Custom scatterplot matrix using facet_grid in ggplot2 - r

I'm trying to write a custom scatterplot matrix function in ggplot2 using facet_grid. My data have two categorical variables and one numeric variable.
I'd like to facet (make the scatterplot rows/cols) according to one of the categorical variables and change the plotting symbol according to the other categorical.
I do so by first constructing a larger dataset that includes all combinations (combs) of the categorical variable from which I'm creating the scatterplot panels.
My questions are:
How to use geom_rect to white-out the diagonal and upper panels in facet_grid (I can only make the middle ones black so far)?
How can you move the titles of the facets to the bottom and left hand sides respectively?
How does one remove tick axes and labels for the top left and bottom right facets?
Thanks in advance.
# Data
nC <- 5
nM <- 4
dat <- data.frame(
Control = rep(LETTERS[1:nC], nM),
measure = rep(letters[1:nM], each = nC),
value = runif(nC*nM))
# Change factors to characters
dat <- within(dat, {
Control <- as.character(Control)
measure <- as.character(measure)
# Check, lapply(dat, class)
# Define scatterplot() function
scatterplotmatrix <- function(data,...){
controls <- with(data, unique(Control))
measures <- with(data, unique(measure))
combs <- expand.grid(1:length(controls), 1:length(measures), 1:length(measures))
# Add columns for values
combs$value1 = 1
combs$value2 = 0
for ( i in 1:NROW(combs)){
combs[i, "value1"] <- subset(data, subset = Control==controls[combs[i,1]] & measure == measures[combs[i,2]], select = value)
combs[i, "value2"] <- subset(data, subset = Control==controls[combs[i,1]] & measure == measures[combs[i,3]], select = value)
for ( i in 1:NROW(combs)){
combs[i,"Control"] <- controls[combs[i,1]]
combs[i,"Measure1"] <- measures[combs[i,2]]
combs[i,"Measure2"] <- measures[combs[i,3]]
# Final pairs plot
plt <- ggplot(combs, aes(x = value1, y = value2, shape = Control)) +
geom_point(size = 8, colour = "#F8766D") +
facet_grid(Measure2 ~ Measure1) +
ylab("") +
xlab("") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0,0.5,1), labels = c("0", "0.5", "1"), limits = c(-0.05, 1.05)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0,0.5,1), labels = c("0", "0.5", "1"), limits = c(-0.05, 1.05)) +
geom_rect(data = subset(combs, subset = Measure1 == Measure2), colour='white', xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf,ymin = -Inf,ymax = Inf)
# Call
plt1 <- scatterplotmatrix(dat)

I'm not aware of a way to move the panel strips (the labels) to the bottom or left. Also, it's not possible to format the individual panels separately (e.g., turn off the tick marks for just one facet). So if you really need these features, you will probably have to use something other than, or in addition to ggplot. You should really look into GGally, although I've never had much success with it.
As far as leaving some of the panels blank, here is a way.
nC <- 5; nM <- 4
set.seed(1) # for reproducible example
dat <- data.frame(Control = rep(LETTERS[1:nC], nM),
measure = rep(letters[1:nM], each = nC),
value = runif(nC*nM))
scatterplotmatrix <- function(data,...){
require(plyr) # for .(...)
DT <- data.table(data,key="Control")
gg <- DT[DT,allow.cartesian=T]
fmt <- function(x) format(x,nsmall=1)
plt <- ggplot(gg, aes(x,y,shape = Control)) +
geom_point(subset=.(as.numeric(H)<as.numeric(V)),size=5, colour="#F8766D") +
facet_grid(V ~ H) +
ylab("") + xlab("") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0,0.5,1), labels=fmt, limits=c(-0.05, 1.05)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,0.5,1), labels=fmt, limits=c(-0.05, 1.05))
The main feature of this is the use of subset=.(as.numeric(H)<as.numeric(V)) in the call to geom_point(...). This subsets the dataset so you only get a point layer when the condition is met, e.g. in facets where is.numeric(H)<is.numeric(V). This works because I've left the H and V columns as factors and is.numeric(...) operating on a factor returns the levels, not the names.
The rest is just a more compact (and much faster) way of creating what you called comb.


