List in Predict Function - r

I am learning r and trying to understand one concept in building a model:
The data:
Time Counts
1 0 126.6
2 1 101.8
3 2 71.6
The model:
Time2 <- Time^2
quadratic.model <-lm(Counts ~ Time + Time2)
The prediction:
timevalues <- seq(0, 30, 0.1)
predictedcounts <- predict(quadratic.model,list(Time=timevalues, Time2=timevalues^2))
I don't understand this part of the above function.
list(Time=timevalues, Time2=timevalues^2)
What exactly is the list doing? Is there a more intuitive way to accomplish the same thing?

The list is specifying what values of Time and Time2 should be used for prediction. If you had different time values (say from a cross validation set) called TimeValuesB, then by setting list(Time = TimeValuesB, Time2 = TimeValuesB^2) you could obtain the predicted output for these new data values.
However, if you just want to obtain the predictions from the original data you can omit the list. So in your case
predictedcounts <- predict(quadratic.model)
should work just fine.


Why does just one (of 8) numeric predictor variables return NA when I run lm()?

I'm trying to build a linear regression model using eight independent variables, but when I run lm() one variable--what I anticipate being my best predictor!--keeps returning NA. I'm still new to R, and I cannot find a solution.
Here are my independent variables:
My df is training_set and looks like:
I'm not sure whether this matters, but training_set is 75% of my original df, and testing_set is 25%. Created thusly:
split_bike_sharing <- sample(c(rep(0, round(0.75 * nrow(bike_sharing_df))), rep(1, round(0.25 * nrow(bike_sharing_df)))))
This gave me table(split_bike_sharing):
And then I did:
training_set <- bike_sharing_df[split_bike_sharing == 0, ]
testing_set <- bike_sharing_df[split_bike_sharing == 1, ]
The structure of training_set is like:
To create the model I run the code:
However, as you can see the resultant model returns RAINFALL as NA. Here is the resultant model:
My first thought was to check RAINFALL datatype, which is numeric with range 0-1 (because at an earlier step I performed min-max normalization). But SNOWFALL also is numeric, and I've done nothing (that I know of!) to the one but not the other. My second thought was to confirm that RAINFALL contains enough values to work, and that does not appear to be an issue: summary(training_set$RAINFALL):
So, how do I correct the NAs in RAINFALL? Truly I will be most grateful for your guidance to a solution.
I've now checked for collinearity:
X <- model.matrix(RENTED_BIKE_COUNT ~ ., data = training_set)
X2 <- caret::findLinearCombos(X)
This gave me:
I believe this means certain columns are jointly multicollinear. As you can see, columns 8, 13, and 38 are:
[38] is HOUR_23
Question: if I want to preserve RAINFALL as a predictor variable (viz., return proper values rather than NAs when I run lm()), what do I do? Remove columns [13] and [38] from the dataset?

How to use lapply with get.confusion_matrix() in R?

I am performing a PLS-DA analysis in R using the mixOmics package. I have one binary Y variable (presence or absence of wetland) and 21 continuous predictor variables (X) with values ranging from 1 to 100.
I have made the model with the data_training dataset and want to predict new outcomes with the data_validation dataset. These datasets have exactly the same structure.
My code looks like:
model.plsda<-plsda(X,Y, ncomp = 10)
myPredictions <- predict(model.plsda, newdata = data_validation[,-1], dist = "max.dist")
I want to predict the outcome based on 10, 9, 8, ... to 2 principal components. By using the get.confusion_matrix function, I want to estimate the error rate for every number of principal components.
prediction <- myPredictions$class$max.dist[,10] #prediction based on 10 components
confusion.mat = get.confusion_matrix(truth = data_validatie[,1], predicted = prediction)
I can do this seperately for 10 times, but I want do that a little faster. Therefore I was thinking of making a list with the results of prediction for every number of components...
prediction_test <- myPredictions$class$max.dist
predictions_components <- convertColsToList(prediction_test, name.list = T, name.vector = T, = T)
...and then using lapply with the get.confusion_matrix and get.BER function. But then I don't know how to do that. I have searched on the internet, but I can't find a solution that works. How can I do this?
Many thanks for your help!
Without reproducible there is no way to test this but you need to convert the code you want to run each time into a function. Something like this:
confmat <- function(x) {
prediction <- myPredictions$class$max.dist[,x] #prediction based on 10 components
confusion.mat = get.confusion_matrix(truth = data_validatie[,1], predicted = prediction)
Now lapply:
results <- lapply(10:2, confmat)
That will return a list with the get.BER results for each number of PCs so results[[1]] will be the results for 10 PCs. You will not get values for prediction or confusionmat unless they are included in the results returned by get.BER. If you want all of that, you need to replace the last line to the function with return(list(prediction, confusionmat, get.BER(confusion.mat)). This will produce a list of the lists so that results[[1]][[1]] will be the results of prediction for 10 PCs and results[[1]][[2]] and results[[1]][[3]] will be confusionmat and get.BER(confusion.mat) respectively.

