Compile Knitr .Rnw from R file, problems with - r

I'm compiling knitr document from a .R file:
knit2pdf(example.Rnw, output=paste0(name,".tex"))
But in the document example.Rnw, there's the function:,mget(as.character(rep_names)))
Where rep_names it's the name of some dataframes created by a loop, which i want to merge. The thing is i don't know the extact number of dataframes created.
If i compile the document directly from knitr works perfectly, but when i execute from .R file, he didn't find the objects of rep_names. Example on .pdf output.
## Error: value for ’Object_1’ not found
Where Object_1 is rep_names[1]. The problem is on which session are the object created?

It's hard to provide any assistance here without a reproducible example. Looking at what you have, I imagine you should change the way you're creating the dataframes to put them in a list rather than as named objects in the global environment. This way you can change the problematic line to, listofdfs). There are numerous questions and answers here that recommend this strategy.


How to use a file modified by a R chunk in a Python one

I am working in Rmarkdown into primarily R chunks, which I used to modify data frames. Now that they are ready, a colleague gave me Python codes to process some of the data. But when transitioning from a R chunk to a Python one, the environment changes and I do not know how to use the previous files directly.
biodata_file = women_personal_data
NameError: name 'women_personal_data' is not defined
NameError: name 'women_personal_data' is not defined
Ideally, I would like not to have to save the files on my computer between R and Python, and then back at R again, to avoid accumulating files that are not completely clean yet (because I figured it could be a solution).
I tried this solution but seems to not work with Data Frames
Thanks !
biodata_file = r.women_personal_data
The '.r' makes it take it from R, because the variable was called
r women_personal_data
TIP = to come back to R, the variable is now called py$women_personal_data

Download a text file of items in the global environment

What to do when you have a lot of individual objects in the global environment and you want to save them as a table of values?
I could not find any similar questions here, but found and an answer in the R help files eventually. It's posted below.
The dump function in base R did the trick. I used dump(ls(), "my_file_name.txt")
It produces a text file that you can edit pretty easily. I used a macro in notepad++ to replace the <- items and delete the line break, resulting in a file I could easily copy and paste into a table.
There's probably a better way. Other answers are more than welcome.

How to knit Rmarkdown files without the need to run the codes

I am not sure how to express my question in a well-understood manner. Anyway, my problem is that when I knit the Rmarkdown file, R rerun everything in the file (import data, run models, etc.), which takes a lot of time. Is there a way I can have the output of the models, data frames, graphs, or tables and save that as objects then use these objects as they are without running the process that generated them again during knitting?
I believe that your best option is to use the cache capabilities in RMarkdown: {r cache=TRUE}.
Se more here:
I find it's effective to do the data preparation and model fitting in a separate .Rmd or .R file and save the resulting data frames and model objects with save.
The notebook I create with figures and tables simply loads the objects in the first chunk with load. That way I can easily iterate on the visualizations and tables without having to re-run the models every time.
Take a look at R Notebooks:
Notebooks are just like markdown, but with exactly the feature you are looking for.

How can I call any arbitrary object generated at any arbitrary point of one Rmarkdown file in another Rmarkdown file?

To preface this, I think my question is related to this, but it's not exactly the same: How to source R Markdown file like `source('myfile.r')`?
Basically, I perform most of my data cleaning and analysis in Rmarkdown files because the visual separation between chunks of code and my own comments on what should be done for the analysis/cleaning is very helpful to me. It also helps that within Rstudio if you run a table, df, then it'll display an interactive snippet of it in the document. This is all very helpful in complicated cleaning/analyses. So in other words, I'd like to develop in one R-Markdown file and write in another R-Markdown file. Splitting/writing the code into a source.R file is not ideal, unless there was a very automated and reproducible way to do it.
The issue is that for reports, I'd sometimes like to take specific objects that were generated from these lengthy data-cleaning and analyses files in Rmarkdown. For example, let's say that during my data-cleaning in Rmarkdown-file-1, there was a particular table that was giving me trouble problematic.df and that I'd like to call in my report or possibly perform further manipulations in my report (Rmarkdown-file-2).
So ultimately I think this is the question:
How can I call any arbitrary object generated at any arbitrary point of one Rmarkdown file in another Rmarkdown file?
Obviously, the above would be the ideal, but it sounds unreasonable, so perhaps this is a better question/request:
How can I call any arbitrary objects generated by the end of one Rmarkdown file in another Rmarkdown file?
Upon further reflection, my question might already be answered in the post I linked, but it's been a while since that question was posted and perhaps there are new solutions or perspectives on this issue.

How to output a list of dataframes, which is able to be used by another user

I have a list whose elements are several dataframes, which looks like this
Because it is hard for another user to use these data by re-running my original code. Hence, I would like to export it. As the graph shows, the dataframes in that list have different number of rows. I am wondering if there is any method to export it as file without damaging any information, and make it be able to be used by Rstudio. I have tried to save it as RData, but I don't know how to save the information.
Thanks a lot
To output objects in R, here are 4 common methods:
dput() writes a text representation of an R object
This is very convenient if you want to allow someone to get your object by copying and pasting text (for instance on this site), without having to email or upload and download a file. The downside however is that the output is long and re-reading the object into R (simply by assigning the copied text to an object) can hang R for large objects. This works best to create reproducible examples. For a list of data frames, this would not be a very good option.
You can print an object to a .csv, .xlsx, etc. file with write.table(), write.csv(), readr::write_csv(), xlsx::write.xlsx(), etc.
While the file can then be used by other software (and re-imported into R with read.csv(), readr::read_csv(), readxl::read_excel(), etc.), the data can be transformed in the process and some objects cannot be printed in a single file without prior modifications. So this is not ideal in your case either.
save.image() saves your entire workspace (objects + environment)
The workspace can then be recreated with load(). This can be useful, but you are here only interested in saving one object. In that case, it is preferable to use:
saveRDS() which allows to write one object to file
The object can then be re-created with readRDS(). This is the best option to save an R object to file, without any modification and then re-create it.
In your situation, this is definitely the best solution.