R control jitter function - avoid overplotting / non-random jitter

My problems seems simple, I am using ggplot2 with geom_jitter() to plot a variable. (take my picture as an example)
Jitter now adds some random noise to the variable (the variable is just called "1" in this example) to prevent overplotting. So I have now random noise in the y-direction and clearly what otherwise would be completely overplotted is now better visible.
But here is my question:
As you can see, there are still some points, that overplot each other. In my example here, this could be easily prevented, if it wouldn't be random noise in y-direction... but somehow more strategically placed offsets.
Can I somehow alter the geom_jitter() behavior or is there a similar function in ggplot2 that does exactly this?
Not really a minimal example, but also not too long:
data <- tsAirgap
# 2.1 Create required data
# Get all indices of the data that comes directly before and after an NA
na_indx_after <- which([1:(length(data) - 1)])) + 1
# starting from index 2 moves all indexes one in front, so no -1 needed for before
na_indx_before <- which([2:length(data)]))
# Get the actual values to the indices and put them in a data frame with a label
before <- data.frame(id = "1", type = "before", input = na_remove(data[na_indx_before]))
after <- data.frame(id = "1", type = "after", input = na_remove(data[na_indx_after]))
all <- data.frame(id = "1", type = "source", input = na_remove(data))
# Get n values for the plot labels
n_before <- length(before$input)
n_all <- length(all$input)
n_after <- length(after$input)
# 2.4 Create dataframe for ggplot2
# join the data together in one dataframe
df <- rbind(before, after, all)
# Create the plot
gg <- ggplot(data = df) +
geom_jitter(mapping = aes(x = id, y = input, color = type, alpha = type), width = 0.5 , height = 0.5)
gg <- gg + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(
values = c("before" = "skyblue1", "after" = "yellowgreen","source" = "gray66"),
gg <- gg + ggplot2::scale_alpha_manual(
values = c("before" = 1, "after" = 1,"source" = 0.3),
gg + ggplot2::theme_linedraw() + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.5) + ggplot2::coord_flip()
So many good is what Bens suggestion would look like for my example:
I changed parts of my code to:
gg <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = input, color = type, fill = type, alpha = type)) +
geom_dotplot(binwidth = 15)
Would basically also work as intended for me. ggbeeplot as suggested by Jon also worked great for my purpose.
I thought of a hack I really like, using ggrepel. It's normally used for labels, but nothing preventing you from making the label into a point.
df <- data.frame(x = rnorm(200),
col = sample(LETTERS[1:3], 200, replace = TRUE),
y = 1)
ggplot(df, aes(x, y, label = "●", color = col)) + # using unicode black circle
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(segment.color = NA,
box.padding = 0.01, key_glyph = "point")
A downside of this method is that ggrepel can take a lot time for a large number of points, and will recalculate differently each time you change the plot size. A faster alternative would be to use ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom, which uses a deterministic process to define jitter that looks random.
ggplot(df, aes(x,y, color = col)) +
ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom(groupOnX = FALSE)

Automatic Highlighting Outliers in ggplots

I have a dataframe df. While plotting this in ggplot. Can we also highlight outliers. Below is the sample code
df <- data.frame(col=runif(100, min=0, max=100000))
df$D <- c(1:100)
Is there the way to highlight outliers here
We can define a function for this. The line_outlier_plot has four arguments. df has the same format as your example data frame. outlier_color and normal_color are to specify the color for the points.drop indicates if we want to drop the category in the legend.
We have to define how to determine an outlier. Here, I decided that an outlier is a value larger or smaller than the mean plus or minus 3 times of the standard deviation. You can define your own approach to determine the outlier by modifying the code in the ifelse statement.
line_outlier_plot <- function(df, outlier_color = "red", normal_color = "black", drop = FALSE){
# Assign a label to show if it is an outlier or not
df$label <- ifelse(df$col > mean(df$col) + 3 * sd(df$col) |
df$col < mean(df$col) - 3 * sd(df$col), "Outlier", "Normal")
df$label <- factor(df$label, levels = c("Normal", "Outlier"))
# Set the color palette
pal <- c("Outlier" = outlier_color, "Normal" = normal_color)
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = D, y = col)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(aes(color = label)) +
scale_color_manual(values = pal, drop = drop)
Below is an example of the plot using this function.
df <- data.frame(col=rnorm(1000))
df$D <- c(1:1000)