R: quickly simulate unbalanced panel with variable that depends on lagged values of itself

I am trying to simulate monthly panels of data where one variable depends on lagged values of that variable in R. My solution is extremely slow. I need around 1000 samples of 2545 individuals, each of whom is observed monthly over many years, but the first sample took my computer 8.5 hours to construct. How can I make this faster?
I start by creating an unbalanced panel of people with different birth dates, monthly ages, and variables xbsmall and error that will be compared to determine the Outcome. All of the code in the first block is just data setup.
# Setup:
# Would like to have 2545 people (nPerson).
#Instead use 4 for testing.
nPerson = 4
# Minimum and maximum possible ages and birth dates
AgeMin = 10
AgeMax = 50
BornMin = 1950
BornMax = 1963
# Person-specific characteristics
ind =
id = 1:nPerson,
BornYear = floor(runif(length(1:nPerson), min=BornMin, max=BornMax+1)),
BornMonth = ceiling(runif(length(1:nPerson), min=0, max=12))
# Make an unbalanced panel of people over age 10 up to year 1986
# panel = ddply(ind, ~id, transform, AgeMonths = BornMonth)
panel = ddply(ind, ~id, transform, AgeMonths = (AgeMin*12):((1986-BornYear)*12 + 12-BornMonth))
# Set up some random variables to approximate the data generating process
panel$xbsmall = rnorm(dim(panel)[1], mean=-.3, sd=.45)
# Standard normal error for probit
panel$error = rnorm(dim(panel)[1])
# Placeholders
panel$xb = rep(0, dim(panel)[1])
panel$Outcome = rep(0, dim(panel)[1])
Now that we have data, here is the part that is slow (around a second on my computer for only 4 observations but hours for thousands of observations). Each month, a person gets two draws (xbsmall and error) from two different normal distributions (these were done above), and Outcome == 1 if xbsmall > error. However, if Outcome equals 1 in the previous month, then Outcome in the current month equals 1 if xbsmall + 4.47 > error. I use xb = xbsmall+4.47 in the code below (xb is the "linear predictor" in a probit model). I ignore the first month for each person for simplicity. For your information, this is simulating a probit DGP (but that is not necessary to know to solve the problem of computation speed).
# Outcome == 1 if and only if xb > -error
# The hard part: xb includes information about the previous month's outcome
start_time = Sys.time()
for(i in 1:nPerson){
# Determine the range of monthly ages to loop over for this person
AgeMonthMin = min(panel$AgeMonths[panel$id==i], na.rm=T)
AgeMonthMax = max(panel$AgeMonths[panel$id==i], na.rm=T)
# Loop over the monthly ages for this person and determine the outcome
for(t in (AgeMonthMin+1):AgeMonthMax){
# Indicator for whether Outcome was 1 last month
panel$Outcome1LastMonth[panel$id==i & panel$AgeMonths==t] = panel$Outcome[panel$id==i & panel$AgeMonths==t-1]
# xb = xbsmall + 4.47 if Outcome was 1 last month
# Otherwise, xb = xbsmall
panel$xb[panel$id==i & panel$AgeMonths==t] = with(panel[panel$id==i & panel$AgeMonths==t,], xbsmall + 4.47*Outcome1LastMonth)
# Outcome == 1 if xb > 0
panel$Outcome[panel$id==i & panel$AgeMonths==t] =
ifelse(panel$xb[panel$id==i & panel$AgeMonths==t] > - panel$error[panel$id==i & panel$AgeMonths==t], 1, 0)
end_time = Sys.time()
end_time - start_time
My thoughts for reducing computer time:
Something with cumsum()
Some wonderful panel data function that I do not know about
Find a way to make the t loop go through the same starting and ending points for each individual and then somehow use plyr::ddpl() or dplyr::gather_by()
Iterative solution: make an educated guess about the value of Outcome at each monthly age (say, the mode) and somehow adjust values that do not match the previous month. This would work better in my real application because xbsmall has a very clear trend in age.
Do the simulation only for smaller samples and then estimate the effect of sample size on the values I need (the distributions of regression coefficient estimates not calculated here)
One approach is to use a split-apply-combine method. I take out the for(t in (AgeMonthMin+1):AgeMonthMax) loop and put the contents in a function:
generate_outcome <- function(x) {
AgeMonthMin <- min(x$AgeMonths, na.rm = TRUE)
AgeMonthMax <- max(x$AgeMonths, na.rm = TRUE)
for (i in 2:(AgeMonthMax - AgeMonthMin + 1)){
x$xb[i] <- x$xbsmall[i] + 4.47 * x$Outcome[i - 1]
x$Outcome[i] <- ifelse(x$xb[i] > - x$error[i], 1, 0)
where x is a dataframe for one person. This allows us to simplify the panel$id==i & panel$AgeMonths==t construct. Now we can just do
out <- lapply(split(panel, panel$id), generate_outcome)
out <-, out)
and all.equal(panel$Outcome, out$Outcome) returns TRUE. Computing 100 persons took 1.8 seconds using this method, compared to 1.5 minutes in the original code.

