Reading series of values in R - r

I have read a series of 332 files like below by storing the data in each file as a data frame in List.
files <- list.files()
data <- list()
for (i in 1:332){
data[[i]] = read.csv(files[[i]])
The data has 3 columns with names id, city, town. Now I need to calculate the mean of all values under city corresponding to the id values 1:10 for which I wrote the below code
for(j in 1:10){ <- data[[j]]$city
But it is giving me a wrong value and when I call it in a function its transferring null values. Any help is highly appreciated.

Each time you iterate through j = 1:10 you assign data[[j]]$city to the object In doing so, for steps j = 2:10 you are overwriting the previous version of with the contents of the jth data set. Hence only ever contains at any one time a single city's worth of data and hence you are getting the wrong answer sa you are computing the mean for the last city only, not all 10.
Also note that you could do mean(, na.rm = TRUE) to remove the NAs.
You can do this without an explicit loop at the user R level using lapply(), for example, with dummy data,
data <- list(data.frame(city = rnorm(100)),
data.frame(city = rnorm(100)),
data.frame(city = rnorm(100)))
mean(unlist(lapply(data, `[`, "city")), na.rm = TRUE)
which gives
> mean(unlist(lapply(data, `[`, "city")), na.rm = TRUE)
[1] -0.02177902
So in your case, you need:
mean(unlist(lapply(data[1:10], `[`, "city")), na.rm = TRUE)
If you want to write a loop, then perhaps <- vector("list", length = 3) ## allocate, adjust to length = 10
for (j in 1:3) { ## adjust to 1:10 for your data / Q[[j]] <- data[[j]]$city ## fill in
mean(unlist(, na.rm = TRUE)
> mean(unlist(, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] -0.02177902
is one way. Or alternatively, compute the mean of the individual cities and then average those means
vec <- numeric(length = 3) ## allocate, adjust to length = 10
for (j in 1:3) { ## adjust to 1:10 for your question
vec[j] <- mean(data[[j]]$city, na.rm = TRUE)


How to run function on indivisual columns instead of data frame?

Hello everyone I have two data frame trying to do bootstrapping with below script1 in my script1 i am taking number of rows from data frame one and two. Instead of taking rows number from entire data frame I wanted split individual columns as a data frame and remove the zero values and than take the row number than do the bootstrapping using below script. So trying with script2 where I am creating individual data frame from for loop as I am new to R bit confused how efficiently do add the script1 function to it
please suggest me below I am providing script which is running script1 and the script2 I am trying to subset each columns creating a individual data frame
m1 <- matrix(sample(c(0, 1:10), 100, replace = TRUE), 10)
m2 <- matrix(sample(c(0, 1:5), 50, replace = TRUE), 5)
m1 <-
m2 <-
nboot <- 1e3
n_m1 <- nrow(m1); n_m2 <- nrow(m2)
temp<- c()
for (j in seq_len(nboot)) {
boot <- sample(x = seq_len(n_m1), size = n_m2, replace = TRUE)
value <- colSums(m2)/colSums(m1[boot,])
temp <- rbind(temp, value)
boot_data<- apply(temp, 2, median)
for (i in colnames(m1)){
m1_subset=(m1[m1[[i]] > 0, ])
m2_subset=m2[m2[[i]] >0, ]
num_m1 <- nrow(m1_subset); n_m2 <- nrow(m2_subset)# after this wanted add above script changing input
If I understand correctly, you want to do the sampling and calculation on each column individually, after removing the 0 values. I. modified your code to work on a single vector instead of a dataframe (i.e., using length() instead of nrow() and sum() instead of colSums(). I also suggest creating the empty matrix for your results ahead of time, and filling in -- it will be fasted.
temp <- matrix(nrow = nboot, ncol = ncol(m1))
for (i in seq_along(m1)){
m1_subset = m1[m1[,i] > 0, i]
m2_subset = m2[m2[,i] > 0, i]
n_m1 <- length(m1_subset); n_m2 <- length(m2_subset)
for (j in seq_len(nboot)) {
boot <- sample(x = seq_len(n_m1), size = n_m2, replace = TRUE)
temp[j, i] <- sum(m2_subset)/sum(m1_subset[boot])
boot_data <- apply(temp, 2, median)
boot_data <- setNames(data.frame(t(boot_data)), names(m1))