Split violin plot with points on top to indicate info

This is a followup post from here
and here
I have successfully implemented the split violin ggplot2 for my data (two median estimator densities, for two cases) that need to be compared. Now, since i would like to add some confidence interval. I m following the code posted in the links above:
EDIT: A reproducible example
tmp <- rnorm(1000,0,1)
tmp.2 <- rnorm(1000,0,1)
x.1 <- density(tmp)
y.1 <- density(tmp.2)
Here, i m making the densities, extracting the (x,y) pairs. Then i m getting the quantiles back,
# Make densities
densities <-$x,y.1$x))
colnames(densities) <- "loc"
densities$dens <- c(x.1$y,y.1$y)
densities$drop_case <- c(rep("B",512),rep("S",512))
densities$dens <- ifelse(densities$drop_case=="B",densities$dens*-1,densities$dens)
densities$dens <- ifelse(densities$drop_case=="S",densities$dens*1,densities$dens)
conf <-,c(0.025,0.975))[1],quantile(tmp,c(0.025,0.975))[2],quantile(tmp.2,c(0.025,0.975))[1],quantile(tmp.2,c(0.025,0.975))[2]))
colnames(conf) <- "intervals"
conf$drop_case <- c(rep("B",2),rep("S",2))
conf$length <- rep(1000,4)
Now here i am trying to extract the values inside the densities, as was noted in the linked posts
Find data points in densities
val.tmp <- rep(0,4)
val.tmp.2 <- rep(0,4)
for (i in 1:4) { <- densities$loc <- densities$dens
your.number<- conf$intervals[i]
pos.tmp <- which(abs(
val.tmp[i] <-[pos.tmp]
val.tmp.2[i] <-[pos.tmp]
conf$positions <- val.tmp
conf$length <- val.tmp.2
conf$length <- ifelse(conf$drop_case=="B",conf$length*-1,conf$length)
conf$length <- ifelse(conf$drop_case=="S",conf$length*1,conf$length)
ggplot(densities,aes(dens, loc, fill = factor(drop_case)))+
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0, name = info$Name)+
ylab('Estimator Density') +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank())+
geom_point(data = conf, aes(x = positions, y = length, fill = factor(drop_case), group = factor(drop_case))
,shape = 21, colour = "black", show.legend = FALSE)
Then unfortuantely I am facing the following, the points are not mapped on the densities but are rather mapped on the plane.
There is a bunch of little mistakes in the code. Firstly, within that for loop, you can't set and to all of the density and location values, since that includes both groups. Secondly, since the signs are already changed in densities there is no need to use those ifelse statements afterwards. Thirdly, you would only need the top ifelse anyway, since the bottom one does absolutely nothing. Finally, you had the x and y mappings in geom_point the wrong way around!
There is a bunch of other things one could change to make the code more understandable and pretty, but I'm on limited time, so I'll leave those for what they are.
Below the full adjusted code:
tmp <- rnorm(1000,0,1)
tmp.2 <- rnorm(1000,0,1)
x.1 <- density(tmp)
y.1 <- density(tmp.2)
# Make densities
densities <-$x,y.1$x))
colnames(densities) <- "loc"
densities$dens <- c(x.1$y,y.1$y)
densities$drop_case <- c(rep("B",512),rep("S",512))
densities$dens <- ifelse(densities$drop_case=="B",densities$dens*-1,densities$dens)
conf <-,c(0.025,0.975)), quantile(tmp.2,c(0.025,0.975))))
colnames(conf) <- "intervals"
conf$drop_case <- c(rep("B",2),rep("S",2))
conf$length <- rep(1000,4)
val.tmp <- rep(0,4)
val.tmp.2 <- rep(0,4)
for (i in 1:4) { <- densities$loc[densities$drop_case == conf$drop_case[i]] <- densities$dens[densities$drop_case == conf$drop_case[i]]
your.number<- conf$intervals[i]
pos.tmp <- which(abs(
val.tmp[i] <-[pos.tmp]
val.tmp.2[i] <-[pos.tmp]
conf$positions <- val.tmp
conf$length <- val.tmp.2
ggplot(densities, aes(dens, loc, fill = drop_case)) +
ylab('Estimator Density') +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank())+
geom_point(data = conf, aes(x = length, y = positions, fill = drop_case),
shape = 21, colour = "black", show.legend = FALSE)
This results in:
I would personally prefer a plot with line segments:
ggplot(densities, aes(dens, loc, fill = factor(drop_case)))+
ylab('Estimator Density') +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank())+
geom_segment(data = conf, aes(x = length, xend = 0, y = positions, yend = positions))

ggplot axis order (factor) changes when using last_plot()

