.pro correctly on adding new, renaming or deleting file. So try to add new files with "New file" or "Add existing files" dialogs.
QMake has for loop and function $$files(directory_path: String). Also append files to SOURCES or HEADERS variable respectively.
Brief example, which adds all files, but not directories, to variable FILES (not affect build or project tree):
files = $$files($$PWD/src)
win32:files ~= s|\\\\|/|g
for(file, files):!exists($$file/*):FILES += $$file
If you want to check if file is *.cpp, try to use contains($$file, ".cpp").
files = $$files($$PWD/src)
win32:files ~= s|\\\\|/|g
for(file, files):!exists($$file/*):contains($$file, ".cpp"):SOURCES += $$file

Compiling QtOpenCL with QT5

Anyone managed to compile library QtOpenCL using Qt5 (possibly under Window)?
edit: I managed to compile the code by porting it to QT5. I leave here in the question the dirty parts that I would like to replace in my method and describe what I did in the answer.
I was not able to provide the include path to my opencl installation so I
manually modified src/opencl/opencl.pro by adding the line
INCLUDEPATH += " *[absolute path to the openCL include folder]* "
QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENCL = "*[absolute path to the opencl lib folder]*"
manually modified src/openclgl/openclgl.pro by adding the line
INCPATH += " *[absolute path to the openCL include folder]* "
QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENCL = "*[absolute path to the opencl lib folder]*"
Anyone knows how to fix this in a cleaner way?
Here are the changes I had to introduce:
Modify the .pro files in order to add the OpenCL library. This is still an open problem for me. How to fix this in a cleaner way?
Link the projects (both opencl.pro and openclgl.pro) to the additional required Qt module QtConcurrent:
QT += concurrent
Fix the #include style by removing the packages, e.g. #include <qtconcurrentrun.h> instead of the old #include
Fix qclvector.cpp by replacing qMalloc, qfree, qMemCopy with, respectively, std::malloc, std::free, std::memcpy
Moreover modify the initialization of ref in the constructor from ref = 1 to ref.store(1);
Removing all the macros QT_LICENSED_MODULE
This is enough to compile at least QtOpenCL and QtOpenCLGL using QT5

Qt Creator and conditional build

In our project, we added some source and header files if a MACRO is defined. We do this like that, in the .pro file:
contains(DEFINES, MY_DEF) {
message("Support MY_DEF")
source1.cpp \
my_include_dir/header1.h \
FORMS += \
This works fine during the build. The files are not compiled if MY_DEF is not defined. MY_DEF is defined like that:
Curiously, Qt Creator always display the files in the project tree, whereas MY_DEF is defined or not. If not defined, they are not used for the build, but they still are displayed and editable, searches can scan them, etc... Is it a bug of Qt Creator?
This is not a big issue, just a little annoying, because we don't know clearly if a file is part of the project or not.
It's intentional even. There's a special "accumulating" parsing mode to collect all files that are mentioned in .pro files (essentially the same that's used to collect "translatable strings") for display in the project tree. Otherwise things like "Replace in all files in a project" would yield different results depending on the platform or the context it is run in. [And it's not half of qmake that's included, but close to all of it...]
This seems to be an issue with QtCreator and how it reads the .pro files - it doesn't seem to actually fully parse the files, opting instead to just pick out certain bits. I've got the same issue with files that are only included on one platform or another - in QtCreator, they always show up.
I expect that the reason is either that they don't want to re-implement half of qmake just to get the file lists, OR that there are situations where trying to parse it 'correctly' would get the wrong answer, and they've chosen to be predictably wrong instead of randomly wrong.
In addition to the conditional includes in QMake, I add #ifdef around such conditional source code. That way I also see it visually drop out of compilation when the conditions are not met. It's not as good as having the files drop out entirely from the project tree, but it's better than allowing them to still appear like they are part of the build when editing them if they are not applicable.
Just for the sake of completeness and answer correctness. Probably someone else needs this example of root .pro file with conditional source tree:
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS = device
CONFIG -= debug_and_release
_SANDBOX_DIR = $$dirname(PWD)
_PLAYER_PRO = $${_SANDBOX_DIR}/player/player.pro
SUBDIRS = device
device.subdir = $${_SANDBOX_DIR}/proxy/libproxy
contains(QMAKE_PLATFORM, android) {
} else {
SUBDIRS += player
player.file = $${_PLAYER_PRO}
player.depends = device
SUBDIRS += app
app.subdir = $${_SANDBOX_DIR}/display/display
app.depends = device
contains(SUBDIRS, player) {
app.depends += player
