Move the "logged in as" box generated by shinyapps::addAuthorizedUser - r

I used the function addAuthorizedUser to add password protection to a Shiny app that I deployed on, as per the instructions here (ctrl+F for "passwords").
It works fine, but it places a small box at the top-right that covers up part of my app. How do I change its location?
I'd like to move it to the top-left instead, but I'm not sure how to do this other than tearing apart the built-in function and building the password system myself. I'd rather not do that. The unpleasant workaround right now is to add an extra couple of line breaks at the top of the page so that there's room for the box.
edit: this might be built into instead of the app itself, so changing this might be impossible.


AutoHotKey to focus a Form in Microsoft Access 2010/2013

I would like to use AutoHotKey to bring an access database to the screen, then take focus on one form (the form is open, but there will always be multiple other forms open at the same time, additionally, the form in question could be stacked at the bottom) and then the rest can be done with custom shortcuts that only work in this form.
I am also open for other solutions to do the same job, mouse clicks is also a possibility but forms are not always in the same place on different computers and they can also be moved during a session.
This is what I have been testing so far:
Bring up the database with IfWinExist, [title of window]
Then I tried using ControlFocus, [ControllerName]
That did work, but the controllername changes depending on what other forms are open and in which order they where last clicked on.
I have made a screenshot:
Any help would be nice, my main problem is that I do not know what AHK can do and therefore I feel very limited.
In the place of WinTitle you can also use other parameters of the window, not only WinTitle. More about it here:
Also you can use ImageSearch to get coordinates of the window and use these coordinates to move window without WinMove like here:

Specific way of selecting a location on a google map

I've inherited a small project. The person before me created a native app for iPhone, implemented in objective-c, and my job is to remake it as a webapp with PhoneGap for iOS and Android.
In my predecessor's original implementation, part of the app has the functionality of allowing the user to drop a marker on a map to select a location. I found a comparable way of doing this, but the supervisor wants the exact way she'd done it, which I'm having a little trouble with. Let me describe:
In her native app, the map appears with a marker in the center of it. The user then slides the map around beneath the marker (which stays in place on the screen), until the marker is positioned over the spot they want. Then they hit a button marked "Select," and those coordinates are sent to the app for irrelevant other operations.
I'm trying to do the exact same thing with the google-maps javascript api and html/css, and I can't figure it out. Do any of you Gmaps pros have any ideas?
You may observe the center_changed-Event of the map. When it fires set the position of the marker to the new center of the map.
Another suggestion:
For a better effect instead of a marker you may use a custom control. You may insert a marker-image there so it will look like a marker. To place it in the center, push the control to
(it will be vertically centered then) and apply the horizontal centering by adding a right-margin to the control

Flex - invisible text until mouse pointer moves outside textInput

We have an application running flex sdk 4.5 and have recently encountered an issue with textInput fields which we have not been able to reproduce on our end for the better part of a month now.
Here are the symptoms:
Users opens an input form which contains several input fields (combo boxes, calendars, text inputs, etc)
User clicks inside a text field
Users types (obviously!)
** Nothing appears in the text input - we have validators on some of these fields and they do kick in properly (ie. user sees red box around textInput disappearing)
User moves cursor outside of text input field and text appears
Give or take, this is the test case we've been provided. We have been unable to reproduce this and I'm reaching out to see if anybody has heard of issues like this in the past.
They are running our flex application in the following environment:
Windows XP SP3
IE 7.0.5730.13 (locale = en-gb)
Flash Player
Upgrading either of these components is not an option. Installing the flash player debugger is not an option either.
Now we've setup a pc exactly the same way as they have on their end and still haven't reproduced. So we're really stuck at this point :)
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. I'll provide any additional info needed.
Feb. 2nd 2012 - Update
As I noted in my comment reply to shaun, it seems our customer was more or less precise in their description of the issue. We ran a webex session with them this morning and actually saw the issues first hand.
Here's what happens:
- User loads our application via its url
- User is able to input data and pretty much do any function for a 'random' time period
- All of a sudden, the issues start (there are more symptoms than just the one I originally mentioned):
1. Users type in text input fields and they won't see the text appear until they move the cursor out of / into any other component (could be entering an hbox, exiting a text input field, etc)
2. Combo boxes behave more or less the same. They can drop them down, but then the mouse wheel no longer refreshes the list. It actually scrolls in the background, but until the user moves the mouse, the list does not refresh
3. We also communicate between the server and client via an amf channel. The events make it to the client, but again, they won't see the screen refresh until they move their cursor.
So basically, the application still seems to work, but the screen is no longer refreshing. Could it be something to do with an invalidate / update of the display list that doesn't kick in? We'd like to get them to install the debugger version of FP, but that doesn't seem to be an option.
Another thing to keep in mind: they have a VERY bad internet connection. They average around 1-1.5mbps (megabits) which is enough for our app, but I just thought I'd let you know.
We learned that they also use a Citrix presentation layer to deploy IE 7 to the end users. We've received confirmation from the end user that even if they launch IE on their workstation (not through citrix), they get the issue also.
Another note is that we've seen no errors in our web server, jboss or application logs...
So that's the update I've got... anyone have more thoughts on this? We've more or less discarded the fonts being an issue at this point since the issue affects more than just 'fonts'. Is everything on the screen not updating anymore.