Manually conduct leave-one-out cross validation for a GLMM using a for() loop in R

I am trying to build a for() loop to manually conduct leave-one-out cross validations for a GLMM fit using the lmer() function from the lme4 pkg. I need to remove an individual, fit the model and use the beta coefficients to predict a response for the individual that was withheld, and repeat the process for all individuals.
I have created some test data to tackle the first step of simply leaving an individual out, fitting the model and repeating for all individuals in a for() loop.
The data have a binary (0,1) Response, an IndID that classifies 4 individuals, a Time variable, and a Binary variable. There are N=100 observations. The IndID is fit as a random effect.
#Make data
Response <- round(runif(100, 0, 1))
IndID <- as.character(rep(c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD"),25))
Time <- round(runif(100, 2,50))
Binary <- round(runif(100, 0, 1))
#Make data.frame
Data <- data.frame(Response, IndID, Time, Binary)
Data <- Data[with(Data, order(IndID)), ] #**Edit**: Added code to sort by IndID
#Look at head()
Response IndID Time Binary
1 0 AAA 31 1
2 1 BBB 34 1
3 1 CCC 6 1
4 0 DDD 48 1
5 1 AAA 36 1
6 0 BBB 46 1
#Build model with all IndID's
fit <- lmer(Response ~ Time + Binary + (1|IndID ), data = Data,
As stated above, my hope is to get four model fits – one with each IndID left out in a for() loop. This is a new type of application of the for() command for me and I quickly reached my coding abilities. My attempt is below.
fit <- list()
for (i in Data$IndID){
fit[[i]] <- lmer(Response ~ Time + Binary + (1|IndID), data = Data[-i],
I am not sure storing the model fits as a list is the best option, but I had seen it on a few other help pages. The above attempt results in the error:
Error in -i : invalid argument to unary operator
If I remove the [-i] conditional to the data=Data argument the code runs four fits, but data for each individual is not removed.
Just as an FYI, I will need to further expand the loop to:
1) extract the beta coefs, 2) apply them to the X matrix of the individual that was withheld and lastly, 3) compare the predicted values (after a logit transformation) to the observed values. As all steps are needed for each IndID, I hope to build them into the loop. I am providing the extra details in case my planned future steps inform the more intimidate question of leave-one-out model fits.
Thanks as always!
The problem you are having is because Data[-i] is expecting i to be an integer index. Instead, i is either AAA, BBB, CCC or DDD. To fix the loop, set
data = Data[Data$IndID != i, ]
in you model fit.

Local prediction modelling approach in R

I am trying to develop a local model (PLSR) which is predicting a query sample by a model built on the 10 most similar samples using the code below (not the full model yet, just a part of it). I got stuck when trying to predict the query sample (second to last line). The model is actually predicting something, ("prd") but not the query sample!
Here is my code:
set.seed(10000) # generate some sample data
mat <- replicate(100, rnorm(100))
y <- as.matrix(mat[,1], drop=F)
x <- mat[,2:100]
eD <- dist(x, method="euclidean") # create a distance matrix
eDm <- as.matrix(eD)
Looping over all 100 samples and extracting their 10 most similar samples for subsequent model building and prediction of query sample:
for (i in 1:nrow(eDm)) {
kni <- head(order(eDm[,i]),11)[-1] # add 10 most similar samples to kni
pls1 <- plsr(y[kni,] ~ x[kni,], ncomp=5, validation="CV") # run plsr on sel. samples
prd <- predict(pls1, ncomp=5, newdata=x[[i]]) # predict query sample ==> I suspect there is something wrong with this expression: newdata=x[[i]]
I can't figure out how to address the query sample properly - many thanks i.a. for any help!
Best regards,
You are going to run into all sorts of pain building models with formulae like that. Also the x[[i]] isn't doing what you think it is - you need to supply a data frame usually to these modelling functions. In this case a matrix seems fine too.
I get all your code working OK if I use:
prd <- predict(pls1, ncomp=5, newdata=x[i, ,drop = FALSE])
> predict(pls1, ncomp=5, newdata=x[i,,drop = FALSE])
, , 5 comps
y[kni, ]
[1,] 0.6409897
What you were seeing with your code are the fitted values for the training data.
> fitted(pls1)[, , 5, drop = FALSE]
, , 5 comps
y[kni, ]
1 0.1443274
2 0.2706769
3 1.1407780
4 -0.2345429
5 -1.0468221
6 2.1353091
7 0.8267103
8 3.3242296
9 -0.5016016
10 0.6781804
This is convention in R when you either don't supply newdata or the object you are supplying makes no sense and doesn't contain the covariates required to generate predictions.
I would have fitted the model as follows:
pls1 <- plsr(y ~ x, ncomp=5, validation="CV", subset = kni)
where I use the subset argument for its intended purpose; to select the rows of the input data to fit the model with. You get nicer output from the models; the labels use y instead of y[kni, ] etc, plus this general convention will serve you well in other modelling tools, where R will expect newdata to be a data frame with names exactly the same as those mentioned in the model formula. In your case, with your code, that would mean creating a data frame with names like x[kni, ] which are not easy to do, for good reason!