Randomly subsampling seurat object

I've been trying to randomly subsample my seurat object.
I'm interested in subsampling based on 2 columns: condition and cell type. I have 5 conditions and 5 cell types. Main goal is to have 1000 cells for each cell type in each condition.
I've tried this so far:
First thing is subsetting my seurat object:
my.list <- list(hipo.c1.neurons = hipo %>%
subset(., condition %in% "c1" & group %in% "Neurons"),
hipo.c1.oligo = hipo %>%
subset(., condition %in% "c1" & group %in% "Oligod")...etc...)
And then subsample it using sample function:
my.list.sampled <- lapply(X = my.list, FUN = function(x) {
x <- x[,sample(ncol(x), 1000, replace = FALSE)]
And I get this error since there are some objects with less than 1000 cells: error in evaluating the argument 'j' in selecting a method for function '[': cannot take a sample larger than the population when 'replace = FALSE'
Then I've tried with this function:
lapply_with_error <- function(X,FUN,...){
lapply(X, function(x, ...) tryCatch(FUN(x, ...),
error = function(e)NULL))
But then it gives me 0 in those objects that have less than 1000 cells. What would be the way to skip those objects that have less than 1000 cells and leave it like they are (not sample those ones)?
Is there a simpler way to do this, so I don't have to subset all of my objects separately?
I can't say for certain without seeing your data, but could you just add an if statement in the function? It looks like you're sampling column-wise, so check the number of columns. Just return x if the number of columns is less than the number you'd like to sample.
my.list.sampled <- lapply(X = my.list, FUN = function(x) {
if(ncol(x) > 1000){
x <- x[,sample(ncol(x), 1000, replace = FALSE)]
} else {
You could make it more flexible if you want to sample something other than 1000.
my.list.sampled <- lapply(X = my.list, B = 1000, FUN = function(x, B) {
if(ncol(x) > B){
x <- x[,sample(ncol(x), B, replace = FALSE)]
} else {

How to order multiple dataframes in Global Environment R

I'm trying to Run a simulation but I'm having trouble storing multiple dataframes called "data_i" in a list ordering by i. I start with a df called "data_", which has data from 1901 to 2032 (132 rows). I apply a loop to create one dataframe per row called data_1, data_2,data_3,...,data_132 (row of 2032 is stored in data_132). Finally, I store all this dataframes in a list and use lapply to create a column in each dataframe. Here is a reproducible example:
#Main dataframe
time <- 1901:2032
b <- 1:132
data_ <- data.frame(time,b)
#Loop for creating data_i where i goes from 1 to 132
simulations <- 10000
for (i in 1:132) {
assign(paste("data_",i, sep = ""), sapply(data_[i,], function(n) rep(n,simulations)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))
#Store all dataframes in list (**I THINK THE PROBLEM IS HERE**)
data_names<-str_extract(ls(), '^data_[[:digit:]]{1,3}$')[!, '^data_[[:digit:]]{1,3}$'))]
dataframes<-lapply(data_names, function(x)get(x))
#Create a new column in each dataframe
new_list <- lapply(dataframes, function(x) cbind(x, production = as.numeric(runif(simulations, min = 50, max = 100))))
#Create data_newi in environnment
list2env(setNames(new_list,paste0("data_new", seq_along(dataframes))),
envir = parent.frame())
The code runs but the problem is that the order of the dataframes is not data_1, data_2,data_3,...,data_132 but data_1,data_10,data_100,data_101...This generates that data_names stores this values in that order. This will lead to, for example, 2032 not being in data_new132 as I would want it to be.
Does anybody knows how to solve this? Thanks in advance!
Andres, See if this helps. I added a pad of '0' for the max number of characters (e.g. 132 = 3 characters wide):
#Main dataframe
time <- 1901:2032
b <- 1:132
data_ <- data.frame(time,b)
#Loop for creating data_i where i goes from 1 to 132
simulations <- 10000
for (i in 1:132) {
assign(paste("data_",str_pad(i,nchar(max(b)),pad="0"), sep = ""), sapply(data_[i,], function(n) rep(n,simulations)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))
#Store all dataframes in list (**I THINK THE PROBLEM IS HERE**)
data_names<-str_extract(ls(), '^data_[[:digit:]]{1,3}$')[!, '^data_[[:digit:]]{1,3}$'))]
dataframes<-lapply(data_names, function(x)get(x))
#Create a new column in each dataframe
new_list <- lapply(dataframes, function(x) cbind(x, production = as.numeric(runif(simulations, min = 50, max = 100))))
#Create data_newi in environnment
list2env(setNames(new_list,paste0("data_new", paste(str_pad(seq_along(dataframes),nchar(max(seq_along(dataframes))),pad="0"),sep=""))),
envir = parent.frame())
1) Use mixedsort in gtools:
for(i in c(2, 10)) assign(paste0("data", i), i)
ls(pattern = "^data")
## [1] "data10" "data2"
mixedsort(ls(pattern = "^data"))
## [1] "data2" "data10"
2) or ensure that the names are the same length using leading 0's in which case ls() will sort them appropriately:
for(i in c(2, 10)) assign(sprintf("data%03d", i), i)
ls(pattern = "^data")
## [1] "data002" "data010"
3) Normally one does not assign such objects directly into the global environment but puts them into a list. One can refer to elements using L[[1]], etc.
L <- list()
# for(i in 1:3) L[[i]] <- i
## [[1]]
## [1] 1
## [[2]]
## [1] 2
## [[3]]
## [1] 3
3a) or in one line:
L <- lapply(1:3, function(i) i)