I've been able to successfully create a dotpot in ggplot for percentages across gender. But, I want to highlight the significant differences. I thought I could do this with a combination of subsetting and the use of last_plot().
Here’s my data:
prog <- c("Honors", "Academic", "Social", "Media")
m <- c(30,35,40,23)
f <- c(25,40,45,15)
s <- c(0.7, 0.4, 0.1, 0.03)
temp <-, m, f, s), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
first <- temp[,1:3]
first.melt <- melt(first, id.vars = 'prog', = 'Gender', = 'Percent')
first.melt <-,temp[,4]), , stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names(first.melt) <- c("program", "Gender", "Percent", "sig")
first.melt$program <- as.factor(first.melt$program)
Here’s where I reverse order my Program variable, so that when graphed if will be alphabetical from top to bottom.
first.melt[,1] = with(first.melt, factor(first.melt[,1], levels = rev(levels(first.melt[,1]))))
first.melt$sig <- as.numeric(as.character(first.melt$sig))
first.melt$Percent <- as.numeric(as.character(first.melt$Percent))
Now, I subset...
first.melt.ns <- subset(first.melt,sig > 0.05)
first.melt.sig <- subset(first.melt,sig <= 0.05)
ggplot(first.melt.ns, aes(program, y=Percent, shape=Gender)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
coord_flip() +
scale_shape_manual(values=c("m"=1, "f"=5))
The first run at ggplot get’s me my non-significant Program pairs – and it’s in the right order – so, I add my the two new points for male and female (making them solid, to draw attention as a significant pair):
last_plot() +
geom_point(data=first.melt.sig, aes(program[Gender=="m"], y=Percent[Gender=="m"]), size=3, shape=19) +
geom_point(data=first.melt.sig, aes(program[Gender=="f"], y=Percent[Gender=="f"]),size=4, shape=18)
The points get added just fine – ggplot works. But notice my Program axis – it’s correct, but reversed now.
First, you really should avoid It is dramatically increasing the amount of work necessary to prepare your data. The function for creating data frames is (naturally) data.frame. Use it!
What you're doing here is basically trying to get around the limitation of only having one shape scale. It's probably easiest to just do this:
temp <- data.frame(prog,m,f,s)
first <- temp[,1:3]
first.melt <- melt(first, id.vars = 'prog', = 'Gender', = 'Percent')
first.melt$sig <- rep(temp$s,times = 2)
first.melt[,1] = with(first.melt, factor(first.melt[,1], levels = rev(levels(first.melt[,1]))))
first.melt.sig <- subset(first.melt,sig < 0.05)
first.melt$Percent[first.melt$sig < 0.05] <- NA
ggplot() +
geom_point(data = first.melt,aes(x = prog,y = Percent,shape = Gender),size = 3) +
geom_point(data = first.melt.sig[1,],aes(x = prog,y = Percent),shape = 19) +
geom_point(data = first.melt.sig[2,],aes(x = prog,y = Percent),shape = 18) +
coord_flip() +
scale_shape_manual(values=c("m"=1, "f"=5))
In general, work to structure your ggplot code so that you're subsetting data frames, not variables inside of aes. That gets both tricky and dangerous, because ggplot is assuming certain things about what you pass inside of aes in order for the evaluation to work properly.

How to produce a meaningful draftsman/correlation plot for discrete values

One of my favorite tools for exploratory analysis is pairs(), however in the case of a limited number of discrete values, it falls flat as the dots all align perfectly. Consider the following:
y <- t(rmultinom(n=1000,size=4,prob=rep(.25,4)))
It doesn't really give a good sense of correlation. Is there an alternative plot style that would?
If you change y to a data.frame you can add some 'jitter' and with the col option you can set the transparency level (the 4th number in rgb):
y <- data.frame(y)
pairs(sapply(y,jitter), col = rgb(0,0,0,.2))
Or you could use ggplot2's plotmatrix:
plotmatrix(y) + geom_jitter(alpha = .2)
Edit: Since plotmatrix in ggplot2 is deprecated use ggpairs (GGally package mentioned in #hadley's comment above)
ggpairs(y, lower = list(params = c(alpha = .2, position = "jitter")))
Here is an example using corrplot:
M <- cor(y)
You can find more examples in the intro
Here are a couple of options using ggplot2:
## re-arrange data (copied from plotmatrix function)
prep.plot <- function(data) {
grid <- expand.grid(x = 1:ncol(data), y = 1:ncol(data))
grid <- subset(grid, x != y)
all <-"rbind", lapply(1:nrow(grid), function(i) {
xcol <- grid[i, "x"]
ycol <- grid[i, "y"]
data.frame(xvar = names(data)[ycol], yvar = names(data)[xcol],
x = data[, xcol], y = data[, ycol], data)
all$xvar <- factor(all$xvar, levels = names(data))
all$yvar <- factor(all$yvar, levels = names(data))
dat <- prep.plot(data.frame(y))
## plot with transparent jittered points
ggplot(dat, aes(x = x, y=y)) +
geom_jitter(alpha=.125) +
facet_grid(xvar ~ yvar) +
## plot with color representing density
ggplot(dat, aes(x = factor(x), y=factor(y))) +
geom_bin2d() +
facet_grid(xvar ~ yvar) +
I don't have enough credits yet to comment on #Vincent 's post - when doing
ggpairs(y, lower = list(params = c(alpha = .2, position = "jitter")))
I get
Error in stop_if_params_exist(obj$params) :
'params' is a deprecated argument. Please 'wrap' the function to supply arguments. help("wrap", package = "GGally")
So it seems, based on the indicated help page, that it would need to be in this case here:
ydf <-
regularPlot <- ggpairs(ydf, lower = list(continuous = wrap(ggally_points, alpha = .2, position = "jitter")))