Download Image From Site

This site is claiming to prevent the download of images and preventing screenshots. Is this truly possible to stop and can anyone crack it in their demos? What tools can be used to download an image set as a background?
It isn't possible, no.
If the client can see it on their screen, then it exists on their computer. Even if that weren't the case, there is always the whole analog thing (people can literally take a picture of their screen).
If you have chrome: Just go to one of their demos, press ctrl+shift+c, and an inspector will show up, showing you all individual parts of the page. Then select the image from the list (servedemoimg) , right mouse click on it, and you can save the jpg. It is not possible to prevent people from downloading those files. And this company doesn't even make it particularly difficult.
Their scheme "works" by hiding the content whenever a key is pressed or the main window loses focus. They also attempt to detect that something has been copied to the clipboard and they replace it with some text ("It is prohibited to copy distribute or in any way alter these copyrighted images").
That means that if you press any key to copy the content, you'll just get the "locked" graphic. The same goes for switching to another app (like a screen capture app) because the screen capture app will have focus instead of the browser, causing the lock graphic to show. If you do manage to copy something to the clipboard, it immediately replaces the content with the text I mentined above.
Furthermore, their content is a background image so you can't easily print or right-click to copy the image by disabling JS.
However, it's pretty trivial to defeat. My first attempt using IE8 was trivial. When I went to the "protected" page, IE asked me if I wanted to allow the page to access the clipboard, and I clicked "Don't Allow". Then I pressed PrntScr and was able to paste the content into another program. This worked because that particular key isn't captured by the browser and I didn't allow the page to see my clipboard.
Then I tried again, this time allowing clipboard access. This time I used a screen capture program that automatically captures the foreground window after a set time delay. This worked because I was able to give the browser window focus, and the screen capture utility just saved the image as a file instead of putting it on the clipboard.
Lastly, I just saved the source as a file and saw background:url(servedemoimg.php?filename=IPTbusiness_graphicdesign_ITB). Just putting into my browser's address bar made the complete "protected" content show up for me to download, print, email, etc.

How to create an background activity in app inventor

I wanted to create an app in appinventor that would switch screen right/left depending on what side the phone is shaken while unlocked. But couldnt figure out:
a. how to make application run in background.
b. what property i am going for. Like what tells phone's screen to scroll left or right when finger slides across the screen. What method is called. I figured view class would have to do something with it. Having no java experience i couldn't make much sense out of sdk,refernce,resources etc.
Please help me out, i will give you credit for it.
Oh also i think i might have to include "activity starter" too.
It's an issue for app inventor
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The standard Application Inventor 2 website, as you surely know, is this one:
However, there is another one, which allows using background threads (services):
It has a feature not available on the standard (official) AI2 website, the Add Task functionality, which allows adding tasks that will keep running even after a screen have been closed.
However, since it is an unsupported version, whose last release is dated from almost 1 year ago, I did not spent time making experiments, but this migh meet what you need:
The website will turn down, but worked like a charm before.
The whole concept was based on a Master Thesis:;sequence=1
The last message from the site was something like: Google change the concept of background service architecture which cause the 'taks' concept to obsolate and prevent to work in the future.