R for loop to calculate wilcox.test

I am trying to write a code that would automatically calculate Wilcoxon test p-value for several comparisons.
Data used: 2 data sets with the same information representing two groups of participants completed the same 5 tasks which means that the each table contains 5 columns (tasks) and X rows with tasks scores.
data_17_18_G2 # first data set (in data.table format)
data_18_20_G2 # second data set (in data.table format)
Both data sets have identical names of column which are to be used in the W-test the next way:
wilcox.test(Group1Task1, Group2Task1, paired = F)
wilcox.test(Group1Task2, Group2Task2, paired = F)
and so on.
The inputs (e.g., Grou1Task1) are two vectors of task scores (the first one will be from data_17_18_G2 and the other one from data_18_20_G2
Desired output: a data table with a column of p-values
The problem I faced is that no matter how I manipulated the val1 and val2 empty objects, in the second and the third lines the right size "as.numeric(unlist(data_17_18_G2[, ..i]))" gives a correct output (a numeric vector) but it's left size "val1[i]" always returns only one value from the vector. That gave me the idea that the main problem appeared on the step of creating an empty vector, however, I wasn't able to solve it.
Empty objects:
result <- data.table(matrix(ncol=2))
val1 <- as.numeric() # here I also tried functions "numeric" and "vector"
val2 <- as.numeric()
res <- vector(mode = "list", length = 7)
For loop
for (i in 1:5) {
val1[i] <- as.numeric(unlist(data_17_18_G2[ , ..i]))
val2[i] <- as.numeric(unlist(data_18_20_G2[ , ..i]))
res[i] <- wilcox.test(val1[i], val2[i], paired = F)
result[i, 1] <- i
result[i, 2] <- res$p.value
Error in `[<`(`*tmp*`, i, 2, value = NULL) :
When deleting columns, i should not be provided
1: В val1[i] <- as.numeric(unlist(data_17_18_G2[, ..i])) :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
2: В val2[i] <- as.numeric(unlist(data_18_20_G2[, ..i])) :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
3: В res[i] <- wilcox.test(val1[i], val2[i], paired = F) :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
I changed the second and the third lines
for (i in 1:5) {
val1[i] <- as.numeric(data_17_18_G2[ , ..i])
val2[i] <- as.numeric(data_18_20_G2[ , ..i])
res[i] <- wilcox.test(val1[i], val2[i], paired = F)
result[i, 1] <- i
result[i, 2] <- res$p.value
And got this
Error in as.numeric(data_17_18_G2[, ..i]) :
(list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
which means that the function wilcox.test cannot interpret this type of input.
How can I improve the code so that I get a data table of p-values?
There would appear to be some bugs in the code. I have rewritten the code using the cars dataset as a example.
## use the cars dataset as a example (change with appropriate data)
data_17_18_G2 <-
data_18_20_G2 <- data_17_18_G2[,2:1]
## Fixed code
result <- data.table(matrix(as.numeric(), nrow=ncol(data_17_18_G2), ncol=2))
val1 <- as.numeric()
val2 <- as.numeric()
res <- vector(mode = "list", length = 7)
for (i in 1:ncol(data_17_18_G2)) {
val1 <- as.numeric(unlist(data_17_18_G2[ , ..i]))
val2 <- as.numeric(unlist(data_18_20_G2[ , ..i]))
res[[i]] <- wilcox.test(val1, val2, paired = F)
result[i, 1] <- as.numeric(i)
result[i, 2] <- as.numeric(res[[i]]$p.value)
Hope this gives you the output you are after.

Vectorization of a nested for-loop that inputs all paired combinations

I thought that the following problem must have been answered or a function must exist to do it, but I was unable to find an answer.
I have a nested loop that takes a row from one 3-col. data frame and copies it next to each of the other rows, to form a 6-col. data frame (with all possible combinations). This works fine, but with a medium sized data set (800 rows), the loops take forever to complete the task.
I will demonstrate on a sample data set:
Sdat <- data.frame(
x = c(10,20,30,40),
y = c(15,25,35,45),
ID =c(1,2,3,4)
compar <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=6)) # to contain all combinations
names(compar) <- c("x","y", "ID", "x","y", "ID")
N <- nrow(Sdat) # how many different points we have
for (i in 1:N)
for (j in 1:N)
Temp1 <- Sdat[i,] # data from 1st point
Temp2 <- Sdat[j,] # data from 2nd point
C <- cbind(Temp1, Temp2)
compar <- rbind(C,compar)
These loops provide exactly the output that I need for further analysis. Any suggestion for vectorizing this section?
You can do:
ind <- seq_len(nrow(Sdat))
grid <- expand.grid(ind, ind)
compar <- cbind(Sdat[grid[, 1], ], Sdat[grid[, 2], ])
A naive solution using rep (assuming you are happy with a data frame output):
compar <- data.frame(x = rep(Sdat$x, each = N),
y = rep(Sdat$y, each = N),
id = rep(1:n, each = N),
x1 = rep(Sdat$x, N),
y1 = rep(Sdat$y, N),
id_1 = rep(1:n, N))
