I am trying to reduce the font size in my renderDataTable but I cannot find any example that controls font size. I have read that it is possible to control it through jquery but I cannot find any examples. Any guidance would be very helpful as I am using Shiny ioslides presentation and the font size in my data tables is simply too large.
You can put dataTableOutput("tableName") inside of div()and change the font using the style parameter. style takes CSS arguments.
For example, if have this...
you can change it like this...
div(dataTableOutput("tableName"), style = "font-size:80%")
to make the font size 20% smaller.
When i want to display some with fixed-width font in Sphinx, i place it between two inverted ticks ("inline markup for code samples"):
The class ``Test1`` is pure virtual.
Unfortunately, the size of this font is much smaller than the font for normal text:
Searching for a method to increase this font i found the post
How do I increase the fixed width font size in Sphinx / reStructured Text? ,
but i think it is out of date (2014), because the solutions given there seem not to work - for instance, the file default.css_t does not exist in my installation.
I also tried to modify /build/html/_static/basic.css, but after doing build html my changes have vanished and everything looked like it did before.
How can i change the font size of code samples in the current version of sphinx (4.4.0)?
I have found other posts showing how to change the font size of only the Help panel, and I know how to Zoom In and Out via keyboard shortcuts, or by using the long way.
I also know that you can change the font size of the editor in the Appearances option.
However, I would like to reduce the font size of only the console panel.
I would like to keep my editor font nice and big, but the console one is mostly for checking out quick data.frames so the smaller the better.
I tried fiddling around the source code of Rstudio to no avail.
Thank you in advance!
When I export ggplots from R (with ggsave in svg) to modify them in inkscape, I run into the following problem:
I use the text tool to select some text (axis labels for example). If I want to increase font size in the drop down menu, inkscape only increases the height of the text, width stays the same. I am left with text with the wrong aspect ratio.
This must be due to some type conversion (text to object for example) that is done at some point (ggplot, ggsave or inkscape). Until now I have been unable to figure out how to solve this. So far, I have reverted to deleting the existing text and creating new text in inkscape (adjusting font size works totally normally then)
Code to create input for Inkscape:
tdf <- data.frame()
tpl <- ggplot(tdf) + xlab("testtext")
It appears svglite introduces a textLength parameter which hard-codes the width. Interstingly, Illustrator seems to not care about this when editing the file, but Inkscape does.
You could try another device, svg may not be a great choice as it appears to split words into individual letters, but gridSVG::gridsvg seems to works. Or use a pdf device, which Inkscape can also import.
I have a simple markdown document that has either a background color or background image defined in the stylesheet I'm using to render it. When I export to PDF (using marked.app, mou.app, markdown pro, Multimarkdown Composer etC), I'd like that background to be full-bleed on the page with no margin or padding (i.e. no surrounding whitespace), much like something you'd create in illustrator.
Here is an example. (Reference the cover page). This will be used solely for on-screen consumption so I'm not worried about printing.
Can anyone suggest how to do this or a mac app that can do this?
We use custom icon font (inhouse font generated to icons with icomoon, or something similiar) in our webapp. I can set their size with font-size css property. but sometimes I need to adjust more proprties: for example increase the width or the height of the icon/font etc. Is there a way to do this with css/js?
I'll be glad for help with this, generating a specific font for each mini used isn't a path I would like to choose
font-stretch was supposed to do that but is not included in any current css standard and not supported by any browsers. I think you will have to create seperate icons for that case, sorry.
I did a Google Search trying to find the appropriate css descriptors, and stumbled upon this thread. Maybe it may help: Is it possible to change the font height, not just the line-height?